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    Project CARS 2 Spirit of Le Mans Pack DLC

    Sarà disponibile dal 5 Giugno prossimo il nuovo Spirit of Le Mans Pack, ennesimo pacchetto DLC di contenuti extra per Project CARS 2, evidentemente dedicato alla mitica 24 Ore di Le Mans. Corri per la gloria sul circuito di Le Mans nel passato e nel presente con il pacchetto "Spirit of Le Mans". Partecipa allo scontro fra titani pilotando una Porsche o una Ferrari su una versione del circuito Le Sarthe, ricreata fedelmente come nel film "Le Mans". Pilota la V12 Ferrari 512 S e 512 M, la Porche 917 LH a 12 cilindri flat e rivivi la più spettacolare era delle auto da corsa della storia. Torna al presente e combatti per la vittoria a bordo di quattro dei simboli tecnologici delle gare endurance di oggi: Toyota TS050 Hybrid, Porsche 919 Hybrid e due rappresentanti del dominio Audi, Audi R18 (Fuji 2016) e la velocissima Audi R18 (Le Mans 2016).
  2. La Renault Motorsport, in collaborazione con il team Slightly Mad Studios, annuncia oggi la Renault Esports Series, ovvero un torneo esport dedicato al mondo motoristico del marchio francese, che si disputerà con Project CARS 2. Le serie simulate saranno la Megane Touring, Clio Cup e Formula Renault 3.5, con le quali si potrà correre su tutte le piattaforme. Al vincitore assoluto della finalissima dal vivo, il 7 luglio presso l'autodromo di Silverstone, andrà in premio un track day offerto da PalmerSport. Il torneo è riservato però ai cittadini inglesi. Today we are pleased to announce the launch of the Renault Esports Series. A simracing competition running on Project CARS 2 culminating with a final at #Silverstone. Entry details and prizes can be found here: http://renaultesports.com.
  3. Puntata numero 23 per la rubrica Insiders Guide dedicata a Project CARS 2: questa volta Yorkie 065 ci spiega tutti i segreti per un buon assetto su pista bagnata. Yorkie065 explains the secrets to wet weather setups in this week’s Insider’s Guide: being fast in the rain is not just about car control, but what happens before you get out on track. https://pcars.games/InsidersGuideEp23
  4. Il team Slightly Mad Studios ha appena rilasciato per il suo Project CARS 2 il nuovo update 5. L'aggiornamento porta il gioco alla release ed oltre ai consueti bugfix e migliorie, ci mette a disposizione anche la nuovissima Ferrari 488 Challenge. L'update è già scaricabile tramite Steam ed arriverà a brevissimo anche su consoles. Commenti sul forum. L'aggiornamento 5 include: Aggiunta della vettura Ferrari 488 Challenge, e livree dal campionato 2017 Ferrari Challenge. Questa è la Ferrari più recente che abbia partecipato al campionato singola marca di Maranello, e l'auto più potente della sua storia lunga 25 anni.   Aggiunta di due nuovi tracciati al circuito su strada di Porsche Leipzig. Corretto un numero minore di problemi al turbo e alle sospensioni di svariate auto. Risolto un problema a causa del quale alcuni piloti apparivano bloccati sulla pista durante una sessione di qualifica o di gara. Risolto un problema a causa del quale i risultati di fine gara non venivano visualizzati correttamente. Risolti svariati problemi di caricamento fantasmi nelle prove a tempo. Migliorati i calcoli per la reputazione online, incluse modifiche per quando i giocatori si ritirano a causa dei danni. Corretto un problema occasionale a causa del quale i giocatori venivano portati alla lobby sbagliata se l'host preparava una nuova lobby mentre la nuova era in corso di riempimento. I cedimenti meccanici non includono più i danni aerodinamici. Svariate migliorie all'IA per una varietà di circuiti e condizioni. Risolto un problema in carriera a causa del quale, in alcune circostanze, le posizioni non venivano visualizzate in maniera corretta. Diverse altre correzioni e ottimizzazioni.
