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  1. Nel video visibile qui sotto potete ammirare in azione lo spettacolare Vehicle Dynamics Simulator realizzato dalla McLaren in collaborazione con Applied Technologies. Come potete notare dal trailer, si tratta di un simulatore specifico pensato per il testing delle supercar McLaren stradali. Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili a questo indirizzo. Sempre la Applied Technologies fornisce alcuni consigli a tutti gli appassionati intenzionati a partecipare al prossimo torneo Worlds Fastest Gamer organizzato sempre dalla McLaren. McLaren Applied Technologies is a high-performance technology company which combines fresh thinking and innovation to solve crucial challenges and improve people's lives in industries as diverse as health, public transport, automotive and motorsport.
  2. SPARCO® & McLAREN INSIEME DAL REALE AL VIRTUALE SPARCO® si unisce a McLaren nella “World’s Faster Gamer Competition”. Un nuovo capitolo dopo oltre 20 anni insieme. Non solo in pista. Non solo macchine. SPARCO® e McLaren, dopo oltre 20 anni di collaborazione, di nuovo insieme per scrivere un altro capitolo nella storia del motorsport. I brand di Volpiano e Woking stanno per vivere uno dei periodi più intensi della propria storia in comune. Mentre a Monte Carlo SPARCO® sarà nell’abitacolo della MCL32 con Stoffel Vandorne e Janson Button nel Gran Premio di Monaco di Formula1, dall’altra parte dell’oceano Fernando Alonso porterà la tuta SPARCO® sulla Dallara McLaren – Honda – Andretti nella leggendaria 500 miglia di Indianapolis. Ma fuori dai circuiti, siano essi ovali, stradali o cittadini, SPARCO® e McLaren saranno insieme nella “World’s Faster Gamer Competition”, la competizione per piloti virtuali più intensa ed impegnativa al mondo. Un’opportunità unica per SPARCO® dopo l’ingresso nel mondo degli eSports e Sim Racing con il lancio della linea SPARCO® Gaming. Al “Campione dei Campioni”, ovvero il vincitore del “World’s Faster Gamer Competition”, verrà offerto un contratto di un anno in McLaren come pilota ufficiale al simulatore. “Nel passato i campioni delle 4 ruote nascevano e si allenavano sul kart, oggi molta esperienza si acquisisce utilizzando i simulatori di guida” Ha detto Claudio Pastoris, CEO SPARCO®. “Le tecnologie stanno evolvendo molto velocemente e dobbiamo rimanere al passo con i tempi. Gli eSports non possono essere considerati solo video games, ma stanno diventando sempre di più dei veri e propri sport competitivi, considerati tali soprattutto nelle società moderne. I concorsi online, i campionati e i tornei raccolgono squadre "professioniste", giocatori professionisti e "dilettanti" la cui esperienza, come per i piloti professionisti, è costituita da molte ore di formazione per raggiungere i massimi livelli di prestazioni. Gli 'eSports, come le corse automobilistiche, sono anche una disciplina che richiedono un'esperienza approfondita delle attrezzature e SPARCO® è orgogliosa di avere l'opportunità di sostenere McLaren in questo ultimo sorprendente progetto come partner fondatore. La nostra partnership con McLaren ha radici molto profonde, piantate già nel lontano 1996. Per noi è un onore l’essere stati invitati a bordo per iniziare questo nuovo capitolo. Crediamo che gli eSports siano parte del motorsport del futuro e siamo fiduciosi nel fatto che la nostra esperienza nel campo dell’innovazione e nello sviluppo dei sedili possa contribuire a rendere questo progetto, un progetto di successo. Questa nuova sfida arriva in un periodo molto importante per SPARCO® che, quest’anno, festeggia i suoi primi 40 anni. Ci piace pensare che, in questo lungo periodo di tempo, siamo riusciti ad acquisire abbastanza esperienza per poter avere successo anche in questo nuovo mondo della realtà digitale”. Il Direttore Esecutivo di McLaren Technology Group, Zak Brown, ha così commentato: “Proprio come McLaren, SPARCO® è un brand che punta fortemente sull’innovazione e sullo sviluppo delle nuove tecnologie. Ha trasferito alcuni dei suoi prodotti da corsa, che sono tra i migliori al mondo, al servizio dei giocatori da “casa”, aprendo un nuovo capitolo nella propria storia societaria. Credo che sia quasi naturale che SPARCO®, così come McLaren, sia uno dei primi marchi del motorsport ad entrare nel mondo degli eSports e, sono convinto che diventeranno leader di mercato in questo settore, proprio come lo sono nel motorsport”. Comunicato stampa Sparco
  3. Dopo il primo annuncio e trailer di lancio, la McLaren ufficializza la prima tappa del suo evento World Fastest Gamer, torneo eSport che mette in palio un contratto di un anno come pilota tester per il simulatore professionale F1 della casa inglese. La prima gara si svolgerà a Silverstone in luglio, subito dopo il Gran Premio di Formula 1. La notizia forse più interessante è però che il software utilizzato sarà rFactor 2. McLaren’s World’s Fastest Gamer esports competition will kick off the first of four official qualifying events in conjunction with the Silverstone Circuit this July. World’s Fastest Gamer will pit 10 virtual racers (six pre-selected by a panel of experts, and four chosen via online championships) in a fierce competition that will see the winner awarded the role of McLaren simulator driver for one year. The first qualifying heat will be conducted using the RFactor 2 platform across a four-week period following the British Grand Prix, held at Silverstone, on July 16. The top 20 drivers will race each weekend, with points counting towards the Silverstone championship. The eventual winner will be given a place in the finale. “Silverstone is a venue that’s synonymous with motorsport and is a great place to kick off our virtual racing contest," explained McLaren Technology Group Executive Director Zak Brown. "We’re looking forward to working together with Silverstone to help bring a new and younger audience into the motorsport world.” Three further official qualifying events will take place ahead of the grand finale, which will be held across several days at the McLaren Technology Centre. These three events will be conducted on mobile and console platforms. Further information about how to enter the qualifying event is to follow...
  4. Nuovo trailer di anteprima dedicato al prossimo Project CARS 2, ma questa volta decisamente particolare: Slightly Mad Studios ci mostra infatti il lavoro fatto con Chris Goodwin, capo test driver della McLaren, per lo sviluppo della spettacolare McLaren 720S. Goodwin, all'inizio molto scettico e perplesso, dopo i vari aggiornamenti del software provati, si dice molto soddisfatto del lavoro svolto. "La 720S in Project CARS 2 è quanto di più vicino si possa avere alla sua controparte reale". Dobbiamo credergli ? How one final session with McLaren’s chief test-driver Chris Goodwin changed the feel of Project CARS 2 With the release of the ‘Project CARS 2: BUILT BY DRIVERS – “As Close As It Gets” Featuring Chris Goodwin’ film this week, Vehicle Lead Casey Ringley, and Physics R&D Lead Andrew “AJ” Weber recall the one pivotal moment that altered the trajectory of handling and feel in Project CARS 2
  5. Dopo aver annunciato il pre ordine ed averci presentato la splendida McLaren 720S, Slightly Mad Studios torna ad annunciare ufficialmente nuove vetture per il suo prossimo Project CARS 2: questa volta possiamo ammirare in pista le cattivissime GT3, ovvero Audi R8 LMS, McLaren 650S e BMW M6. Non mancano i consueti screenshots di anteprima. 3 new GT3s in Project CARS 2: Which is your weapon of choice? GT3 is an accessible entry-point into top-tier motorsports, both in the real-world and with Project CARS 2. With dozens of manufacturers now vying for your loyalty, there’s never been more choice for drivers looking to dip their toes into the thrill-a-second world of GT3 racing. Project CARS 2 will reflect that abundance of choice with a wide selection of machinery that now includes three more prime entries
  6. Dopo aver annunciato il pre ordine, Slightly Mad Studios torna a deliziare i fans del prossimo Project CARS 2 con un nuovo trailer di anteprima, decisamente spettacolare: questa volta possiamo ammirare in azione in pista in notturna la splendida McLaren 720S ! GT3, rallycross, IndyCar, prototypes, open-wheels; 180+ cars, the most tracks on console, ever; developed by real-world drivers, tested by sim-racing pros; real-world weather, LiveTrack 3.0, 4 seasons incl. snow, ice, rain. Project CARS 2 is motorsports: You are the driver.
