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  1. Poteva forse mancare il classico trailer di lancio per presentarci il nuovo DiRT 4 di Codemasters disponibile da oggi ? Ovviamente no ! Potete ammirare il video direttamente qui sotto, mentre fate riferimento a questo topic del forum per commenti e discussioni, oltre che per pubblicare i vostri video e screens. DiRT 4 launch week is here! And to celebrate, we’re releasing our launch trailer today. DiRT 4 is bigger, better and bolder than any game in the series to date, and it powerslides onto PS4, PC and Xbox One this week. We hope you think it’s been worth the wait – we certainly do.

    F1 2017 ci presenta la Red Bull RB6

    Codemasters ci presenta oggi la prima delle 4 monoposto storiche che saranno protagoniste del prossimo F1 2017: si tratta della Red Bull RB6, che trionfò nel 2010 con Vettel e Webber. Vi ricordiamo che le altre 3 vetture storiche sono la McLaren MP4/4 1988 (di Alain Prost e Ayrton Senna), Williams FW14B 1992 (di Nigel Mansell e Riccardo Patrese), e la Ferrari F2002 (di Rubens Barrichello e Michael Schumacher). Following our announcement of the official videogame of the 2017 FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP™ and the information that classic F1 cars are making their glorious return to the series, everyone seems to be very excited about F1 2017 landing this August! Sure, we’ve also got an even deeper career mode, numerous multiplayer enhancements, and a brand new ‘Championships’ game mode – but we know that you’d all like to know what other classic cars will be joining the the 1988 McLaren MP4/4 (as driven by Alain Prost and Ayrton Senna), the 1992 Williams FW14B (raced by Nigel Mansell and Riccardo Patrese), and the 2002 Ferrari F2002 (piloted by Rubens Barrichello and Michael Schumacher). So, on that note, we’re absolutely delighted to unveil the 2010 Red Bull Racing RB6 as the fourth classic F1 car that will feature in the game: Hit play on the brand new trailer showcasing the World Constructors’ Championship-winning 2010 Red Bull Racing RB6, as driven by the 2010 World Champion Sebastian Vettel and team mate Mark Webber. As you may have suspected, further classic cars will be revealed in the coming weeks – so keep your eyes on our blog and our social channels for those as they arrive. For those of you who don’t know too much about this beautiful car, let us tell you a little more about its history. The Red Bull Racing RB6 was an incredibly dominant car, with nine wins, 15 pole positions and six fastest laps across the 2010 Championship season. Christian Horner, Team Principal of Red Bull Racing said: “The RB6 is our first Championship winning car, and as such is very special to us. 2010 was a dream year for Red Bull Racing, to achieve our ambition and to do so in such a compelling and dominant fashion was a fitting testament to the car, the drivers and commitment of the team. We are delighted the RB6 is included in the new F1 game as a classic car, it’s certainly a classic to us and I’m sure gamers will love driving it and trying to recreate those golden moments on track.” Those of you who pre-order or pick up Day One copies of F1 2017 will have exclusive access to the iconic 1988 McLaren MP4/4, as part of the ‘F1 2017 Special Edition.’ Alternatively, the McLaren MP4/4 car will be available to be purchased at a later date. However, please rest assured that the eleven other classic cars are available in all editions of the game.
  3. Codemasters ci presenta oggi la prima delle 4 monoposto storiche che saranno protagoniste del prossimo F1 2017: si tratta della Red Bull RB6, che trionfò nel 2010 con Vettel e Webber. Vi ricordiamo che le altre 3 vetture storiche sono la McLaren MP4/4 1988 (di Alain Prost e Ayrton Senna), Williams FW14B 1992 (di Nigel Mansell e Riccardo Patrese), e la Ferrari F2002 (di Rubens Barrichello e Michael Schumacher). Following our announcement of the official videogame of the 2017 FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP™ and the information that classic F1 cars are making their glorious return to the series, everyone seems to be very excited about F1 2017 landing this August! Sure, we’ve also got an even deeper career mode, numerous multiplayer enhancements, and a brand new ‘Championships’ game mode – but we know that you’d all like to know what other classic cars will be joining the the 1988 McLaren MP4/4 (as driven by Alain Prost and Ayrton Senna), the 1992 Williams FW14B (raced by Nigel Mansell and Riccardo Patrese), and the 2002 Ferrari F2002 (piloted by Rubens Barrichello and Michael Schumacher). So, on that note, we’re absolutely delighted to unveil the 2010 Red Bull Racing RB6 as the fourth classic F1 car that will feature in the game: Hit play on the brand new trailer showcasing the World Constructors’ Championship-winning 2010 Red Bull Racing RB6, as driven by the 2010 World Champion Sebastian Vettel and team mate Mark Webber. As you may have suspected, further classic cars will be revealed in the coming weeks – so keep your eyes on our blog and our social channels for those as they arrive. For those of you who don’t know too much about this beautiful car, let us tell you a little more about its history. The Red Bull Racing RB6 was an incredibly dominant car, with nine wins, 15 pole positions and six fastest laps across the 2010 Championship season. Christian Horner, Team Principal of Red Bull Racing said: “The RB6 is our first Championship winning car, and as such is very special to us. 2010 was a dream year for Red Bull Racing, to achieve our ambition and to do so in such a compelling and dominant fashion was a fitting testament to the car, the drivers and commitment of the team. We are delighted the RB6 is included in the new F1 game as a classic car, it’s certainly a classic to us and I’m sure gamers will love driving it and trying to recreate those golden moments on track.” Those of you who pre-order or pick up Day One copies of F1 2017 will have exclusive access to the iconic 1988 McLaren MP4/4, as part of the ‘F1 2017 Special Edition.’ Alternatively, the McLaren MP4/4 car will be available to be purchased at a later date. However, please rest assured that the eleven other classic cars are available in all editions of the game.

    DiRT 4 Road Book #9

    La Codemasters ha pubblicato a sorpresa un nuovo Road Book, il numero 9, dedicato al suo prossimo DiRT 4. Fra gli argomenti, troviamo la presentazione del team Razer Motorsport, che sarà tra i protagonisti del gioco. SURPRISE! It’s a mid-week Road Book, just because we’re getting to the business end of things now – and that means we’ve got plenty of stuff to talk about! How are we all, are we all excited for the launch of DiRT 4? Yeeeeah, us too. ;)

