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    GT3 Cup Assetto Corsa

    DrivingItalia.NET GT3 Cup Assetto Corsa simracing.gp ISCRIZIONE QUI
  2. James Baldwin, pilota reale in categoria GT3 con la McLaren 720S del team di Jenson Button, ma anche grande appassionato di simracing (trovate sul forum tutti i suoi video e tutorial), ha pubblicato un nuovo trailer nel quale ci mostra un giro veloce con la sua vettura a Monza, utilizzando Assetto Corsa Competizione. James ci mette a disposizione persino il suo assetto auto completo e la sua telemetria registrata con il MOTEC, che possiamo utilizzare per mettere a confronto i suoi dati con quelli registrati dai nostri giri, in modo da capire dove migliorare le nostre prestazioni!
  3. Sono pronti i motori virtuali del nuovo campionato online GT3 Series Season 4 by DrivingItalia, che si disputerà con Assetto Corsa Competizione su PC con le vetture di categoria GT3. Dopo il successo delle prime tre stagioni, la season 4 che si chiude lunedi 14 Dicembre da SPA, con la 24 ore simulata, sarà certamente scoppiettante e ricca di emozioni, anche grazie alle dirette come al solito seguite dal canale di Grand Prix TV. E' già disponibile il regolamento completo del campionato ed il calendario con le date ed i circuiti. Potete iscrivervi come riserve a questo link del forum, seguendo le istruzioni, visto che i piloti pronti in griglia sono già 48 ! E' con grande piacere che annunciamo la SRP Simracing Pro come sponsor ufficiale dei prossimi campionati online di DrivingItalia.NET che si disputano con Assetto Corsa Competizione ed Assetto Corsa. Ricordate che è possibile partecipare a tutti i campionati e gare online di DrivingItalia.NET anche dai centri di simulazione Driving Simulation Center, senza costi di iscrizione, con vari servizi esclusivi dedicati e con il posto garantito in griglia. Qui sotto le precedenti dirette:
  4. Reiza Studios ha annunciato che domani pomeriggio sarà disponibile l'atteso update di Ottobre per il suo Automobilista 2. L'aggiornamento includerà le nuove vetture di classe GT3 e GT4 e sarà accompagnato dal rilascio del Nurburgring Pack, con il tracciato tedesco da Grand Premio. Gli sviluppatori sono invece ancora al lavoro sul Nordschleife, che comunque arriverà fra una settimana. Nell'attesa ecco una serie di screens inediti. Vi ricordiamo che è attivo un server dedicato di DrivingItalia per provare online il simulatore di Reiza Studios. Cercatelo nella lista dei servers disponibili alla voce "DrivingItalia.NET"
  5. In una calda estate, cosa c'è di meglio di tuffarsi in una "Summer Cup"? La Summer Cup è un doppio mini torneo di 4 gare per tenerci allenati anche in estate con le vetture GT3 e le nuove GT4 di Assetto Corsa Competizione, in avvicinamento alle nuove stagioni di competizioni che partiranno in autunno... Corri subito ad iscriverti alla AC Competizione GT4 Summer Cup e AC Competizione GT3 Summer Cup
  6. La McLaren 650S GT3 ufficiale è la prima vettura del pacchetto GT3 di auto create con licenza da Studio 397, rilasciata tramite Steam, sia come vettura singola, sia come pack di varie GT3. McLaren has become the first Formula 1 team to enter the esports arena, announcing World’s Fastest Gamer – the world’s most intense and demanding competition for virtual racers. It’s a contest that will see the winner offered the best job in esports – a role with the Formula 1 team as one of its official simulator drivers.