  7. A quanto pare un nuovo evento eSports dedicato al racing games si affaccia sulla scena: la McLaren ha infatti lanciato la comunicazione riguardante il suo nuovo World Fastest Gamer, un torneo che vedrà la partecipazione di utenti PC, console e persino mobile, dedicato ovviamente al marchio inglese, con l'obiettivo di arrivare a gareggiare addirittura presso la sede principale della stessa McLaren. Logitech G (per i volanti) e Sparco Gaming (postazioni Evolve) sono partner dell'iniziativa che, per adesso, viene illustrata unicamente tramite un paio di filmati. Commenti sul forum.
  8. Dopo i video promozionali pubblicati ieri, la McLaren chiarisce con un lungo comunicato stampa (disponibile qui sotto) tutti i dettagli del suo torneo denominato Worlds Fastest Gamer. Il premio finale per il fortunato simdriver è un contratto di un anno con la McLaren come pilota del simulatore professionale F1. I finalisti, che si giocheranno il posto in un evento live proprio nella sede McLaren, saranno in tutto 10, 6 scelti direttamente da una giuria di esperti e gli altri 4 selezionati invece per le loro prestazioni. Non mancano a dire il vero le perplessità: per quale motivo ben 6 piloti devono essere "chiamati" in via diretta ? Il software utilizzato sarà multipiattaforma, persino mobile, cosa che fa pensare ad un "giochino" creato ad hoc proprio per l'evento specifico, ma se cosi fosse che valenza può avere a livello simulativo ? E nella finale dal vivo, nella quale saranno utilizzati i volanti Logitech e le postazioni Evolve di Sparco, quale sarà il software scelto, presumendo che dovrà avere un multiplayer funzionale ? Speriamo che non si tratti di un altro evento unicamente promozionale, che ripete gli errori già visti nella Vegas eRace... Voi cosa ne pensate ? McLAREN AND LOGITECH G TEAM UP FOR THE WORLD'S FASTEST GAMER COMPETITION Your chance to win the greatest job in esports McLaren has become the first Formula 1 team to enter the esports arena, announcing World’s Fastest Gamer – the world’s most intense and demanding competition for virtual racers. It’s a contest that will see the winner offered the best job in esports – a role with the Formula 1 team as one of its official simulator drivers. World’s Fastest Gamer is a collaboration between global sports and technology brand McLaren, founding partner Logitech G, a global leader in gaming gear and the founder of virtual motorsport’s famous GT Academy, Darren Cox. McLaren welcomes two further partners for launch, sports media platform GIVEMESPORT and esport racing innovator Sparco. The format pits the best gamers in the world across multiple racing platforms as they battle each other to discover the ultimate ‘champion of champions’. The winner will be offered a one-year contract with McLaren to work in an official capacity as a simulator driver. They will work with engineers at the McLaren Technology Centre and at grand prix circuits across the world to develop and improve the machinery driven in the real world by the team’s drivers, Fernando Alonso and Stoffel Vandoorne. Billed as ‘the best job in esports’, the battle to find McLaren’s newest recruit will be viewable at every stage via a dedicated YouTube channel and McLaren’s social media channels. Six international finalists will be hand-picked by experts in both gaming and Formula 1 to join this year’s competition. A further four finalists will be selected from qualifying events online during summer 2017. The grand finale, held at the McLaren Technology Centre in the autumn, will put all 10 hopefuls through one of the most rigorous job interviews in the world. Not only will they race against each other across a variety of different gaming titles on different platforms, they will also need to demonstrate their engineering know-how, ability to work as part of a team, and display the mental and physical strengths required for such a unique position. McLaren Technology Group Executive Director Zak Brown said: “This is a hugely exciting opportunity – not only within the gaming industry, but for everyone at McLaren and motorsport in general. We’ve long witnessed the growth of online sports gaming, and, right now, the parallels between the real and the virtual worlds have never been closer. “This is absolutely the right time to be creating such a unique and exciting proposition; one that connects the worlds of racing and gaming in a way that’s never been explored before. “I’m particularly proud that McLaren, alongside our partners Logitech, Sparco and GIVEMESPORT, have staked a claim as the very first sports and technology brand to venture into the diverse and fast-growing world of esports. “World’s Fastest Gamer really aims to democratise the process of finding the best virtual racer out there. The contest isn’t limited to one platform or one game; we’re very keen not to restrict access or entry for people, but rather welcome the worldwide gaming community, whether that’s on mobile or on high-end simulator platforms. “And the winner will genuinely be a key part of our team at McLaren. This is for real: we absolutely require additional support across our two simulator platforms, so the competition and the selection process will be rigorous, ruthless and compelling to watch.” Ujesh Desai, Vice President and General Manager, Logitech G commented: "Logitech G has been in the esports world since the early days, and we’re happy to now work with McLaren to lead the next mainstream esport obsession! Joining McLaren as a founding partner of the World’s Fastest Gamer brings together our combined expertise on one virtual platform. “Logitech G Driving Force racing wheels are engineered for extreme performance and are designed to win; we’re proud to be able to provide them for these exciting events. “Logitech G and McLaren share an obsession for speed, cutting-edge technology and the passion of millions of fans. We can't wait to see what the future will bring." Darren Cox, IDEAS+CARS Chief Maverick Officer, added: “Gaming and esports are growing at an astonishing rate. The football industry has recognised this, with the result that activity has exploded between the real world and the virtual world in the last 18 months. Now, World’s Fastest Gamer will provide the focus for motorsport to talk directly to the huge numbers of passionate and dedicated gamers racing online – engaging and immersing them in the real world of racing. “In McLaren and Logitech G, we have the perfect partner with whom to deliver this project: their constant focus on technical innovation and their authoritative position within motorsport’s digital communication sphere are the obvious major benefits. However, to align with a global sports and technology brand that is renowned for producing some of the world’s greatest Formula 1 cars, road cars, and that now applies insights from both to improve lives through its technology arm, gives us the opportunity to involve and integrate gamers from across a whole range of gaming platforms and racing interests. “Motorsport will invest heavily in esports in the coming months and years, and World’s Fastest Gamer is at the very forefront of that movement.” Where the real world meets the virtual world… With teams, leagues and players from the world of sport investing heavily in esports – from Paris Saint-Germain and Manchester City, to West Ham United and the Philadelphia 76ers – virtual/reality collaborations are a fast-growing trend. In the US, esports are already catching up with baseball and ice hockey. A recent US report found that 76% of esports enthusiasts now prefer the gaming equivalent to watching their favourite sports on TV. esport is now one of the biggest sports in the world, with revenues now overtaking those of Hollywood. Global gaming is worth $100 billion, with year-on-year growth of almost 10%, and the esports global audience has already reached 300 million. As viewership of motorsport is adjusting to new digital trends, and leading brands start to invest heavily in gaming instead of traditional sports sponsorship, the message for the sports industry is apparent: virtual sport offers a compelling way forward.
