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    Amici Steam

    Con il rilascio della versione 0.6.5 di Assetto Corsa è stata introdotta un'app per confrontare i propri tempi con quelli degli amici che si hanno su Steam. Per poter aggiungere una persona tra gli amici, seguite questa semplice procedura: recatevi sul sito ufficiale di Steam ed effettuate il login in alto a destra: cliccate su Accedi, accanto ad Installa Steam effettuato il login tornerete alla homepage: la scritta Accedi è ora stata sostituita da Account di vostronome. Cliccateci sopra e scegliete Mostra profilo copiate il link di quella pagina qui sul forum Nel mio caso il link sarà questo: http://steamcommunity.com/id/uffolo/ Poi avviate Steam e cliccate su Visualizza lista amici, in basso a destra cliccate su Aggiungi un amico copiate il link della persona che volete aggiungere nella schermata che vi si aprirà, quindi premete Cerca cliccate su Aggiungi come amico nel profilo che vi verrà mostrato cliccate nuovamente su Aggiungi come amico nella pagina della persona Gruppo ufficiale DrivingItalia Alfatester Alfo1977 amoredipipa biancazzurro bladerubber2308 byfede cacini caiubbo84 cry74 delpinsky Dindex effemau enzocarbone fastfreddy74 gaz41 Giando74 gianhwu gianlucchino Giozilla glass141 GMartinoLo52 Gushansen ilgona Jarno20 lillo73_46 Luca Mosca kitcarson81 lupilupi Mambro Racing Manu15_Matto Marco Erc Markantony matty46 maurovr Maverikk71 merlino msy ORPIERELLO pallazio Pax77 peppotex pieroblues pilistation pirci Playmax69 possi75 PriX79 ratinacage RobbieRamone robman85 rpk67u Ryo9231 sagara79 salentino Save sniperwave speedpn Stuka tarros TasLock tolpi87 Tommy7616 TurboGigi69 Uff Gruppo ufficiale DrivingItalia
  2. iRacing Companion App The official iRacing mobile app for scheduling & statistics. Stay connected with your favorite racing sim on the go! Get it for free on iOS and Android today! https://www.iracing.com/iracing-companion-app/ Official Schedule Explore all of our official series in a convenient week-by-week schedule. Favorite any series for quick access! Upcoming Races Have a clear overview of all upcoming races on iRacing. Add reminders for any race and add races to your favorites. Reminders Add reminders for leagues and official series. The app will notify you before the race starts!
  3. Peter Boese ha rilasciato per Assetto Corsa la nuova versione aggiornata 2.2.6 della sua applicazione denominata SOL, ovvero un completo update agli shader del gioco, basato sulla precedente patch creata da Ilja Usupov, che implementa un sistema completo di simulazione del meteo e del ciclo giorno e notte. Leggete con attenzione la nuova e completa guida all'installazione aggiornata per l'ultima release. Consigliamo anche l'installazione dei Natural Mod Filter disponibili a questo link. Per il download del file fate click qui, mentre per commenti e discussioni fate riferimento a questo topic del forum.
  4. Oggi vi segnaliamo due app assolutamente da non perdere per Assetto Corsa, particolarmente indicate per i piloti principianti, ma molto utili anche per tutti gli altri. La prima è denominata Brake Trainer, come si intuisce dal nome, ci insegna il corretto punto di staccata, come potete vedere dal video, con dei segnali audio e luminosi che ci danno persino il tempo della corretta frenata al limite. Giro dopo giro Brake Trainer ha la possibilità di registrare, in modo da "imparare" i nostri miglioramenti e quindi fornirci punti di staccati sempre più al limite! La seconda app è Live Telemetry, molto intuitiva e semplice da capire quanto potente ed efficace: come si vede dal video, ci mostra ai 4 angoli dello schermo le informazioni riguardanti l'escursione delle sospensioni, i giri motore, la pressione delle gomme (psi), il camber e molto altro.
  5. Il vostro simulatore preferito è Assetto Corsa ma, dopo tanto tempo che girate, vi siete stufati delle solite Apps di base presenti nella barra laterale destra che si visualizza al passaggio del mouse? Volete qualche applicazione compatta che racchiuda il minimo indispensabile per andare all’attacco dei vostri record sul giro? Oppure qualcosa che vi metta a disposizione le informazioni più importanti quando siete impegnati in una gara? Allora in questo articolo troverete pane per i vostri denti! Abbiamo infatti raccolto le migliori App di terze parti mai prodotte per questo simulatore, che vi garantiranno un’esperienza in pista completamente nuova. Volete sapere quali sono? Continuate a leggere! APP PER ASSETTO CORSA: SIDEKICK Iniziamo con un’App compatta ed essenziale che tutti i piloti di Assetto Corsa dovrebbero usare: si chiama Sidekick e fornisce tutte le informazioni realmente necessarie, prevenendo qualsiasi distrazione alla guida viste le sue dimensioni estremamente ridotte. Realizzata a sviluppo orizzontale, presenta la marcia innestata, la velocità, il tempo sul giro attuale, il delta rispetto al proprio miglior tempo, i giri effettuati e la posizione in gara, i litri di carburante rimasti nel serbatoio, la temperatura delle quattro gomme, l’utilizzo dei pedali e dell’eventuale DRS. APP PER ASSETTO CORSA: PIT BOARD Se siete dei piloti che non amano distrarsi quando stanno guidando, men che meno quando si trovano nella bagarre di una gara, avere uno schermo pieno di applicazioni può risultare molto, molto fastidioso. Troppe informazioni, poca concentrazione. Ecco perché è stata inventata l’app Pit Board: avete presente le tabelle di segnalazione che vengono esposte a ogni passaggio sul traguardo? Ecco, questa applicazione fa esattamente la stessa cosa: quando passerete sulla “finish line”, ogni giro vi indicherà gli unici dati di cui avete bisogno, per esempio la vostra posizione, il giro che avete appena concluso e il gap che vi divide dai vostri avversari. APP PER ASSETTO CORSA: HELICORSA Siete propensi a contatti involontari durante le vostre gare? Allora l’app Helicorsa è pronta per arrivare in vostro aiuto: si tratta di un “radar” che presenta l’attuale posizione degli avversari intorno a voi e che si illumina in maniera abbastanza vistosa tanto più vi avvicinate ad essi. La tracciatura di quanto accade attorno alla vostra vettura avviene a 360° e in ogni direzione nel campo di qualche metro. Le "toccatine" hanno i giorni contati! APP PER ASSETTO CORSA: 3D MAP Come Helicorsa… o forse meglio! Se un radar di rilevazione non è sufficiente, allora una mappa tridimensionale per vedere dove sono precisamente i vostri avversari è quello che state cercando. Ecco, quindi, l’app 3D Map, che rappresenta nei dettagli il layout del vostro circuito preferito indicando ogni possibile pericolo nelle vicinanze. A tutto vantaggio della salute mentale del vostro team manager… APP PER ASSETTO CORSA: PTRACKER Per chi è solito gareggiare online, avere a disposizione un’applicazione che fornisca tutta una serie di informazioni relative al proprio status e a quello dei propri avversari è sicuramente una necessità. Ecco allora che entra in gioco pTracker: si tratta di un’App ampiamente personalizzabile e capace di visualizzare non solo i tempi con i relativi delta all’interno della tradizionale classifica da chi è al comando a chi ricopre l’ultima posizione, ma anche la situazione delle gomme, il numero di giri e tanto altro. In una parola? Indispensabile. APP PER ASSETTO CORSA: CREW CHIEF Alzi la mano chi ha sempre voluto girare in pista con il proprio simulatore preferito sostenuto dal proprio ingegnere di pista! Bene, da oggi questo sogno può diventare realtà, grazie all’applicazione Crew Chief! Si tratta a tutti gli effetti di un ingegnere virtuale che analizzerà la vostra situazione in pista e vi darà preziose indicazioni sui vostri avversari, sul degrado delle gomme, sul consumo di carburante e tanto altro. Geniale! APP PER ASSETTO CORSA: MULTILAPS Volete avere uno sguardo generale sul vostro “race pace” ma non sapete come visualizzarlo a schermo? Allora l’applicazione Multilaps vi può dare una mano: non solo vi fornirà il tempo preciso degli ultimi giri che avete effettuato, ma vi può anticipare anche il passo medio che state tenendo, in modo da capire se dovete accelerare oppure ridurre la vostra andatura. APP PER ASSETTO CORSA: PRO TYRES Se l’app di base sulle gomme fornita da Assetto Corsa non è sufficiente, ecco a voi proTyres! Si tratta di un’applicazione più curata, che fornisce non solo la temperatura di ogni singolo pneumatico (nel suo core, nella parte interna e in quella esterna), ma anche la loro attuale pressione di gonfiaggio, così come la variazione di pressione nei confronti di quella a freddo. Un’ottima alternativa! APP PER ASSETTO CORSA: REAL PENALTY Se siete dei piloti, dovete conoscere il significato di ogni singola bandiera in pista. Vero? Quindi, se viene esposta quella gialla in un determinato settore dovete limitare la vostra velocità e non dovete sorpassare, mentre se vi viene data quella bianco-nera divisa diametralmente… vuol dire che avete preso una penalità! Ecco, l’app Real Penalty vi può aiutare proprio in questo: a ricordarvi di tornare ai box (o in pitlane) a scontare i vostri peccati. Altrimenti la bandiera nera è pronta a concludere anzitempo le vostre peripezie tra i cordoli… APP PER ASSETTO CORSA: FUEL USAGE Se amate le corse di durata, sapete benissimo che il consumo di carburante rappresenta un fattore fondamentale da tenere a mente per la