  7. Disponibile da oggi per rFactor 2 il GT3 Challengers pack, nuovo pacchetto DLC per il simulatore targato Studio 397 che ci mette a disposizione 5 nuovi bolidi di categoria GT3: McLaren 720S GT3, Audi R8 LMS GT3, Porsche 911 GT3 R, BMW M6 GT3 e Aston Martin Vantage GT3 2019. Il pack può essere acquitsato e scaricato direttamente da Steam, per euro 15, ma da subito avremo a disposizione solo le prime 4 vetture, in quanto la Aston deve essere ancora approvata dagli sviluppatori. Vi ricordiamo che rFactor 2 (necessaio ovviamente per utilizzare il DLC) è in offerta su Steam con lo sconto del 50% ad euro 14,99. Allo stesso modo è in offerta al 50%, al costo di euro 7,50, anche il primo GT3 Pack, che contiene McLaren 650S GT3, Mercedes AMG GT3, Radical RXC Turbo GT3, Callaway Corvette C7 GT3-R e Bentley Continental GT3. Let the Challengers rise! With a great heritage in GT class racing, we are proud to announce the next pack released for rFactor 2 – The GT3 Challengers Pack. Featuring not just one, but two world firsts! GT represents much of what rFactor 2 stands for, and fits into our feature set of day/night transitions, weather and driver swaps. We hope you enjoy this pack that also features our latest graphic engine technology. With our existing GT3 Pack and the Endurance Pack we now have 13 GT class cars that can race on track – add a couple of LMP’s and we have one of the most diverse grids in sim racing. Once again we are proud to have great support from partners to help us make this happen. Download on Steam right here! Now let’s take a look at what’s in awesome pack! McLaren 720s GT3 To bring one of their new incredible cars onto race tracks, McLaren developed the stunning 720S GT3. Modern design, impressive aerodynamics and years of experience in Motorsport should help this car to claim wins among several premier GT3 events in 2019. Porsche 911 GT3 R It probably wouldn’t be called motorsport if the iconic brand Porsche aren’t part of a class. The 911 GT3 R is once again a very balanced, race-proven car by the German manufacturer, reinforcing their image as being amongst the highest rated contenders in a series. Audi R8 LMS GT3 Considered as one of the all-time favourites, this midship RWD car by Audi has been competing in GT3 since the beginning, winning significant races around the globe for a variety of teams. A demanding but rewarding choice. BMW M6 GT3 From the very start, the BMW M6 GT3 hit the grids all over the motorsport world and proved the V8 concept to the German manufacturer. Leading several Endurance events in different series and also claiming the 2018 FIA GT World Cup title, this car is a winner. Aston Martin Vantage GT3 2019* The second generation of the Aston Martin Vantage GT3 is ready for some serious racing action. It will enter GT events in 2019 and beefs up the already stunning road version of the Vantage. With the prestige and expertise Aston Martin brings into racing, it’s a challenger you always have to keep an eye on. *Please note this car will be released as part of the pack once approved Final Notes These cars are built with our new graphic technology, based on PBR lighting. We are converting more of our older content and yes, we are bringing more liveries to you shortly!
  8. Partirà martedi prossimo da Silverstone, con quasi 70 piloti schierati in griglia suddivisi in tre servers, il nuovo campionato GT3 Series di DrivingItalia con Assetto Corsa. Per dare la possibilità a tutti di divertirsi, aiutando in modo pratico e concreto soprattutto i piloti virtuali alle prime esperienze, in collaborazione con il team AKR abbiamo aperto la AKR Academy, iniziativa che ha avuto da subito un grande successo e che lunedi 7 darà vita alla seconda lezione. Proprio per arrivare preparati a lunedi sera conoscendo già le traiettorie del difficile circuito inglese, il nostro Francesco Trancanelli del team AKR ci presenta in questo video tutti i segreti della pista di Silverstone! Correte a questo link per tutti i dettagli e per partecipare anche voi alla Academy.