  5. Il team Slightly Mad Studios ha appena rilasciato per il suo Project CARS 2 il nuovo update 5. L'aggiornamento porta il gioco alla release ed oltre ai consueti bugfix e migliorie, ci mette a disposizione anche la nuovissima Ferrari 488 Challenge. L'update è già scaricabile tramite Steam ed arriverà a brevissimo anche su consoles. L'aggiornamento 5 include: Aggiunta della vettura Ferrari 488 Challenge, e livree dal campionato 2017 Ferrari Challenge. Questa è la Ferrari più recente che abbia partecipato al campionato singola marca di Maranello, e l'auto più potente della sua storia lunga 25 anni.   Aggiunta di due nuovi tracciati al circuito su strada di Porsche Leipzig. Corretto un numero minore di problemi al turbo e alle sospensioni di svariate auto. Risolto un problema a causa del quale alcuni piloti apparivano bloccati sulla pista durante una sessione di qualifica o di gara. Risolto un problema a causa del quale i risultati di fine gara non venivano visualizzati correttamente. Risolti svariati problemi di caricamento fantasmi nelle prove a tempo. Migliorati i calcoli per la reputazione online, incluse modifiche per quando i giocatori si ritirano a causa dei danni. Corretto un problema occasionale a causa del quale i giocatori venivano portati alla lobby sbagliata se l'host preparava una nuova lobby mentre la nuova era in corso di riempimento. I cedimenti meccanici non includono più i danni aerodinamici. Svariate migliorie all'IA per una varietà di circuiti e condizioni. Risolto un problema in carriera a causa del quale, in alcune circostanze, le posizioni non venivano visualizzate in maniera corretta. Diverse altre correzioni e ottimizzazioni.
  6. Yorkie065 ritorna al volante di Project CARS 2, con una nuova puntata delle sue Insiders Guide, per spiegarci questa volta il modo migliore per sviluppare e testare l'assetto della nostra vettura. Episode 20 of the Insider’s Guide to Project CARS 2 sees Yorkie065 explore the process of both creating and testing setups. As you begin working on a new setup, it helps to keep in mind the kind of setup you’re aiming to achieve―is this for a Career race, or it is for a singleplayer or multiplayer race? Is it for an organised league, or a community race, a Time-Trial or Community Event? The type of event you’re building the setup for can make a big difference in how you test―and, ultimately, what kind of setup you’ll eventually settle with.
  7. Ritorna il buon vecchio Yorkie 065 con la sua rubrica di video consigli dedicati a Project CARS 2: questa volta ci spiega tutti i segreti ed il modo corretto ed efficace per sorpassare. In Episode 19 of the Insider's Guide, @Yorkie065 explores the dos and don'ts of overtaking and explains why sometimes patience is rewarded, and when and how to be incisive and decisive. There are two key elements to pulling off a successful overtaking move: timing and positioning. Successfully combining these two elements will see you get your pass done and, more importantly, reduce the chance of making a mistake that will see you, and perhaps even your opponent, suffer the inevitable consequences of a mistake.
  8. Il team Virtual Drivers ha rilasciato per Project CARS 2 un nuovo ed incredibile pacchetto extra per migliorare e perfezionare in modo radicale il force feedback del gioco con i volanti Thrustmasters. Correte sul forum dedicato per dettagli e download. Here are my different Force Feedback files for Project CARS 2. Thanks to my team Virtualdrivers by TX3, and the support that the Thrustmaster company brings to us, I can benefit from the last products and develop settings for the different games. I'm presenting version 2.0 of my work. You will find in this pack: - two PDF files with the different explanation for the setup - different files depending on your wheel base - a PDF with a mapping example for the T-GT addon buttons A dedicated facebook page to the project exists and some tests are regularly proposed before the final versions. You will be able to find version 1.0 which is slightly different: https://www.facebook.com/pcarsthrustmaster/ Today, there is a strong resemblance between the different wheel bases, apart from the T-GT steering wheel which has a different technology with regard to FFB files. In the near future, the different files will have their own more advanced versions, in order to perfectly match the expectations of the players (T300-T500).
  9. Ritorna il buon vecchio Yorkie 065 con la sua rubrica di video consigli dedicati a Project CARS 2: questa volta ci spiega come impostare al meglio i dampers, il motore, i rapporti del cambio ed i differenziali.