strategia finale, nell’ottica di ottenere un buon piazzamento e, possibilmente, salire sul gradino più alto del podio. In questo senso l’app Fuel Usage vi può dare delle indicazioni davvero importanti, tra cui proprio il consumo medio a seconda del vostro stile di guida. Per evitare di arrivare sotto la bandiera a scacchi con il motore spento… APP PER ASSETTO CORSA: THE SETUP MARKET Quante volte avete sognato di trovare velocemente il setup più veloce (e consistente) possibile per la vostra vettura, senza dover passare ore e ore a provare ogni singola modifica in pista… Bene, questo sogno è pronto a diventare realtà, grazie all’app realizzata dal noto sito The Setup Market. Vi basterà installarla, scendere in pista e attivarla: subito vi darà l’assetto più rapido per godervi al meglio il vostro circuito preferito. Più semplice di così! Se invece volete approfondire ogni singolo aspetto del setup di una vettura da competizione, date un'occhiata alla nostra guida completa a questo indirizzo, che racchiude tutte le puntate da noi realizzate. APP PER ASSETTO CORSA: RSR LIVE TIMING Per tutti coloro che, invece, vogliono sfidare i migliori piloti del mondo a suon di giri veloci, il team Radiator Springs ha creato un’applicazione davvero interessante: si chiama RSRLiveTime e raccoglie tutti gli hotlap percorsi su una data pista, stilando la relativa classifica che, poi, viene proposta sul loro sito ufficiale. Qui è possibile vedere anche il tempo di ogni singolo settore, gli aiuti eventualmente utilizzati… e addirittura il volante impiegato! APP PER ASSETTO CORSA: SIM RACING SYSTEM Avete presente il multiplayer di iRacing, con tanto di iRating che identifica la correttezza in pista di un dato pilota? Ecco, tutto questo esiste anche su Assetto Corsa. Si chiama Sim Racing System ed è un’utility che organizza gare online in serie differenti, con combo di particolari vetture su determinati circuiti. Alcune di queste competizioni si disputano ogni ora, altre in maniera meno frequente come un vero e proprio Campionato. Inoltre, le prestazioni di ciascun pilota che partecipa sono tenute frequentemente sott’occhio, evidenziando i risultati e i punti da lui conquistati così come il “safety rateo” che lo farà correre con simdrivers del suo stesso livello. Da provare! APP PER ASSETTO CORSA: ACTI TELEMETRY Ne abbiamo parlato approfonditamente nella nostra speciale guida a puntate, ma vale la pena riprenderla in considerazione. Per tutti gli appassionati di grafici, setup, prestazioni e tempi, su Assetto Corsa è possibile installare un’app speciale che acquisisce i dati fondamentali della telemetria, i quali poi si possono studiare attraverso un software dedicato come il MoTeC. Si chiama Assetto Corsa Telemetry Interface e… bè, non vi vogliamo rovinare la sorpresa, per cui continuate a leggere la nostra guida! APP PER ASSETTO CORSA: CLIPPING TOOL Chi si avvicina per la prima ad Assetto Corsa avrà notato che l’app di base dei pedali propone quattro barre: frizione, freno, acceleratore… e? Cosa rappresenta l’ultima barra verticale sulla destra? Si tratta di un indicatore che fornisce il livello di intervento del force feedback del vostro volante: il rettangolo grigio da cui è formato può riempirsi completamente, virando su una tinta rossa che diventa viva e animata quando l'azione in pista è particolarmente frenetica. Ciò vuol dire che il ritorno di forza generato dal vostro volante è troppo elevato e non riesce a fornire le giuste sensazioni: una situazione che è meglio visibile attraverso la FFB Clipping Tool App, con la quale, poi, è possibile migliorare i valori del force feedback impiegando il LUT Generator. Si tratta di un’operazione che a parole può risultare complicata, ma che in realtà è molto semplice da eseguire e vi permetterà di sfruttare appieno il potenziale del vostro volante evitando che vada in “clipping”. Prossimamente sarà nostra cura redarre una guida dettaglia in merito!
  6. Fonte stracker and ptracker stracker and ptracker are apps for the race simulator Assetto Corsa. stracker is the server-side portion and ptracker is for the client side (i.e., it runs in the game). Both apps aim to improve your online experience. It is not required to always have both instances running - stracker can be used without all drivers using ptracker and vice versa. However, you get the best experience when both are running. ptracker Main Window The client app provides a window in the game with 3 sections: The hotlap section, the leaderboard section and the message section. Each section is highly customizable, you decide about the information displayed on your screen. The hotlap section shows information about the current lap. The hotlap line is shown here in its default configuration: Live delta / lap time / pit time display Lap validness display (green: lap valid, red: lap invalid) Split delta Sector delta Connection status (gray: not connected, green: stracker connection established, yellow: setup available for download) Session progress (qualification/practice: time left, race: <current lap>/<number of laps>) Fuel indicator (gray: fuel for more than 3 laps left, yellow: fuel for 1 to 3 laps left, blinking: less than 1 lap left) Fuel prediction (number of laps left). ('-' if no fuel prediction is available) The leaderboard section shows the current leaderboard with current rank, car badge, tyre, name, relative deltas, best lap times and more. The message section shows chat messages and messages from ptracker and stracker, such as personal best lap times, server best lap times, players entering and leaving the server, etc. The message section can be detached from the other two sections, so that you can place it independently on your screen. Chat functionality ptracker has a chat feature built in accessable with hot keys. You can open a chat editor by pressing Alt+T (of course you can change the keys in the configuration dialog). There are 9 predefined messages mapped to the number pad keys 1 to 9 (NumLock has to be enabled): 7 hi 8 thank you! 9 bye 4 good race 5 good pass 6 sorry 1 2 3 Dialogs Additionally, there is a dialog with more detailed information and customization. You activate this by either double clicking on the hotlap section or by a single click on the connection icon. The dialog can be closed by clicking on the icon in the top left. The dialog has the following sections: The Lap Stats section shows information about the best laps achieved. The information is either gathered from a database on the client machine, or (if available) from stracker. The information source is indicated in the lower right. You can set various filters in this dialog. You can click on a lap to get more detailed information. You can navigate through the ranking with the buttons on the lower screen (go to top, one page up, go to my rank, one page down, go to bottom). Similarly, the Session Stats section shows information about recent sessions. The Config section is the central place to configure the behaviour of ptracker. You have loads of possibilities to change the behaviour. The Setups/Players section provides an interface to share setups in various ways. This functionality is limited for servers running stracker. Server admins may also use this page for kicking bad drivers. The Database section provides an interface for controlling the local database. Performance During the development of ptracker, a lot of effort has been spent to make it as efficient as possible and to keep the in-game FPS as high as possible. This is the reason why ptracker is split up into two parts, a normal python app running in the Assetto Corsa game and an exe file which is automatically started from the python app. stracker The server-side app automatically stores all laps, sessions and drivers in a database on the server. It can provide web pages with interesting information for access with a browser. See the NEYS AC server statistics for an example. HTML Output The HTML output of stracker features the following items: Lap Times. Ranking of a track/car combination with various filters (accessable by the '+' button). You can click on any lap to get more detailed information. Sessions. History of sessions. You can click on any session to get the leaderboard information. Furthermore, clicking on a driver in the leaderboard provides you with the laps of the driver, and of course you can get the details for all the laps. Drivers. List of all drivers seen on the server. Championships. Championship ranking (for leagues). Statistics. Server statistics. Live Map. Live view of current server activity. Admin Area. Admins can access this area for performing a number of tasks: Manual lap invalidation, e.g., when there were cheaters online. Driver management (adding to banlists, etc.) Championship management. Group management. General administration. Multiserver support A lot of communities offer multiple AC servers. stracker supports these setups with flexible configuration options. You choose if you wish to keep all servers in one database, or have a seperate DB for each one. Database backends There are two database backends supported: sqlite and postgresql. While sqlite has its strengths in its ease of use, the postgresql database is a natural choice for larger setups. You can switch between these database backends at any time. DOWNLOAD http://n-e-y-s.de/download