  9. Il team Sector3 ha appena rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento per il suo RaceRoom Racing Experience. L'update porta con sè come al solito varie migliorie e bugfix, anche alcune novità, come la nuova e bellissima McLaren 650S GT3, che è possibile acquistare dallo shop ufficiale per euro 3,98. The 650S GT3 is the latest generation track-focused racer from McLaren, designed and optimised to compete in GT3 championships across the globe. Since its debut in 2015 the 650S GT3 has claimed multiple championships and race wins worldwide, becoming one of the most successful GT3 cars to date. With a carbon fibre Monocell chassis and an award winning 3.8-litre V8 Twin turbo engine at its heart, this evolution of the highly successful 12C GT3 improves on its elder in almost every aspect, from aerodynamics and drivability to safety and cooling. The result is a car with a huge presence and the versatility to be competitive on every type of circuit and in a variety of track conditions. 20-04-2017 Added McLaren 650S GT3 which is now available in the store. Game: Data displays: Fixed wrong color of delta and laptime on some of the new data displays. Fixed an issue where Low Fuel warning on data display screen wasn’t going away. Fixed an issue on cars with new data displays where the compact HUD rev lights had issues when not using cockpit cam. Enabled tire temperature even when tirewear is disabled. Added speed limited revlight blinking to old data displays. Citroen data display had a typo in "Brake balance" Fixed issue with displays sometimes showing data for wrong car when “show opponent cockpits” was enabled. Various other fixes and tweaks to existing displays. Flag system: Fixed yellow flag appearing during private Qualifying. Fixed White flag appearing in MP Qualifying session that used rolling start. Fixed an issue in a race with additional lap, checkered flag was showing when timer reached zero and at end of additional lap. Fixed an issue where an illegal overtake under yellow followed by a retirement of the overtaken car would result in the impossibility to give the position back Fixed an issue where checkered flag did not appear for final lap in MP server with flag rules enabled. Time allowed to give a position back after an illegal overtake increased from 15 to 30 seconds Yellow flag now triggers for cars at 20% of their predicted speed ( was 10% ) White flag trigger now requires a car to be 70 kph under its predicted speed (was 30) The other trigger condition remains at 40% of its predicted speed. Fixed 2 Race Format only saving replay of second race. Fixed Multiple Race format giving overall results that did not count points. Re-enabled allowing turning shadow split off after some potential issues reported with AMD Crossfire. Possible fix for the issue where some players, depending on setup had their input frozen. Added some logging when initializing texture and setting video mode. Added a new startup argument for disabling TrackIR. -disableTrackIR can now be added in Steam Launch Options. Slow down penalty throttle limitation doesn't get activated immediately anymore, but waits until the player applies some brake. This also fixes occurrences of penalties triggering heavy lift oversteer on FWD cars. Multiplayer: Added handling for more JOIN_FAIL messages so error messages are more specific. Fixed so join request timeouts are correctly reported as a timeout instead of generic lost connection message. Added some fixes when on occasion, connections were not dropping when leaving sessions. Changed so client doesn't respond to ping requests unless connected or trying to join. Sounds, Cameras, Physics & AI: Citroen WTCC 2016 has received a slight increase in engine torque at low to med rpm. Art: Audi TT cup cars have a new display Audi DTM 2016 finally has its new display Backend & Portal: Fixed top Leaderboard banner in competitions not scaling properly. Fixed a minor alignment issue with VIP drivers description box in Portal. Fixed exit "x" button on partner page section clipping with the page and looking out of place. Fixed facebook section in partner page overlapping with top banner. Some fixes to the redeem popup in portal. Fixed error 13 some players were receiving after exiting wtcc championship round 1. Fixed so players from USA and Canada get USD as default currency instead of the global default EUR.
  10. Propio ieri, in occasione del primo gran premio della stagione di Formula 1 2017 a Melbourne, vinto dalla Ferrari di Vettel, la Logitech e la McLaren Honda hanno annunciato un nuovo accordo di marketing, con un Zak Brown, Executive Director di McLaren Technology Group, mostratosi subito entusiasta dell'accordo, che non è un semplice contratto di sponsorizzazione: “Together, we are already working on exciting plans for the future of our work together. There is plenty to come from both McLaren-Honda and Logitech in our mutual offering for our fans and stakeholders alike.” Vi ricordiamo che anche le altre case produttrici di hardware di guida collaborano con il mondo del motorsport: la Thrustmaster è da anni partner della Ferrari, cosi come la Fanatec di BMW e Porsche per i propri volanti. Speriamo che la nuova partnership serva a Logitech per lanciare in tempi brevi un nuovo volante, atteso ormai da tempo...
  11. Slightly Mad Studios ci presenta oggi una nuova supercar con licenza ufficiale che sarà protagonista del prossimo Project CARS 2: si tratta della spettacolare McLaren 720S che potete ammirare negli screens e nel video di anteprima qui sotto. La vettura è stata appena presentata al Salone dell'auto di Ginevra. Experience the new McLaren 720S for the first time on PS®4, Xbox One, and PC in the highly-anticipated Project CARS 2 The McLaren 720S that had its official public debut earlier today at the Geneva International Auto Show will be available in late 2017 in Project CARS 2 for the first time on PS®4, Xbox One, and PC platforms. This marks months of close collaboration between the teams at McLaren Automotive and Slightly Mad Studios in developing the virtual car whilst still developing the real car—a first for both. As the successor to the 650S, the McLaren 720S shifts McLaren’s Super Series into its second generation and comes with high expectations. If you’re not one of the lucky few to have managed to order the 720S, you’ll have to wait until late 2017 to get the exclusive sim racing opportunity of pushing it to its astonishing limits in Project CARS 2. It won’t take long to appreciate that the expectations for the 720S have not been met—they’ve been surpassed by quite some measure. McLaren describe the 720S as ‘revolutionary’. It’s easy to see why. The chassis is an all-new, active carbon-fiber structure known as the ‘Monocage II’. This is the core of the 720S. Aside from the handling and performance benefits of the rigid system, it also allows the 720S to come in on the scales with a dry weight of only 1,283kgs (2,825.5lbs). That’s compared to the 1,301kgs (2,868lbs) from the 650S. Even more impressive is the centre of gravity that is now a full three percent lower than the 650S. This has allowed McLaren to create a car that boasts double the aero’ efficiency of its predecessor, the 650S. The aero’ is even further enhanced with the introduction of the full-width aerofoil profile-wing that delivers 30 percent more downforce than its predecessor. The wing, hydraulically-operated, does more than just offer downforce though, and you’re going to have some serious fun messing about with this system in Project CARS 2. The wing operates in three key conditions. Hit the ‘Aero’ button, and the 720S will automatically operate the wing in ‘Driver Downforce’ configuration by ‘opening’ it to 70-80 percent deployment (depending on your speed) for optimum downforce. The wing also comes with F1-derived DRS (30 percent deployment) which will reduce drag for acceleration and top speed. The final configuration, however, is also the coolest: the wing will automatically deploy to 100 percent for ‘High Speed Braking’—and that happens in less than half a second. You’ll appreciate that safety-belt-contracting assistance when you stand on the carbon-ceramic brakes because the engine on the 720S has been upped to an all-new twin-turbo 4-litre V8 pushing out (in line with the car’s name) 720ps (or 710hp). What does that equate to? An unrivalled power-to-weight ratio (561 PS per ton), power and efficiency up 10 percent from the 650S, 0-100kmh (62mph) in 2.9 seconds, and 0-200kmh (124mph) in a grin-to-mildly-panic-inducing 7.8 seconds. The 720S will then just keep accelerating through its seven-speed seamless-shift ’box to a top-end speed of 341kmh (212mph). The turbines in the turbochargers and intercoolers on the 720S are capable of spinning at an almost unbelievable 160,000RPM, while the red-line on your dash’ comes in at over 8000RPM through all seven gears.And yes, just as you’d imagine, a throaty rasp of authority that sounds as distinctive as the 720S looks comes standard. Getting the 720S on track is where you’ll soon discover the pure joy of a car that has been built for performance. McLaren’s ‘Proactive Chassis Control’, a unique control software allied to new suspension hardware, is based on advanced mathematical research initiated by McLaren at the University of Cambridge that involves advanced algorithms that assess inputs from crucial vehicle parameters, all analyzed and reacted to in two milliseconds. But you don’t even need to know how to count when you stick the 720S into a turn and realize its grip far exceeds your expectations. The Variable Drift Control, meanwhile, lets you decide the degree of stability control desired. In Project CARS 2, zero is your mode of choice for instant hero. The Proactive Chassis Control II also features hydraulically-interlinked dampers at each corner which removes any need for anti-roll bars, standard across the McLaren range. In Track mode, where you’ll be spending all your time in Project CARS 2, the dampers are continuously adjusted for firmness to ensure the contact patch of the bespoke Pirelli tyres are always in optimal contact with the road. McLaren’s F1-derived Brake Steer system is back, too, and refined to imperceptibly brake the inside rear wheel, thereby reducing understeer, or transferring power to the rear wheel with more traction on corner-exits. This results in the 720S rendering the limited-slip diff’ into obsolescence.No anti-roll bars, no limited slip-diff’, active aero-chassis, a profile-wing, and brake-induced steering—did McLaren say revolutionary? The Full Display Mode that shifts into Slim Display Mode for the track—where you’ll be racing the 720S in Project CARS 2—is a thing of sheer wonder, displaying only essential information for both maximum visibility, and minimal distraction. The new McLaren 720S: experience the raw power and thrill of true authenticity from one of the world’s purest supercars only in Project CARS 2.