  9. Ormai il freddo e la neve li abbiamo superati e ci avviamo verso una bella primavera che sarà all'insegna del simracing online ! Sono già pronti infatti su DrivingItalia due diversi campionati online che si disputeranno con Assetto Corsa e che ci faranno compagnia fino alle porte dell'estate. Il campionato Formula 3 DrivingItalia Cup è dedicato agli appassionati delle monoposto, si svolgerà su sei appuntamenti al martedi con gare da 40 minuti ed ha già raccolto 10 piloti iscritti: ISCRIZIONI QUI Regole e calendario Il campionato GT3 Series Challenge è dedicato agli appassionati delle possenti GT3, si svolgerà su sei appuntamenti al martedi con gare da 50 minuti ed ha già raccolto addirittura 52 piloti iscritti: ISCRIZIONI QUI Regole e calendario
  10. Il team Sector3 ha appena rilasciato l'atteso aggiornamento di Novembre per il suo RaceRoom Racing Experience. Oltre ai consueti bugfix e migliorie varie, elencate nel lungo changelog qui sotto, l'update ci mette a disposizione alcune interessanti novità: un primo supporto ufficiale all'uso del triplo schermo, l'eseguibile di gioco a 64bit e le tre nuove vetture GT3, Audi R8 LMS, Callaway Corvette C7 e Mercedes AMG. Segnaliamo inoltre a tutti i fans di RaceRoom la prima gara online di test dedicata proprio alle vetture GT3, correte a questo link per iscrivervi. Highlights of this update: Audi R8 LMS is now available Callaway Corvette C7 GT3-R is now available Mercedes AMG GT3 is now available First pass at true Triple Screen support 64-bit executable Game: 64-bit executable to allow the game to use more memory First pass for true triple screen support. Right now handled through startup arguments. Full details and instructions on the forums. ( LINK ) Game is now providing more information to all players present on a Multiplayer server whenever the server is waiting for players who are still loading into the game. Added a bindable key to reset FFB while driving. Hud_options.xml residing in My Documents is no longer encrypted, allowing players to edit and move HUD items around. Video settings: Car Reflection Quality on High now draws reflections at full framerate. Added support for Thrustmaster TS-XW Racer wheel Updated Fanatec SDK to v3.2 Xbox One controller - changed default keybindings to match the Xbox 360 pads Game no longer allows to drive a sequential gearbox car with an H-shifter. H-Shifter users no longer need to change the H-Pattern gearbox option manually depending on the car they picked. They can now always leave the option always enabled and let the game decide when to use it or not. Damage system - Fixed a case where the point of impact would not translate properly to the visual damage (for example formula cars were hard to damage visually) Damage system - Fixed an issue where car deformations could sometimes switch on and off when going backwards in a replay Damage system - Prevented detachable parts of the cars from detaching when mechanical damage is disabled (to prevent loss of downforce after losing a wing) Damage system - Fixed detachable parts randomly disappearing in replays or being visible when they shouldn’t. Damage system - Fixed damage not being visually repaired for opponents in multiplayer after the opponent returned to garage to fix it. Fixed some issues with the 8-shaped layout of Suzuka where cameras or blue flag detections could be confused by the crossing section. Fixed an issue where the game would fail to restart the engine if the player cancelled the pitstop right after confirming it. Fixed an issue where the game could start stuttering when playing long replay files. Fixed an issue where a traffic cone would be sometimes visible in a seemingly odd location when playing a replay Fixed car class specific pitstop actions that could sometimes not trigger in multiplayer Fixed a case where Fanatec CSW 2.5 would be listed twice in controller profiles menu and would not be recognized after being turned off and on again while driving. Fixed so Opponent Strength setting is now properly used in Free Practice mode (was always using adaptive AI setting) Fixed missing results at the end of a race session on single lap layouts such as Nordschleife Tourist. Fixed an issue where lap timer would randomly stop on a Hillclimb run after restarting several times in a row. Fixed an issue where performing a pitstop at Anderstorp could sometimes result in a cut track penalty. Fixed a case where the game could sometimes show an Off Track Warning (Black and white flag) for a split second. Fixed a case where the player could on some occasion be wrongfully asked to give back one position for overtaking under yellow. Fixed visual suspension vibration of NSU TTS opponents in Multiplayer Fixed a label on the HUD during warmup session that was wrongly stating “Position” Fixed a case where attempting to close the game window while in a replay would prevent exiting the game normally. Fixed an issue with the Bosch DDU7 data display where its white variant would feature some data in green that was hard to