    Real Head Motion by magicfr 0.8.0

    What this Apps is doing Biological facts The feel of equilibrium, acceleration, gravity, and so bumps are not feel by the eye but with the inner hear. Wich is made of liquid and crystals in circular tunnels. When the inner hear feels bumps and head motion, it instinctly moves your eyes to soften/filter/remove those bumps. 2 experiences to demonstrate that. 1) when put somebody on a chair, in complete dark, you film his eyes with an infrared caemras, you turn the chair, is eyes will roll too, even if he see nothing 2) this one you can do it yourself, looks at in front of you, at your screen, now shake your head, the vision will not move. When there is conflicting information from inner hear and eye, you feel strange, it's difficult to focus on the road, and you can have nausea. What happens in a car When you are driving, you are looking the road, and all the bumps are filter/corrected by your inner hear, so the viewing of the track is smooth and it's the car cockpit that moving around you. What happens in a Sim Because you are sitting and a standing chair/seat, you head is not moving at all, so the inner ear is not working, the eye don't correct the bumps. That's make 2 issues : 1) you can't focus on the road, the road is shaking and not smooth, it's difficult to drive 2) you can get nausea because you have conflicting information from eyes and inner hear. How it should be in a Sim The camera should stayed focus on the track and not locked to car cockpit,that's what my App is doing by filtering bumps and slopes. ***************** Download **************** You can download there : https://sites.google.com/site/midid...otion-plugin/realheadmotion-for-assetto-corsa Installation You must download and install FreePIE FreePIE. from link in bottom of page for the main RHM site (link above ) , it contain Console version compiled by "MMS" from Assetto Corsa forum, thanks to him. Don't forget to uninstall older version of FreePIE. Real Head motion is now compiled with Visual Studio 2013, you may need to install the according C++ Redistributable, you can download them here : http://www.microsoft.com/fr-fr/download/details.aspx?id=40784 Install only if you get DLL errors when running the program. Download lateset RealHeadMotion zip archive from link in bottom of page ( click the down arrow ) Unzip archive in a folder where you want, the folder must NOT be read only, or it will not able to save the save file. Then you start RealHeadMotion.exe program Then you must configure FreePIE console and script location, use the [...] to browse. FreePIE location : click [...] and browse for FreePIE.Console.exe file, should be in C:\Program Files (x86)\FreePIE\ from default install , NOT FreePIE.exe Script Location : click [...] and browse for ACRealHeadMotion.py where you unziped Real Head Motion. *** IMPORTANT *** Don't put any RealHeadMotion file in C:\Program Files, or any System directory, because of windows security FreePIE will be not able to run the script, and RHM will be not able to save settings. You can put in directory like C:\Games\RHM_AC, or any other dir/drive. Once both are set, FreePIE should be run automatically. You can check that with opening the Debug Windows. When Assetto corsa is running it will be writen in the Debug Info text, with car and track name. The program simulate inner ear bumps filtration. You can tune the filtration using sliders. Settings are automatically saved in RealHeadMotionSettings.xml when exiting. Refresh rate configuration You must edit RealHeadMotionSettings.xml when the program is not running edit line Code: <RefreshRate Val="100"/> Valid values are between 1fps and 1000fps Legend Pitch/Roll filter : the amount of vibration/bump filtering, the more to the right, the more the head/eyes will remain stable Pitch/Roll Min Angle : the angle when the head start to catchup the car orientation, before that it stay lock to world horizon. Steering Look Ahead LR Slider: parameter to have a look left/right when turning wheel left/right the bigger, the more angle it will look left/right. Steering Look Ahead LR Min Max : range of wheel steering ( 0 to 1 ) to start,stop the Steering Yaw. Example, min 0.25, max 0.75, it will start turn head when steering >025 and it will reach maximum head yaw, when steering reach 0.75 Steering Look Ahead Roll : same but for roll ( lean left right ) when turing steering wheel Steer Smoothing : Filtering value for Steering input , to smooth the look ahead motion. *** Edit Box for Min Max values *** Value must be validate with ENTER, background will turn red if value is not validated, if value is not validated it will not be saved to XML file. Binding Action : *** Before Binding, you must Calibrate Devices 1 time when you lanch RHM App *** Big button : click to bind a button,key or axis. Smoothing slider : To smooth the input Dead zone slider: Add a deadzone to input Val : current real time value ( take account of smoothing and deadzone ) Angle Settings Look Left Right Angle : Amount of angle when looking left right Look Shoulder Angle : Amount of angle when looking above shoulder left right Look Up Down Angle : Amount of angle when looking up and down Pitch Offset : Static pitch offset. Look over shoulder "simulation" If you don't bind the look over shoulder button, you can still simulate it, for that you have to presse Look Left then Look Right while still holding Look Left, it will do a Look over Left shoulder. If you press first Look Right, it will do a Look over right shoulder In Assetto Corsa Uncheck "Lock onboard camera to horizon" Limitations / Known Issues RHM seems to run correctly but it is not working in game. RHM uses FreePIE and use the trackIR emulation to move camera onboard, so it will not work with other devices that move the head ( TrackIR, Occulus Rift ) Glance left/right look behind don't work anymore even when not running RHM app. Assetto Corsa detect a trackIR with FreePIE, glance left/right and look behind don't work anymore with the in game binding. Workaround : Bind your key directly in Real Head Motion software. If you want to use the in game binding you must uninstall FreePIE, until Kunos add a feature to disactivate TrackIR detection in game. Versions 0.8.0 : Update to new shared memory 0.22 0.7.9 : choose refresh rate in XML settings 0.7.8 : all slider have an edit box, select slider with Left button , then right click on slider, Enter to valid. 