  12. F1VRC is proud to announce the release of the McLaren-Honda MP4/4 from the 1988 season. After over one year of development and improving with each Assetto Corsa updates....the car is finally out ! Driven by the frenchman Alain Prost "The Professor" and the brazilian legend Ayrton Senna, the MP4/4 won 15 of the 16 races that season. The only race they didn't win was Monza, Ayrton Senna won his first of three world championship with this amazing car. Powered by a Honda RA168-E, 1.5liters V6 Twin-Turbocharged producing around 685BHP and with a good lowline chassis inspired from Murray' Brabham BT55 1986 when he was chief designer at Brabham, make this car one of the most dominant in Formula One history. The mod contains :: 4 chassis upgrades used during the season by Prost and Senna + 12 liveries (Imola to Adelaide), 6 Bonus skins Ferrari,Lotus,Benetton and Williams (can be found with the R04 chassis upgrade). New driver cockpit rainlight animation (first car to have this anims), Moving wings and more... For the Tyres Compounds :: E=Qualifying Compound (2 laps and they are dead) D=Soft Compound C to A = Hard Compound (C is the softest hard, A the hardest) V1.3 Changelog - Renamed Skins folders. - Renamed KN5 + Lods.ini. - New Skin add in R04 Skins Folder (12_Senna_R01). - Fixed Marlboro Color (25% more orange in). - Fixed Shell and GoodYear logos size on the FWing. - Fixed AO Skin map RWing area + Nose. - Fixed Shell Logo size on the sidepods. - Physics Update (Aero + Blown Diffuser added). - New previews due to new color, logos modification, AO and because of the new skin. - Tyres shader improvement (less darker). http://www.vrc-modding-team.net/

    AC: McLaren MP4/4 by F1VRC

    F1VRC is proud to announce the release of the McLaren-Honda MP4/4 from the 1988 season. After over one year of development and improving with each Assetto Corsa updates....the car is finally out ! Driven by the frenchman Alain Prost "The Professor" and the brazilian legend Ayrton Senna, the MP4/4 won 15 of the 16 races that season. The only race they didn't win was Monza, Ayrton Senna won his first of three world championship with this amazing car. Powered by a Honda RA168-E, 1.5liters V6 Twin-Turbocharged producing around 675BHP/685HP and with a good lowline chassis inspired from Murray' Brabham BT55 1986 when he was chief designer at Brabham, make this car one of the most dominant in Formula One history. The mod contains :: 4 chassis upgrades used during the season by Prost and Senna + 12 liveries (Imola to Adelaide), 6 Bonus skins Ferrari,Lotus,Benetton and Williams (can be found with the R04 chassis upgrade). New driver cockpit rainlight animation (first car to have this anims), Moving wings and more... For the Tyres Compounds :: E=Qualifying Compound (2 laps and they are dead) D=Soft Compound C to A = Hard Compound (C is the softest hard, A the hardest) If you want to support our team, you can consider the option to make a donation on our website. You can give for the team or the car you want. http://f1vrc.net/ You can visit our website for future project, annoucement and more. * Please be sure to read the PDF file that comes with the mod or you can read it on our website * http://f1vrc.net/index.php/mods/ Thank You, From all the team members DOWNLOAD http://www.drivingitalia.net/forum/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8035
  14. Virtua Simulazioni is proudly releasing the McLaren MP4-13. The car is reproduced accurately, with fine details allowing you to have a perfect immersive experience. It includes both of the authentic liveries used during the F1 1998 season, driven by Mika Häkkinen and David Coulthard, along with the orange liveries used during the preseason tests. Additional content also includes a special historic McLaren’s livery, with slick tyres, and an official Virtua Simulazioni skin. You can read and learn more information about the McLaren MP4-13, at the cars section of the website. Also remember that you can support our work, and upcoming projects by just donating a small amount. Thanks for your support! DOWNLOAD http://www.drivingitalia.net/forum/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=7512 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lktd4XsNhPQ This post has been promoted to an article

    AC: McLaren MP4/4 1988 by MAK-Corp

    Il noto ed apprezzato modding team dei MAK Corp ha rilasciato per Assetto Corsa la prima versione 1.0 della mitica e splendida McLaren MP4/4 della stagione 1988, che con Senna e Prost stabilì il record di 15 vittorie su 16 gare disputate. MAK-Corp is happy to announce the release of the 1988 Mclaren MP4/4 mod for Assetto Corsa. The mod brings the iconic 1988 Formula One Race Car to the Assetto Corsa platform featuring realistic physics, turbo boost, sounds and a highly detailed 3D Model and textures. The mod also includes a number of different skins run in the year featuring Tobacco and Non Tobacco versions. Turbo boost can be utilized through the numerical keys on the keyboard, by default it is set to 100%. Levels range from 10% to 100% and are selected by Assetto Corsa's default method, the 1-0 numerical keys.