read. Fixed an issue with the Bosch DDU8 data display where the gear indicator could sometimes remain red. Fixed an issue with the data display in the BMW M235i Racing where fuel amount wouldn’t show the proper unit until player adjusted fuel. Fixed the fuel gauge not matching up. Fixed an issue where the Pitlane limiter notification wasn’t showing on the KTM data display Fixed an issue where a white flag warning would show during rolling start procedures Removed “Allowed to overtake” related text from yellow flag HUD elements since many users reported the extra information led to confusion. Sound, Physics & AI: AI - Improved overall behavior when racing in a pack. Stress factor reduced, and improved on the tendency to sometimes turn into the player car. AI - Rate for AI calculations is now increased for AI’s in the direct vicinity of the player AI - Fixed an issue on tracks like Zolder where an AI willing to enter the pitlane would easily disregard the presence of other cars on the racing line. AI - Modified the DRS activation logic to allow DRS on all tracks AI - Increased pace of AI in qualifying sessions AI - If an AI car breaks down, it now clears the ideal racing line and slows down once safe to do so. If coming to a full stop within 7 meters of the track, the game will remove the car after 20 seconds. AI - No longer ignoring other cars at the end of race sessions AI - More respect for track limits during rolling start procedures AI - Shouldn’t be caught slowing down for cars exiting pitlane anymore Grip level in Practice sessions has been increased. All cars now have reworked gearshift volumes and reverb effects. Fixed a case where gearshift sounds were missing when driving with AI’s. GTR3 Car class - Updated physics and tire model Reduced the rate at which tires get dirty when driving on dirty tarmac (10% slower) and when driving on carpets, astroturf, tarmac runoffs etc (80% slower) Tires now get clean at the same rate, regardless of what kind of dirt is on the tire. P4/5 Competizione - New cockpit sounds, Fixed the cockpit camera that wasn’t looking straight horizontal. H-pattern gearbox cars driven with Autoclutch enabled no longer get an automatic drop of throttle input upon gearshift. Hockenheim - Tweaks to cut track detection Indianapolis - Tweaks to cut track detection Laguna Seca - Tweaks to cut track detection Lausitzring - Tweaks to cut track detection Portimao - Tweaks to cut track detection and some AI speed tweaks. Paul Ricard - Tweaks to cut track detection and some AI speed tweaks. RaceRoom Hillclimb - Fixed TV camera showing the opposite end of the course when using the reverse layout and looking at the car at the starting position Sepang GP - Fixed a cut track warning when taking the last turn a bit wide. Added all alternative camera sets. Sonoma Sprint - Fixed a cut track warning in the final turn Art: All cars aside from modern DTM now benefit from 360 degrees steering animation. DTM cars will have to be updated at a later point due to the need for retexturing branded driving suits and helmets. All tracks using the hot weather light settings (ie: Paul Ricard) have received light adjustments Bentley Continental GT3 - Moved the data display up in the cockpit BMW M235i Racing - Car no longer produces visual backfires BMW M6 GT3 - #7 now has its golden rims and #97 received some color balance tweaks Formula RaceRoom U.S. - Reduced reflectiveness of the rims KTM X-Bow RR - Car no longer produces visual backfires Spa-Francorchamps - Some optimizations to improve performance on this track
  11. Il team Sector3 ha appena annunciato per il suo RaceRoom Racing Experience l'arrivo della nuova Corvette C7R GT3. Tutti i dettagli, le specifiche della vettura ed alcune immagini sono disponibili qui di seguito. The Callaway Competition Corvette C7 GT3-R is coming to RaceRoom! Arguably one of the most spectacular cars in the ADAC GT Masters Series, the american classic is a welcome addition to our evergrowing GT3 lineup. Read more on our forum: http://bit.ly/Callaway_Corvette The GT3 grid in RaceRoom keeps growing as we are adding another new car to the line up!​ Callaway Corvette C7 GT3-R ​ The all new Callaway Corvette C7 GT3-R builds on the famous Corvette Z06.R GT3 and comes with once again more performance and aerodynamics. ​ This astonishing racing car was developed by the company Callaway Competition based in Leingarten (Heilbronn, Germany), 151 kilometers south of Frankfurt and 10 kilometers west of Heilbronn. Callaway Competition was established-one in 1985 under the name “Woehr & Ciccone” company that has specialized since its foundation on body manufacturing, vehicle repairs and racing modifications. In 1988, the company “Woehr & Ciccone” expanded to take over the distribution of Callaway in Europe. The racing department Callaway Competition got its name in 1994. ​ The car sets new standards in the league of GT3 race cars and should, as its predecessor C6-based model, become a worldwide sensation in GT3. Vehicle data Width: 2042 mm (80.4 in.) Wheelbase: 2713 mm (106.8 in.) Overall Length: 4592 mm (188.7 in.) Homologation Weight: 1240 kg (2734 lb.) Chassis: Aluminium Engine Type: 8 Cylinder V, 90° Bank Angle Power: 550 - 600 HP (depending on Air-Restrictor) Engine Displacement: 6245 cc (381 cid) This post has been promoted to an article
