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  1. Con l'ormai imminente arrivo in iRacing della nuova modalità di gare su sterrato (l'ormai famoso "dirt"), il team del simulatore americano annuncia la nuova partnership con la World of Outlaws, ovvero la serie USA che include le tre categorie delle gare che si disputano su sterrato. Aspettiamoci quindi di vedere prima o poi un pilota virtuale "dirt" correre su un vero ovale tutto sporco di fango! Qui di seguito il comunicato stampa ed il trailer di lancio. iRacing.com and the World of Outlaws announced today that iRacing will become the World of Outlaws exclusive online racing partner. The agreement brings the world’s leading online motorsports simulation service together with North America’s premier dirt track racing series and comes as iRacing prepares to launch its highly anticipated dirt racing feature on March 29. Known around the racing world as “The Greatest Show on Dirt,” the World of Outlaws sanctions nearly 140 events a year throughout North America as part of the World of Outlaws Craftsman® Sprint Car Series and the World of Outlaws Craftsman Late Model Series, while iRacing’s 235,000 plus member subscribers race dozens of precisely-modeled cars on laser-scanned versions of nearly 100 of the world’s greatest ovals and road courses. “We couldn’t be happier than to be associated with the World of Outlaws at the dawn of our online dirt racing feature,” says Steve Myers, Executive Vice President and Executive Producer for iRacing.com. “iRacers around the world are already eager to try their hands at dirt racing, and our partnership with the World of Outlaws will ramp up their enthusiasm to another level.” “This is really exciting news for World of Outlaws fans and competitors,” says Ben Geisler, Chief Marketing Officer of the World of Outlaws. “iRacing is recognized around the world for delivering a remarkably authentic racing experience, and we can’t wait for our fans to see for themselves what it’s like to race our cars at legendary tracks like Eldora, Williams Grove, and Volusia Speedways.” The agreement is part of a long-term commitment by iRacing and the World of Outlaws to integrate their brands in the dirt and online racing communities. In addition to the World of Outlaws Craftsman Sprint Car and Late Model Series, the World of Outlaws’ grassroots sanctioning body, DIRTcar Racing will be partnering with iRacing to bring authenticity to the entry level divisions featured as part of the dirt launch. DIRTcar Racing sanctions thousands of races in more than a dozen divisions ranging from Street Stocks to Pro Late Models and more at hundreds of tracks across the United States and Canada. In collaboration, iRacing plans to develop online versions of a variety of DIRTcar Racing series as a core element of its new dirt racing feature. To learn more about World of Outlaws and to take advantage of special offers visit www.worldofoutlaws.com
  2. Il team di iRacing rilascia oggi la nuova build Season 2 2017. L'update, oltre al consueto numero di bugfix e perfezionamenti, fra le novità e migliorie più interessanti, ci offre il tracciato Bullring del Las Vegas Motor Speedway, dedicato alle vetture Nascar ed importanti upgrades alle gomme delle vetture GT3, compresa la Porsche 911 GT3 Cup. Tutti i dettagli sul forum. The Bullring at Las Vegas Motor Speedway is coming as a new piece of content, and provides another short track for those who like rough and tumble left turn-only racing. On the features side, the most impactful update for the most amount of people will be the GT tire update. Taking lessons learned from the sweet feeling Porsche 911 GT3 Cup car, a lot of the other "tin-top" cars will receive the same treatment in Season 2, making for a more forgiving and realistic feeling experience. Per quanto riguarda invece l'attesa modalità sterrato, spostata in rilascio a fine marzo, ci viene mostrato oggi uno spettacolare video di anteprima con la Sprint Car sul circuito dirt di Williams Grove, utilizzando il visore Oculus VR.
  3. Steve Myers, vice presidente del gruppo iRacing, ha annunciato con il breve comunicato che potete leggere qui sotto, l'ulteriore ritardo della modalità sterrato (l'ormai noto "dirt") per il simulatore americano. Non sarà quindi presente nel prossimo aggiornamento in uscita il 7 marzo, ma è attualmente prevista per il 29 marzo. Sarà la volta buona? Hi all, I know that the excitement to finally start racing on dirt is very high! We are so very close to be able to get our first go at this out but we have a few open issues that we would like to get in a better place before we do that. So we have made the decision to NOT release dirt next week. What we have decided though is that we are going to officially target a release of some kind of oval dirt racing by March 29th. If the open issues are fixed quickly it very well could be before the 29th but we are committing to do our best to release some combination of the dirt content by March 29th. Thanks for your patience and we really are excited at how this is turning out and we think you will love it! Steve Myers
  4. Il team di iRacing ci presenta in video una delle prossime novità del simulatore americano: si tratta del veloce tracciato speedway sterrato di Volusia che, come potete notare dal trailer, sarà parecchio divertente. Un paio di giorni fa, sempre in video, ci è stato presentato anche il piccolo ovale in asfalto di Las Vegas. Vi ricordiamo che la nuova build di iRacing sarà rilasciata il 7 marzo. Announcing Volusia Speedway Park as the latest addition to iRacing's dirt track lineup. Coming Soon.