  16. MAK-Corp is happy to announce the release of the 1988 Mclaren MP4/4 mod for Assetto Corsa. The mod brings the iconic 1988 Formula One Race Car to the Assetto Corsa platform featuring realistic physics, turbo boost, sounds and a highly detailed 3D Model and textures. The mod also includes a number of different skins run in the year featuring Tobacco and Non Tobacco versions. Turbo boost can be utilized through the numerical keys on the keyboard, by default it is set to 100%. Levels range from 10% to 100% and are selected by Assetto Corsa's default method, the 1-0 numerical keys. Also note. The rear view currently shows the rear wing. There is no way for us to move the camera position for the rear view in AC. Hopefully Kunos will update that in the future. The Mclaren MP4/4 was driven by Ayrton Senna and Alain Prost and sported the Honda RA168-E V6 Turbo engine. It set a new record in Formula One at the time becoming the only car in the history of the sport to win all but one race throughout the season having won 15 of the 16 championship races. It also piloted Ayrton Senna to his first world championship in his debut year with Mclaren. You can read the full release article on our website HERE Or you can go directly to the mod page and download it HERE We hope you enjoy! Credits Mod Production Manager: Petros Mak Quality Control: Stephen Young Mclaren MP4/4 3D Vehicle by: Raymond Schram UV Mapping by: Juandi Sanchez 2D Textures by: Juandi Sanchez In-Game Specialist: Stephen Young AC Physics by: David Dominguez Sounds by: Alvaro Perez This post has been promoted to an article
  17. Dopo una serie di imprevisti tecnici, è finalmente disponibile la nuova build di iRacing ! La release dedicata alla nuova stagione di gare, oltre ai consueti bugfix e migliorie varie (questa volta anche grafiche), ci offre in particolare due spettacolari novità, da tempo attese dagli appassionati del simulatore americano: da oggi infatti potremo gustarci la temibile pista del Nürburgring Nordschleife (sia il layout GP che il Green Hell) e la velocissima McLaren MP4-30 della stagione di Formula 1 appena conclusa. This post has been promoted to an article
  18. iRacing.com is proud to release our 2016 Season 1 Update! Prepare yourselves for the excitement of getting behind the wheel of the McLaren MP4-30, and racing on the legendary Nürburgring and Southern National Motorsports Park tracks. We also have a host of other updates and tweaks to help keep iRacing the world's best racing simulation. We'll see you out on the track! Special Notice: After installing the update, please go into your graphics settings for the Sim and disable the "Render Car First" option. It is presently causing graphical issues on many tracks. We will release a small patch soon to fix this issue. Thank you. Website - Vehicle icons have been added to the Team Series Stats page, and show the breakdown of cars for teams in a specific series. - When hosting a session that is not a race, the open pit stalls for the track may be extended, allowing more racers into the session. These extra racers will use shared pit stalls. - You can now easily refer friends to join you on iRacing by using the “Refer A Friend!” section of the My Account page. - The Ping window now shows IPv6 addresses (where available), and a toggle has been added to the Settings panel to enable an IPv6 connection preference in the Sim. - In Test Mode, the “At Night” checkbox will now remember its prior state. - All "Share on Facebook" links have been removed. - The Regional Stats and the Dashboard pages have been removed. - Fixed an issue in the extended descriptions for Hosted Sessions where the Weight Penalties were listed as “undefined” instead of a value. - Fixed an issue where the "tournament editing" screen sometimes became unusable. - Fixed several issues with the "join a team session" screen. - Fixed an issue that was causing car information to display incorrectly in the "More Info" section of the What's Hot page. - Fixed an issue that was causing an incorrect amount of content to be reported as being owned by a user. Billing - Fixed an issue where the confirmation box for purchasing a new league was not reporting the correct cost. Paint Kit - A safeguard against paint schemes being reset to the default white has been implemented. Data - Old session detail data will be archived beginning with this release. With the archiving, drivers will still be able to go all the way back in their history to see the overall results of a given event. Since we have chosen a 3-year window to start with, then prior to 2013, drill downs to lap charts and lap times will no longer be available (the page will be blank). In addition, hovering over the results link of a given session will only show the split that the selected driver was in. It won’t show all splits for the event. Overall statistics will remain the same. Simulation - Support for IPv6 has been added to the Sim, and the Race and Ping servers. You can state a preference for using IPv6 over IPv4 if it appears that your computer has IPv6 connectivity. If you enable the IPv6 preference but either your computer does not appear to have IPv6 connectivity, or the race server you join does not advertise that connections to it are available on IPv6, the Sim will fall back and connect using IPv4. If “both ends” say they support IPv6, and you have stated the preference to use IPv6, the Sim will only attempt to connect to the server using IPv6. If for some reason that fails, it will not re-try using IPv4. You can tell which protocol was used to connect to the race server by invoking the Latency control (by default this is bound to the "L" key). The ping/quality message will tell you which protocol the Sim used to connect to the server. - Fixed an issue where sometimes racers were unable to join a race as part of a team if they had previously been connected to the same race as a spectator. Dynamic Track - Marbles on the track are now immediately influenced by both the player car and opponent cars to better simulate the effect of following a car closely through debris. - Debris will collect on tires of the player car and then be flung off when appropriate. This means tires will continue to emit grass, gravel, dirt and marbles even after leaving the associated surface. - The in-Sim Info tab now displays actual average race-line temperature at the start of the session as the track temperature, to simulate a crew member taking some sample measurements with a temperature gun pointed at the track a few minutes before the session begins. - Improved the way the server broadcasts the track state by allowing it to adjust what it sends depending upon the current situation on a per-client basis. - Improved performance when the dynamic track is not being rendered by removing some unnecessary code. New Netcode - We have implemented some new netcode that sends more data to and from each car. This allows us to utilize more information for each vehicle, such as the pit limiter status for all cars that use pit limiters, and the DRS wing state and ERS warning light for the McLaren MP4-30. - To help account for the additional data that can be sent for each car, the amount of network bandwidth that can be used for sending data from the server to the simulation has been increased by about 12% to 108kbits/sec for the “128K or faster” connection type selection, and by about 9% to 142kbits/sec for the “256K or faster” connection type selection. See the Preferences section on the Account->My Account page to select your connection type. Garage - Cars with tire warmers will now use the tire warmers while in the garage. The "Cold Pressure" setup item is now renamed "Starting Pressure" to reflect this change. iRacing setups have been adjusted for this change, but you will need to increase your tire pressure on any pre-existing setups to keep your hot tire pressures out on the track in the right place. You will need to raise your cold pressures for the various cars that have tire warmers by approximately the following amounts in order to convert them to a "Starting Pressure" value: - - Aston Martin DBR9 GT1 = +3.0 psi - - BMW Z4 GT3 = +6.5 psi - - Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1 = +3.0 psi - - Ford GT GT3 = +6.5 psi - - HPD ARX-01c = +5.0 psi - - McLaren MP4-12C GT3 = +6.5 psi - - Ruf RT 12R Track = +6.5 psi - - Williams-Toyota FW31 = + 5.0 psi - Cars without tire warmers will now enter the world with exactly the tire pressure specified in the garage, instead of always being a couple of psi higher than specified. iRacing setups have been adjusted for this change, but you will need to increase your tire pressure on any pre-existing setups to keep your hot tire pressures out on the track in the right place. The typical change for any car will be approximately +1.5 psi. - Fixed a rare crash issue in the Garage. Loading - System memory usage has been optimized for both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. Rendering - A new graphics option, “Render Car First” has been added to the graphics options screen. It is enabled by default, and it causes your car’s cockpit to be drawn very early in the scene (instead of last), reducing overdraw and improving frame rate. - A new graphics option, “Two Pass Trees” has been added to the graphics options screen. When enabled, tracks with enhanced trees models will be rendered using two passes which helps improve their appearance. Currently, Two Pass Trees are only used in Southern National Motorsports Park and Nürburgring. - The Video Memory slider on the graphics option screen now goes up to 4GB to accommodate newer tracks and GPUs. - The order in which video memory resources are created has been improved, and the simulator no longer evicts and restores some GPU resources while loading. These changes help avoid requiring more memory during loading than what is actually required to run the simulation, reducing the required virtual address space necessary to load up racing sessions on 32-bit systems with limited address space. - Additional optimizations have been