    F1 2017 Codemasters in pre ordine

    La Codemasters ha appena lanciato il pre ordine tramite Steam del suo prossimo F1 2017, titolo con licenza ufficiale FIA Formula 1 dedicato al mondiale in corso della massima categoria dell'automobilismo. Acquistando subito il gioco, che sarà disponibile dal 25 Agosto, si avrà l'accesso esclusivo alla mitica McLaren MP4/4 del 1988. Vinci il Campionato del Mondo 2017, batti ogni record con le auto F1™ più veloci di sempre e gareggia con alcune delle auto F1 più iconiche degli ultimi 30 anni. Con una Carriera ancora più estesa di 10 anni, diverse varietà di gameplay nella nuova modalità ‘Championships’ e una serie di nuove caratteristiche, sia online che offline, F1 2017 è il più completo ed emozionante videogioco di sempre, dedicato alla F1.
  6. Dopo il particolare "esperimento" di DiRT Rally che, pur non avendo venduto tantissime copie è stato molto apprezzato anche dai puristi della simulazione rallystica hardcore, la Codemasters ha annunciato a sorpresa a fine gennaio il suo nuovo DiRT 4, che sarà disponibile sugli scaffali il prossimo 9 giugno, capitolo numero 4 della fortunata saga "sterrata" della software house inglese. Proprio nel passato weekend, la Codemasters ha organizzato a Milano una presentazione con test speciale del gioco, praticamente in versione definitiva, con la possibilità di giocarlo senza limitazioni, occasione ghiotta per rendersi conto in quale controsterzo vuole dirigersi DiRT 4... Inoltre c'è stata la possibilità di fare qualche domanda a Paul Coleman, Chief Game Designer del progetto, presente per l'occasione. Partiamo quindi da quello che ci ha spiegato Paul: "I piani per questo capitolo sono nati nel 2011, subito dopo il rilascio di DiRT 3. In particolare l'idea di realizzare una tecnologia che creasse circuiti procedurali che potessero essere aggiunti al gioco all'infinito, era un qualcosa che ci veniva richiesto da tempo dai nostri utenti, ma che allo stesso tempo si prospettava complessa e costosa da mettere in pratica. Dopo DiRT Rally, con il potenziale ancora inespresso della serie, avevamo finalmente in mano le giuste carte per andare dalla nostra dirigenza e chiedere che quel tipo di investimento venisse finalmente fatto. Non è stato facile perché per dieci anni abbiamo disegnato le nostre piste allo stesso modo, ma penso che sia stato fatto un bel lavoro". Dopo aver selezionato l'opzione Your Track si passa all'ambientazione, diversa per morfologia, terreno e condizioni meteo a seconda che si corra, per esempio, in Francia, Spagna o Norvegia. Quindi con due selettori si determinano la lunghezza del percorso e la sua complessità, intesa come numero di curve. "Noi stessi - ha spiegato Coleman - abbiamo usato questo strumento per realizzare i tracciati della campagna: tutti tranne i circuiti, che restano disegnati a mano, sono stati fatti così. O meglio, con una versione un po' più potente di quel tool che un giorno, se le cose dovessero andare bene, potremmo anche decidere di condividere con la nostra utenza". Risulta subito evidente, anche dopo una veloce prova, che gli eventi che vanno a formare l'esperienza single player di DiRT 4 sono davvero tanti, con numerose opzioni e contenuti. Il nostro garage, che va ampliato grazie alla nostra bravura acquistando nuovi bolidi, copre praticamente tutte le categorie del gruppo R fino alle Stadium Buggy e Truck, includendo anche vetture particolari come i Cross Kart. Molto interessante risulta essere una sorta di "scuola guida" creata da Codemasters in DiRT 4, divisa per lezioni e obiettivi, con un sistema articolato che da modo di impratichirsi tanto con le tecniche di base quanto con quelle avanzate. Si punta evidentemente alla scalabilità dell'esperienza di guida, come Paul ha infatti spiegato: "Questo non è DiRT Rally 2 e, nonostante quell'esperimento abbia avuto successo - ma non nella misura che Codemasters si aspettava aggiungo io -, ci dovevamo assicurare che si trattasse di un prodotto adatto a tutti. Sapevamo che quell'impostazione si sarebbe rivelata troppo hardcore per alcuni utenti, ma allo stesso tempo non volevamo che chi avesse accolto positivamente quell'impostazione non ritrovasse qui abbastanza profondità: per questo abbiamo deciso di lasciare all'utente la scelta, fin da subito". Il gioco propone infatti una gara non appena lo si lancia la prima volta, una corsa di prova alla fine della quale si viene messi davanti alla possibilità di scegliere uno tra quattro livelli di difficoltà, dal più permissivo fino a quello più realistico. "In generale abbiamo fatto alcune modifiche importanti al modello di guida, ad esempio per quanto riguarda l'aerodinamica. Le auto da rally non ne fanno un elemento cruciale come altre classi di vetture da corsa, ma resta un aspetto che influenza la tenuta a terra e il rientro in traiettoria dopo una curva in derapata. Questo aspetto in particolare è stato curato più che in passato e il risultato si riflette sul grip e la risposta in strada dei diversi modelli, che rispondono in modo differente". Effettivamente il lavoro fatto da Codemasters sul modello di guida si riesce a percepire positivamente sin dai primi kilometri, ancor di più se paragonato con il precedente DiRT 3. Siamo però molto lontani dal realismo di DiRT Rally. Anche scegliendo il livello di difficoltà più realistico, appare da subito chiaro che DiRT 4 di fatto non considera quasi per nulla la reale dinamica del veicolo, gli spostamenti di peso e delle masse, il lavoro delle sospensioni, ad esempio quando si porta l'auto in derapata: si tratta semplicemente di sterzare nel momento giusto e la macchina farà il resto del lavoro, con spettacolari ma semplicistiche derapate. In ogni situazione, anche la più estrema, il veicolo risulterà essere sempre in una posizione di assetto quasi totalmente neutro, quindi abbastanza semplice da gestire e controllare. Più che altro è il tipo di terreno, fondo e disegno del tracciato che influenzerà il nostro comportamento al volante. La prova "in estremo" più semplice, fa capire chiaramente la volontà di Codemasters di trasformare tutti in piloti di rally: se in ingresso curva ritardiamo volontariamente la sterzata, sbagliando quindi clamorosamente il controsterzo per l'effetto pendolo, otterremo come unico risultato una vettura mostruosamente di traverso, rallentata vistosamente, ma che percorrerà ugualmente la curva ! DiRT 4, come si nota dai filmati, ha una resa grafica decisamente bella da vedere nel complesso, con una nota di merito in particolare per gli effetti atmosferici convincenti, senza registrare problemi di sorta neppure su consoles. Si tratta di un gioco di rally molto molto divertente, in particolare con la frenetica modalità del rally cross e tante opzioni che contribuiscono a prolungarne la longevità. Si tratta però di un gioco, certamente non adatto a chi vuol davvero provare l'emozione di domare le derapate rallystiche più estreme che, ancora oggi, ci può offrire il buon vecchio Richard Burns Rally. Almeno fino all'arrivo di un certo gRally. La speranza, per i simdriver rallystici, è che Codemasters ritorni a pensare ad un seguito per il progetto DiRT Rally. I grandi numeri di vendite che certamente realizzerà DiRT 4, spegneranno però probabilmente ogni speranza...
  7. La Codemasters ci presenta oggi in un nuovo video di anteprima il suo prossimo DiRT 4, titolo in arrivo il 9 giugno su tutte le piattaforme. Il trailer è dedicato alla spettacolare disciplina del Rallycross, per la quale DiRT 4 ha la licenza ufficiale FIA. DiRT 4 is the official game of the FIA World Rallycross championship, and the new gameplay trailer shows Supercars racing at Lohéac Bretagne, Montalegre, Lydden Hill, Hell and Holjes. In addition to the Supercar class, DiRT 4 also has rallycross racing in RX2, Super 1600s, Group B classics and crosskarts making it a fully fledged rallycross experience. You can watch our new trailer here: Developed in consultation from two time FIA World Rallycross Champion, Petter Solberg, the rallycross handling in DiRT 4 has undergone a complete overhaul to ensure it is as close to the real thing as possible. Rallycross is thrilling multicar, circuit racing on mixed surfaces made up of both dirt and asphalt. The short, quick-fire races take four to six laps and each car must complete at least one ‘Joker Lap’ which is longer than the traditional lap leading to tactical, enthralling wheel-to-wheel racing. Drivers compete in four qualifying races before the top drivers make the semi finals and final. The supercar class in the FIA World Rallycross Championship are 600bhp beasts that accelerate from 0-60mph in under 2 seconds – faster than a Formula One car. Launching on PlayStation® 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One and Windows PC on 9th June 2017 DiRT 4 challenges you to Be Fearless as you take the wheel of the world’s most iconic and powerful off-road vehicles. Featuring two different handling models, Gamer and Simulation, DiRT 4 offers both depth and accessibility for players old and new to the franchise. The game’s innovative Your Stage system allows you to produce a near infinite number of unique rally stages at the touch of a button.