  5. A fine Gennaio la Codemasters ha annunciato a sorpresa la novità DiRT 4, lanciando proprio ieri la possibilità di pre ordinare il gioco, che sarà disponibile da Giugno, tramite lo store ufficiale (non ancora su Steam, ma lo sarà a breve). Una breve intervista agli sviluppatori inglesi è molto utile per comprendere in dettaglio una delle nuove opzioni che saranno presenti nel gioco: la modalità Your Stage. Your Stage è in pratica uno strumento che permette all'utente di creare il proprio tracciato personale ed ovviamente rappresenta una novità destinata a cambiare i giochi di rally di Codemasters in modo radicale, considerando anche il fatto che tutti i titoli della casa inglese hanno sempre sofferto il ridotto numero di tappe ed ambientazioni disponibili. Cosi si è espresso il senior producer Clive Moody: “In realtà stiamo pensando a Your Stage fin dall’uscita di Dirt 3 nel 2011, ma solo ora, dopo diversi prototipi, siamo riusciti a realizzarlo veramente. Penso sia una novità epocale per noi e che rappresenti al tempo stesso l’inizio di qualcosa di grande”. Your Stage è un tool molto semplice da utilizzare: con due slider si controllano la lunghezza del tracciato e la sua complessità. Una volta posizionati, sarà il gioco stesso a generare il percorso tramite un processo quasi istantaneo. Ovvio che se il risultato non piace, lo si può modificare. Con il tool inoltre, si possono gestire anche le condizioni atmosferiche e altri elementi della tappa. Your Stage quindi non permette al giocatore un controllo specifico sul design del tracciato, anche perché è proprio questa l'intenzione di Codemasters: se conosco in ogni metro la tappa che creo, perdo gran parte del divertimento. Lo scopo di Your Stage è di creare percorsi senza che il giocatore sappia cosa lo attende dopo un rettilineo o dopo una curva, permettendo di ottenere infinite possibilità a livello di lunghezza e variazioni del tracciato stesso. Come ha puntualizzato il chief game designer Paul Coleman, che ha corso nel ruolo di co-pilota, il bello di questo sport si perde se, dopo aver percorso più volte lo stesso tracciato, lo si finisce con il conoscerlo a memoria. Effettivamente Your Stage funziona egregiamente, tanto che i percorsi creati sembrano realizzati dagli stessi sviluppatori, invece che da un programma procedurale: “Sono sicuro che se avessimo avuto tempo a volontà e risorse infinite, avremmo fatto tutto manualmente come sempre, ma Your Stage lo fa al posto nostro e il risparmio in termini di denaro e ore è semplicemente enorme”. DiRT 4 fornirà cinque diverse ambientazioni, ognuna delle quali supporterà Your Stage: nel gioco troveremo Fitzroy (Australia), Michigan (USA), Tarragona (Spagna), Värmland (Svezia) e Powys (Galles). Come si nota, saranno assenti dal gioco molte ambientazioni apprezzatissime dei precedenti DiRT, questo perchè non era possibile semplicemente inserirle in DiRT 4 e integrarle in Your Stage: “Magari fosse stato così semplice. Non si tratta solo di una questione di licenze, ma anche del fatto che con il nuovo sistema di illuminazione del gioco abbiamo svolto un lavoro già enorme per adattare ad esempio gli alberi del tracciato gallese perché riflettessero le luci nel modo giusto: e si tratta solo di alberi e non di tutti gli elementi dello scenario”. Codemasters conferma inoltre che in DiRT 4 è stato ottimizzato il livello di difficoltà, dimostratosi troppo elevato in DiRT Rally, che rendeva il gioco a tratti frustrante per i giocatori occasionali. “Ecco perché con Dirt 4 abbiamo voluto riprendere la formula di gioco di Dirt Rally rendendola però più appetibile per un pubblico più ampio e non solo per gli hardcore gamer. Attenti, non sto dicendo che abbiamo reso tutto più semplice e banale. Chi infatti preferisce un’esperienza dura e tosta in stile Dirt Rally potrà averla semplicemente modificando alcune impostazioni di gioco. Ce ne saranno essenzialmente due. Una meno punitiva per i giocatori alle prime armi e una più impegnativa e realistica che non perdonerà davvero nulla”, ha precisato Coleman. Come modalità di gioco troveremo anche la già nota Landrush e il campionato World Rallycross. Nella prima si gareggia in tracciati più brevi del solito a bordo di veicoli particolari come Pro Buggies, Pro-2 e Pro-4 Trucks e Crosskart. Il World RX Championship, già presente in Dirt Rally, è stato espanso e migliorato tra le categorie RX SuperCars, Super1600 e Gruppo B. Dirt 4 avrà anche una modalità Carriera, che ci porterà dall’essere una semplice “recluta” nella Dirt Academy (basata sulla DirtFish Rally School di Washington) fino a diventare campione del mondo. In questa modalità ci dovremo preoccupare anche degli sponsor, piloti e l’acquisto di auto nuove e usate, modifiche ai motori e alle auto, con modelli nuovi e storici che i veri fans del rally sapranno apprezzare in ogni dettaglio. Le intenzioni di Codemasters sono quelle di "sbancare" con DiRT 4, dopo che, a loro dire, DiRT Rally non aveva portato i volumi di vendite sperati, forse perchè apparso come un titolo in fase di prototipo e non come un prodotto finito al 100%. Speriamo quindi che l'opzione fun ed hardcore presente in DiRT 4 funzioni davvero, altrimenti si venderanno probabilmente tantissime copie, ma i veri appassionati della derapata guideranno altrove... Commenti sul forum dedicato.