  10. Dopo il recentissimo update numero 4, Slightly Mad Studios ha appena rilasciato tramite Steam il nuovo pacchetto DLC denominato Porsche Legends Pack, che ci mette a dsposizione ben 9 leggendarie vetture della casa tedesca. Gareggia con nove delle auto più significative della lunga tradizione Porsche sul leggendario circuito Porsche certificato FIA di Lipsia per la prima volta in una simulazione di guida, e scopri perché "non esiste niente di paragonabile". Settanta anni di storia rappresentati da sette modelli Porsche da gara e due indomiti modelli stradali. Affronta l'illustre 911, la 911 Carrera RSR 2.8, doma la 917/10 Can-Am da 1.200 cavalli , vivi l'emozione della storia con la “Le Mans” 917K, 908/03 Spyder, 935/78 e 78-81, e vinci con l'attuale modello GTE, la 2017 Porsche 911 RSR. Scatena il DNA Porsche con la Porsche 959 S e la Carrera GT. Tradizione, prestazioni, tecnologia: conquistale tutte con il Porsche Legends Pack.
  11. Ritorna il buon vecchio Yorkie 065 con la sua rubrica di video consigli dedicati a Project CARS 2: questa volta ci spiega come impostare al meglio le configurazioni dei nostri controller di gioco, anche alla luce delle importanti migliorie e novità apportate in quest'ambito dagli ultimi update 3 e 4 del titolo targato Slightly Mad Studios. The Insider's Guide - Episode 15: Controller Configuration In this episode of the Insider’s Guide, Yorkie 065 will take you through setting up your controller for better control, handling, and feel, and explore a new assist that comes with Update 4. With Update 3, Project CARS 2 introduced new default settings for your controller. If you bought the game post-Update 3, these settings will be the ones that Project CARS 2 has defaulted to. However, if you bought the game prior to Update 3, and have not reset your profile since, you will still be using the earlier default settings (or any custom settings you have adjusted to). It is recommended that, if you’re not completely satisfied with the feel of your controller, to swap your older settings for these newer, optimized ones. This guide will show you what controller configuration settings changed with Update 3, and give you a step-by-step explanation of how to swap the new defaults into your current settings. With Update 4, meanwhile, comes the new Opposite Lock Assist which has been designed to help you control slides in-game when your car begins to oversteer. Whilst the Opposite Lock Assist will automatically provide some steering input to counter the slide, player inputs will still be needed to properly catch or hold a slide. This assist is mainly intended for controllers and keyboards, but can also be used with a wheel, although it is recommended that wheel users keep this assist off. Note: The Opposite Lock Assist is tied to, and scales with, the Speed Sensitivity option. A higher setting in the Speed Sensitivity option will offer a greater, more sensitive Opposite Lock Assist effect, whilst a lower Speed Sensitivity option will provide a smaller, weaker Opposite Lock Assist effect. Now sit back and relax as Yorkie065 walks you through the newly recommended controller settings and Opposite Lock Assist in Project CARS 2.
  12. Fra i tantissimi video dedicati a Project CARS 2, quelli più apprezzati sono probabilmente quelli realizzati da Yorkie065, che con la sua rubrica Insider's Guide ci spiega tutti i segreti della simulazione e del software targato Slightly Mad Studios. L'ultima guida pubblicata oggi ci parla di sospensioni, ma vi riportiamo di seguito anche le puntate più recenti.
  13. Slightly Mad Studios ha rilasciato tramite Steam il nuovo update 4 per il suo Project CARS 2. L'aggiornamento apporta numerose migliorie e correzioni alle prestazioni del gioco, oltre a varie migliorie al gameplay, come potete leggere nel lunghissimo e dettagliato readme. SMS ha inoltre annunciato il prossimo arrivo, entro il mese di marzo, del nuovo pacchetto DLC denominato Porsche Legends Pack, che ci metterà a dsposizione ben 9 leggendarie vetture della casa tedesca. PROJECT CARS 2 CELEBRATES THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF PORSCHE WITH THE ‘PORSCHE LEGENDS PACK’, COMING IN MARCH 2018― UPDATE 4 IS NOW AVAILABLE Slightly Mad Studios and BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe are excited to announce the ‘Porsche Legends Pack’, the second expansion pack for Project CARS 2, will be available across all platforms in early March. Seventy years on from the launch of the very first Porsche road car in 1948―the Porsche 356―comes the Project CARS 2 ‘Porsche Legends Pack’, a visceral and unmissable celebration of Porsche’s 70th anniversary. The ‘Porsche Legends Pack’ will come with: nine legendary cars hand-picked from the storied history of Porsche: one FIA-certified track intimately associated with Porsche―a first in any simulated racing game: 20 liveries: nine community events: and five new career events, all carefully crafted to integrate into the Porsche experience. The nine iconic Porsche cars include their current GT-runner, the 2017 Porsche 911 RSR that will add this elite brand into Project CARS 2’s already essential line-up of GT racers. The 911 RSR will join eight more historically significant Porsches hand-picked from the last 70 years, such as the 1972 Porsche 917/10―the car dubbed the “Can-Am Killer”―an analogue monster whose 5-litre flat-12 boxer was mated to two massive big-box turbos to create what many consider the most brutal car (1,200bhp!) in sportscar history. Ahead of the ‘Porsche Legends Pack’, Slightly Mad Studios has released a new Update 4 for Project CARS 2 for PC (Steam), which will be available imminently for the Xbox One, and PS4. Update 4 includes numerous performance and stability improvements, gameplay balance tweaking, UI and render enhancements, and extensive AI improvements across many locations and vehicle classes. For full details, follow this link.