0.7.7 : - All edit box are now editable, when edited background turn red until validated with ENTER. - Fix Steering Smoohting maths. 0.7.6 - added max shoulder angle to 180° - potential fix to flickering - fixed shoulder simulation activating with high smoothing for look LR - Apps running at 100fps 0.7.5 - encapsuling FreePIE path and script path with quotes ( " ) to deal with patch with space or special char in it. 0.7.4 - Direct Input and binding look button are back - added look shoulder left/right - added pitch offset 0.7.3 - Edit box goes Red when not validated ( press ENTER ) 0.7.0 - Recode from scratch,because I don't have access to my source code stored in other PC that is gone to support for reparation. 0.6.7 - add Roll to steer Yaw 0.6.6 - add start minimized check box - version automatic print in title 0.6.5 - Now check in Windows process if FreePIE console is really running - Add Restart button, to kill and restart FreePIE - If checkbox ShowDebugInfo is checked, it will run FreePIE console not hided 0.6.4 - Fixed application closing when binding look Right - Added now DPad is working to bind button 0.6.3 - Add pitch offset 0.6.2 - Add more error info if can't running FreePIE - Removed Exit button, and use system menu instead with minimize and close button. 0.6.1 -Now save file is XML so support for versionning without loosing settings - Steering Yaw max angle set to 45° from 30° 0.6 - Integration of FreePIE console version 0.5.5 - Fixed saving slider position - Added axis look deadzone slider - Added Steering Yaw feature 0.5.4 -Adding look back button ( = LookLeft + lookRight = Look above Left Shoulder ) - fixed moving filter slider didn't take effect until relaunching app, now working realtime - added sliders to choose look angle ( 30° to 90° ) and Look above shoulder ( 120° to 160° ) - adding file versioning of save file, no need to delete save file with new version ( but still can't load older version ) 0.5.3 Pushing Button left then button right in same time, looks behind to the left ( 160° ), and vice-versa 0.5.2 Check box to print debug info or not, debug info take quite some CPU ( 5% on I5 ) 0.5.1 release, fix binding going +INF with buttons 0.5: - fix black screens - fixsound loss - fixsevere shacking with high AC fps - fixphantom bindings 0.4.2 : now run at 200fps, fix binding action init default value 0.4.1 : fix shacking , optimize script and code for better refresh method 0.4 : fix loading save crashes when not all buttons binded 0.3 : added saving settings on exit 0.2 : added directInput support and look buttons. 0.1 : only filterting fonte AC forum
  8. E' disponibile gratuitamente la nuova applicazione ufficiale del Driving Simulation Center per dispositivi mobili, smartphone e tablet, basati su sistemi Android ed Apple. La DSC APP è il modo più semplice ed immediato per entrare in contatto con il fantastico mondo della simulazione di guida, anche comodamente in mobilità. Nella DSC APP trovate tante informazioni, tutte le ultime notizie aggiornate e persino due divertentissimi racing games gratuiti denominati Racing Cars e Turbotastic, che nelle prossime settimane vi permetteranno persino di vincere tanti sconti, bonus e persino premi, semplicemente giocandoli ed ottenendo determinati risultati (quindi allenatevi!). Inoltre la DSC APP integra un sistema completo ed interamente automatizzato per effettuare le vostre prenotazioni, di uno o più simulatori di guida, presso il vostro Driving Simulation Center di riferimento: non dovete fare altro che accedere alla sezione "Prenotazioni" dell'app e, inserendo un vostro indirizzo di posta elettronica ed una password, creare rapidamente il vostro profilo utente e prenotare nel giorno ed orario preferiti, in modo da evitare attese, avere il posto riservato e persino organizzarvi con i vostri amici A tutte le prenotazioni effettuate tramite la DSC APP regaliamo un turno extra gratuito sul simulatore di guida! Quindi approfittate subito della grande comodità, e non lasciatevi scappare il regalo Cercate la DSC APP nell'Apple Store, oppure scaricatela per tutti i dispositivi APPLE direttamente. Cercate la DSC APP nel Google Play Store, oppure scaricatela per tutti i dispositivi ANDROID direttamente.
  9. E' disponibile gratuitamente la nuova applicazione ufficiale del Driving Simulation Center per dispositivi mobili, smartphone e tablet, basati su sistemi Android ed Apple. La DSC APP è il modo più semplice ed immediato per entrare in contatto con il fantastico mondo della simulazione di guida, anche comodamente in mobilità. Nella DSC APP trovate tante informazioni, tutte le ultime notizie aggiornate e persino due divertentissimi racing games gratuiti denominati Racing Cars e Turbotastic, che nelle prossime settimane vi permetteranno persino di vincere tanti sconti, bonus e persino premi, semplicemente giocandoli ed ottenendo determinati risultati (quindi allenatevi!). Inoltre la DSC APP integra un sistema completo ed interamente automatizzato per effettuare le vostre prenotazioni, di uno o più simulatori di guida, presso il vostro Driving Simulation Center di riferimento: non dovete fare altro che accedere alla sezione "Prenotazioni" dell'app e, inserendo un vostro indirizzo di posta elettronica ed una password, creare rapidamente il vostro profilo utente e prenotare nel giorno ed orario preferiti, in modo da evitare attese, avere il posto riservato e persino organizzarvi con i vostri amici A tutte le prenotazioni effettuate tramite la DSC APP regaliamo un turno extra gratuito sul simulatore di guida! Quindi approfittate subito della grande comodità, e non lasciatevi scappare il regalo Cercate la DSC APP nell'Apple Store, oppure scaricatela per tutti i dispositivi APPLE direttamente. Cercate la DSC APP nel Google Play Store, oppure scaricatela per tutti i dispositivi ANDROID direttamente.
  10. E' disponibile su Google Play la nuova DrivingItalia.NET web APP, una comoda applicazione per avere a portata di click, sul vostro smartphone o tablet Android, l'intero portale di DrivingItalia con tutte le sue funzioni. Buona navigazione. Per commenti e domande fate riferimento a questo topic del forum. --> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobincube.drivingitalianet.sc_DLVRDT