    DiRT 4: parliamo di voci...

    Dopo l'update per DiRT Rally che, fra le altre cose, introduce il supporto per il visore PlayStation VR e l'annuncio della novità DiRT 4, la Codemasters ritorna ad aggiornarci tramite il suo blog sui lavori in corso attualmente. Partiamo dall'interessante intervista fatta al Dialogue Producer, Olly Johnson, che si occupa appunto dei dialoghi in game, inclusa la voce del navigatore, eccovene un estratto: When it comes to DiRT 4, how do you go about getting the most authentic representation of each discipline? First thing is the casting process. We knew we wanted Nicky Grist back, and Neil Cole as our RX Spotter is still great. We’ve taken on board over the years that the “dude-bro” voiceover grates and puts a lot of people off; we will never avoid having US voices, but the tone and the script is much more in tune with a more realistic interpretation of the more extreme sports. We have Jen Horsey back from Dirt 3, so you will be able to have her as you co-driver if you want, and for the most extreme mode, Landrush, our spotter sounds more like John Goodman than Bill & Ted. He’s the calm voice in the storm. Landrush is so much fun by the way. Passiamo poi all'intervista di Jen Horsey, ovvero colei che presta appunto la sua voce a quella del copilota virtuale ed ascolteremo nella nuova modalità DirtFish Rally School presente in DiRT 4: DirtFish Rally School features in the new game, DiRT 4 – why’s it such a good place to learn how to drive? Rally driving is a unique skill: you’re dealing with a whole bunch of variables in a rally scenario that you wouldn’t find at a race track. For one thing, we race in every kind of weather and on every imaginable surface. We also put a lot of value on the teamwork between driver and co-driver. And those are skills that are best learned in a closed environment that safely simulates real-world conditions and is unpredictable, in one sense, but also creates repeatable scenarios so you can learn and develop your abilities. That’s what DirtFish is and it’s a fantastic rally playground.
  7. Il team di iRacing inizia a presentare quale sarà il menu della prossima Build Season 2 del simulatore americano, attesa nel mese di marzo. Dovrebbe essere certo l'arrivo di vetture e circuiti da sterrato (il famigerato "dirt"), anche se non abbiamo ancora la conferma ufficiale, mentre è certo il nuovo ovale corto del Las Vegas Motor Speedway, che vedete nelle immagini qui sotto. Attention short track fans - the 3/8th mile Bullring @ Las Vegas Motor Speedway is coming to iRacing! Due this March for the Season 2 build
  8. Il team di iRacing inizia a presentare quale sarà il menu della prossima Build Season 2 del simulatore americano, attesa nel mese di marzo. Dovrebbe essere certo l'arrivo di vetture e circuiti da sterrato (il famigerato "dirt"), anche se non abbiamo ancora la conferma ufficiale, mentre è certo il nuovo ovale corto del Las Vegas Motor Speedway, che vedete nelle immagini qui sotto. Attention short track fans - the 3/8th mile Bullring @ Las Vegas Motor Speedway is coming to iRacing! Due this March for the Season 2 build

    iRacing dirt si mostra in video!

    Dopo le immagini di anteprima delle ultime settimane, arriva finalmente un breve filmato che ci mostra in azione in pista l'attesa novità "sterrato" (o dirt come dicono gli americani) della prossima build di iRacing. Cosa ve ne pare? Di sicuro ci sarà da divertirsi... Dirt racing is coming soon to iRacing.com. Welcome to a whole new world of racing. This footage is from a work in progress

    Nuovi screens "dirt" per iRacing

    Tramite i social network, il team di iRacing ci mostra alcuni nuovi screens di anteprima del lavoro in corso sullo sterrato per iRacing, ormai di prossimo arrivo. Truckin' @EldoraSpeedway. #DIRT is coming soon to a PC near you. The dirt cushion is now implemented for our #DIRT testers, which moves up the track over the course of a race. @peakauto