  14. Slightly Mad Studios ha rilasciato tramite Steam il nuovo update 4 per il suo Project CARS 2. L'aggiornamento apporta numerose migliorie e correzioni alle prestazioni del gioco, oltre a varie migliorie al gameplay, come potete leggere nel lunghissimo e dettagliato readme. SMS ha inoltre annunciato il prossimo arrivo, entro il mese di marzo, del nuovo pacchetto DLC denominato Porsche Legends Pack, che ci metterà a dsposizione ben 9 leggendarie vetture della casa tedesca. PROJECT CARS 2 CELEBRATES THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF PORSCHE WITH THE ‘PORSCHE LEGENDS PACK’, COMING IN MARCH 2018― UPDATE 4 IS NOW AVAILABLE Slightly Mad Studios and BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe are excited to announce the ‘Porsche Legends Pack’, the second expansion pack for Project CARS 2, will be available across all platforms in early March. Seventy years on from the launch of the very first Porsche road car in 1948―the Porsche 356―comes the Project CARS 2 ‘Porsche Legends Pack’, a visceral and unmissable celebration of Porsche’s 70th anniversary. The ‘Porsche Legends Pack’ will come with: nine legendary cars hand-picked from the storied history of Porsche: one FIA-certified track intimately associated with Porsche―a first in any simulated racing game: 20 liveries: nine community events: and five new career events, all carefully crafted to integrate into the Porsche experience. The nine iconic Porsche cars include their current GT-runner, the 2017 Porsche 911 RSR that will add this elite brand into Project CARS 2’s already essential line-up of GT racers. The 911 RSR will join eight more historically significant Porsches hand-picked from the last 70 years, such as the 1972 Porsche 917/10―the car dubbed the “Can-Am Killer”―an analogue monster whose 5-litre flat-12 boxer was mated to two massive big-box turbos to create what many consider the most brutal car (1,200bhp!) in sportscar history. Ahead of the ‘Porsche Legends Pack’, Slightly Mad Studios has released a new Update 4 for Project CARS 2 for PC (Steam), which will be available imminently for the Xbox One, and PS4. Update 4 includes numerous performance and stability improvements, gameplay balance tweaking, UI and render enhancements, and extensive AI improvements across many locations and vehicle classes. For full details, follow this link.
  15. Fra i tantissimi video dedicati a Project CARS 2, oggi vi segnaliamo due filmati in particolare: il primo ha per protagonista Alex Balzan, pilota della Ferrari Scuderia Corsa, che con il sim targato Slightly Mad Studios ci presenta il circuito di Daytona, sulk quale il prossimo fine settimana si correrà la mitica 24 ore. Il secondo trailer invece ci spiega in dettaglio tutti i vari parametri della telemetria in game presenti sul nostro hub di gioco. Get behind the wheel of Scuderia Corsa Ferrari GTD at Daytona International Speedway with Project CARS 2 as we storm into Daytona 24 race week! The HUD in Project CARS 2 has all the information you need to help you test and refine changes to your cars setup, along with monitoring temperatures, pressures and suspension behaviour, be that in-race, qualifying or practice. Before looking at what’s on the menu, you’ll need to set up how you access your HUD. In Options > Controls > Edit Assignments > Game > you’ll find a Cycle HUD View option. Assign a button to that, and use that button to then cycle through the HUD views. Describing the various views and uses of the HUD
  16. Episode ten of the Insider's Guide to Project CARS 2 series, providing useful hints and tips, will be taking a look at the first step in tuning setups and creating a baseline setup for your car. This mainly focuses on what aspects of the tuning setup to commonly change, and how a baseline setup can be beneficial for later use.