  12. Il team Studio 397 ci propone un interessante video di confronto dedicato a tutte le vetture recentemente aggiornate del GT3 Pack per rFactor 2. Il pilota virtuale che ha testato le vetture sul circuito di Nola Motorsport Park è il velocissimo Rudy Van Buren, fresco vincitore della tappa del torneo World Fastes Gamer della McLaren. Da notare non solo le differenze dei tempi sul giro, ma anche del comportamento delle diverse GT3 in pista. Comparison time! Check out the GT Pack comparison NOLA Motorsports Park with #WFG rF2 winner Rudy V Buren in qual trim Try it out here

    GT3 pack update 2 per rFactor 2

    Il team Studio 397 ha appena aggiornato, per la seconda volta, il suo ottimo GT3 pack ufficiale per rFactor 2. Come potete leggere a questo link, i bugfix e migliorie apportate sono numerosi e riguardano tutte le vetture incluse nel pacchetto. GT Pack update 2 live now! Changelog 01/11/2017 McLaren 650S GT3 2017 v1.85 - Improved performance when running higher shadow settings. - Improved performance through further LOD improvements to opponent cars. - Added endurance lights. Bentley Continental GT3 2017 v1.23 - Improved performance when running higher shadow settings. - Improved performance through further LOD improvements to opponent cars. - Added endurance lights. Callaway C7 GT3 2017 v1.23 - Improved performance when running higher shadow settings. - Improved performance through further LOD improvements to opponent cars. - Fix for team creation not working. - Added endurance lights. Mercedes AMG GT3 2017 v1.11 - Improved performance when running higher shadow settings. - Improved performance through further LOD improvements to opponent cars. Radical RRXC GT3 v1.17 - Improved performance when running higher shadow settings. - Improved performance through further LOD improvements to opponent cars. - Added endurance lights.
  14. Con un piacevole colpo a sorpresa, il team Studio 397 ha rilasciato per rFactor 2 l'atteso pacchetto ufficiale dedicato alle vetture GT3. Direttamente a questo link di Steam è possibile acquistare per euro 14,97 il GT3 Pack completo (con tutte le 5 auto), oppure la vettura singola a euro 4,99. Le vetture rilasciate sono la McLaren 650s GT3, Mercedes AMG GT3, Radical RXC Turbo GT3, Callaway Corvette C7 GT3-R e Bentley Continental GT3. Per commenti e discussioni fate riferimento a questo topic del forum. The wait is over! We’re proud to announce the GT3 Pack is now released on Steam. Featuring the five distinct GT3 cars, including the McLaren 650s GT3, Mercedes AMG GT3, Radical RXC Turbo GT3, Callaway Corvette C7 GT3-R and the Bentley Continental GT3. Go get it on our store right now! http://store.steampowered.com/itemstore/365960/browse/… PS:make sure you select v1109-dx11-open-beta in the Betas drop down
  15. Tommaso Le Rose

    Campionato GT3 al via su SRZ

    Mancano poche ore all'inizio del Campionato Italiano GT3 2017/2018 che aprirà l'undicesima stagione agonistica su SimRacingZone.net. Tra le auto, la Porsche 911 GT3 R 2016 si va ad aggiungere alle 7 vetture già selezionabili nella passata stagione, ovvero l' Audi R8 LMS (aggiornata alla versione 2016), la BMW Z4 GT3, la Ferrari 488 GT3, la Lamborghini Huracan GT3, la McLaren 650S GT3, la Mercedes AMG GT3 e la Nissan GT-R GT3. Trovate un'approfondita analisi su team e simdriver presenti a questa nuova edizione della competizione QUI. Di seguito il calendario completo della competizione, che alternerà gare sprint da 60 minuti a Endurance di ben 120 minuti. Tutti gli appuntamenti verranno trasmessi in diretta Live sulla SRZ TV. Il format di questo campionato che tanto successo ha avuto l'anno scorso è stato mantenuto nella sua base ma modificato in molte delle sue sfaccettature, in modo da renderlo ancora più appetibile ed interessante; oltre ai cambiamenti per quanto riguarda il calendario e al parco auto che andremo ad analizzare in seguito, spiccano in particolar modo le modifiche apportate alle impostazioni relative ai danni alle auto e all'assegnazione delle zavorre. I danni quest'anno saranno al 100%, contro il 70% della passata edizione, mentre le zavorre saranno ora assegnate in base ai risultati delle ultime due gare disputate, e non più basandosi solamente sul piazzamento ottenuto nell'ultima gara; questo implicherà una maggior differenza di peso fra chi ha ottenuto due piazzamenti nei primi cinque posti nelle ultime due gare e chi no (pur senza superare un aggravio di peso di 75kg), in modo da bilanciare ulteriormente le prestazioni fra i piloti e assistere a gare sempre incerte e mai scontate. Confermato infine il Trofeo Endurance, che a differenza della classifica assoluta prenderà in considerazione solamente i risultati ottenuti nelle gare a lunghezza maggiorata.