    Codemasters annuncia DiRT 4

    Con un annuncio ed un trailer pubblicati a sorpresa, Codemasters ha svelato oggi il nuovo DiRT 4, capitolo che riprende la numerazione classica della serie dopo DiRT Rally, per il quale è in arrivo un DLC dedicato alla PlayStation VR. DiRT 4 è un'evoluzione nella simulazione rallystica per il team britannico, con alcune novità interessanti, a cominciare da un sistema chiamato "Your Stage" che consente agli utenti di creare nuovi tracciati attraverso un potente editor che permette di espandere i contenuti di gioco a dismisura, scegliendo l'ambientazione ed una serie di parametri specifici. DiRT 4, nelle intenzioni di Codemasters, si pone nel mezzo fra la simulazione realistica di un DiRT Rally e il divertimento immediato di DiRT 2 e 3, senza dimenticare le fondamenta dei vari Colin McRae Rally ed aggiungendo le licenze ufficiali del FIA World Rallycross Championship. L'uscita del gioco è prevista per giugno 2017 su PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One. Commenti e discussioni sul forum dedicato. Yes, you read it right – DiRT 4 is coming! Today, we’re delighted to announce that DiRT 4 will fearlessly race to PS4, Xbox One and Windows PC in June 2017. Hot on the heels of 2016’s critically and commercially successful DiRT Rally, DiRT 4 takes the passion and authenticity of off-road racing to the next level, whilst also re-introducing you all to white-knuckle truck and buggy racing in Landrush. Motorsport by its very nature is dangerous – it says so on the back of the ticket. DiRT 4 is all about embracing that danger. It’s about the thrill, exhilaration and adrenaline that is absolutely vital to off-road racing. And more than that, it’s about loving that feeling. It’s about pushing flat out next to a sheer cliff drop. Going for the gap that’s slightly too small. Seeing how much air you can get in a truck. They call it ‘being fearless’ – and this is what we aim to inspire in DiRT 4. DiRT 4 features a game-changing system called Your Stage; an innovative rally route creation tool that allows you to produce an almost-infinite number of unique stages at the press of a button. You choose your location and set the route parameters, then Your Stage does the hard work to create a unique rally stage that you can race, share with your friends, and then challenge them to beat your time. Your Stage allows experienced rally players to create longer, more technical routes, whilst newcomers can create simpler shorter routes as they hone their skills. With DiRT 4, we’ve sought to combine the levels of thrill and realism from last year’s DiRT Rally with the fearless excitement, fun, and adrenaline-fuelled races previously seen in its critically acclaimed prequels DiRT 2 and DiRT 3. Featuring classic rally racing that continues to build on the foundations set by the Colin McRae Rally games, the brutal, fast-paced racing from the official FIA World Rallycross Championship, the crazy battles of racing trucks and buggies, and the outrageous fun of open events in Joyride, players will face challenges from locations that span three continents. We can’t wait to tell you more of DiRT 4, so stay tuned for the road to launch – we’ve got so much to show you.

    iRacing: parliamo ancora di "dirt"

    Si torna a parlare di sterrato (dirt appunto) per iRacing, in quanto il campione NPAS Tyler Hudson ha annunciato di essere entrato nello staff tecnico del simulatore americano ed ha iniziato a provare tutte le caratteristiche "dirt" del software. Nel lungo messaggio, Tyler ha anche confermato che la prima release alpha dirt sarà rilasciata ai beta testers la prossima settimana. 2013 NPAS Champion Tyler Hudson offers his initial thoughts on iRacing’s upcoming Dirt feature Just this week I accepted a job at iRacing working in the customer service department working with Nim, Susan, Angela and the rest of the team including helping Shannon as well with the WC series. I am very excited about it and chomping at the bit to get going. I look forward to doing my best to help iRacers for many years to come. I don’t officially start for a couple weeks. I will be flying up to Bedford to start my training on the various systems they use and start my training. The only bummer is I will not be allowed to race in the NASCAR Peak World Championship Series but I’ll still be racing everything else when I can so that will be fun! I also already started to get some employee perks. The guys let me try out the dirt content last night and after sending Steve a wall of text about it he thought it would be a good idea to post it in the forums! I’m also told Dirt is going to all alpha testers this week. First, let me start by saying most of my real world racing experience is on dirt tracks, from karts, mini stock and street stocks to late models. Not an extraordinary amount, but more than any other form of racing. So I can honestly say that climbing into iRacing’s version of a dirt late model took me by a huge surprise. From the start I had the sensation I was back in my race car; not from the adrenaline rush as much as the fact that the driving sensation and feedback were like no other car I’ve ever driven in the sim. There is so much to say about the many different cars iRacing is developing, but I'll make this as short as possible. These guys have nailed it. Sure, there are some minor issues as with anything in development, but they blew this one out of the park. Maybe it's because we dirt fans/racers have been left out for so long, we haven't had anything worth playing since the PS2 game World of Outlaw Sprint Cars or Dirt to Daytona, but believe me, this is the real deal. The track changes.... A LOT, visually and grip wise. That is a huge part of what makes dirt racing what it is, so you'll be happy to hear that. You legitimately have to search for moisture in the track for grip. After 10 laps around the bottom at Eldora, the grip had fallen off by half a second and - visually - you could SEE the track change color from wet to dry dirt. I followed the moisture every lap until I was up by the wall. Then I went back to the bottom and was 3 tenths slower than up top where it was still a little damp. Eventually, I had gotten all the initial moisture out of the track from the bottom to the top, and virtually from the inside wall to the outside wall ran almost identical lap times. This will be great for searching for grip and racing. Oh, but that's not all. I backed out, set the track state to 100% and went back out. THERE'S A CUSHION!! I couldn't really see the cushion, as I understand that's still in development, but boy you sure can feel it! And the grip it provides will make dirt racing on iRacing genuine, authentic and as real as it gets. I’ve seen a lot of forum posts by people worried by some of the pictures that the late model won't "get up on the bars." Well let me tell you, it took some messing around in the garage, but it does. I haven't found a way to make the car as far up on the bars as I’d like, but maybe that's another item in development -- or for a crew chief way better than me! I was able to twist the rear end and float the left front - everything you see in pictures of real race cars. I'm telling you guys, I am amazed at what iRacing has done. I am thrilled to be a part of it, to help develop it and I can’ wait to see how much further we can push the envelope in motor sports simulations. This is ground breaking stuff: No other game on the market has even scratched the surface at what these guys have already done with dirt – and it’s getting better every day. As I understand it there is still quite a bit of work to do but all the hype will be worth it. I can't wait to turn laps with other cars on the track. Oh, and did I even mention the Ford Fiesta?!?!? No? Well we'll save that for another day. =)