    Nuovo road book per DiRT 4

    La Codemasters ha appena pubblicato un nuovo road book, il settimo, per illustrare lo sviluppo in corso sul nuovo DiRT 4. Ci parla di eventi dal vivo, ci mostra la lista completa delle periferiche supportate dal gioco e ci offre anche un nuovo trailer di anteprima. This week’s Road Book is a little all over the place, in tribute to how all over the place the DiRT team’s been with promoting the game! We’ve been at HockenheimRX, MettetRX, a shiny preview event in London, and we’ll also be at Lydden Hill which is just around the corner – so we’re doing our best to spread the DiRTy word as far and wide as possible. After all, with only three weeks to go until DiRT 4 is available globally, it’s the perfect time for us to take things up a gear (see what we did there?!) Alongside the shiny stuff, we’ve also done some important work in the office too – like finalise our initial supported peripherals list. You’ll be able to find that list in this post, so stay tuned for that in a few paragraph’s time. :) Anyway, let’s get to the good stuff – and crack on with the Road Book! DiRT 4 Preview Event As you might’ve seen on the internet yesterday, we held a very special preview event in London. It’s safe to say DiRT 4 went down an absolute storm, so keep your eye out for some of the capture and content that will come out of that! We’ll be sharing them as usual over the coming days and weeks – but for a sneaky preview of what went on, you can check out one of the Periscopes we did at the event: A big thank you to Matt Beckett (our resident Product Manager for Micro Machines World Series) for daring to have his first crack at DiRT 4 live on Twitter! True story: Paul Coleman, Chief Game Designer for DiRT 4, gave him a couple of choice motivational words just before we went live… those words were ‘be brave’. You can also take a look at the first video we’ve seen come out of yesterday’s event, posted by Erased Citizens on YouTube last night. Alas, there isn’t any sound from the game – but if you want to see how beautiful it looks, then this is a pretty good representation. Supported peripherals – the list! So we’re at the stage where we’re finally able to unveil our supported peripherals list! Of course, these peripherals are mostly assorted wheels, pedals and shifters – but you’ll also see a couple of other things on there that are technically compatible input peripherals! Finally: please note that this is just the first list, and that it will be subject to changes/updates as certain manufacturers launch new hardware. PS4 Wheels • Logitech G29 Racing Wheel • Thrustmaster T80 • Thrustmaster T100 • Thrustmaster T150 • Thrustmaster T300 PS • Thrustmaster T500 PS Add Ons • Thrustmaster – 599XX EVO 30 • Thrustmaster – F1 • Thrustmaster – Ferrari GTE • Thrustmaster – TM Leather 28 GT • Thrustmaster 2-Pedal Pedal Set • Thrustmaster T3PA Pedals • Thrustmaster T3PA Pro pedals • Thrustmaster TH8A Shifter Other • PS Vita PC Wheels • Fanatec ClubSport Wheel Base v1 • Fanatec ClubSport Wheel Base v2 • Fanatec ClubSport Wheel Base v2.5 • Fanatec CSL Elite Wheel Base • Fanatec CSR Elite Wheel • Fanatec Porsche 911 GT2 Wheel • Fanatec Porsche 911 GT3 Wheel • Fanatec Porsche 911 Carrera Wheel • Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo Wheel • Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S Wheel • Logitech Driving Force EX/RX • Logitech Driving Force GT • Logitech Driving Force Pro • Logitech G25 Racing Wheel • Logitech G27 Racing Wheel • Logitech G29 Racing Wheel • Logitech G920 Racing Wheel • Logitech MOMO Racing Wheel • Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback Wheel • Microsoft Wireless Xbox 360 Racing Wheel (Windows 10 Only) • Thrustmaster F430 Force Feedback Racing Wheel • Thrustmaster Ferrari GT Experience Racing Wheel • Thrustmaster RGT FF Pro • Thrustmaster T80 • Thrustmaster T150 • Thrustmaster T300 PS • Thrustmaster T500 PS • Thrustmaster TX • Thrustmaster TMX Force Feedback • Thrustmaster TS-PC • SimXperience AccuForce Pro Add Ons • Fanatec CSL Elite Pedals • Fanatec Clubsport Pedals V1 • Fanatec Clubsport Pedals V2 • Fanatec Clubsport Pedals V3 • Fanatec CSR Pedals • Fanatec Clubsport Steering Wheel BMW GT2 • Fanatec Clubsport Steering Wheel Formula • Fanatec ClubSport Steering Wheel Universal Hub for Xbox One • Fanatec CSL Steering Wheel P1 for Xbox One • Fanatec ClubSport Shifter (SQ) • Fanatec ClubSport USB Adapter • Fanatec Clubsport Handbrake • Thrustmaster – 599XX EVO 30 • Thrustmaster – F1 • Thrustmaster – Ferrari GTE • Thrustmaster – TM Leather 28 GT • Thrustmaster 2-Pedal Pedal Set • Thrustmaster T3PA Pro pedals • Thrustmaster TH8 RS Shifter • Thrustmaster TH8A Shifter • Thrustmaster T.RJ12 USB Adapter Other • Generic Keyboard • Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2 USB • Logitech Dual Action Gamepad • Logitech F710 Wireless Gamepad • Logitech Rumble Gamepad F510 • Logitech RumblePad 2 USB • Official Xbox 360 Wired Pad • Official Xbox 360 Wireless Pad • Official Xbox One Wireless Pad • SPEEDLINK Torid Gamepad • SPEEDLINK Strike FX Gamepad • Thrustmaster Dual Trigger 3-in-1 Xbox One Wheels • Fanatec CSL Elite Wheel • Fanatec ClubSport Wheel Base v2 • Fanatec ClubSport Wheel Base v2.5 • Logitech G920 Racing Wheel • Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Spider Racing • Thrustmaster TMX Force Feedback • Thrustmaster TX Add Ons • Fanatec CSL Steering Wheel P1 for Xbox One • Fanatec ClubSportWheel Universal Hub for Xbox One • Fanatec CSL Elite Pedals • Fanatec Clubsport Pedals V1 • Fanatec Clubsport Pedals V2 • Fanatec Clubsport Pedals V3 • Fanatec CSR Pedals • Fanatec Clubsport Handbrake • Fanatec ClubSport Shifter (SQ) • Thrustmaster – 599XX EVO 30 • Thrustmaster – F1 • Thrustmaster – Ferrari GTE • Thrustmaster – 458 Italia • Thrustmaster – TM Leather 28 GT • Thrustmaster TH8A Shifter • Thrustmaster 2-Pedal Pedal Set • Thrustmaster T3PA Pedals • Thrustmaster T3PA Pro pedals Other • MadCatz Pro Racing As mentioned before, this is the initial list – but we’ll update you accordingly with any further updates to the above! Right – that’s all from us for now. For those of you who made it to the end of this Road Book – well done! And you’re right, it was a short and sweet one. But it was a short and sweet one because… SURPRISE – LIVE DiRT SHOW INCOMING We’re surprising you with news of a live DiRT Show this afternoon! We know you’re all hankering for some longer runs and a root around the menus and car list, so that’s what we’re bringing to you. We’ll also be taking Your Stage generation requests and answering your questions – so please, feel free to post your questions in the various Road Book threads of the internet and we’ll try our best to get round to answering them later! We’re looking at a 14:00-15:00 start time, depending on when we can all herd the cats together – but we’ll let you know when we’re confident about hitting the ‘stream’ button. :)
  9. La Codemasters ha appena annunciato con il classico trailer di lancio, l'arrivo per il 25 Agosto del nuovo F1 2017, titolo con licenza ufficiale del mondiale di Formula 1. Le prime due interessanti novità annunciate dalla casa inglese per il titolo di quest'anno sono una nuova modalità campionato ed il ritorno delle monoposto "classiche", come ad esempio la McLaren MP4/4 del 1988 di Alain Prost ed Ayrton Senna, la Williams FW14B del 92 di Nigel Mansell e Riccardo Patrese o la Ferrari F2002 di Rubens Barrichello e Michael Schumacher, tutte protagoniste del video e screens di anteprima appena pubblicati. Commenti e discussioni sul forum. MAKE HISTORY IN F1™ 2017 Here’s what you’ve all been waiting for – today, we’re very happy to announce F1™ 2017 to the world! We’re also very happy to tell you that F1 2017, the official videogame of the 2017 FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP™, will include the return of classic F1 cars, as well as an even deeper career mode, numerous multiplayer enhancements, and a brand new ‘Championships’ game mode. We can also tell you that F1 2017 will release onto PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One and Windows PC (DVD and via Steam) worldwide on August 25th 2017. Because we love you guys, we wanted to mark the occasion by releasing a trailer, showcasing three of the historic cars that will feature in the game: the 1988 McLaren MP4/4 as driven by Alain Prost and Ayrton Senna, the 1992 Williams FW14B that was raced by Nigel Mansell and Riccardo Patrese and the 2002 Ferrari F2002 of Rubens Barrichello and Michael Schumacher. These aren’t all the classic cars we have in store for you, though, and we’ll be revealing more of them to you in the coming weeks. We grabbed Game Director, Paul Jeal and Creative Director Lee Mather to get the lowdown on what’s new in F1 2017: “After an extremely successful year with the highly acclaimed F1 2016, we are delighted to be announcing F1 2017 and re-introducing classic F1 cars back to the series” said Paul Jeal, Game Director here at Codemasters. “Classics were incredibly well received when we included them in F1 2013, and in F1 2017 they are back and better than ever. With so many great cars to choose from, it was hard to decide on the final twelve, but we are delighted with our selection of some of the most successful and iconic fan favourites from the past 30 years.” “For the first time ever F1 2017 fully integrates the classic experience into the main career mode,” said Lee Mather, Creative Director at Codemasters. “As part of your career you will be invited to race in modern day, invitational events in the different classic F1 cars throughout the season. We’re also adding to the variety in F1 2017 with the inclusion of four alternative circuit layouts, as well as numerous new gameplay types. The classic cars will also be available to play in a range of other game modes, including online multiplayer modes and time trial.” After seeing the stunning new car designs (not forgetting the liveries, of course), with the lap-record-breaking performance levels to match, the 2017 season has seen a huge number of changes to the sport. With the Spanish Grand Prix just behind us, it’s safe to say that the opening races of the season have been absolutely thrilling, as Mercedes-AMG Petronas Motorsport’s Lewis Hamilton and Scuderia Ferrari’s Sebastian Vettel battle it out at the top of the Championship, and Red Bull Racing’s Max Verstappen continuing to excite fans around the world. We’ve also got another treat for you: if you pre-order or purchase ‘Day One’ copies of F1 2017, you’ll have exclusive access to the iconic 1988 McLaren MP4/4, as part of the ‘F1 2017 Special Edition.’ The McLaren MP4/4 car will be available to be purchased at a later date, and the eleven other classic cars are available in all editions of the game. The best bit is that you can pre-order on Steam right now – all you need to do is check out F1 2017’s Steam page right here. We’ve got plenty more news to share with you, so make sure you follow us here on the blog, on our Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for all the latest news and videos. You can also check out the games’s very own website here.
  10. La Codemasters ha appena annunciato con il classico trailer di lancio, l'arrivo per il 25 Agosto del nuovo F1 2017, titolo con licenza ufficiale del mondiale di Formula 1. Le prime due interessanti novità annunciate dalla casa inglese per il titolo di quest'anno sono una nuova modalità campionato ed il ritorno delle monoposto "classiche", come ad esempio la McLaren MP4/4 del 1988 di Alain Prost ed Ayrton Senna, la Williams FW14B del 92 di Nigel Mansell e Riccardo Patrese o la Ferrari F2002 di Rubens Barrichello e Michael Schumacher, tutte protagoniste del video e screens di anteprima appena pubblicati. MAKE HISTORY IN F1™ 2017 Here’s what you’ve all been waiting for – today, we’re very happy to announce F1™ 2017 to the world! We’re also very happy to tell you that F1 2017, the official videogame of the 2017 FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP™, will include the return of classic F1 cars, as well as an even deeper career mode, numerous multiplayer enhancements, and a brand new ‘Championships’ game mode. We can also tell you that F1 2017 will release onto PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One and Windows PC (DVD and via Steam) worldwide on August 25th 2017. Because we love you guys, we wanted to mark the occasion by releasing a trailer, showcasing three of the historic cars that will feature in the game: the 1988 McLaren MP4/4 as driven by Alain Prost and Ayrton Senna, the 1992 Williams FW14B that was raced by Nigel Mansell and Riccardo Patrese and the 2002 Ferrari F2002 of Rubens Barrichello and Michael Schumacher. These aren’t all the classic cars we have in store for you, though, and we’ll be revealing more of them to you in the coming weeks. We grabbed Game Director, Paul Jeal and Creative Director Lee Mather to get the lowdown on what’s new in F1 2017: “After an extremely successful year with the highly acclaimed F1 2016, we are delighted to be announcing F1 2017 and re-introducing classic F1 cars back to the series” said Paul Jeal, Game Director here at Codemasters. “Classics were incredibly well received when we included them in F1 2013, and in F1 2017 they are back and better than ever. With so many great cars to choose from, it was hard to decide on the final twelve, but we are delighted with our selection of some of the most successful and iconic fan favourites from the past 30 years.” “For the first time ever F1 2017 fully integrates the classic experience into the main career mode,” said Lee Mather, Creative Director at Codemasters. “As part of your career you will be invited to race in modern day, invitational events in the different classic F1 cars throughout the season. We’re also adding to the variety in F1 2017 with the inclusion of four alternative circuit layouts, as well as numerous new gameplay types. The classic cars will also be available to play in a range of other game modes, including online multiplayer modes and time trial.” After seeing the stunning new car designs (not forgetting the liveries, of course), with the lap-record-breaking performance levels to match, the 2017 season has seen a huge number of changes to the sport. With the Spanish Grand Prix just behind us, it’s safe to say that the opening races of the season have been absolutely thrilling, as Mercedes-AMG Petronas Motorsport’s Lewis Hamilton and Scuderia Ferrari’s Sebastian Vettel battle it out at the top of the Championship, and Red Bull Racing’s Max Verstappen continuing to excite fans around the world. We’ve also got another treat for you: if you pre-order or purchase ‘Day One’ copies of F1 2017, you’ll have exclusive access to the iconic 1988 McLaren MP4/4, as part of the ‘F1 2017 Special Edition.’ The McLaren MP4/4 car will be available to be purchased at a later date, and the eleven other classic cars are available in all editions of the game. The best bit is that you can pre-order on Steam right now – all you need to do is check out F1 2017’s Steam page right here. We’ve got plenty more news to share with you, so make sure you follow us here on the blog, on our Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for all the latest news and videos. You can also check out the games’s very own website here.