  17. Dopo averci recentemente parlato di licenza competitiva e campionati online, il nostro amico Yorkie degli Slightly Mad Studios ci presenta nel video qui sotto tutti i segreti e le migliori configurazioni possibili in Project CARS 2 per quanto riguarda la realtà virtuale.
  18. Se con Assetto Corsa o Project CARS 2 vogliamo sentire le "vibrazioni" della velocità sul sedile della nostra postazione casalinga e non abbiamo a disposizione gli effetti speciali della foto qui sopra possiamo utilizzare l'applicazione ingegnosa DriveVibe - Body Shaker ed i consigli del bravissimo PanaRace970. Come spiegato nel video, con una minima spesa, l'installazione e configurazione della app, potremo sfruttare l'audio del gioco per ottenere una postazione almeno in parte dinamica e sicuramente divertente. L'ultima versione 1.4 è compatibile anche con Project CARS 1 e 2. Dettagli, download e commenti a questo link del forum.
  19. Slightly Mad Studios sta rilasciando in queste ore il nuovo update che porta Project CARS 2 alla versione 3.02 (correggendo ulteriori bugs e problemi) ed il nuovo pacchetto di contenuti extra denominato "Fun pack", che ci mette a disposizione 8 nuove auto e due circuiti, dedicati proprio al fattore "divertimento". Le vetture disponibili sono le rallycross di Matthias Ekstrom (Audi S1 EKS RX Quattro) e Petter Solberg (Citroën DS3 RX Supercar), 3 auto del drifter Vaughn Gittin Jr. (Mustang RTR Spec-5D, ’66 RTR e la Ford Bronco), 3 leggendarie Group B (Ford RS200 Evolution, Renault R5 Maxi Turbo, Audi Sport Quattro S1). Non possono quindi mancare 2 tracciati rallycross: Circuit Barcelona-Catalunya Rallycross e Brands Hatch Rallycross Historic. Il download sarà disponibile a breve anche in Italia tramite Steam. Fun times blast to Project CARS 2 with the first expansion pack, the “Fun Pack”, that comes fully-loaded with sideways-action fun including 8 new cars, 2 new rallycross tracks, new Invitational Events, and 17 new liveries. With Group B monsters alongside professional Fun-Haver Vaughn Gittin Jr.’s own creations, and world championship-winning rallycross beasts from Audi and Citroën, the Fun Pack is all-crossed-up, elbows-out racing fun for everyone. Follow the link in the comments to purchase the Fun Pack.
  20. Dopo averci parlato di force feedback, fornito preziosi consigli su come imparare una nuova pista, ed averci spiegato i segreti del rally cross, oggi Yorkie degli Slightly Mad Studios ci presenta in video tutte le varie funzionalità della modalità "online championship" di Project CARS 2, che viene anche presentata in dettaglio sul sito ufficiale del gioco. Patch 3.1 brings the Online Championship Mode in Project CARS 2 to all platforms, delivering the tools needed to set up a framework for systematic and easy-to-manage online championship racing for drivers as well as administrators, and adding an entirely new level of authenticity to esports in Project CARS 2. The Online Championship Mode provides a powerful tool for competitive play, whether it’s against some friends over a weekend, a League, Community, or even professional esports Championship that spans hours, days, weeks, or even months.