    iRacing: primi screens su sterrato

    Dopo l'anteprima di cosa arriverà nel 2017, oggi il team di iRacing ci mostra finalmente i primi screens in game delle vetture nelle gare su sterrato, anch'esse attese nelle build del simulatore americano del prossimo anno. We released new screenshots today of our upcoming dirt racing feature currently in development. Coming Soon! "As you all know, we've been working incredibly hard to bring authentic dirt racing to iRacing. This project has involved every developer in one way or another, whether it's physics, track dynamics, production, art, audio, rendering, or web. It's also pushed us to try new methods and tools for art creation and new shaders which will pay dividends not just for dirt, but for all of iRacing. We're really excited about it and would like to share these in-progress shots with you as a preview of what's to come. Note that these are in progress and things are subject to change... for example, the cushion is not showing in these shots, but the "prepared" surface is and so is the base surface."

    iRacing: parliamo di novità 2017...

    Dirt: As you probably are aware we are very excited about “dirt” and have heard the same from so many of you. Major pieces of it have been finished for months. There are so many details, facets and challenges to this new form of racing for us graphically and physically. We had many new development challenges to tackle and many new and unique features to develop. I think you will be very impressed with all the work and detail put into this when you get a chance to see it and drive it. However, a few smaller things are still lingering and we want to nail this down to our satisfaction. The small things can make a big difference. We would not expect to release it by year end either with the year winding down and holidays etc. The good news is we feel we are close and are still optimistic to release before the March build. We would do a “mid-season” release if the feature/Dirt was ready. As far as content we have Eldora, Williams Grove and a dirt version of USA Speedway about done and more tracks in the works already. We have 305, 358 and 410 versions of a Dirt Super Late Model. We have a wingless dirt 410 sprint car. We have a winged Sprint Car including 305, 360 and 410 versions. We are putting the cars through our CFD “wind tunnel” to get better aero data, especially for the Winged Sprint car. We also will have dirt versions of our NASCAR truck and a dirt version of the legends car out of the gate. Much more coming and already in the works including global rally cross. Thanks for your patience. It is heart-breaking not to release some of it for year-end with all the work we have put in and being so close but it is the right thing to do. Time-Attack: This new hot-lapping competition/feature we think is going to be a great fun and will be something that almost everyone from rookies/time constrained people to veteran sim-racers will really enjoy. We are also close on this new feature and also would release at a point in time, not necessarily needing to wait until a season end build. We will be doing a video about it soon to give you a better idea of it. Other: We are also still working on many other things discussed previously like the new damage model, new in-sim UI, web interface, improved and new sounds including working on utilizing XAudio 2, animation and graphics, new forums, physics, incredible content and working on many other things not yet discussed!
  15. Sul forum ufficiale di iRacing, Tony Gardner in persona conferma per il 6 dicembre l'arrivo della nuova build del simulatore americano. Gardner ci parla anche delle numerose novità che arriveranno in iRacing nel corso del 2017, come la modalità dirt (lo sterrato), la funzionalità time attack e molto altro ancora. We are excited about the build next week! You will see multiple enhancements and improvements to the simulation and overall service. Right now the plan is to do the usual quarterly software update on December 6th at about 8:00 AM EST. However I wanted to discuss just a few things that are NOT going to be in build next week and provide a brief update. You will see soon enough what will be in the build next week! Dirt: As you probably are aware we are very excited about “dirt” and have heard the same from so many of you. Major pieces of it have been finished for months. There are so many details, facets and challenges to this new form of racing for us graphically and physically. We had many new development challenges to tackle and many new and unique features to develop. I think you will be very impressed with all the work and detail put into this when you get a chance to see it and drive it. However, a few smaller things are still lingering and we want to nail this down to our satisfaction. The small things can make a big difference. We would not expect to release it by year end either with the year winding down and holidays etc. The good news is we feel we are close and are still optimistic to release before the March build. We would do a “mid-season” release if the feature/Dirt was ready. As far as content we have Eldora, Williams Grove and a dirt version of USA Speedway about done and more tracks in the works already. We have 305, 358 and 410 versions of a Dirt Super Late Model. We have a wingless dirt 410 sprint car. We have a winged Sprint Car including 305, 360 and 410 versions. We are putting the cars through our CFD “wind tunnel” to get better aero data, especially for the Winged Sprint car. We also will have dirt versions of our NASCAR truck and a dirt version of the legends car out of the gate. Much more coming and already in the works including global rally cross. Thanks for your patience. It is heart-breaking not to release some of it for year-end with all the work we have put in and being so close but it is the right thing to do. Time-Attack: This new hot-lapping competition/feature we think is going to be a great fun and will be something that almost everyone from rookies/time constrained people to veteran sim-racers will really enjoy. We are also close on this new feature and also would release at a point in time, not necessarily needing to wait until a season end build. We will be doing a video about it soon to give you a better idea of it. Other: We are also still working on many other things discussed previously like the new damage model, new in-sim UI, web interface, improved and new sounds including working on utilizing XAudio 2, animation and graphics, new forums, physics, incredible content and working on many other things not yet discussed! This post has been promoted to an article