    Rivali Tempo by softgrip v4.8

    PLEASE SET YOUR NAME IN AC TO BE STANDARD ENGLISH CHARACTERS (for the moment). Race the World, Country or Steam Friends and Steam Groups Browse your Steam friends online - if they are using < v4, you will need to view their profile manually at least once. Compare performance deltas Combined with Rivali GUI - this is a great combination. Launch the car/track combo directly from the leaderboard. Download Rivali Tempo and GUI from the Rivali Apps page here - http://rivalitempo-softgrip.rhcloud.com/apps 2015-03-17 Updated to use circuit layouts (configurations) 2014-08-30 Updated for shared memory in 0.22.4 This version needs to be extracted into your Assetto Corsa directory. The Rivali Suite in action CHECK LEADERBOARDS ONLINE Installation Unrar Rivali Tempo into Code: SteamApps/common/assettocorsa/ Select Rivali Tempo from the right hand menu. PLEASE DELETE THE OLD VERSION FIRST! GET THE LATEST VERSION Current features View your times and disqus them, cars and tracks online. http://rivalitempo-softgrip.rhcloud.com Re-sizable interface. Leaderboard - top 3 + next fastest and next slowest. Steam friends leaderboard. You and your friends will have to be running version 3 or greater, and have completed a lap. Check steam friends online. Assists used for the lap. Will be coming back soon. Control type. As above. Splits and diffs. Current lap. I will consider suggestions - if they are awesome. Instructions Unrar the file here SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\
  12. ACTI is a standalone client that together with an in-game app allows live access to and recording of Assetto Corsa telemetry data. Some of its key features are: Record telemetry data in Motec i2 compatible log files (i2 v1.0.21.30 currently supported). View live telemetry data in user-configurable workspaces. Remote telemetry access (recording / viewing live data from a friend / teammate located anywhere in the world while they are on track). Easy in-game control over telemetry acquisition. The complete ACTI tool package can be found here (mod edited). Included in the package are: The acti client. The in-game acti trigger control app. Motec i2 installer. Sample Motec i2 Project based on the data channels currently available from Assetto Corsa. v1.1.2: (released during Assetto Corsa v1.16.1) - added new data channels (i.e. extra KERS settings / parameters, brake & tire tread temps and a few other misc channels) - updated sample Motec i2 project to display the new data channels - updated sample ACTI Live Telem workspace to display the new data channels download http://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/acti-assetto-corsa-telemetry-interface.3948/ fonte AC forum