    DiRT 4: "be fearless" dev diary

    La Codemasters ci propone oggi un nuovo video diario di sviluppo dedicato al suo prossimo DiRT 4: questa volta sono gli stessi piloti professionisti che hanno collaborato allo sviluppo del gioco a spiegarci tutti i dettagli ed esprimere la loro opinione. Ecco quindi cosa ne pensano Peter Solberg e Kris Meeke. World renowned drivers talk about beating their fears to finish ahead in latest DiRT 4 trailer Want to understand the true meaning of ‘being fearless’? Watch our brand new DiRT 4 trailer where world class professional rally and rallycross drivers – including Kris Meeke, double FIA World RX World Champion Petter Solberg, and the Hansen brothers – talk about how they compete against fear as they push to go faster and finish on the top step of the podium. The new video reflects DiRT 4’s Be Fearless tagline and is available to view right now: DiRT 4 puts you at the wheel of some of the world’s most iconic and powerful off-road vehicles, as you test yourself against the road and the elements in a battle against the clock. There is also multi-car racing in rallycross and landrush, where you will have to be brave (and fast!) in order to take the chequered flag. World renowned rally driver Kris Meeke, who worked as a handling consultant on DiRT 4 commented: “You have to forget about the fear factor. It’s purely about winning or losing. That’s the real special element in rally.” Two-time FIA World Rallycross champion and DiRT 4 handling consultant Petter Solberg said: “If you believe in yourself a lot, you know you will jump in the car again and be fast… I won three races in a row after probably the biggest ever accident in rally. It’s about how much you want it!” Featuring two different handling models, Gamer and Simulation, DiRT 4 offers both depth and accessibility for players old and new to the franchise. The game’s innovative Your Stage system allows you to produce a near infinite number of unique rally stages at the touch of a button – allowing more experienced players to create longer, more technical routes, whilst newcomers can create simpler shorter routes as they hone their skills.

    DiRT 4 Road Book handling mode

    La Codemasters ha appena pubblicato un nuovo Road Book dedicato al suo prossimo DiRT 4. Questa volta ci viene spiegata in dettaglio la differenza fra la modalità di guida simulativa e quella gaming. Non mancano alcune spettacolari immagini in alta risoluzione. DiRT 4’s handling modes Right – and now for the meaty bit… So, we know that DiRT Rally had an incredibly steep learning curve – where you as a driver were expected to either sink or swim. A lot of you swam (and incredibly well too!) but for DiRT 4, we’re giving you two different handling models to choose from – just in case you struggled with diving straight into a simulation handling experience last time round. These handling models aren’t assists (which, by the way, we do have in the game, and are applicable to both handling models) – they are two separate handling modes: Gamer and Simulation. For those of you who loved the simulation handling from DiRT Rally, don’t worry – our simulation stuff for DiRT 4 is very much based in the foundations of that, but refined in certain areas. One of the places you’ll most definitely feel the difference is in our aerodynamics. We’ve worked on aerodynamics across all disciplines, and the way the vehicle travels in the air feels a lot more stable and authentic to the real life experience. We’ve also worked hard to nail down the tarmac experience of DiRT – especially where Rallycross is concerned – and you can hear Chief Game Designer Paul Coleman discuss those changes we’ve made in the DiRT Show – cut to the 20:54 mark for the tyre chat: For those of you wanting to know the difference between Gamer and Simulation, that’s where we have to start getting a little foggy. After all, what makes our Gamer handling special is super secret sauce… However, we can say that it’s not necessarily made up of different assists – as all assists in game can be added to both handling models. So, even if you were to switch everything off on Gamer, it’d still feel different to our Simulation handling. What we can say is that we have some incredibly clever stuff working under the hood for Gamer handling, and we can guarantee that it’s still the incredibly fun, rewarding and quality experience you’d expect from a DiRT game. :) And not even a hefty order of kebab pizza would make us give up our secrets! For those of you who love the game in all its forms, it will allow you to play it in two different ways. Gamer is very much a challenge to blast it down a stage, stay between the lines and get the fastest time against some challenging AI – whereas Simulation is the challenge to yourself to keep it on track and not ruin your stage time. A fan of DiRT can easily play both modes and get a different experience out of each model, and at same time find both methods of play completely exhilarating in different ways. For example: in the studio, we’re finding that when we’re running time trial competitions (we have two stations set up for these competitions – one Gamer, one Simulation) – and when things get a little tougher with a historic RWD, some of us veer to the Gamer handling so we don’t have to be constantly terrified of our repercussions. It’s definitely a less stressful way to approach certain vehicle/track combinations, if you’re interested in something like that! As we’ve alluded to earlier in this piece, we have the usual suite of assists you’d expect to find in a racing game – and these are based on systems that either exist in real life, or replicate the real life actions of motorsports drivers when they’re at the helm of the wheel. You’re not on rails, you’re not having anyone turn the car for you – the systems in place are ones which ultimately still leave you in control of the vehicle, but perform a certain function in making sure you stay in control of the situation. However, we’ve worked on an assist or two of our own… A big example of this is our new Off-Throttle Braking assist. When this is enabled, the brakes are automatically applied whenever the throttle is released – so for all of you who like to use the ‘lift off’ method, it’s a very natural-feeling bit of help to slow your car down. When learning the skills of off-road racing, you’re very much taught to be either on the throttle or on the brake, and so the effect of the assist implements a driving style closely associated within this particular motorsport. The strength of this assist can be adjusted too – so whether it’s just the smallest bit of help you’re looking for, or for the game to look after most of your braking needs, we’re there to offer a spectrum of assistance. For maximum attack, and to experience the ultimate rawness of being in control of one of DiRT 4’s vehicles, we recommend you go for the full-frontal, unbridled simulation handling with as little assists as you can manage! However if you’re new to DiRT and want a slightly less hardcore experience of the game, then we have some cool stuff under the hood to keep you on track. Or at least, we hope so. We’ve given you the tools to do it – the rest is up to you!
  13. La Codemasters ci presenta ufficialmente per la prima volta in video il suo nuovo DiRT 4, che sarà disponibile dal 9 giugno su tutte le piattaforme. Il trailer, dal titolo "be fearless" (ovvero sii senza paura), condensa in 1 minuto di azione pura, tutto quello che dovremo aspettarci dal racing game della casa inglese. We’re delighted to be able to show you the first official gameplay trailer for DiRT 4, which showcases the breadth of racing that fans will be able to experience on the PlayStation® 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One and Windows PC from 9th June 2017. You can view the new DiRT 4 gameplay trailer right here on our blog: DiRT 4 is available to pre-order now on PS4, Xbox One and Steam with exclusive goodies – pre-order now to reserve your place in our special Founders Event at launch! Pre-order on the PlayStation Store >>> http://bit.ly/DiRT4-PS4EU Pre-order on the Xbox Store >>> http://bit.ly/DiRT4-XboxOne Pre-order on Steam >>> http://bit.ly/DiRT4-Steam In case you didn’t notice it, the new trailer features the absolutely banger of a track that is ‘Instigators’ by Grace Potter – just one of the songs from the amazing in-game soundtrack that has been created for DiRT 4 in an exclusive partnership with Globe, Universal Music UK’s in-house sync team. The agreement with Globe will see over 40 licensed tracks appear throughout the game, matching DiRT’s unique style and tone, and including exclusive tracks from artists such as The Amazons, Sigma, Freak and Pretty Vicious alongside tracks from The Chemical Brothers, Disclosure, Queens Of The Stone Age and Bastille.
  14. La Codemasters ha appena pubblicato un nuovo road book dedicato al suo prossimo DiRT 4. Questa volta l'attenzione è focalizzata sulla nuova modalità denominata "Creating Your Stage", che guida appunto il giocatore alla creazione della propria tappa rally personalizzata. Creating Your Stage environments Right, that’s enough from me! It’s time for a juicy technical feature on one of DiRT 4’s awesome new features. So, let me hand you over to Lead Technical Designer on DiRT 4 and one of the many brains behind our Your Stage system, Jason Evans. Want to know how Your Stage environments are created and how it enhances the player experience? You’re in luck, because those are the questions I asked him – and that’s exactly what he delivered. It’s all gold, so get yourself comfortable and enjoy. :) In terms of the new opportunities Your Stage has brought to the table, what are you excited about being able to offer players? Your Stage has opened up many opportunities for us as a developer and for the player experience. One good example of this is the ability to add more ‘straight’ sections into our tracks. In the past this has been avoided to a certain extent, because in order to try and maximise the amount of gameplay within the very tight track budget it was always deemed as a lesser feature. Your Stage now allows us the ability to show just what a feature section of straights can be – and not only can we add a few more straights into tracks, but we have control over how many and how long these sections can be. We can now have some sections of straights at different lengths, some around 1km long, and these often prove to be truly fearless sections of track. Their straightness encourages the player to go flat out, but the changes in the track surface, undulation, objects and trees keep the player alert – as the consequences of going wrong when flat out could easily end your rally. This provides a great new experience for the player that comes in all shapes and sizes but is always exhilarating; sometimes you look for your next corner as safe place to catch your breath. This system has been likened to an (albeit more technical) Scalextric track – how have the studio gone about ensuring variety within each different environment? Your Stage has not just provided solutions for us, but also brought its own difficulties. One of the key problems we had to solve was how to ensure we could create enough variety of corners, straights and junctions for each location that would be able to provide plenty of replayability and unique experiences for the player. To achieve this we continued to research track locations to the same standard as you’ve seen in DiRT Rally, to maintain the level of detail required for a realistic experience. This ranges from us researching the track surface and edge details through the different road shapes, through to the experiences of racing within that location and environment. The corner sequences and gameplay detail remain a high priority as with our previous titles and with Your Stage we have been able to capture many of these unique elements for the different locations. So, using Your Stage technology we are able to bring a vast quantity of the elements that make up each of these unique locations into our game for the players to experience in huge variety of different combinations. Each section of track the player experiences has been processed by our Level Design and Environment Art teams, all based on the research to maximise the detail of the player experience. This system has an almost infinite amount of combinations of track, corners, junctions, etc – how have you used this to your advantage in the game’s Career Campaign? Another wonderful thing with ‘Your Stage’ is that we now have the ability to tailor and tune our game for a much wider variety of players than ever before. Built into the Your Stage technology are two key components that allow this to happen: length of track and complexity of track. With these two adjustments we (and the player) have control over the two main factors for creating a progressive game with a learning curve. The complexity covers many internal factors such as camber, corner severity, undulation, width and more. We now have the ability to create nice short tracks with simple complexity (more straights and shallow, visible corners) – and these tracks are ideal for introducing new and less experienced players to the world of rally. With the system being completely scalable we can then ramp this up to longer, less complex stages, short complex stages, and all the way to 16km technical monsters. Under the hood there is a lot more going on, and we have a huge amount of control over many additional factors including elevation and different rule sets that allow unique track construction per location. This means we can use the same system to make Spain feel like Spain, whilst Australia is made to feel like Australia, which is completely different in terms of stage composition. All this control and flexibility has allowed us to curate the career with different tracks that allow the structure to increase the challenge as you progress and develop your skills – something we’ve not been able to do in the past. This presented its own challenges to us, but after much hard work the player should now get a much more in-depth, progressive experience from the Career Mode – as well as a colossal variety of unique tracks through the freeplay mode! What kind of work has Your Stage required from different parts of the studio to make it feel so authentic? The development of the Your Stage content has been a new and difficult challenge for all our content creators, and the results are testament to their skills, perseverance and the close communication between our various teams. From the initial designs, the crafting of road shapes and gameplay surfaces to the creation and detailing of the environment art, we have overcome many problems to create the authentic, seamless experiences. The Level Design, Environment Art and Tech teams have worked closely to achieve this and utilised mass quantities of real life research for each location. We have conquered the difficulties with some of the very specific requirements that needed to be met to achieve the Your Stage experience, and have processed more data than ever before. Integration into the different landscapes has also been a huge challenge –and this was one of the big things we needed to tackle to polish and complete the player experience. Many new techniques have been created to help – and despite initial teething problems the solutions developed are providing excellent results. As a result of the team’s innovation, their new techniques have allowed Your Stage to offer the full environmental experience for each and every track. Despite the content creation still being an expensive part of our processes we are now able to achieve a massive boost in value from our content whilst still retaining our superb attention to detail and feeling for being in a specific location. Overall, everyone in the racing studio has worked incredibly hard – and despite the challenges and problems faced, we have achieved something truly incredible. We believe Your Stage really is a game-changer for off-road racing games and there are many plans in place to further develop, improve and expand this technology. And that’s all from us this week – have lovely weekends, and we’ll see you back here soon! P. S. For the eagle-eyed amongst you, yes, I did slide a couple of new screenshots into this. Well-spotted. ;)