    iRacing: templates per le auto "dirt"

    Introducing the upcoming Dirt Late Model, Dirt Sprint Car, and Dirt Street Stock - coming soon to iRacing. Painters, get a head start on creating custom paints and download the paint templates for each car below.

    iRacing ci aggiorna sullo sterrato

    Con un messaggio su Facebook accompagnato da uno screenshot, il team di iRacing ci aggiorna sul lavoro di sviluppo in corso riguardo l'implementazione dello sterrato nel simulatore americano. Il tracciato in terra sarà ovviamente dinamico e reagirà in modo realistico al passaggio delle vetture. Development work on dirt is going great! The physics, art, and track dynamics systems are all starting to work together in real-time. Today we took the #25 Sprint car out for a spin at Eldora Speedway. Here you'll see the first glimpse of a prepared track beginning to develop a groove. Not yet visible but almost ready will be the accumulation of loose dirt and a cushion. Again, this is all dynamic... the track will constantly change and react based on the cars, resulting in an unparalleled dirt racing simulation.

    DiRT Rally si aggiorna

    DiRT Rally v1.21 We released an update for DiRT Rally PC players on Monday, which has added some really beneficial finesse and fixes to our VR game. If you missed the patch notes, don’t worry – here’s the full fix list for v1.21: Graphics – Improvements to significantly reduce object popping during track intros and replays in VR. Graphics – Wheel will no longer lock to the left if you use the ultra low graphical preset. Graphics – Desktop image when playing in VR is no longer stretched. Graphics – Improvements to prevent the environment popping in the distance during a dynamic Game – You can now remap the headset position reset function in Controls for VR. Game – You can no longer press pause during the fade to black when you restart an event in VR. Audio – Razer Kraken will no longer cause the game to crash on boot. HUD – Split time will no longer overlap co-driver calls in VR. HUD – Repair puncture tooltip will no longer overlap speedometer in VR. HUD – Legibility improvements for smaller text elements in VR. HUD – Hud should no longer fall into your line of sight on hills if you have VR Vehicle Camera Motion turned on. HUD – Fix to prevent the “Recover Vehicle” tooltip remaining on screen when you have accepted an invite during gameplay. UI – Stereoscopic Rendering and V-Sync are removed when playing the game in VR. UI – VR Options in HUD are removed if you are not playing in VR. UI – A Message will now be displayed if you access the Steam Overlay in VR letting you know to take off your headset. UI – Certain pop up messages should now display correctly in VR. The update went out on both Steam and Oculus at 10am on Monday morning, and you were all hot on the heels of some audio issues with the patch. Thanks to your feedback, we were able to fix with a couple of days later, which leads us to… DiRT Rally v1.22 V1.22 landed on Wednesday to remedy these issues, and for those who missed this, the fix list included: Audio – Engine and Co-Driver balance is now back to how it was in 1.20. Audio – Surround now works like it did in 1.20. Audio – Engine audio during post race sequence now plays out correctly. However, we’ve had a couple of reports that sound still isn’t working properly in VR – so if you’re one of these unlucky people, then please check your Rift is your default playback device in your Sound settings and send your dxdiag to dirtgame[at]codemasters.com.