  16. Con lo spettacolare video di anteprima che potete ammirare qui sotto, il team di iRacing ci presenta la nuova Ferrari 488 GT3 che sarà presente nella prossima build di settembre del simulatore americano.
  17. Il quotidiano Corriere della Sera ha effettuato ieri un test che gli appassionati di simracing hanno certamente provato almeno una volta in virtuale: il confronto diretto fra il simulatore preferito e la realtà della pista. Nello specifico, l'inviato del Corriere ha provato a Monza la Lamborghini Huracàn GT3 di Assetto Corsa, vittoriosa con Mirko Bortolotti, Andrea Caldarelli e Christian Engelhart proprio all'autodromo brianzolo. Li abbiamo visti correre, e vincere, con la loro verde Lamborghini Huracàn. Sono Mirko Bortolotti, Andrea Caldarelli e Christian Engelhart. Piloti veri, che non hanno paura di niente e che sanno che nelle gare endurance non bisogna mai mollare, non farsi prendere dalla fretta. E li abbiamo invidiati. E allora abbiamo voluto prendere il loro posto su una Lambo in versione gara, non la loro Lambo, ma quasi... Abbiamo replicato la Huracàn GT3 con uno dei videogiochi e simulatori di guida più noti al mondo: Assetto Corsa. E non ci siamo limitati all’auto, ovviamente abbiamo scelto la stessa pista, replicata con tecnica laser (di una precisione impressionante!), e persino la medesima situazione di gara, con una Bentley da raggiungere davanti al parabrezza. E ci siamo messi alla guida.
  18. Dopo averne anticipato il prossimo arrivo in rFactor 2 con l'ultimo roadmap update di Luglio, il team Studio 397 ci presenta le prime immagini di anteprima, decisamente spettacolari, della prossima McLaren 650S GT3, realizzata con licenza ufficiale McLaren.
  19. Dopo aver annunciato il pre ordine ed averci presentato la splendida McLaren 720S, Slightly Mad Studios torna ad annunciare ufficialmente nuove vetture per il suo prossimo Project CARS 2: questa volta possiamo ammirare in pista le cattivissime GT3, ovvero Audi R8 LMS, McLaren 650S e BMW M6. Non mancano i consueti screenshots di anteprima. 3 new GT3s in Project CARS 2: Which is your weapon of choice? GT3 is an accessible entry-point into top-tier motorsports, both in the real-world and with Project CARS 2. With dozens of manufacturers now vying for your loyalty, there’s never been more choice for drivers looking to dip their toes into the thrill-a-second world of GT3 racing. Project CARS 2 will reflect that abundance of choice with a wide selection of machinery that now includes three more prime entries
  20. Il team Sector3 ha appena rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento per il suo RaceRoom Racing Experience. L'update porta con sè come al solito varie migliorie e bugfix, anche alcune novità, come la nuova e bellissima McLaren 650S GT3, che è possibile acquistare dallo shop ufficiale per euro 3,98. The 650S GT3 is the latest generation track-focused racer from McLaren, designed and optimised to compete in GT3 championships across the globe. Since its debut in 2015 the 650S GT3 has claimed multiple championships and race wins worldwide, becoming one of the most successful GT3 cars to date. With a carbon fibre Monocell chassis and an award winning 3.8-litre V8 Twin turbo engine at its heart, this evolution of the highly successful 12C GT3 improves on its elder in almost every aspect, from aerodynamics and drivability to safety and cooling. The result is a car with a huge presence and the versatility to be competitive on every type of circuit and in a variety of track conditions. 20-04-2017 Added McLaren 650S GT3 which is now available in the store. Game: Data displays: Fixed wrong color of delta and laptime on some of the new data displays. Fixed an issue where Low Fuel warning on data display screen wasn’t going away. Fixed an issue on cars with new data displays where the compact HUD rev lights had issues when not using cockpit cam. Enabled tire temperature even when tirewear is disabled. Added speed limited revlight blinking to old data displays. Citroen data display had a typo in "Brake balance" Fixed issue with displays sometimes showing data for wrong car when “show opponent cockpits” was enabled. Various other fixes and tweaks to existing displays. Flag system: Fixed yellow flag appearing during private Qualifying. Fixed White flag appearing in MP Qualifying session that used rolling start. Fixed an issue in a race with additional lap, checkered flag was showing when timer reached zero and at end of additional lap. Fixed an issue where an illegal overtake under yellow followed by a retirement of the overtaken car would result in the impossibility to give the position back Fixed an issue where checkered flag did not appear for final lap in MP server with flag rules