added to improve three screen rendering performance. - The System Memory Working Set slider now goes up to 8GB when running the 64-bit version of the simulator. Separate system memory slider settings for the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the simulator are now maintained in the "renderer.ini" file. The new 64-bit setting will default to 2GB less than the RAM installed on the PC, but this value is also clamped between 2GB and 8GB. - The graphical auto-configuration has been significantly revised: - - The classification system has been altered such that many systems will now classify into a better performing performance class than previously. - - The classification system now considers the desktop’s resolution, such that if you have a very high resolution desktop, it may automatically choose slightly lower options to allow for better performance. - - The active settings per performance class setting have been revised. - - It will now set the new 64-bit system memory slider if executed in 64-bit. - - It no longer sets the 32-bit system memory slider too high if the PC is running a 32-bit operating system. In some cases it previously could choose 2000MB, but should have defaulted to only 1200MB since most 32-bit operating systems only provide 2GB of virtual address space to each process by default. - - It can now suggest default resolutions that match your desktop’s resolution of up to 8192 pixels wide (previously only 1920 pixels wide). - Many improvements have been made to the graphical occlusion culling. Track surface, walls, decals and translucent objects are now occlusion culled, and trackside objects are often now detected as occluded much more quickly, improving the frame rate when cornering at large road courses. In addition, a new option, "VisibilityFrameDelay," has been added to the "renderer.ini" file which may be lowered to improve the performance of visibility culling at the cost of CPU time (0= No delay, 5= Five frames of visibility culling latency). - When Pixel Shaders are enabled, the larger vertices that they require are now compressed by default to reduce both system and video memory requirements. Set “CompressedVertices=0” in “renderer.ini” to disable the compression. - Two additional bars have been added to the "Comm" UI when “CPUMeter=1” is enabled in "app.ini" file. There is now an "R" bar which is the time the foreground/Renderer took and a "G" bar which is the time the GPU took. There is also a new option in the "app.ini" file named “CPUMeterAsText=1” which will turn all the "CPU" timing related meters into text that reports the times in milliseconds. - Night track environmental reflections on cars utilizing the physically based rendering (PBR) shaders have been revised. Several other fixes and enhancements have also been added to the PBR shaders. - Fixed an issue where switching cameras would cause occlusion culling to be completely disabled for 80 frames. DirectX 9 - The DX9 Autoconfig has been updated to include PBR shaders. PopcornFX - PopcornFX is a new particle system for iRacing that greatly enhances the audio/visual experience of vehicles interacting with the world. The system manages everything from smoke clouds and grass particles, to marbles and sparks. If your computer can handle it, crank your graphics settings up to the maximum for a hyper-realistic racing experience! - PopcornFX makes the following improvements to the racing experience: - - New sparks, that will collide with vehicle bodies. - - New backfire visual effects and matching audio, customized on a per-car basis. - - New dense smoke effects which can appear from all around a car's tires. - - Debris from the track will now support collision with vehicles and features a matching set of sound effects, including gravel, dirt, grass, and marbles. - - Vehicle tires now also more realistically collect, hold, and discard debris over the course of a race, including dust particles, blades of grass, pebbles, and rubber marbles. Audio - Updated and re-tuned tire sounds including roll, scrub, speed effects, and skids for all of our cars. Opponent Cars - The sounds, skids, smoke, steering accuracy, and much more have been updated to be more consistent with the driver's car. Physics - Zero pressure stiffness calculations have been updated for better realism. Turbo Model - We've updated our turbo modeling to deal with higher altitudes more correctly. Weather - Included more specified weather parameters when computing which random sky texture will be used in “constant weather” sessions. Pit - Fixed the floaty behavior of lollipop-guy's left hand while giving the signal to brake. Shared Pit Stalls - It is now possible to host more drivers in an event than there are pit stalls, and drivers will share a pit stall to make this happen. - If you are hosting an open practice session (with no race involved) at any track, then you can allow up to 60 cars (or a little less if 60 cars would be too many for a small track) to join and drive at the same time. - If you are hosting an event that has a race, then the maximum number of cars is no longer limited by the number of pit stalls at the track, but by the number of starting grid stalls. Most tracks at this time are still limited to having the same number of starting grid stalls as pit stalls, but we have updated a few of the bigger tracks to support up to 60 drivers in a race. - When you are setting up a hosted server, the dropdown where you choose the maximum number of drivers will show up to the number of pit stalls as black numbers, meaning that no pit stalls will be shared, and it will show any extra drivers the track will support as red numbers, meaning pit stalls will be shared to achieve that maximum. - If a session is utilizing the new shared pit stalls feature, then you can have multiple drivers using the same pit stall. The way we implement this is that we allow multiple drivers to use the same pit stall at the same time. Any other car that is using your pit stall will fade out of view as they pull into and out of your pit stall, so you will be able to easily see and drive into your own stall at all times without any obstruction. Other pit stalls will show the multiple cars at the same time drawing on top of each other. Replay - Fixed a bug that would cause the steering wheel angle for an opponent car to be wrong when viewed in a replay. This was most obvious when the car was clearly going straight but the steering wheel appeared to be turned. Controls - The latest Fanatec API has been implemented. This should fix display problems with the latest drivers. - The test to check if a wheel has been properly initialized has been updated to help prevent an improperly initialized wheel from reporting itself as initialized. - After creation, direct input devices are forced to run the initialization test. This should help a hung wheel reset itself. - Wheel oscillations are now dampened when parked. A new friction damper is applied to the wheel at speeds below 15 mph. The force level is also reduced by 50% if "Dampen Oscillations" is checked in the options screen. - The wheel oscillation damper can be tuned by adjusting the values in the "app.ini" file for the [Force Feedback], including: steeringDampingFactor=0.05, steeringDampingParkedMaxPercent=0.20 and steeringForceParkedPct=0.50. Stronger wheels may need to reduce steeringDampingFactor, while weaker wheels could adjust steeringDampingFactor to as high as 0.10. In general, you may not need to change this. - The old damper has been replaced with our new friction damper. Now adjusting the damping slider in the settings tab sets a cutoff for the maximum amount of force that the damper can apply to your wheel. For gear driven wheels, a value between 5% and 20% will add a sense of weight to the wheel without greatly affecting the overall force feedback feel. You can return to the old damper behavior by editing the "app.ini" file and setting [Force Feedback] dampingSliderSetsFriction=0, when the damping slider is set to control the old damper then the "app.ini" file setting [Force Feedback] steeringDampingMaxPercent=0.0 controls the new friction damper. Macros - Added an !invert command to pit macros so you can toggle any operation instead of just setting it to on or off. For example: "#!lf" would toggle the left front tire change flag. - Pit macros now support +/- when adjusting tire pressure so you can add or remove air from a tire. For example: "#lf +3psi" adds 3 pounds of air to the left front tire while "#lf 14psi" sets the pressure to 14 psi. - Pit macros now support incrementing and decrementing how much fuel to add to your vehicle. For example: "#fuel +5g" will add 5 more gallons to the tank than what is already being requested to be added. Telemetry - New telemetry values have been created, including: - - dpFWingAngle - Pitstop front wing adjustment - - dpRWingAngle - Pitstop rear wing adjustment - - dpFUFangleIndex - Pitstop front upper flap adjustment - - dpRrPerchOffsetm - Pitstop right rear spring offset adjustment - - dpLrWedgeAdj - Pitstop lr spring offset adjustment - - dpRrWedgeAdj - Pitstop rr spring offset adjustment - - YawNorth - Yaw orientation relative to north, can be directly compared against wind direction - - TrackTempCrew - Average of spot temperature of track measured by crew around track - New SessionString parameters have been created, including: - - DriverInfoaceCarIdx: So you can more easily identify the pace car - - DriverInforivers[]:CarIsPaceCar: and DriverInforivers[]:CarIsAI: So you can more easily sort out who is a competitor - - WeekendInfo:TrackNorthOffset: So you can match up your car orientation and wind direction - - WeekendInfo:TrackCleanup: Indicating if the track is cleaned between sessions - - WeekendInfo:TrackDynamicTrack: Indicating if the track uses the dynamic surface model - - SessionString SessionInfo:Sessions[]:SessionTrackRubberState: Indicating how much rubber is on the track at the start of the session - PitSvFuel units have been changed from kilograms to liters to better match the rest of the fuel