    Update Oculus VR per DiRT Rally

    Great news! Although you’ve all been aware of this development for a little while, we’re delighted to confirm that we will be adding official Oculus Rift support to the PC version of DiRT Rally later this month. As you’d expect with VR, the update will immerse players into the world of rally like never before – with the challenge of DiRT Rally taking on a whole new dimension. You’ll be absorbed even further into the game as you take on some of the most challenging real life rally locations in the world, battling the elements in glorious VR. And it’s not just rally that the VR experience will heighten, either. Ever wondered what it’s like to peer over the edge at Broadmoor Pikes Peak International Hill Climb, or look around you on the starting grid of an FIA World Rallycross Championship race? This update will bring Oculus users even closer to these situations and settings, putting them into the heart of the action like never before. So when’s it arriving, we hear you ask? DiRT Rally VR will release with the Oculus Store on 11th July, while existing PC players will receive an update on the same day too.

    iRacing: sarà sterrato, per davvero

    Founded in 1954 in Rossburg, Ohio by the late Earl Baltes, Eldora Speedway is home of The Biggest Dirt Races In The World™ — including the World 100®, Kings Royal®, Dirt Late Model Dream®, and the Four Crown Nationals®. Three-time NASCAR Sprint Cup Series champion Tony Stewart purchased Eldora in 2004 and has continued Baltes’ legacy with continual facility improvements, significant purse increases and the addition of a NASCAR Camping World Truck Series event, the only NASCAR National Series race held on dirt. “We’re ecstatic to partner with iRacing in bringing dirt track racing to sim racers around the world,” said speedway Promoter and General Manager Roger Slack. “Eldora has a history of firsts that have produced the biggest and best events in dirt track racing, so it’s fitting that the World’s Greatest Dirt Track® will be available on the world’s greatest sim racing service.” “We’re really thrilled to be adding the world’s premier dirt track to our service,” says Tony Gardner, President of iRacing.com. “Last week’s announcement that we’re bringing dirt track racing to iRacing generated a tremendous amount of interest throughout the motorsports community, and we’re honored that we’ll be able to offer our members the opportunity to race at Eldora.” Among the iRacers delighted to hear Eldora will be coming to iRacing is NASCAR Sprint Cup driver Kyle Larson. “This is great news,” says Larson, who swept all three USAC divisions at the Four Crown Nationals at Eldora in 2011. “iRacing adding dirt racing, and Eldora Speedway, is really exciting. I’ve had some fantastic races at the Big E and can’t wait to go there virtually. As a long-time member of iRacing, I’ve offered my help as they develop dirt, so I am looking forward to contributing to the project.” iRacing.com goes to extra-ordinary lengths to simulate real racing for its enthusiastic customer base across a wide range of motorsport from stock cars, sports cars and touring cars to open wheel racing, sedan racing and showroom stock racing. iRacing is home to hundreds of private leagues as well as dozens of official series, many run in partnership with the world’s foremost professional racing organizations including NASCAR, INDYCAR, IMSA, SRO Blancpain and the V8 Supercar series. iRacing.com, which has had over 200,000 members join since 2008, is available 24/7 to join or race. After completing a user-friendly enrollment process on their personal computers, iRacers in more than 150 countries compete against one another from their homes using an inexpensive gaming racing wheel/pedal set connected to their PCs.

    DiRT Rally console video show


    DiRT Rally arriva su consoles

    Arrivano oggi una serie di nuove immagini e video per DiRT Rally in versione console, il gioco di guida targato Codemasters, già disponibile su PC in formato digitale su Steam dallo scorso dicembre e che arriverà nei negozi anche in versione retail, su PS ed XBox One a partire dal 5 aprile. Il titolo punta ancora allo standard dei 1080p e sessanta fotogrammi al secondo sulle console current-gen, un traguardo ragguardevole, e che la versione PlayStation 4 è "molto, molto vicina" al raggiungimento. Su Xbox One si è invece un po' indietro: il team sta cercando di raggiungere i medesimi risultati, ma in caso contrario potrebbe optare per una risoluzione dinamica, che potrebbe scendere da 1080p a 900p nelle fasi più impegnative. In ogni caso le due versioni saranno sostanzialmente identiche e Codemasters potrebbe addirittura ricorrere a una patch day one per sistemare le performance. Iconic McRae liveries. Seven new cars. Vintage full gravel Pikes Peak. All this and more, arriving to DiRT Rally on April 5th 2016. Available for pre-order on PS4 and XBox One now: www.dirtgame.com