    DiRT 4 in preordine con bonus

    La Codemasters ha appena lanciato il preordine digitale tramite Steam del suo prossimo DiRT 4, che sarà disponibile dal 9 giugno. Comprando subito il gioco ad euro 54,99 si ottengono i tre extra elencati qui di seguito. The world’s leading off-road racing series is back! DiRT 4 puts you at the wheel of the most powerful machines ever made as you face the toughest roads on the planet in rally, rallycross & landrush. The game changing Your Stage system allows you to create millions of routes at the touch of a button. The Digital pre-order includes the amazing Hyundai R5 rally car and allows you to kick start your career in the game with a Team Booster Pack which gives you a unique team offer, a unique engineer and unique facilities as well as the DiRT 4 Founder Icon. Owners of the Hyundai R5 will also qualify for a special Hyundai Launch Event (on 9th, 10th and 11th June 2017).
  16. La Codemasters ci propone oggi una nuova puntata del suo Road Book dedicato al prossimo DiRT 4: questa volta andiamo ad analizzare tutti gli aspetti che riguardano il team management. It’s Road Book time! On today’s agenda is one thing, and one thing only – and that’s DiRT 4. A few weeks back we asked you what you wanted to know about; in the last Road Book we gave you the lowdown on landrush, and this week’s specialist topic is… *drum-roll* Team Management! Yup – this week’s update is dedicated to the inner workings of your very own race team; how you hire and fire your staff, branding your vehicles with your own livery and sponsorship deals, and improving your facilities so you can expand your team’s impact and performance. A few of you eagle-eyed players have also noticed in the HUD that we are clocking your vehicle’s mileage too… Well, it’s all linked to your garage and how you buy and sell your collection of cars. We’ll cover off those details in this too, as it’s all connected! So sit back, relax, grab a cup of your favourite beverage, and hear all about our brand new Team Management system.
  17. Ormai da una settimana sono iniziati i test pre stagione della Formula 1, cosi anche la Codemasters ha iniziato i propri test in pista (virtuale) per il suo prossimo F1 2017, il gioco con licenza ufficiale FIA Formula 1. La software house inglese ha quindi invitato presso la propria sede un discreto numero di appassionati testers, che hanno provato una versione beta del software, con le vetture graficamente del 2016, ma con gomme e fisica delle monoposto aggiornata alle nuove regole 2017. A questo link trovate il resoconto completo della giornata in Codemasters, che ha raccolto moltissimi suggerimenti ed indicazioni dai testers, che si sono ovviamente divertiti come matti! Molto interessante è il resoconto in video che ci viene raccontato in italiano da Sutil69, uno dei fortunati selezionati per la giornata. Last week was a very good week, as the brand new F1 cars hit the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya for their first spin out on track this year. It wasn’t just the real-life cars that were being put through their paces, of course – you may have seen that we had some VIP playtesters visit Codies HQ to put their virtual counterparts to the test… but more on that later! The second week of testing is underway, and it’s Williams on top of the timesheets, with both Massa and Vettel driving over 100 laps in the first day. For those of you who missed the first pre-season test of the year, though, we thought we’d give you a whirlwind recap of what happened out on track...
  18. Nel video qui sotto, Sutil69, tester che ha avuto l'occasione di provare il nuovo F1 2017 Codemasters, ci racconta la fisica del gioco.

    DiRT 4: parliamo di Landrush

    Vi abbiamo parlato tempo fa in questo articolo della nuova opzione Your Stage presente nel prossimo DiRT 4. Dopo averci mostrato un video di anteprima dedicato al suo prossimo titolo rallystico, con protagonisti persino Petter Solberg e Kris Meeke (che collaborano allo sviluppo), oggi la Codemasters tramite il blog ci presenta la nuova modalità denominata Landrush, che ha per protagonisti in pista i divertenti dune buggy!