    Project CARS 2: nuovo Fun Pack DLC

    Slightly Mad Studios ha svelato interessanti dettagli sul prossimo pacchetto di contenuti extra per Project CARS 2: il "Fun pack", questo il nome del DLC, ci metterà a disposizione 8 nuove auto e due circuiti, dedicati proprio al fattore "divertimento". Le vetture disponibili saranno le rallycross di Matthias Ekstrom (Audi S1 EKS RX Quattro) e Petter Solberg (Citroën DS3 RX Supercar), 3 auto del drifter Vaughn Gittin Jr. (Mustang RTR Spec-5D, ’66 RTR e la Ford Bronco), 3 leggendarie Group B (Ford RS200 Evolution, Renault R5 Maxi Turbo, Audi Sport Quattro S1). Non possono quindi mancare 2 tracciati rallycross: Circuit Barcelona-Catalunya Rallycross e Brands Hatch Rallycross Historic. SMS non ha ancora comunicato la data ed il prezzo del nuovo Fun Pack. Commenti sul forum. Fonte GT Planet
  22. Slightly Mad Studios ha svelato interessanti dettagli sul prossimo pacchetto di contenuti extra per Project CARS 2: il "Fun pack", questo il nome del DLC, ci metterà a disposizione 8 nuove auto e due circuiti, dedicati proprio al fattore "divertimento". Le vetture disponibili saranno le rallycross di Matthias Ekstrom (Audi S1 EKS RX Quattro) e Petter Solberg (Citroën DS3 RX Supercar), 3 auto del drifter Vaughn Gittin Jr. (Mustang RTR Spec-5D, ’66 RTR e la Ford Bronco), 3 leggendarie Group B (Ford RS200 Evolution, Renault R5 Maxi Turbo, Audi Sport Quattro S1). Non possono quindi mancare 2 tracciati rallycross: Circuit Barcelona-Catalunya Rallycross e Brands Hatch Rallycross Historic. SMS non ha ancora comunicato la data ed il prezzo del nuovo Fun Pack. Fonte GT Planet
  23. Il team Slightly Mad Studios ha rilasciato oggi la nuova patch ufficiale per Project CARS 2. L'update porta il software alla versione, implementando una lunghissima lista di bugfix, migliorie ed aggiornamenti, in particolare per risolvere i vari problemi del software segnalati dagli utenti. Project CARS 2 - PC PATCH Online / Multiplayer New game mode - The Online Championship game mode is now available, allowing players to compete online in full championships, spanning multiple rounds. Fixed an exploit where some players could load custom setups in Community Events when Default Setups are enabled. Improved logging and syncing when joining online games already in progress. Fix for an online issue where players would be shown an incorrect error message when attempting to join a game session which was full. Online Reputation: When being kicked from a race, the system now checks your recent history to help decide if points should be deducted from your ranking score. Online Reputation: Fixed a bug where remaining players would not score for a win against disconnected players. Resolved a problem where a previously kicked player, joining back into a game after accepting an invite, would be auto-kicked. For players joining an active qualifying or practice session, there is now a 3-minute cut-off as the session approaches completion, after which it will no longer be possible to join the session. An error message is now displayed when an incorrect password is entered when joining a password-protected lobby. Career New Invitational Event - McLaren 720S VIP Challenge. Fix for career multi-class races, so that the finish position within the class is used for series progression, rather than the overall race position. Nissan Skyline Silhouette, Nissan Skyline BNR32, Nissan R89C, and Porsche 961 can now be used in Career mode. Fix for an issue where pop-ups for unlocking Invitational events were displayed in the wrong location. VR Improvements to the VR-specific replay camera system. Fix for screen dirt and rain drops not rendering correctly in VR. Fix for an issue when VR combined with NVIDIA Surround caused the game to attempt display of ultra-widescreen content in the VR headset. Changed the VR Gaze pointer behaviour to also hide when the UI is disabled in Photo Mode and Replays. Fix for VR Photo Mode initial FOV settings when switching camera mode. Fix for screenshots taken in VR Photo Mode not saving correctly to the <Documents\Project CARS 2\screenshots> folder. Controllers Logitech - Fix for G29 and G920 lock stops. Fanatec - improved anti-jolt and high-frequency anti-vibe on the CSWB series. Thrustmaster - Improvements for the 458 Italia. Improvements to various controller’s vibration effects. GUI and HUD improvements Session information such as race duration is now displayed on the pre-race menu. Changed the HUD colouring scale for race rain tyres. Added a dialog to show replay saving progress. Change to the way the Start Type is displayed on the Round dialog so that it matches the Race Settings dialog. Fix for an issue where a menu would become disabled when moving 'down' from the bottom of the menu. Updates to various