    Le migliori apps per Assetto Corsa

    Come sanno bene gli appassionati di Assetto Corsa, grazie all'implementazione delle cosidette "apps" (ovvero "applicazioni"), il simulatore targato Kunos Simulazioni è in grado di offrire numerose e varie opportunità, che spaziano da preziose informazioni tecniche sul veicolo, alla situazione in pista. Con il video di Gamermuscle, andiamo quindi a scoprire quali sono le app assolutamente da non perdere per Assetto Corsa, aggiungendone anche qualcuna noi, che reputiamo decisamente utile. Sidekick creata da Topuz, con tutte le preziose informazioni dalla telemetria Heli Corsa un comodissimo radar che ci segnala le vetture vicine a noi Simracing System un dettagliato e complesso sistema integrato per gare e tornei online The Setup Market un completo e comodo database per gli assetti di varie auto e circuiti RSR Live Timing l'imperdibile sezione per i giri veloci creata dal team Radiator Springs utility pTracker - sTracker che registra e verifica i nostri giri online Force Feedback anti clipping tool per regolare al meglio il feedback del nostro volante ProTyres per avere informazioni più dettagliate sulle gomme
  14. ITA: Di seguito la lista completa dei mod, delle piste e delle app rilasciate con i link alle relative discussioni sul forum. Ciascuna entry ha indicato l'autore, così da facilitarne la ricerca. Se (ad esempio) state cercando i lavori dei Radiator Springs Racing, premete Ctrl + F sulla tastiera e scrivete il nome del team: potrete così navigare tra tutti i loro rilasci grazie al tasto F3. TOP significa che è un mod che ci sentiamo di consigliare data la sua alta qualità. Hai bisogno di aiuto per inserire il tuo file? Contatta Alessandro Pollini ASSETTO CORSA Download Area by DrivingItalia.net ENG: You can find down below a full list of released mods, tracks and apps with links to their respective threads. Each entry has the author's name specified, so that it will be easier to look for its contents. If (e.g.) you are looking for Radiator Springs Racing's works, press Ctrl + F on your keyboard and write the team's name: you'll be able to surf among all their releases by pressing the F3 button. TOP means that we suggest this mod due to its high quality. Need help to upload your file? Contact Alessandro Pollini ASSETTO CORSA Download Area by DrivingItalia.net Tracciati - Tracks Mod - Mods Apps
  15. App to display tyre temperatures and pressures automatically adapting colors to optimal temperature range for most builtin cars. Current version: 1.6.2 -> tyre_temp-1.6.2.zip FAQ: If you have questions about the nature of the values displayed by this app or how the tyre physics works in general, please read the thread http://www.assettocorsa.net/forum/index.php?threads/tyre-temperatures-and-wear.2723/ before posting here. Most questions have already been discussed there. How to configure the app for custom temperature ranges Since version 1.6.0, the app can be configured to display custom temperature ranges for specific cars / car classes. Therefore you will need the files <assetto_corsa_install_dir>/apps/python/tyre_temp/tyre_temp.ini <your documents>/Assetto Corsa/logs/py_log.txt A) Set the class of an unknown car If the app displays the tyre "unknown" for a given car, it might be enough to set the class of the car. Therefore, open tyre_temp.ini and search for the section CLASSMAP: [CLASSMAP] ; Set the class of a specific car (as listed in content/cars). Known classes are GT2, GT3, EXOS125, F1_1986, F1_1970, F1_1967, FAB. You can also create new classes here. ks_corvette_c7r = GT2 ; Set the class of a specific car (as listed in content/cars). Known classes are GT2, GT3, EXOS125, F1_1986, F1_1970, F1_1967, FAB. You can also create new classes here. ks_nissan_gtr_gt3 = GT3 To add a car to an existing class, add a key/value pair just like in the above example. The key must match the directory name of the car under <assetto_corsa_install_dir>/content/cars (use small letters!). Set or override the temperature mapping of a given car / tyre combo This can be done by following this step-by-step guide: Start the game with the car selected. Choose the tyre you want to configure, click on drive and exit the game again. Open py_log.txt with a text editor (e.g., notepad) Search for a line like tyre_temp.py[iNFO ]: Temperature mapping found: car name 'bmw_m3_gt2', class/tyre name 'GT2 Slick Soft' or tyre_temp.py[iNFO ]: Car name 'bmw_m3_gt2', class/tyre name 'GT2 Slick Soft' The interesting part here is the "GT2 Slick Soft". The first part of this name is the class the car is currently mapped to (here GT2), or STD, if no specific mapping is used. The second part "Slick Soft" is the name of the selected tyre. To add a temperature mapping for this tyre, add the following lines to the section [TYREMAP_OVERRIDES] in tyre_temp.ini: tyre_2_class = GT2 tyre_2_tyre_name = Slick Soft tyre_2_display_name = myGT2Softs tyre_2_opt_temp_max = 50 tyre_2_opt_temp_min = 20 Note that the mappings must have indices starting from 0. In my case I already had two other mappings tyre_0_... and tyre_1_..., therefore I have used the tyre_2_... prefix for the mapping. tyre_2_class must be set to the class reported in the .ini file. tyre_2_tyre_name must be set to the tyre name reported in the .ini file. tyre_2_display_name must be set to a unique name used for displaying the tyre in the app (It must be different to any other tyre name!). min and max temperature are defining the optimum temperature range. To verify that everything works, save the .ini file, restart the game and check if the temperature mapping is used as expected. If it is not used, inspect the py_log.txt file for errors and warnings and try to correct them. You should see a line tyre_temp.py[iNFO ]: Registering temperature overrides (20-50) for tyre 'Slick Soft' of class 'GT2' displayed as 'myGT2Softs' matching your customization Hint: If you rename the .ini file to another file name, the app will regenerate a new ini file with default settings. Changes in 1.6.0: Looks like there are no updates from KUNOS regarding the optimum temperature ranges of newly added tyres (the thread hasn't been updated since adding La Ferrari). I tried multiple times to beg for this information, but the devs do not seem to care. Because of that, and because of the great spectrum of mod cars out there, I decided to make it possible to customize the optimum tyre temperature ranges by editing the tyre_temp.ini file. I hope the examples in this file are speaking for themselfs for the interested users. If something goes wrong, please try to rename your tyre_temp.ini file before posting a bug report to see if the app works with the default settings. Change Log: fix formula abarth hard tyre typo add ferrari_458_gt2 to GT2 class make tyre temperature ranges customizable via .ini file editing (edit tyre_temp.ini beneath tyre_temp.py for that; generated after first app start) improve wear display accuracy (use the inverse display option in tyre_temp.ini) add an auto-hide mode for the tyre type label. In this mode, the tyre type will not be hidden if it is actually unknown. There are still the options to always hide it and never hide it (look at the .ini file) 1.6.2 compatibilities with AC v1.3 fonte AC Forum

    Rivali Delta by rombik v1.9

    sito web http://rivalitempo-softgrip.rhcloud.com/apps new version up http://rivalitempo-softgrip.rhcloud.com/download/rivalidelta_v1.9.zip Posted some laps to Rivali? You can check your delta against your posted lap or against the highest ranked person with a delta lap set Click on the helmet (your Rivali time), world (fastest Rivali time), or house (fastest local time) in game to toggle between modes. Download Rivali Delta by Rombik. Installation Extract to your /apps/python/ folder.
  17. Guest