telemetry values. - Changed lfTireColdPressPa, rfTireColdPressPa, lrTireColdPressPa, rrTireColdPressPa to log the pending pitstop tire pressure and not the last recorded pressure so you can monitor changes to the black box. This amounts to the same thing if the user is not adjusting their black box. - Fixed bug that caused CarIdxF2Time to return an invalid float when a car was not in the world. - Discovered an issue with SessionLapsRemain and added a new SessionLapsRemainEx parameter that more accurately reflects the laps remaining in the current session. The old parameter has been left in place, just in case. ARX - A major rewrite of ARX code has been completed that breaks compatibility with old ARX templates. Users will be required to rework how data is accessed. - Completely stripped out Brass Monkey; Logitech ARX replaces this code and Brass Monkey is no more. - Session string is now updated live instead of only once at startup. - ARX gets all memory variables instead of using a subset; this should bring ARX in line with the iRacing API. - The iRacingARX.js and iRacingARXctrl.js files are provided automatically, but you can provide your own copy if you feel the need to modify them. - Javascript helper libraries have been pulled out into their own iRacingARX.js and iRacingARXctrl.js files and all pertinent functions now live inside either an irARX or irARXctrl class that is auto instantiated. - Completely hid details about ARX and hid all private data including data being transmitted from the Sim. Including the iRacingARX.js is now all you need to do to make a project work with iRacing. - The logic for handling the driving controls has been separated out into a standalone iRacingARXctrl.js, this has no dependencies on iRacingARX.js and can be omitted from your project if you do not wish to implement the driving controls. - You now must provide an index.html file. Previously we would allow any .html file to work. - Fixed several minor issues with the ARX Library, debugger, and running ARX on iOS devices. CARS Aston Martin DBR9 GT1 - Reduced the likelihood of damage from strikes to the fenders and nose. - Reduced texture memory usage. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. BMW Z4 GT3 - Fixed a bug where the cockpit windshield was too reflective. - Updated damping to address bad rear ride heights and cross weights in the garage. The root cause of the problem was numeric instability resulting from too much damping. Reduced rear low speed damping to eliminate the instability. - This car will now only use 1 tire changer instead of 2. The tire change order is: inside front, outside front, outside rear, inside rear, and it should take approximately 27 seconds. - Now uses PBR shaders. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. Cadillac CTS-V Racecar - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1 - Reduced the likelihood of damage from strikes to the fenders and nose. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. Chevrolet Corvette C7 Daytona Prototype - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. Dallara DW12 - Increased the maximum tire pressure at oval tracks. - The diff ramp angles are now working correctly. - This vehicle is now using V6 tires. - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. Ford GT - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. Ford GT GT3 - This car will now only use 1 tire changer instead of 2. The tire change order is: inside front, outside front, outside rear, inside rear, and it should take approximately 27 seconds. - Vehicle setups have been updated. Ford Mustang FR500S - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Engine sounds have been updated. Holden Commodore VF V8 - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. Indycar Dallara circa 2011 - Increased the maximum tire pressure at oval tracks. - This vehicle is now using V6 tires. - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. HPD ARX-01c - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. Kia Optima - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. Legends Ford '34 Coupe - Adjusted backfire location to match the tailpipe. - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. Lotus 49 - Now uses PBR shaders. - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. Lotus 79 - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. Mazda MX-5 Cup circa 2015 - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. Mazda MX-5 Roadster circa 2015 - Tire sounds have been updated. McLaren MP4-12C GT3 - This car will now only use 1 tire changer instead of 2. The tire change order is: inside front, outside front, outside rear, inside rear, and it should take approximately 27 seconds. - Now uses PBR shaders. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. McLaren MP4-30 - New car added! The McLaren MP4-30 Formula 1 racecar features a few cutting edge systems that help set it apart from the pack, including the Drag Reduction System (DRS) to enable boosts of speed on straights, the Energy Recovery System (ERS) to re-charge the vehicle's batteries, and the Motor Generator Unit (MGU) to provide even more power for overtaking. Jump in the cockpit and get ready to experience a truly modern racing machine. Modified - SK - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. NASCAR Camping World Chevrolet Silverado - Mass has been adjusted slightly. - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. NASCAR Camping World Toyota Tundra - Mass has been adjusted slightly. - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. NASCAR K&N Pro Chevrolet Impala - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. NASCAR Nationwide Chevrolet Impala circa 2011 - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. NASCAR Sprint Cup Chevrolet Impala COT circa 2013 - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Improved opponent car ride heights. - Tire sounds have been updated. NASCAR Sprint Cup Chevrolet SS - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Improved opponent car ride heights. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. NASCAR Sprint Cup Ford Fusion - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Improved opponent car ride heights. - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. NASCAR Sprint Cup Toyota Camry - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Improved opponent car ride heights. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. NASCAR Truck Series Chevrolet Silverado circa 2013 - Mass has been adjusted slightly. - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. NASCAR Whelen Tour Modified - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Vehicle setups have been updated. NASCAR XFINITY Chevrolet Camaro - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. NASCAR XFINITY Ford Mustang - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. NASCAR XFINITY Toyota Camry - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Tire sounds have been updated. Pontiac Solstice - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. Radical SR8 - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. Riley MkXX Daytona Prototype - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. Ruf RT 12R AWD - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. Ruf RT 12R RWD - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. Ruf RT 12R Track - This car will now only use 1 tire changer instead of 2. The tire change order is: inside front, outside front, outside rear, inside rear, and it should take approximately 27 seconds. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. Ruf RT 12R C-Spec - Fixed a problem that was causing oil to overheat. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. SCCA Spec Racer Ford - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. Silver Crown - Fixed a bug where the left front tire would have no temperature. - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. Skip Barber Formula 2000 - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. Sprint Car - Fixed a bug where the left front tire would have no temperature. - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. Star Mazda - Mass and Inertia values adjusted to better match real-world weight distribution. - Tire compound updated to improve feel and grip characteristics. - Aerodynamics calculator has been added to the garage. - Aerodynamics have been updated. - High-speed understeer greatly reduced. - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. Street Stock - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. Super Late Model - This vehicle now has chassis torsion. - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. V8 Supercar Ford Falcon circa 2012 - Backfire sounds have been added. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. VW Jetta TDI Cup - Tire sounds have been updated. Williams-Toyota FW31 - The anti-roll bars (ARBs) have been adjusted so that they are fairly flat while cornering rather than at a big angle which can make them effectively stiffer. - Tire sounds have been updated. - Vehicle setups have been updated. TRACKS Autodromo Jose Carlos Pace - DRS Zones have been added to all configs. Autodromo Nazionale Monza - DRS Zones have been added to all configs. Circuit of the Americas - DRS Zones have been added to the Grand Prix and West configs. Circuit Gilles Villeneuve - DRS Zones have been added. Circuit Park Zandvoort - DRS Zones have been added to the Grand Prix config. Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps - Starting grid now supports up to 60 racers. - DRS Zones have been added to all configs. Daytona International Speedway - Starting grid now supports up to 60 racers. Donington Park Racing Circuit - DRS Zones have been added to the Grand Prix and National configs. Indianapolis Motor Speedway - DRS Zones have been added to the Road, and Moto Grand Prix configs. Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course - DRS Zones have been added to the Full and Chicane configs. New Hampshire Motor Speedway - Fixed floating cones off of Turn 2 of the road course. Nürburgring - New track added! Take your vehicle of choice out for a spin on this legendary German road course. Now the longest and largest track in iRacing.com, the Nürburgring is sure to provide you with months of learning and improving your lap times on the multiple course configurations and give you the opportunity to put your road racing skills to the test against other players from around the world. - This track is so large that it comes in two parts: If you purchase the Grand Prix package you get access to the various configurations that use the Grand Prix course. If you purchase the Nordschleife package then you get access to the Nordschleife configurations. And if you purchase both, then you also gain access to the configurations that utilize both the Grand Prix and Nordschleife courses! - The Tourist config of the Nordschleife supports Bridge to Gantry timing. The pit speed limit applies across the whole width of the race track, you must not exit the pit speed limit area too fast or you will carry the black flag into the timed portion of the lap and not get a scored lap time. You may drive past the pits directly to start another lap, but you must slow down to pit speed to do so. Any black flags you may be carrying at the time will be cleared once you are down to pit speed before you start the next lap. - Due to the very long nature of the configurations that use the Nordschleife, it wouldn't be much fun to crash while learning the course and have to start back in your pit stall every time. To remedy this, the Nordschleife configurations have "reset stalls" placed at strategic locations around the length of the track. When you reset your car, you will be placed at the most recent reset stall you passed before you triggered the reset, so you can continue working your way around the track from there. Reset stalls are only available in Testing and Practice sessions; in all other types of events you will reset back to your pit stall as usual. When pulling out onto the track from a reset stall, we recommend that you first check to see if anyone is coming up on you at speed and letting them by, rather than pulling out directly in front of them. - Starting grid supports up to 60 racers. - DRS Zones are in all configs that use the Grand Prix circuit. Okayama International Circuit - DRS Zones have been added to the Full and Short configs. Phillip Island Circuit - DRS Zones have been added. Road America - DRS Zones have been added to the Full and Bend configs. Road Atlanta - DRS Zones have been added to the Full config. Sebring International Raceway - Starting grid now supports up to 60 racers. - DRS Zones have been added to the International and Modified configs. Silverstone Circuit - DRS Zones have been added to the Grand Prix and Historic Grand Prix configs. Sonoma Raceway - Fixed a bump along the drag strip. Southern National Motorsports Park - New track added! Hop into your favorite oval vehicle and burn some rubber on this 4/10 mile track. Located in North Carolina, Southern National Motorsports Park offers another excellent track choice for oval racers to compete for the checkered flag. - Starting grid supports up to 60 racers. Suzuka International Racing Course - DRS Zones have been added to the Grand Prix and Moto configs. Twin Ring Motegi - Fixed a bug with TV2 Set. - DRS Zones have been added to the Full and East configs. Virginia International Raceway - DRS Zones have been added to the Full, North, East, and West configs. Watkins Glen International - DRS Zones have been added to the Full, Full (No Loop), Classic, and Cup Circuit configs. Circuit Park Zandvoort - DRS Zones have been added to the Club, National, Grand Prix, and Chicane configs
  19. Il team di iRacing annuncia oggi la licenza ufficiale della nuova McLaren MP4-30, monoposto che disputerà il prossimo mondiale di Formula 1. La riproduzione virtuale del simulatore americano includerà ovviamente anche i dispositivi Kinetic Energy Recovery (KERS) e Drag Reduction System (DRS). McLaren Racing and iRacing.com today announced plans to create a digital version of the 2015 McLaren Formula One car for iRacing’s popular online motorsports game. iRacing’s version of the McLaren-Honda MP4-30, featuring virtual Kinetic Energy Recovery and Drag Reduction System, will join the McLaren MP4-12C GT3 and more than 50 other virtual race cars available on iRacing by late summer. “This is great news for iRacing and the more than 60,000 iRacers around the world,” said Steve Myers, Executive Vice President and Executive Producer at iRacing.com. “In addition to making current technology from one of Formula One’s most successful teams available to our members, this project strengthens our relationship with McLaren Racing which already includes the McLaren MP4-12C GT3 and McLaren Electronics’ Atlas Express data acquisition system.” Myers and iRacing chief executive/chief technical officer Dave Kaemmer, recently visited McLaren Racing headquarters in England to meet with Jonathan Neale, Chief Operating Officer and Steve Houghton, Head of Vehicle Dynamics at McLaren Racing for an in-depth discussion of the technical aspects of building the MP4-30 to ensure the creation of an authentic version of the car. “McLaren Racing is pleased to be working with iRacing in developing a digital version of the McLaren MP4-30,” said Neale. “This is the next logical step in what has proven to be a successful relationship between two leaders in the motorsports industry, and everyone at McLaren Racing is looking forward to seeing the McLaren MP4-30 on the virtual tracks of iRacing.” This post has been promoted to an article

    iRacing: la McLaren MP4-30 in video

    Il team di iRacing ci presenta ufficialmente in video la nuova McLaren MP4-30 di Formula 1, che sarà disponibile nel simulatore americano a partire dalla prossima build del 8 dicembre. On December 8th, drive one of the most technologically advanced cars in the world - The McLaren-Honda MP4-30. We've meticulously constructed the most accurate virtual model of the car ever made, with a fully functional ERS (Energy Recovery System) and DRS (Drag Reduction System). Experience the next generation of racing like never before.

    iRacing: McLaren MP4-30 in pista l'8/12

    A sorpresa, il team di iRacing ha appena annunciato tramite Facebook che dal prossimo 8 dicembre sarà disponibile per il simulatore americano la nuova ed attesissima McLaren MP4-30 di Formula 1 ! Nell'attesa possiamo ammirarla in questi nuovi screenshots in alta risoluzione. Just got word from McLaren this morning that the car model has been approved so Thanksgiving seemed like the perfect day to give you guys a look! The whole team has really been busting their butts getting this car ready for this build but I want to throw a little extra credit to John Hughes and Brian Simpson for working nights and weekends to get the car model ready. Happy Thanksgiving. Steve Myers
  22. Fonte. DOWNLOAD Dal forum di assettocorsa un lavoretto che sembra veramente ben fatto! E qualche immagine. e un videozzo per mostrare il movimento delle sospensioni

    Il simulatore McLaren F1

    All'interno della stanza del simulatore McLaren ci si sente come nella sala di controllo della NASA. Una fila di ingegneri analizzano dati sui loro monitor. Davanti a loro c'è il grande schermo curvo di 180 ° con una piattaforma mobile sulla quale è montata una vera scocca di McLaren F1. In questo simulatore vengono sviluppate le vetture di Formula Uno, ma anche i modelli stradali della casa inglese. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9c-gWcET6Y Gary Paffet, collaudatore: "Certo, all'interno del simulatore si ottiene un feedback molto simile a quello che si sente sulla macchina reale". Jonathan Neale aggiunge: "Quello che divide un simulatore casalingo da qualche migliaio di euro dal nostro da svariati milioni, è la progettazione ed i modelli scientifici e matematici che lavorano al suo interno. Noi vogliamo sapere cosa sta succedendo nella zona di contatto del pneumatico con l'asfalto, quali sono le forze in gioco, affinare le caratteristiche del motore, in quanto influenzano il carico aerodinamico. Vogliamo conoscere dove l'effetto suolo è in funzione quando la vetture si trova in sterzata, rollio e imbardata ". "Abbiamo lavorato", continua Neale, "migliaia di ore su modelli di software, matrici di pneumatici, modalità del motore, al fine di dare al pilota il miglior feeling sulla macchina". Chris Goodwin, capo collaudatore, ammette che il simulatore è stato parte insostituibile ed essenziale dei loro progetti, che ha anche aiutato la divisione stradale della McLaren ad integrare moltissime conoscenze in produzione. Il simulatore Mclaren utilizza il software ATLAS per la telemetria, che è lo stesso usato anche dalla Red Bull. ATLAS è un pacchetto software che viene utilizzato per ottenere, visualizzare e analizzare i dati provenienti da sistemi di controllo come quelli utilizzati nei motori e applicazioni automotive. Recentemente, appena prima del Gran Premio di Gran Bretagna a Silverstone, Fernando Alonso ha condiviso un video sul suo canale Youtube dove mostra se stesso proprio alla guida del simulatore Mclaren. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmzSdtfIu-E [Fonte F1simulatormaniac]

    AC: McLaren MP4-13 by Virtua Simulazioni

    Fra i tanti mods disponibili per Assetto Corsa, vi segnalo oggi il rilascio da parte del team Virtua Simulazioni della mitica e splendida McLaren MP4-13 della stagione 1998, che fu portata in pista da Mika Häkkinen e David Coulthard. Virtua Simulazioni is proudly releasing the McLaren MP4-13. The car is reproduced accurately, with fine details allowing you to have a perfect immersive experience. It includes both of the authentic liveries used during the F1 1998 season, driven by Mika Häkkinen and David Coulthard, along with the orange liveries used during the preseason tests. Additional content also includes a special historic McLaren’s livery, with slick tyres, and an official Virtua Simulazioni skin.
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