buttons to better indicate when a button is selected/highlighted. Fix for buttons on online post-race results screen so that they only show when they can be pressed. Fixed cases where the RPM Gauge on the HUD was not matching the actual RPM of the car. Fixed loading bar to become invisible when local loading is complete. Added new Help Text for Menu Spring Strength in FFB settings. Added fuel estimation to Tuning Setup screen and ICM. Added auto-scroll to a number of info feeds to prevent overlapping text. Added the name of the car setup currently in use to the 'Setup' button on the Pre-Race screen. Fix for fuel being displayed incorrectly as mass, not volume. Improvements to the lap timing and visual-split timing HUD widgets. Fix for incorrect number of records being counted on Community Event screen. Fixed an issue in Time Trial where Loaded Ghosts and Options on the Pre-Race menu were highlighted at the same time if the player added multiple ghosts in Time Trial. Fixed an issue where an incorrect weather forecast icon is displayed for the client in the lobby details screen. Handling/Damage Various tyre behaviour tweaks and improvements to the different tyre compounds. Altered the pre-heating temperatures of various tyres to prevent them from being outside optimum temp range at race starts. New rain tyre compound improvements for Group C, GTP, all Formula cars, GT1, and LMP900. Driveline improvements with increased synchro effect for Hewland-type gearbox Lowered the time to jam gears together after a missed shift for all gearboxes. Changes to Vintage Lotus treaded tyres to improve wet speed balance. Altered radiator damage to make it more progressive, and not accumulate damage from minor impacts. Fix for issues with radiator settings on the Toyota GT86 GT4, and Rocket Bunny versions, which under some conditions were causing engine overheating. Changes to downshift protection based on vehicle speed. Lowered minimum shift time for cars with H-pattern racing gearboxes. Improved physics setup and damage for Mercedes-Benz 300 SEL 6.8 AMG. Fixed missing radiator damage for Ford Escorts, and Ford Mustangs. Improvements to Formula Renault 3.5 default stable setup. Performance balancing changes to the LMP1, GT3 and GT4 Classes. Refinements to Vintage Low Grip tyre. Balanced performance for BMW M3 GT4, and Ford Mustang Boss 302 R1. Improved Modern Touring Car tyre compound. Road car tyres: Tuned the aquaplaning and more sensible behaviour in very deep water. Increased threshold for detaching front wings of Formula cars. Adjusted various default setups: – Aston DB11: Loose – Aston Vulcan: Loose, and Stable – BMW 320 TC: Stable – BMW M3 E30: Loose, and Stable – Chevy Camaro ZL1: Loose, and OEM – Ferrari 330 P4: Loose, and Stable – Ford Fusion Stockcar: Loose. BMW 2002 StanceWorks: Fixed tyre texture, better strut geometry for kingpin angle and scrub radius, improved drag centre of forces in the aero model. AI Improved AI in low- and high-speed cornering. Improved balance between player and AI in wet conditions. Improvements to general AI behaviour and racecraft across all tracks. Tweaks to how AI are affected by snow and ice. Improvements to the AI driving on slick tyres in wet weather. AI Practice and Qualifying grip levels rebalanced to better match expected behaviour. Better balanced AI speed on corner exit. Generally improved the AI racing balance and ability across many tracks. Audio Update to various AI car sounds. Added new sounds for lower pitch skidding. Improved AI audio levels in replays. Improvements to Lamborghini Huracán engine audio. Reduced the skid sounds for the McLaren 720S. Modified falloff curves for surface and skid sounds. Updated sound mix for replays, with improved reverb settings for tunnels and bridges. New tyre skid sound effects for treaded tyres. Fix for an issue with audio not panning to all speakers in 7.1 under certain conditions. Tracks California Highway Stage 3 - Added an alternate start line to clean up occasional start line issues. DirtFish (all) - Fixed an issue with render flickering on main building. DirtFish Mill Run - Fix for an exploit to prevent unrealistic lap times (This includes a leaderboard reset for Time Trial and Community Events on DirtFish Mill Run to remove bogus lap times). Fuji - Fixed an issue with some render flickering on the front of the pit buildings. Indianapolis Motor Speedway Oval - Updated dynamic marks, updated AI alternate start line for better cleaner starts. Circuit de 24 Heures du Mans - Fix for render flickering issue on the fence left of start straight, and in the curve entering the long straight. Lohéac - Fix for an issue on one kerb where the physics would didn’t behave correctly. Oulton Park - Fixed floating white lines near entry to pit lane. Red Bull