    Spotter by Stereo v1.2.1

    v1.2.1 DOWNLOAD Spotter in italiano Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Getting Started Use the Options menu in AC, General section, to enable the app (it's simply titled 'Spotter'). Open the app settings using the menu on the far right of AC. It'll be near the bottom & named "Spotter". To hide the settings, click on the title bar where it says "click to hide settings": To unhide the settings, click on the title bar in the same place. To disable the app's title when settings are hidden, reducing the onscreen presence, deselect the first checkbox: To have the app appear that way when you start a race, deselect the second checkbox as well. To disable all text warnings, and receive audio only, click the '+' on the Text spinner: Until it reads "none". Further fine tunings can be done using the other settings - click the setting to get a text description of what that setting is for. To disable a class of notices (both audio and text) just uncheck that. Downloading: take the attached zip file, extract to your steamapps/common/assettocorsa/ directory. Configuration App: Clicking the titlebar in the middle will show/hide the settings options. 'Display app title' decides whether it shows the title when the settings are hidden. 'Show app at startup' decides whether it shows the settings. (misnamed, my bad) Audio: Use the +- spinner to select from available options, or make a copy of the 'default' folder inside apps/python/Spotter/audio/ and replace the wav files with your own. audio.ini defines the clips to use, more filenames can be added separated by commas (and commas only - no spaces) Setting volume can't be done directly in 1.0 - the library playing sounds doesn't support it. What you can do is change "System Sounds" in the Windows sound mixer - it's playing through that. If you're using 1.1, you can use the in-app volume control. Text: Use the +- buttons on the spinner to select from included ones, or go to apps/python/Spotter/text/ and open an example. Write your own messages after the colon and save the file. Alternate Audio English by Radfahrer (for 0.4) English by BlinkyXX (for 0.4) English by BlinkyXX, updated by Snjper (for 1.0) Two English sets by GamerMuscle (for 1.0) Version française par durstboiler (for 1.0) English "JJ Spotter" in Festa_PWR's post (for 1.0) Italian version in Queequeg's post (for 1.0) Russian version by Baikal (for 1.0) Spanish version by FX8120 (for 1.0) Spanish version also by FX8120 (for 1.0) Finnish version by ShredatorFIN (for 1.0) Etc. The slow warnings don't work until partway into lap 2 - it needs lap 1 to learn how fast your car is, for comparison. version 1.2.1 Fixes - fixed to work with AC 1.3: 32-bit and 64-bit executables
  18. Il team Slightly Mad Studios ci presenta con una intera pagina sul sito ufficiale la lunga lista di applicazioni disponibili per il suo Project CARS: ce n'è davvero per tutti i gusti e le esigenze, con apps per la telemetria, vari dashboard, utility per i display extra e cosi via. Community Apps are another great example of our focus on innovation, our determination to break from tradition, and our continuing dedication to the Project CARS community. Over a year ago, Slightly Mad Studios released an API giving the community the ability to plug directly in to Project CARS and pull out a variety of information. The intent here was to allow you the players the ability to create your own supporting apps for all the weird and wonderful devices and hardware you own. Now, as Project CARS nears release, here are just a few of the fantastic creations you’ve made that further blur the lines between game and real-life, and prove once more that Project CARS is the most technically-advanced racing game on the planet… This post has been promoted to an article
  19. marko-mrc

    Mini Apps by Jorge Alves v5.1

    Mini Apps v5.1 v5.1 changelog - fixed bug saving PB on replays (MiniStatsBarPlus) v5.0 changelog - New application (Mini Chat) - smaller layout (MiniStatsBarPlus) - optimized layout (MiniStatsBarPlus) v4.2 changelog - fix the crash for some users when exit to menu - shows number of laps left in a race - implemented last lap time / current lap time / local hour - speaker volume increments every 1 step instead of 2 Chat Stats Bar Stats Bar Plus Gear Time Download Mini Apps v5.1 Download and unrar files into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa fonte AC forum

    Ecco le apps per Project CARS

    Il team Slightly Mad Studios ci presenta con una intera pagina sul sito ufficiale la lunga lista di applicazioni disponibili per il suo Project CARS: ce n'è davvero per tutti i gusti e le esigenze, con apps per la telemetria, vari dashboard, utility per i display extra e cosi via. Commenti sul forum. Community Apps are another great example of our focus on innovation, our determination to break from tradition, and our continuing dedication to the Project CARS community. Over a year ago, Slightly Mad Studios released an API giving the community the ability to plug directly in to Project CARS and pull out a variety of information. The intent here was to allow you the players the ability to create your own supporting apps for all the weird and wonderful devices and hardware you own. Now, as Project CARS nears release, here are just a few of the fantastic creations you’ve made that further blur the lines between game and real-life, and prove once more that Project CARS is the most technically-advanced racing game on the planet…
  21. possi75

    [iOS] AC Dashboard by possi75

    Ciao Ragazzi ho messo su app store una dashboard per Assetto Corsa. E' solo l'inizio nel senso che appena ci saranno più dati da parte di AC via UDP aggiungerò molto altro ancora un po alla volta. Per ora è allineata all'update 0.6.2 https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ac-dashboard/id808283778?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D2 spero vi piaccia Ciaps Questo messaggio � stato promosso ad articolo
  22. Guest