    Nuovo video di preview per DiRT 4

    Vi abbiamo parlato un paio di giorni fa in questo articolo della nuova opzione Your Stage presente nel prossimo DiRT 4. Oggi la Codemasters ci presenta un nuovo video di anteprima dedicato al suo prossimo titolo rallystico: oltre ad ammirare vari momenti di gioco, scopriamo cosa ne pensano Petter Solberg e Kris Meeke (che collaborano allo sviluppo), mentre Paul Coleman ci mostra graficamente come si creano i tracciati. Codemasters ha inoltre annunciato che DiRT 4 avrà una Day One Edition, con l'esclusiva Hyundai R5, un evento speciale e l'icona del fondatore. Sono inoltre previste due edizioni speciali: la prima con i contenuti della Day One Edition e il Team Booster Pack (che prevede un ingegnere esclusivo, un team unico e attrezzature tecniche bonus), mentre la seconda avrà una Steelbook in edizione limitata, comprensiva dei contenuti della Day One Edition. Il campione della FIA World Rallycross Petter Solberg, ed il pilota di rally Kris Meeke, sono entrambi coinvolti nello sviluppo di DiRT 4 e danno la loro opinione sul nuovo sistema di creazione dello stage nell'ultimo video dedicato a Your Stage. Your Stage ti permette di creare un numero infinito di stage unici con il solo tocco di un pulsante in DiRT 4. Basta solo selezionare una delle 5 location rally del gioco (Australia, Spagna, Michigan, Svezia & Galles), scegliere un orario della giornata e le condizioni climatiche. Regola la lunghezza e la complessità del percorso utilizzando i cursori prima di generare il tuo stage completamente unico. Se non sei soddisfatto, basta premere Genera di nuovo per crearne un altro. Ora è possibile gareggiare, condividerlo e sfidare i tuoi amici. Paul Coleman, Chief Game Designer di DiRT 4, ha commentato: "Your Stage è un aspetto su cui abbiamo lavorato dal lancio di DiRT 3 nel 2011. Permette ai giocatori di generare una varietà quasi infinita di stage per tutte le location di rally presenti in DiRT 4. E' un grande passo avanti in quanto d'ora in poi i giocatori proveranno il brivido di guidare un nuovo stage ogni volta ache vogliono." "E 'estremamente semplice creare uno stage, ma, dietro le quinte, c'è una serie straordinariamente complessa di regole e algoritmi per mettere insieme questi percorsi. Your Stage crea una grande varietà di stage, che non avremmo mai pensato di realizzare prima e sono incredibili da guidare."
  21. A fine Gennaio la Codemasters ha annunciato a sorpresa la novità DiRT 4, lanciando proprio ieri la possibilità di pre ordinare il gioco, che sarà disponibile da Giugno, tramite lo store ufficiale (non ancora su Steam, ma lo sarà a breve). Una breve intervista agli sviluppatori inglesi è molto utile per comprendere in dettaglio una delle nuove opzioni che saranno presenti nel gioco: la modalità Your Stage. Your Stage è in pratica uno strumento che permette all'utente di creare il proprio tracciato personale ed ovviamente rappresenta una novità destinata a cambiare i giochi di rally di Codemasters in modo radicale, considerando anche il fatto che tutti i titoli della casa inglese hanno sempre sofferto il ridotto numero di tappe ed ambientazioni disponibili. Cosi si è espresso il senior producer Clive Moody: “In realtà stiamo pensando a Your Stage fin dall’uscita di Dirt 3 nel 2011, ma solo ora, dopo diversi prototipi, siamo riusciti a realizzarlo veramente. Penso sia una novità epocale per noi e che rappresenti al tempo stesso l’inizio di qualcosa di grande”. Your Stage è un tool molto semplice da utilizzare: con due slider si controllano la lunghezza del tracciato e la sua complessità. Una volta posizionati, sarà il gioco stesso a generare il percorso tramite un processo quasi istantaneo. Ovvio che se il risultato non piace, lo si può modificare. Con il tool inoltre, si possono gestire anche le condizioni atmosferiche e altri elementi della tappa. Your Stage quindi non permette al giocatore un controllo specifico sul design del tracciato, anche perché è proprio questa l'intenzione di Codemasters: se conosco in ogni metro la tappa che creo, perdo gran parte del divertimento. Lo scopo di Your Stage è di creare percorsi senza che il giocatore sappia cosa lo attende dopo un rettilineo o dopo una curva, permettendo di ottenere infinite possibilità a livello di lunghezza e variazioni del tracciato stesso. Come ha puntualizzato il chief game designer Paul Coleman, che ha corso nel ruolo di co-pilota, il bello di questo sport si perde se, dopo aver percorso più volte lo stesso tracciato, lo si finisce con il conoscerlo a memoria. Effettivamente Your Stage funziona egregiamente, tanto che i percorsi creati sembrano realizzati dagli stessi sviluppatori, invece che da un programma procedurale: “Sono sicuro che se avessimo avuto tempo a volontà e risorse infinite, avremmo fatto tutto manualmente come sempre, ma Your Stage lo fa al posto nostro e il risparmio in termini di denaro e ore è semplicemente enorme”. DiRT 4 fornirà cinque diverse ambientazioni, ognuna delle quali supporterà Your Stage: nel gioco troveremo Fitzroy (Australia), Michigan (USA), Tarragona (Spagna), Värmland (Svezia) e Powys (Galles). Come si nota, saranno assenti dal gioco molte ambientazioni apprezzatissime dei precedenti DiRT, questo perchè non era possibile semplicemente inserirle in DiRT 4 e integrarle in Your Stage: “Magari fosse stato così semplice. Non si tratta solo di una questione di licenze, ma anche del fatto che con il nuovo sistema di illuminazione del gioco abbiamo svolto un lavoro già enorme per adattare ad esempio gli alberi del tracciato gallese perché riflettessero le luci nel modo giusto: e si tratta solo di alberi e non di tutti gli elementi dello scenario”. Codemasters conferma inoltre che in DiRT 4 è stato ottimizzato il livello di difficoltà, dimostratosi troppo elevato in DiRT Rally, che rendeva il gioco a tratti frustrante per i giocatori occasionali. “Ecco perché con Dirt 4 abbiamo voluto riprendere la formula di gioco di Dirt Rally rendendola però più appetibile per un pubblico più ampio e non solo per gli hardcore gamer. Attenti, non sto dicendo che abbiamo reso tutto più semplice e banale. Chi infatti preferisce un’esperienza dura e tosta in stile Dirt Rally potrà averla semplicemente modificando alcune impostazioni di gioco. Ce ne saranno essenzialmente due. Una meno punitiva per i giocatori alle prime armi e una più impegnativa e realistica che non perdonerà davvero nulla”, ha precisato Coleman. Come modalità di gioco troveremo anche la già nota Landrush e il campionato World Rallycross. Nella prima si gareggia in tracciati più brevi del solito a bordo di veicoli particolari come Pro Buggies, Pro-2 e Pro-4 Trucks e Crosskart. Il World RX Championship, già presente in Dirt Rally, è stato espanso e migliorato tra le categorie RX SuperCars, Super1600 e Gruppo B. Dirt 4 avrà anche una modalità Carriera, che ci porterà dall’essere una semplice “recluta” nella Dirt Academy (basata sulla DirtFish Rally School di Washington) fino a diventare campione del mondo. In questa modalità ci dovremo preoccupare anche degli sponsor, piloti e l’acquisto di auto nuove e usate, modifiche ai motori e alle auto, con modelli nuovi e storici che i veri fans del rally sapranno apprezzare in ogni dettaglio. Le intenzioni di Codemasters sono quelle di "sbancare" con DiRT 4, dopo che, a loro dire, DiRT Rally non aveva portato i volumi di vendite sperati, forse perchè apparso come un titolo in fase di prototipo e non come un prodotto finito al 100%. Speriamo quindi che l'opzione fun ed hardcore presente in DiRT 4 funzioni davvero, altrimenti si venderanno probabilmente tantissime copie, ma i veri appassionati della derapata guideranno altrove... Commenti sul forum dedicato.

    DiRT 4: parliamo di voci...

    Dopo l'update per DiRT Rally che, fra le altre cose, introduce il supporto per il visore PlayStation VR e l'annuncio della novità DiRT 4, la Codemasters ritorna ad aggiornarci tramite il suo blog sui lavori in corso attualmente. Partiamo dall'interessante intervista fatta al Dialogue Producer, Olly Johnson, che si occupa appunto dei dialoghi in game, inclusa la voce del navigatore, eccovene un estratto: When it comes to DiRT 4, how do you go about getting the most authentic representation of each discipline? First thing is the casting process. We knew we wanted Nicky Grist back, and Neil Cole as our RX Spotter is still great. We’ve taken on board over the years that the “dude-bro” voiceover grates and puts a lot of people off; we will never avoid having US voices, but the tone and the script is much more in tune with a more realistic interpretation of the more extreme sports. We have Jen Horsey back from Dirt 3, so you will be able to have her as you co-driver if you want, and for the most extreme mode, Landrush, our spotter sounds more like John Goodman than Bill & Ted. He’s the calm voice in the storm. Landrush is so much fun by the way. Passiamo poi all'intervista di Jen Horsey, ovvero colei che presta appunto la sua voce a quella del copilota virtuale ed ascolteremo nella nuova modalità DirtFish Rally School presente in DiRT 4: DirtFish Rally School features in the new game, DiRT 4 – why’s it such a good place to learn how to drive? Rally driving is a unique skill: you’re dealing with a whole bunch of variables in a rally scenario that you wouldn’t find at a race track. For one thing, we race in every kind of weather and on every imaginable surface. We also put a lot of value on the teamwork between driver and co-driver. And those are skills that are best learned in a closed environment that safely simulates real-world conditions and is unpredictable, in one sense, but also creates repeatable scenarios so you can learn and develop your abilities. That’s what DirtFish is and it’s a fantastic rally playground.

    F1 2016 PS4 ALL STAR Race

    Potremmo già definirla come la gara dell'anno, anche siamo solamente a febbraio, ma quello che ci aspetta giovedi' 9 febbraio è un appuntamento imperdibile per gli appassionati di Formula 1 e di Racing on-line su piattaforma PS4.Questo giovedì è infatti in programma la All Star Race, un appuntamento che vede come protagoniste alcune tra le comunità europee più importanti a livello europeo su piattaforma console. I team presenti per questa gara saranno i seguenti: ApexonlineRacing, il team inglese sarà rappresentato da 4 piloti, Jim-Nrvotank, Alex1994128, JThorn97 e Jim-Aressi. F1ItalianTeam sarà rappresentata da F1Italian_Prost , Sutil69f1 , F1Italian_Magic ed Ita-Ven97. Per il team inglese di RaceDepartment correranno Raimith92, Wooly51 e Ilynchy. Gli ultimi due team saranno quello olandese di Racestars con Desimpele_K, Slabbinckono e Vincent9022 ed il team francese di F1-Simu con Adeo e Libero. Il circuito su cui si disputerà l'evento sarà quello di Suzuka; le regole saranno le più simulative disponibili; nessun assist attivo, prestazioni uguali per tutte le vetture,penalità rigorose, qualifiche brevi e gara al 100%. Ad impreziosire l'evento in cabina di commento ci sarà Aarava, famoso youtuber in tema di F1 su console insieme ad F1Italian_Flamin. L'intera copertura streaming dell'evento sarà curata dallo staff di F1italianteam.com e comprenderà un virtual studio pre gara con ospiti e servizi,qualifiche e gara dal vivo , commento completamente in inglese per garantire la possibilità anche ai tantissimi utenti che seguiranno la gara dall'estero per sostenere il proprio team di capire tutto quello che succederà. Non resta che darvi appuntamento per giovedì 9 febbraio dalle 21:00 con il nostro VirtualStudio, vi aspettiamo! LISTA PILOTI PARTECIPANTI (NICK PSN): JIM-NervoTank (ApexOnlineRacing) Alexukr (ApexOnlineRacing) Jthorn97 (ApexOnlineRacing) Aressi191 (ApexOnlineRacing) Sutil69F1 (F1ItalianTeam) F1Italian_Magic (F1ItalianTeam) F1Italian_Prost (F1ItalianTeam) Ita-Ven-97 (F1ItalianTeam) ILynchy (RaceDepartment) Raimith92 (RaceDepartment) wooly51 (RaceDepartment) Desimpele (RaceStars) Slabbinckono (RaceStars) Vincent9022 (RaceStars) libero-du-59320 (F1 Simu) F1Simu-adeo (F1 Simu) Livestream from : https://www.youtube.com/user/F1ITALIANTEAMChannel