Ring—National: Changed some dynamic barriers and fixed LODs. Red Bull Ring GP and National layouts - Fixes for various Replay and Pre-Race camera issues. Sakitto - Fixed various render popup issues. Fixed issues with the race start at various tracks. Adjusted the pit lane placement of Pit Limiter Entry and Exit boards at several tracks. Improvements to track cut settings at various tracks. Vehicles Audi A1 Quattro - Rebalanced the AI in rain vs. dry. BAC Mono - New wet tyre compound. BMW 320 TC - Fixes for gaps in the rear of cockpit, and fixed cockpit display clipping. Caterham Seven 620 R - Improved wet tyre. Chevrolet Camaro 1969 - New suspension geometry to better match the Hotchkiss design at the rear and SLA up front. Chevrolet Corvette C7 Z06 - OEM setup differential opened up. Dallara DW12 Road - New player rain compound, and new AI wet grip adjustments. Formula X & Dallara IR-12 - Adjusted engine lifetime model. Ferrari 488 GT3 - Reduced extra slip allowance at low speeds for better stability. Ferrari F40 LM - Fixed various cockpit detail issues that were visible in VR. Ford Escort RS1600 - Adjusted dry and wet speeds for AI to match latest physics changes. Ford Falcon V8 Supercar - New rain compound. Ford Falcon V8 Superca -  Added a new tyre carcass and made some minor improvements to car handling. Formula Renault 3.5 - Increased rolling drag and friction torque to AI to balance their speed on straights. Ginetta G40 - Improved AI tyre stiffness, grip and rolling resistance, to better match player, added new Junior tyre. KTM X-Bow GT4 - Changed spring and damper data, and added optional final drive ratio. Ligier JS P - Fixed exhaust positions. Ligier LMP3 - Fixed rear 3rd bump stop having no range adjustment. Lotus Type 51 - Increased players wet grip to better match the AI. Mazda MX-5 Radbul - Engine cooling and durability adjustment to prevent engine from blowing after one lap. New drift setup added. McLaren P1 GTR - Updated the differentials for Stable, and Loose default setups, for more stability and ease of driving. Mercedes-Benz AMG GT3 - Improved default setup to improve stability. Nissan Fairlady Z GTS - Various fixes enabling radiator damage, texture fixes, better drag balance, and bigger set of gear ratios. Nissan Fairlady Z GTS-II - Raised shift light RPM-trigger to 8,000 RPM. Nissan Skyline Super Silhouette - Boost adjustment for default setup to make the car more competitive with other Group 5 cars. Porsche 936/77 - Added a wider set of gear ratios. RWD P20 LMP2 - Changed shift lights to better match engine peak-power. Toyota GT86 - Altered aero positioning, and fixed an aero-lose problem without changing the setup. GT4 cars - Change to the tyre carcass model. LMP1 Cars - Fixed an issue where the AI weren't using the hybrid system, causing an imbalance with the player. LMP2 cars - Reduced aero drag by 35lbf @ 150mph. Various road cars - Changed OEM tyres to the correct ones. Kart - Disabled differential setup adjustments, new tyre carcass construction. Improved dirt texture on various cars. Fixed mud and snow textures on various cars. Other Improvements Fixed an issue in Time Trial where the player could load a ghost’s setup for a different car from the player’s car if the selected ghost was in the same class as the player’s car. Improved the rendering of the edges of LiveTrack puddles for off-road/off-track areas. Fixed an issue with mud and dust particles being visible inside cockpits. Improvements to the wet track darkening render effect. Much-improved motion blur and bokeh effects. Fix for an issue where, in certain cases, LiveTrack conditions could be carried over from one game type to another. Improved the synchronisation of clouds and rainfall, and the effects on cars. Fix for a red/yellow graphical glitch sometimes appearing on track surface. Fix for an occasional crash when switching shadow detail level. Fixed an intermittent crash when entering text for a new pit strategy. Fixed an issue where occasionally some AI cars would not move on the first viewing of a replay. Fix for an issue that would reset the player’s tuning setup to default when Pausing and choosing to return to pits. ...and many other small tweaks, improvements and performance enhancements. *Hot fix for crash when starting the game in certain scenarios in non-English installations

    Project CARS 2 disponibile in demo

    Direttamente dalla pagina Steam del gioco, è possibile scaricare la versione demo dell'ultimo Project CARS 2 targato Slightly Mad Studios. Il dimostrativo ci permette di guidare la Ferrari 488 GT3, la Lamborghini Huracán, e la Formula Renault 3.5 sul circuito in laser scan del Red Bull Ring. Tutti i dettagli sulla demo sono disponibili a questo link.
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