    DiRT Rally v1.0 e Winter Wonderland DLC

    The update also brings two new cars to the game, the Hyundai Rally and the Volkswagen Polo Rally. These cars are the most recent additions to the pinnacle of the sport and they are the perfect way to round off our Early Access programme. The Winter Wonderland update also sees the introduction of Steam Workshop support that allows players to share Car Setup & Force Feedback settings. You can find a guide for this here: DiRT Rally Service Park - Guide You can get started with settings from our simulation team here: Developer Service Pack We’ve also made improvements and refinements made to Global Leaderboards and League support. Here’s the rundown of other stuff that’s new this month: You can now tune your immersion levels by customising your OSD options, choosing between On, Countdowns Only and Off. The Logitech G29 wheel is now correctly listed in the controller preset menu. Custom Championships now reward you with the correct number of credits. There’s a new EULA to sign when you boot the game, which asks you to kindly behave yourself when you’re playing with others. Your favourite pet mouse has learnt a new trick, and can now change the livery on your car. If you own an Owner’s Club event, you will now correctly own the Owned achievement. If you pledge a wedge to an online Wager Event and the event ends while you’re on stage, we’ll give you your CR back. Your Oculus Rift can now be toggled to lock the horizontal orientation. Look for a flag in the hardware configuration file. Sliders on the Advanced Racing Wheel Options screen now increment at the same rate as the Steering and Pedal calibration screen. Your Service Crews are back from their training course and will now correctly setup your car for multi-location events. Stopped one set of Rallycross results from appearing on a Rally leaderboard. You no longer need to hold the headlight control to activate your lights. You can now just tap that. Windows accounts with accented and non-latin characters will now correctly save game settings. Fixed a weird bug where the camera would briefly flick back to the default position at the start of a stage after customising the seat position. Kick_Up will now politely and calmly inform you if your wheels fall off, and if you’re going the wrong way. As ever, please stop by the forums and let us know what you think of version 1.0 and how you think we did in early access. We couldn’t have done it without you!

    DiRT Rally update Modern Masters

    Codemasters continua con il suo lavoro di evoluzione per DiRT Rally, nuovo capitolo della serie racing incentrata sui rally al momento disponibile in accesso anticipato su PC. Proprio oggi, è stato pubblicato un nuovo aggiornamento per il gioco che introduce diverse nuove auto nella categoria Modern Masters tra cui Citroën C4 Rally 2010 e Ford Focus RS Rally 2007. Dal punto di vista del gameplay sono state applicate alcune variazioni al sistema di guida delle auto appartenenti al Gruppo B 4WD oltre ad altri aggiustamenti e bug fix. Qui di seguito il trailer di presentazione.

    DiRT Rally: Flying Finland Update

    It’s time for version 0.8 and we are returning to our rally roots with the mighty Flying Finland pack. We’ve added 12 new stages from Finland, the world’s fastest rally and two iconic cars driven by our local heroes from one of the greatest battles in rally championship history. Add to this a new game mode and loads of fixes and features and this pack is almost as big as those Finnish jumps and crests. Oh, and did we mention mouse support for the menus? You did want that right...? So here is what’s new: 12 new rally stages near Jämsä, Finland All new 2000s vehicle class 2 new cars - Subaru Impreza 2001 and Ford Focus RS Rally 2001 Custom Championships – You can now tweak the number of events, stages and AI difficulty. This will mean that you can set up an event that suits the amount of time you have available and get rewarded accordingly. Mouse Support! – Yep you asked for it so here it is. It’s still a work in progress so please give us your feedback on how we can improve it. We’ve reworked the handling on our 60s, 70s, 80s RWD and 2010s classes – these changes have seen improvements to the way we model suspension and tyres, along with engine and aero rework they really make the cars feel a lot more dynamic to drive. We’ve updated the engine audio for the 1995 Subaru Impreza in the Group A class. We’d like to say a massive thank you to Ryan Champion for letting us use his awesome car for the recording! We’ve wrapped our replays so you can rewind from the start of a replay to watch the final section of your run much faster than you could before. We’ve added a new ‘Invite Friends’ option in the lobby to make it easier for you to get the people you want into your PVP races. Here’s what we’ve fixed: The audio FX levels for the surfaces and kick up have been brought back so that you can hear all that gravely goodness. We sent our Rallycross AI drivers to the opticians so that they can now see when they need to avoid other cars when they are approaching the joker entrance. Now that they can see better they are also setting faster laps. We’ve fixed the camera clipping in certain camera angles when you changed the Field of View. We’ve made some Hyper threading fixes that should now prevent those annoying stuttering issues that some of you were having. We’ve stopped the Engineer contract lengths and costs from being affected when competing in league events. Toggling Push to Talk or enabling/disabling voice communications through the pause menu is now actually working. The Reset Timer has now been increased to 15 seconds when attempting to get back on track. I know we said that before but this time it is actually in. Cars will no longer roll over on the start in PVP races, ROFL. We’ve made sure that the cars are visible on the start line even when collisions are turned off in PVP – they will still ghost during the race though. Your PVP opponents won’t be showboating and driving around with the handbrake on anymore. The gear setup will no longer be changing between stages without a service area. We’ve fixed those odd camera angles that were being used in spectate mode. The miles driven using owned vehicles in PVP now accrue towards unlocking upgrades for that vehicle. When viewing a replay using an interior camera, the speedometers now show the correct speed for all vehicles. We’ve fixed a whole host of other stuff too but they were too boring to call out in this list. Be sure to let us know how we’re doing, or just stop the forums by to say hello. Stay mid over BIG jump!
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