enabled. Time allowed to give a position back after an illegal overtake increased from 15 to 30 seconds Yellow flag now triggers for cars at 20% of their predicted speed ( was 10% ) White flag trigger now requires a car to be 70 kph under its predicted speed (was 30) The other trigger condition remains at 40% of its predicted speed. Fixed 2 Race Format only saving replay of second race. Fixed Multiple Race format giving overall results that did not count points. Re-enabled allowing turning shadow split off after some potential issues reported with AMD Crossfire. Possible fix for the issue where some players, depending on setup had their input frozen. Added some logging when initializing texture and setting video mode. Added a new startup argument for disabling TrackIR. -disableTrackIR can now be added in Steam Launch Options. Slow down penalty throttle limitation doesn't get activated immediately anymore, but waits until the player applies some brake. This also fixes occurrences of penalties triggering heavy lift oversteer on FWD cars. Multiplayer: Added handling for more JOIN_FAIL messages so error messages are more specific. Fixed so join request timeouts are correctly reported as a timeout instead of generic lost connection message. Added some fixes when on occasion, connections were not dropping when leaving sessions. Changed so client doesn't respond to ping requests unless connected or trying to join. Sounds, Cameras, Physics & AI: Citroen WTCC 2016 has received a slight increase in engine torque at low to med rpm. Art: Audi TT cup cars have a new display Audi DTM 2016 finally has its new display Backend & Portal: Fixed top Leaderboard banner in competitions not scaling properly. Fixed a minor alignment issue with VIP drivers description box in Portal. Fixed exit "x" button on partner page section clipping with the page and looking out of place. Fixed facebook section in partner page overlapping with top banner. Some fixes to the redeem popup in portal. Fixed error 13 some players were receiving after exiting wtcc championship round 1. Fixed so players from USA and Canada get USD as default currency instead of the global default EUR.
  21. Il team Slightly Mad Studios ci presenta oggi in via ufficiale una nuova vettura protagonista del prossimo Project CARS 2: questa volta si tratta della cattivissima Nissan GTR, che sarà disponibile sia in versione stradale che GT3. Non mancano i consueti e spettacolari screenshots di anteprima. Per scoprire invece quali sono le auto ed i circuiti presenti nel prossimo Project CARS 2, sepppur non ancora annunciati in via ufficiale, non dovete fare altro che seguire la discussione sul forum. Godzilla is coming to Project CARS 2 with Four Stomping Nissan GT-Rs More myth than motorcar, the Nissan GT-R, now in its 60th year and sixth generation, continues to hold a special place in the hearts and minds of gearheads everywhere. Project CARS 2 will come with four iconic examples from Nissan’s most beloved line … is your favorite included

    rFactor 2: BMW M6 GT3 - GTLM v1.0

    Il duo Simtek e GPFan ha appena rilasciato per rFactor 2 la nuova versione 1.0 aggiornata e migliorata della spettacolare BMW M6 GT3 - GTLM. Per tutti i dettagli, commenti e download correte a questo link. V1.00 comes with the 2 version of the Bmw M6 race car, the GT3 version and GTLM Version. Further technical characteristics of the BMW M6 GT3 are the drive concept, six-speed sequential racing transmission, and high-performance motorsport electronics. The aerodynamic properties of the chassis have been optimised in the BMW wind tunnel. The engineers worked meticulously to fine-tune the BMW M6 Coupé, which formed the basis for the new car and was already perfectly suited to outings on the racetrack. The GT3 version of the BMW M6 had to be modified for the GTLM version, in order to comply with the ACO regulations which apply in the GTLM class of the IWSC. Even while developing the GT3 car, BMW Motorsport already took into account the changes that would be required to make it possible to start in the GTLM class. That made it considerably easier to derive the GTLM car. The BMW Motorsport engineers have been working closely with the BMW Team RLL – BMW works team in North America since 2009 - in Munich to implement the modifications as efficiently as possible. Unlike the BMW M6 GT3, the BMW M6 GTLM must not have ABS. At 1,250 kg when empty, the BMW M6 GTLM is also about 50 kilograms lighter and has a slightly longer wheelbase. - The Bmw M6 GT3 will appear on Vehicle selection under "GT3 World Series" - The GTLM Version will appear Vehicle on selection under "Simtek Bmw GTLM" The cars have different physics and different feel, lap times are consistent with real cars!