    Paul Coleman ci parla di DiRT 4

    Paul Coleman, copilota rally e Chief Game Designer della serie DiRT di Codemasters, ha risposto ad una lunga serie di domande fatte dai fans in merito al prossimo DiRT 4 della software house inglese, in arrivo a giugno. Per chi non volesse leggere l'intera sessione Q&A, possiamo sintetizzare nel modo seguente: IA e danni "molto migliorati" rispetto a DiRT Rally, con maggiori possibilità di ritiro miglioramento di fisica e aerodinamica, grazie al supporto di Kris Meeke e Petter Solberg possibile supporto alla VR, ma non al lancio supportato il modding, ma con restrizioni dovute alle licenze miglioramenti "significativi" nella simulazione rispetto DiRT Rally la modalità "your stage" (per creare i propri livelli) funziona solo nei rally e non nei rallycross nessuna early acces Steam o demo prima del lancio multiplayer per 8 giocatori contemporaneamente modalità spettatore inclusa assetti maggiormente dettagliati più di 50 vetture presenti al lancio Q. Does Dirt 4 have a more "destructible" environment compared to Dirt Rally? A. The edges of the track are more forgiving than in DiRT Rally but a lot of that actually comes from improvements in the simulation rather than making the environments more destructible. Q. How hardcore is the most hardcore damage model? A. Damage is much improved now so you should see more rally ending crashes occurring Q. Is there any chance of picking our own numbers for the cars? Or having our own names on the side windows for RX/rally? A. When you run your own team you can choose your race number in the livery branding suite. Q. Will brands like ŠKODA? or older cars like xsara, 206 in DiRT 4? A. I can't confirm many specific cars. We have been talking to those manufacturers about some of their vehicles though. Q. Does the AI have any improvements to the way they work? A. Definitely, driver character and behaviour is very important to us. You'll see a lot more interesting behaviour in the Landrush and Rallycross too. Q. How will the optimization for the game be on PC? A. We will be aiming to support as much hardware as we can in the time available. I can't really give much more detail than that at this stage. Q. Do cars in Dirt 4 have a more noticeable weight transfer than in DR? A. Yes, Kris Meeke and Petter really helped us dial in the feeling and the cars are much improved now. Q. Will there be hot seat local multiplayer? A. Its something we have designed but we don't know if it will make the cut yet. I can't promise it. Q. Thoughts on mods for Dirt 4? Will it be allowed to happen, and if so, will you do anything to help people who mod the game for non-malicious purposes? A. We'll be allowing mods where we can but we have to be careful with what we allow access to for licensing reasons. Q. Do you know anything about Polish translation of the game? A. We don't know yet Q. Why can't you add locations from Dirt Rally to Dirt 4? Of course they would not have option of generate new track (Your Stage), but they will add some diversity to the locations. For example Monte Carlo A. Its a licensing thing Q. Will we have splitscreen? A. Not for DiRT 4 but we know a lot of people want it Q. Do you plan to make Special Edition, like for the final release of DR with movie about Colin’s career? A. Yes more details of that will be coming soon Q. How simulation-focused is Dirt 4 going to be? A. If you want sim then it’s a significant improvement on DiRT Rally. Q. Will we get more rally and rally cross locations as dlc in the future? A. We haven't made any decisions about DLC yet. We are focussing on getting the game done. We will have mixed surfaces within the Locations that we have but they won't be as severe as Ice to Dry Tarmac like in Monte Q. Can you explain the lack of communication regarding Vive support? A. We haven't made any decisions on VR at all for DiRT 4. If we can find a way we will support Vive but it needs to work for the business. Q. Will there be a Photo Mode and will there be any an Perks for The PS4 Pro owners, like visual upgrades or higher frames? A. We have a design for a Photo Mode but whether it makes the final cut is going to depend on how the rest of the development goes. As for PS Pro we are looking at doing HDR and because we have good experience working with high end PC there are a number of areas where we can make graphical improvements. Q. Although I'm a sim guy, I was a very big fan of the DiRT 3 party modes. (Outbreak, Transport,ect) These were very fun and addictive modes to play with friends, will we see something similar in DiRT 4? A. We've got some cool Joyride Modes lined up in the rally school open area but at the moment these aren't going to feature online. I did love those modes though so there is always a chance we can do them in the future. Q. I really liked the non-licensed soundtracks in the GRID and DiRT games, especially the menu and replay music. Will this be returning in Dirt 4 or will it have a licensed soundtrack? Furthermore, I'd like to ask if there will be PvP rally stages, with ghosts or even a starting grid with spacing. And, will the PvP rallycross be hidden away until later stages of the game as in DiRT Rally? I found it too hard/take too long to get to. A. It’s a licensed soundtrack this time. Grid was actually licensed but it was composed for the game. There will be PvP Rally. You'll race at the same time but you won't see Ghosts. PvP Rallycross will be available quicker with more beginner classes available. PvP Rallycross will be available quicker with more beginner classes available. Q. What's been the most exciting feature that you guys have enjoyed implementing and can't wait to see how we react to it? A. Definitely Your Stage. Its been something I've wanted to put in a DiRT Game for ages and its better than I ever dreamed it could be. Q. Any support for DirectX 12 or Vulkan planned? A. Not for DX12 - we don't know about Vulkan yet Q. Will the track generator work for rally cross maps as well? A. No, its stage rally only Q. What about mod support in DIRT 4? Also is there any chance to see newest gen WRC cars A. We'll support Mods where we can. No new gen WRC cars because of licensing. We'll have R5 cars as our top class. Q. Can you give us some more information on the location characteristics? A. Australia - Heavy / Medium gravel, Wales - Heavy / Medium Wet gravel, Sweden - Frozen Gravel with Snow and Ice Spain - Smooth and broken tarmac, Michigan - Light Gravel and Dirt Q. Can you set a sim handling for all the cars including the buggies and trucks, or is it only for rally and rallycross? A. Its for all the cars and trucks in the game Q. Will we see an Early Access on Steam for Dirt 4 like there was with Dirt Rally? A. There are no plans for Early Access because we have already gone past that point in development. EA was perfect for DiRT Rally as we had a lot to tweak with the simulation. With DiRT 4 we are building on that foundation. Q. Will there be a demo before june? A. It's unlikely we will have a demo. Q. Will Steam Workshop integration continue for DiRT 4? A. I can't promise it just yet but I would like it to continue. Q. How's multiplayer for rally stages going to work? A. Get into an 8 player lobby and race against other players simultaneously. We've got some spectator slots and you'll be able to save event formats so that you can have quicker turnarounds of events when you are hosting. Q. Will there be splitscreen modes? A. No plans for splitscreen in DiRT 4, sorry. We know people want it though so hopefully we can support in future Q. How improved is the damage model? A. The damage model is improved with more stuff that can go wrong with the car. There will be shakedowns but no full recce mode. Q. Will we see different options for recording and saving replays in DiRT 4 ? A. We are improving our replays but saving and recording are things that the consoles and third party software handles better than we ever could. Freecam is a cool idea and one I would like to see but we need to do a lot of work to support it so it is unlikely for DiRT 4. Q. When playing online will all the players be forced to use the same handling difficulty? If not, how will the two difficulties be balanced? A. It depends on the host settings. We won't be balancing the two we will be keeping them separate unless players specifically ask to play together Q. Codemasters has made such a fantastic VR implementation for Dirt Rally, wouldn't it be rather simple to apply this feature to Dirt 4? Could you give some idea of the effort it would involve? A. We are focusing on getting the game finished at the moment – we’ll look into VR once that is done. It's a lot of effort to get a game VR-ready, especially when you're offering the whole game in VR (as we do with DiRT Rally), so it's something we will look at after launch. Q. Are you planning to realease arcade game like DiRT 2? A. The idea with DiRT 4 is that it is more accessible to players but I don't think it fits calling it Arcade. DiRT 2 was great fun but it was still grounded in realism and wasn't a full arcade. Q. Are there any specific improvements to the simulation aspects first seen in DiRT Rally? Can something like telemetry be incorporated into these kind of titles? A. Aerodynamics has seen a big update across the board making the cars feel more planted at speed. It will also stop them behaving strangely when airborne. This also has a dramatic effect on how they crash with more convincing rolls. We've improved the way we model our suspension geometry. This means you should see more character between the Rear Wheel drive cars based on the type of suspension they are using. We don't know about exposing telemetry yet. If we did it I'd like to make sure it was the best it could be. Q. What cars can we expect? A. I can't give specific car details but here are the car classes: MODERN RALLY R5 Up to 2000cc (4WD) NR4/R4 Group A F2 Kit Car R2 HISTORIC RALLY Group B (4WD) Group B (RWD) H3 (RWD) H2 (RWD) H2 (FWD) H1 (FWD) RALLYCROSS RX Supercars RX Lites Group B (Rallycross) RX Super 1600 Crosskart LANDRUSH Stadium Truck (4WD) Stadium Truck (RWD) Stadium Buggy Q. Will there be crazy car + track combinations in multiplayer like in Dirt 2? A. Due to licenses and terms of our licenses, this is unlikely unfortunately. Q. Are there any plans for a parts store in the game to go get better, high performance parts to increase car performance?? A. You can add parts that are more durable so you stay faster for longer. Q. What modes will be included? A. Your Stage features in all competitive Rally modes. In Pro Tour (Ranked PVP), the server has set parameters for stage generation e.g. rallies get harder as you climb the ladder In Jam Session (Custom PVP) you can create public