Il team Virtual Drivers ha rilasciato per Project CARS 2 un nuovo ed incredibile pacchetto extra per migliorare e perfezionare in modo radicale il force feedback del gioco con i volanti Thrustmasters. Correte sul forum dedicato per dettagli e download.
Here are my different Force Feedback files for Project CARS 2. Thanks to my team Virtualdrivers by TX3, and the support that the Thrustmaster company brings to us, I can benefit from the last products and develop settings for the different games. I'm presenting version 2.0 of my work.
You will find in this pack:
- two PDF files with the different explanation for the setup
- different files depending on your wheel base
- a PDF with a mapping example for the T-GT addon buttons
A dedicated facebook page to the project exists and some tests are regularly proposed before the final versions. You will be able to find version 1.0 which is slightly different:
Today, there is a strong resemblance between the different wheel bases, apart from the T-GT steering wheel which has a different technology with regard to FFB files. In the near future, the different files will have their own more advanced versions, in order to perfectly match the expectations of the players (T300-T500).