    rF2: BMW M6 GT3/GTE by GpFan

    Dopo lunga attesa, GPFan ha finalmente rilasciato per rFactor 2 la prima versione pubblica 0.90 della sua spettacolare BMW M6 GT3. La vettura è realizzata con un elevato dettaglio sia interno che esterno, un 3D completamente creato da zero, parti interne e geometrie realistiche. Scratch made 3D model. Description: High quality detailed exterior and HD interior, included all car parts, realistic body geometry. The model is finished 100%, exterior and interior.The model has UVMAP done for all body parts. V0.90 GTLM version only!! All features are implemented on this 1º version but need work to do, please read to do list!! To do list: - Physics are work in progress - Some adjustments on materials are needed - Sounds are placeholders - Lod´s are placeholders (working on a optimized LODA ans lower lods will be optimied aswell) - Textures need optimization

    rF2: Simtek BMW M6 GT3/GTLM

    Il team Simtek ha rilasciato per rFactor 2 la prima versione 0.95 della sua BMW M6, nella duplice configurazione GT3 e GTLM. A questo link tutti i dettagli ed il download tramite Steam. V0.95 comes with 2 versions of the Bmw M6 race car, the GT3 and GTLM Version. Further technical characteristics of the BMW M6 GT3 are the drive concept, six-speed sequential racing transmission, and high-performance motorsport electronics. The aerodynamic properties of the chassis have been optimised in the BMW wind tunnel. The engineers worked meticulously to fine-tune the BMW M6 Coupé, which formed the basis for the new car and was already perfectly suited to outings on the racetrack. The GT3 version of the BMW M6 had to be modified for the GTLM version, in order to comply with the ACO regulations which apply in the GTLM class of the IWSC. Even while developing the GT3 car, BMW Motorsport already took into account the changes that would be required to make it possible to start in the GTLM class. That made it considerably easier to derive the GTLM car. The BMW Motorsport engineers have been working closely with the BMW Team RLL – BMW works team in North America since 2009 - in Munich to implement the modifications as efficiently as possible. Unlike the BMW M6 GT3, the BMW M6 GTLM must not have ABS. At 1,250 kg when empty, the BMW M6 GTLM is also about 50 kilograms lighter and has a slightly longer wheelbase. - The Bmw M6 GT3 will appear on Vehicle selection under "GT3 World Series" - The GTLM Version will appear Vehicle on selection under "Simtek Bmw GTLM" The cars have different physics and different feel, lap times are consistent with real cars!
  25. ITA Capita a volte che, mentre si sta leggendo qualche notizia sull'ultimo mod uscito, ci si ritrovi con un feedback fornito agli autori da chi quella vettura la guida veramente nella realtà. È capitato così con Max Koebolt, giovane pilota olandese che, dopo aver lasciato la sua impressione sul mod BMW M6 GT3 per Assetto Corsa, ha gentilmente accettato di rispondere a qualche nostra domanda. Buona lettura! ENG Sometimes it happens that, while you are reading some news abouth the latest mod released, you find a feedback for the authors provided by who really drives that car in reality. This is what happened with Max Koebolt, a young Dutch driver who, after leaving his impression on the BMW M6 GT3 mod for Assetto Corsa, kindly accepted to answer some questions from us. Enjoy the reading!
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