or private lobbies and create your own rallies with Your Stage, creating new stages while the lobby is active or by loading your favourites. You can join a lobby as both a Spectator and a Broadcaster. Community Events (Dailies, Weeklies, Monthlies) will generate new stages for each event. The Delta Daily will return and feature stages from the career mode for you to compete against the community average time. Clubs (re-named from Leagues) allow you to create your own asynchronous rallies by generating stages on DiRT4game.com. You won't be able to change tires unfortunately, we'll pick the most suitable set for you. Q. Will there be the option like in DiRT 2 to set any cars to go all at once down a rally stage next to each other (without being ghost cars)? A. No plans for this as our stages aren't wide enough to support it. Sorry Q. What can you tell us about the Rally cars included in DiRT 4 besides the Fiesta R5, Subaru WRX STI NR4, Evo VI, Peugeot 205? A. Not a whole lot as we are still negotiating with the manufacturers. There are some cool additions though. Q. Will DiRT 4 implement separate rendering mode on 3 monitors? A. We don't know yet Q. Are there going to be real/handmade stages in parallel with Your Stage, or is everything procedural? A. Everything is procedural for Rally Stages. The level designers do everything they always did but they are making pieces of stage now instead of the whole thing. Your Stage brings it all together Q. Seeing as DiRT is becoming the definitive Rally car game can we see a more diverse selection of cars? Like the Nissan 200sx S12 rally car or Toyota Celica gt-four st185? Or even more obscure rally cars? Also will there be dynamic weather changes? A. The selection will grow. There are more modern cars coming to DiRT 4 as well as a few historics. Q. What is the ballpark longest stage that can be made? A. 12-13km at the moment Q. Gymkhana? A. We've got some cool Joyride Modes lined up in the rally school open area, with time challenges and smash the block challenges, so you'll still get a flavour of that kind of stuff in DiRT 4. Q. What features will you have when managing your own team? A. Staff hiring and firing Sponsorship Livery Editing Facilities to improve your team Multi Car Garages Q. Do you have plans about bringing more competitive things to this game? A. Yes! We have a Competitive area of the game featuring the Daily, Weekly, and Monthly challenges from DiRT Rally. We also have Pro Tour making a return for ranked PVP, with a more competitive ranking system. You can now get relegated based on your performance, rather than grinding our XP. We also have fully customisable private lobbies so you can push your competitive streak as hard as you like. Q. What sort of new features are coming to the leagues? A. We've re-named them to Clubs for a start! We've brought Championship / Event / Stage messaging more in-line with the main game so "Leagues" didn't really make sense any more. Here are some new features: Improved event creation and curation on DiRT4game.com. Full Your Stage integration (generate stages on website, with on-the-fly spline graphics! Hidden Points Custom penalties Brand new, scalable scoring system to support tiny Clubs, huge *Clubs, and everything in-between. ...oh, and they're Cross Platform. Q. Will there be multi class rallies? A. Yes, multi class rallies Your road position depends on your results Q. Will the changes to the sim handling have a significant effect on the playability with a controller? A. The sim handling for DiRT 4 is evolved from the handling we had in DiRT Rally, so you will have just as much fun playing DiRT 4 with a controller. Q. Do you intend on putting "nfected" in the game again? A. No plans at this stage but we might do something like that in future. Q. Are we able to spectate PVP Rally (and rallycross) sessions? A. Yep we'll have spectate in all of our disciplines in PVP. We're also adding the option to join a lobby as a Broadcaster, which lets you watch the whole of a session from various replay camera angles while hiding the HUD. Q. Are the Group B rallycross cars the proper big wings/big turbos rallycross specials? A. They are proper now! Q. Will we have separate difficulty levels for both arcade and sim modes? A. Yes, although the difficulty presets carry across both handling models the AI times are adjusted accordingly. Q. Any chance of a few tracks for the landrush trucks that are in the style of the SST series? Even as a possible DLC later? A. No sorry, we've focused on the Shortcourse dirt track style. Q. Any chances to see additional RX tracks as DLC in the future? A. We haven't decided about DLC yet. Q. What kind of updates have been made to the vehicle tuning system in DiRT 4? A. Setups have a bit more detail. We also have some better tuning guides. Q. Regarding the replay system, can we get manual camera placements on the car at least? A. We won't be doing manual camera placement for replays although its something we may consider in future. Q. Alpha dithering of ground cover and trees, particularly on AMD cards. Has this been addressed? A. We know there is an issue with those cards and we have updated how we have made our trees so hopefully this will help. Q. Can we expect to see more Hill Climb maps and vehicles available? A. Hillclimb won't be making it to DiRT 4, but we've introduced a couple of new disciplines and game modes. Q. Steering wheel rotation? Will there be 360+ degree rotation with hand over animation? A. We have hand over hand animations now. Q. will there be more water splashes? A. Yes we have water splashes in a few locations Q. What are the longest and shortest rally stages possible to generate? A. At the moment it is between 1 and 13km Q. Can we get a minimum account of the number of cars we are to get in the game? A. We can't confirm the list yet, but we have over 50 Q. Will there be alternative tyre choices available for any of the cars? A. We change the tyres for you based on the optimum for the conditions. This is somthing we'd like to do better but I think its one for the future Q. Any plans to have cross play between Xbox One and PC? A. Not for PVP, but all of our leaderboards (permanent and asynchronous) are Cross Platform between Xbox One, PlayStation, and Steam. Q. You took a big risk bringing out a full-simulation title (in DR). Was there an element of "I told you so" on your part after it all went well? Would you say that the people who make the decisions at Codemasters are now convinced that the full-sim crowd is a big enough market to be worth catering to? A. We are really happy with how DiRT Rally has been recieved and it has given us a new found confidence to deliver an even bigger and better game with DiRT 4. We are going to be supporting the sim side of things a lot more now. Q. Will DiRt 4 be more addictive, or different than previous rally games? A. It will have a much more interesting career mode that should get you a bit more excited about coming back and playing more. Q. Can we expect seat driver position options in D4 A. There should be seat position options Q. What about lights damage? in DiRT Rally if you damage your lights both stops work, can we expect "localized" damage on lights? A. Lights are more localised Q. Can I expect the East Asian language? A. Its undecided at this point but we are talking about supporting some Q. Xbox One version 60fps? Unlocked or locked? A. 60 fps Locked Q. Any chance for a option to have Richard Burns style descriptive pacenotes? A. We are sticking with the McRae system as it is the most familiar to our fans. Q. Can you confirm that DiRT 4 will keep DiRT Rally's satisfyingly challenging handling model and keep the more hardcore fans satisfied? A. I can confirm that its better than it was in DiRT Rally. Aerodynamics has seen a big update across the board making the cars feel more planted at speed. It will also stop them behaving strangely when airborne. This also has a dramatic effect on how they crash with more convincing rolls. We've improved the way we model our suspension geometry. This means you should see more character between the Rear Wheel drive cars based on the type of suspension they are using. Q. Is rallycross going to be split into 2 groups like DiRT Rally? A. Rallycross has same format has but has some improvments where you can choose heat or semi final/final style. Q. Is there going to be any way to share set-ups on console? A. Yes, you can share setups on console now Q. How will DiRT 4 feel in terms of racing in various gamemodes like rally versus racing in landrush? A. The simulation is consistent across the game so Landrush is as simulation as Rally its just that the vehicles are different. Q. Easier way to check your best times against global times? A. You can view leaderboards in Event Configuration before you load in. They'll be on the website too Q. Will the game take full advantage of the PS4 Pro? Will there be 4k HDR etc? A. For PS Pro we are looking at doing HDR and because we have good experience working with high-end PCs there are a number of areas where we can make graphical improvements Q. DiRT 4 WRC cars? r5? s2000? A. We've got R5s and some World Cars from 10+ years ago. Q. Will the gravel on a track change dynamically? A. We have focussed on Your Stage track generation for DiRT 4. I would love to do Surface Degradation in the future. Q. Will Dirt 4 feature long championships like Dirt Rally did? A. Yes, towards the end of the career there are some really big events. Q. Will D4 have driving aids? A. We will have some assists for those players who need some help with the cars. Q. Will the more arcade options make for a driving experience very similar to that of Dirt 3, or will it still be more of a simulator? A. The aim is to give players like you a more accessible handling model so that you can get on and play the game without having to learn how to handle the simulation Fonte Racedepartment
  25. La Codemasters ha aperto oggi la possibilità di accedere alla prima fase di beta testing del prossimo F1 2017, il simulatore con licenza ufficiale FIA Formula 1 dedicato alla nuova stagione della massima competizione automobilistica. Per provare ad accedere alla beta, che in questa prima fase mette a disposizione solo 300 posti su ciascuna piattaforma (PC, PS4 e XBox One), correte a registrarvi a questo indirizzo e sperate nella fortuna... Last year, we ran a very successful programme of community testing and beta tests, in which you gave us some incredible feedback that helped us shape the game. We’re very excited to announce that they were so successful that this year we’re not only widening their scope, but we’re starting the process earlier as well.
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