    Rivali OV1 Info app by ov1diu v4.1

    fonte AC forum Hey guys, I got my first app working with the tools provided by the devs. There are still a lot of things to do, but until some of the required dev functions are working and others are available I'll have to settle with the current state. Hope you guys will enjoy it, as much as I do! Description: OV1 Info app is an all-in-one information hub. It has a modern design that hopefully will suit many users and it has the required information, which I think are vital for practice and racing. Here's a preview of the app at work: Installation: Download the file (link at the bottom of the post). Extract the folders inside the Assetto Corsa root folder: Code: ..\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\ The folder "OV1Info" should be next to the "gMeter" and "system" folders. !!! IMPORTANT !!! Please make sure you enable the app by going to AC's Settings Panel > General (bottom of the screen). For those of you who already use this app, when updating, make sure you don't overwrite your "best_lap.ini" file. Cut and paste to another folder, delete your old "ov1info" folder. Extract the new files and replace the new "best_lap.ini" with your old one. For V4.0 the folder structure has been changed: "best_lap.ini" and "car_info.ini" files can be found inside the "userdata" folder. Known issues: For those of you who use OV1 F1 2014 HUD as well, please make sure you update it to the latest version (link in my signature). Both apps need to be updated to avoid malfunctions. Waiting for your input on this Change log v4.1 (August 31th, 2014): Panels can now be attached/detached on both sides of the tachometer; Fuel information is now on its own panel, which can be moved anywhere and also on the right side of the tachometer; Changed fuel gauge (now in the top position, with new design); Moved delta meter display at the bottom of the tachometer (had to be done for visual balance reasons); Tachometer can now be hidden individually (close the main app from apps sidebar); Added 8th gear texture and logic for the Formula Corsa F1 2014 cars; Added "invisible" Pin texture (with back-up). Code: X:\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\gui\controls\form\pin_icn_OFF.png Change log v4.0 (August 30th, 2014): NEW: Added swappable panels to the main app. You can now drag and "snap-into-place" a panel to the tachometer window. Watch latest video to see it in action! Major code structure improvement (files, classes, etc.) Updated "sim_info.py" file to the latest version. App is now compatible with the latest version of Assetto Corsa (0.22.xx) Change log v3.1 (June 30th, 2014): Updated "sim_info.py" file to the latest version. App is now compatible with the latest version of Assetto Corsa (0.20.xx). Change log v3.0 (March 30th, 2014): Tachometer range has been widened (up to 18K RPMs):Which means two new extra images for the tach labels -- one for 14K and one for 18K The app is now split into multiple windows You can now independantly move the app panels You can have all the information the app provides visible at the same time: Laps info Tyres info Race info Added a new window for the settings panel: Change layout Toggle Delta Meter Change color scheme Change speed units (MPH, KPH) Change pemperature units (C, F) Change pressure units (PSI, bar, kPa) Change fuel volume units (L, US gal, UK gal) App now remembers when you have turned off the Delta meter panel (saved to config file) New race flag: GREEN (race start) Change log v2.0 (January 27th, 2014): Added Tyre information panel: Temperature Pressure Wear Slip angle (grip) Tyre dirty level Added Race information panel: Real-time position display Current lap information Last lap display Two racing flags available: white (last lap) and checkered flag Control buttons are now available: change layout, switch between panels, on/off Delta meter, color changer Added units for (changeable from user_config.ini): Temperature: C / F Pressure: PSI / bar / kPa Fuel volume: L / US gal / UK gal More features coming soon (enough)! Change log v1.0 (January 6th, 2014): Version change: I declare this a finished product of course there are things to add to it, but in this current state it's functional and it has more than everything I thought I could put in it. Change log v0.7 (January 5th, 2014): New and improved design; Color schemes with predefined colors; Tachometer animation is now much more smoother and looks like an actual tachometer; Tachometer has RPM labels which represent your actual car's RPM value (that was a pain...); Fuel information is now available, working with Liters and Gallons; Graphical fuel gauge has been added; Low fuel working is customizable from the user config file; Delta meter has been added, with custom min. and max. limits; Pit limiter signal light is now working; Race position is now functional (you can test it with the Drag event); Archive now includes sidebar icons; Car's max_rpms value is now accessed from the Shared Memory. "cars_info.ini" now only stores fuel consumption for track and car combination; Info panels can be hidden to save screen space when not needed. Thanks for all the suggestions guys! Change log v0.4 (December 10th, 2013): Major code improvement. App now more flexible and less demanding on the system (hopefully); Tachometer animation is now available. It's using a temporary method until we get the necessary dev tools for a better solution, but it works just fine! Shift-light over-reving fix. You can now rev the snot out of your engine, the app knows when to shift (again, hopefully); Users can change the units from "metric" (Kph) to "imperial" (Mph), editing the "user_config.ini". A better solution for switching between units is in development. Special Thanks to: @Rombik for his awesome-reading-shared-memory-gem, @softgrip for his continued support with tips and tricks, @rampagebke for showing me the design inspiration, @Empty Box for suggesting to add the Delta meter display, @kalabaleek for the layout changer suggestion, And to everyone who supported me and gave their suggestion! Download link: Also, check out the rest of the Rivali group apps!
  23. Guest

    AnalogInstruments by NieXS v1.1b

    Fonte. AnalogInstruments is a race interface mod inspired by Gran Turismo 4/5/6's hood view race interface. It features: Analog tachometer, speedometer (showing drivetrain speed like a real car), fuel and boost gauges Digital gear indicator, shift light and speedometer Gauges showing throttle, brake and clutch pedal positions G-force meter ranging from -2.5 to 2.5 g Digital odometer showing the distance traveled in the session ABS, TCS, ABS OFF and TCS OFF status lights As well as a tyre monitor: Numerical display for tyre temperature and pressure Visual display of tyre temperature: blue = colder than ideal, white = in optimal range, yellow into red = hotter than ideal Grip monitor: the tyre rim is colored white/yellow/red if tyre is gripping/slipping some/slipping There are three bundled themes: The default theme, inspired by GT4's hood cam, main window is 1320x250 A smaller version of the default theme, 932x180 A work-in-progress version of a Gran Turismo 2-style arcade-ish theme The main app window is 1320x250 by default and the tyre monitor is approximately 120x160. You can change which widgets are displayed and pretty much everything about the app by fiddling with the settings.ini file. To install just unzip it in Your steam install folder\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\apps\python. To activate it, look for "AnalogInstruments" in the app sidebar in-game. The app's code is also available from Github: https://github.com/NieXS/AnalogInstruments All feedback, suggestions, comments, criticisms and bug reports are welcome! AnalogInstruments 1.1b.zip
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    MiniInfo by djkostas v2.0

    Fonte. Here's a small app like the one iRacing has! Kept it small and compact so that it doesnt take up much screen space but also tried to make it as easily modifiable as possible. MiniInfoV2 changelog: -Added stripe to steering wheel -Added visual queues for minimum and maximum pedal input -Bundled with pin hack I'll leave both versions to choose whichever you like. To install extract the rar file to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa MiniInfo.rar MiniInfoV2.rar
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    mInfo by davidtrenear v0.83

    Fonte. DOWNLOAD v0.83 -Fuels usage report after completed lap. -Please update to the latest version. Delete the old folder before copying over the new version v0.80 -Sound is now disabled when the app is dismissed on inactive -Fuel usage report started. Audio alerts coming soon -Redesigned interface and codebase to support multiple reports -Updated code to include changes to shared memory API in latest game update -Please update to the latest version. Delete the old folder before copying over the new version To activate copy mInfo folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\apps\python Motorheadz present mInfo an app for the game Assetto Corsa. Allowing compiling sequence of sounds then playback of wave files of speech or sounds in the game as triggered alerts or reports. First alert developed is spoken audio lap times for players car as they cross the line. App developed by David Trenear Additional Testing by Jason Madigan and Tyson Cierpial Big thanks to Rombik who wrote the original sim info module. This is an alpha proof of concept if people like it I will develop this concept further. Please submit bugs or requests to the Assetto Corsa forum http://www.assettocorsa.net/forum/index.php TODO Need to do a better recording on the audio to sweeten it, make timing and volume more consistent. It sounds bad because I recorded on a headphone mic as a test so next version will be a nice microphone. TODO add volume control TODO add more features, fuel report, temp warnings, tires TODO Review code and refactor when the game is released and python API and or shared memory is ver 1.0 v0.78 -Updated code to include changes to shared memory API in latest game update -Please update to the latest version. Delete the old folder before copying over the new version
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