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  1. Come promesso entro Gennaio, il team di iRacing ha rilasciato per il simulatore americano la spettacolare e godibilissima Porsche 911 GT3 Cup, vettura protagonista di numerosi trofei monomarca, come il ben noto Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup che accompagna la Formula 1, ma anche vari campionati Gran Turismo, come quello italiano. The Porsche 911 GT3 Cup is here and ready to be raced! Raced in more than 20 race series around the world, including the Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge USA and the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup in support of the FIA Formula One World Championship, the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup is the world's most produced and most used GT race car. With its potent, aluminum, 4 liter, flat 6 installed in the rear of its 1200 kg chassis, the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup is a demanding car to master, but one which delivers ample rewards to those who do. You can purchase and download the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup here.

    Porsche Alzen 996 Biturbo

    v2.9 http://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/alzen-porsche-996-biturbo-turbinchen.10890/update?update=23176 Been some time. This patch brings the cars up to spec for the current patch. Lot's of small updates and patches everywhere. Very little work on the 3D model of them tho. Try it out Changelog: V2.9 26.12.16 - 16.01.2017 - numerous shader and texture updates/fixes - new blur texture for rims - fixed EMPTY_CURVE error produced by tyres.ini - re-evaluated inertia - adjusted fuel consumption - Better positioning of LCD instruments - UI updates - applied all changes from AWD to RWD/2003 car and both LODs *Please do not upload this archive to any other hoster or website without permission* I think I can dare to do this. Please give constructive feedback about every flaw you find, best with a screenshot, and tell me what I can do better, how I can do it better if you know how to do it better. Last changes: 8.05.2015: Reworked/new mesh for underbody New custom soundbank Adjusted stuff like LODs etc 1.04.2015: Several texture/shader changes and optimizations Additions to mesh ( Interior, wiper stalks, steering column) First try at "LODing" Early version of a custom soundbank courtsey of @@Fonsecker. Yes we know the turbo sounds like a party whistle, will change This time font files are included, so working instruments for everyone (still don't know were I got the font from originally) Full setup options. Range of all sliders still up for debate Adjusted physics, including newly calculated engine power resulting in -gasp- less power. Tires still smoke, nothing I can change apparently. Known flaws: Tires smoke at standstill if torque distribution is set to anything else than 50/50 -> known bug in AC, happens even to the Alfa, can't fix it for now Sound is from RUF Yellowbird for now Interior is not very detailed, indicator stalks are missing etc Shaders are not great Two early skins included (thx to Brownninja97) No animation except steering wheel (so no shifter movement, no doors, no wiper) Not very easy to drive (then again, nor was the original car) Stock suspension setup is still under development. Feel free to play around with the suspension.ini and tell me if you made it better! No "real" setup.ini for now. Will come, but be pretty limited due to the real car being limited aswell. This is my first ever model and first ever mod in like 10 years for a game. I learned while going along with it, so be easy on me, I'm neither meco nor pankypus ... August 2014: That's what I'm working on at the moment. A car rather well known for anyone fascinated with the Nürburgring Nordschleife and its VLN racing series (and 24h race). Alzen Motorsport 996 Biturbo, AWD, called "Turbinchen", a rumoured >800 PS before air restrictors were applied. As the car changed constantly from season to season and even race to race I sort of make my own mashup of the last years. Long story short, I already have some Physics (lots of 996 Cup data on the net luckily, rear suspension improvised as Multilink is not yet supported) and a selfmade soundpack, and the model is very slowly taking shape. I probably know only 10% of Blenders functions yet, but I try my best. So it will be done when it's done Status: Physics: 99,5% (AWD in) Model: ...99,7%? (see above and further in the thread) Sound: 50% (done by Fonsecker) Textures: 98% (diffuse, normalmaps, detailmaps, Shaders) fonte AC forum
  3. Cars soul

    Speciale: Panamera Express

    A pochi giorni dall'uscita del terzo e ultimo DLC targato Porsche per Assetto Corsa, saliamo a bordo di una della auto più criticate fin'ora aggiunte, la Porsche Panamera Turbo, per conoscerla da vicino e scoprire la sua anima. Saprà dimostrarsi all'altezza del simulatore di casa Kunos? Correte a leggere lo speciale Panamera Express curato da Mauro Stefanoni. Nell’ultimo periodo Assetto Corsa ha permesso di metterci alla guida di alcune delle Porsche più belle in circolazione, in attesa del terzo e ultimo DLC a tema, che sarà rilasciato martedì 20 dicembre. Tutte auto stupende, veloci e sportive; belle da guidare, riprodotte fedelmente e appaganti, per ogni gusto ed età, tuttavia un paio di esse (quelle gratuite per intenderci) hanno fatto storcere il naso a più di una persona. Per questo motivo, oggi, volante alla mano, ho deciso di scendere in pista (e non solo), per mettere alla prova una delle due auto incriminate, la “berlinona” di casa Porsche, la prorompente Panamera Turbo G2. Abbandonati i pregiudizi, è quindi tempo di vedere cosa si nasconde sotto questi 5 metri e poco più di alluminio, acciaio e magnesio. Per prima cosa immaginate che l’auto compaia davanti a voi come in uno di quei filmati accattivanti, con l’inquadratura sul tre quarti anteriore e i fari che si accendono all’improvviso. Bene. Io prima di guidare una qualsiasi vettura mi soffermo in principio sulla sua estetica, ne analizzo i dettagli e solo dopo “salgo” effettivamente a bordo e accendo il motore. E questa Panamera G2, rispetto al modello precedente, è un passo avanti netto in termini di linea; ora è armoniosa, il frontale è più aggressivo, ma la parte che più mi convince è il retro: non è del tutto spiovente ma protende leggermente in fuori, sembra ci sia un’estensione che non spezza la linea filante che scorre su tutta la carrozzeria. Stento quasi a crederci ma finalmente posso dirlo: la Porsche Panamera è carina; non è più una 911 limo, allungata e sgraziata, ora ha un suo perché. Inoltre le ho scelto un bel Night Blue Metallic, che si addice perfettamente al suo essere seria, signorile, ma allo stesso tempo sportiva. Una volta finito il tour esterno, è ora di entrare in macchina e così imposto la visuale col solo cruscotto (digitale e ben illuminato). Dopodiché premo il pedale a destra: voglio ascoltare il rombo del V8 biturbo, il quale però, almeno dalla visuale interna, è fin troppo ovattato e non molto ben definito, come se fosse silenziato; solo agli alti giri si fa più acuto e aggressivo. La storia cambia con la visuale esterna, dove, infatti, si sente il borbottio ai bassi regimi, che via via si fa più incalzante e roboante fino a un accenno di urlo quando siamo vicini ai 7000 giri. Ritornato all’interno dell’auto, inserisco la prima con il paddle destro e parto... ma per dove? Come primo luogo ho scelto le stradine asfaltate ma strette della Baviera, ore 10 del mattino e temperatura dell’asfalto bassa (15°C). Per i primi istanti non tocco nulla, lascio tutte le impostazioni di guida predefinite, quindi ABS e TCS attivi. La Porsche è lunga e larga ma nonostante ciò scorre senza problemi tra i vicoli del paesino e le strade in aperta campagna. Fin da subito sento che è potente e mi basta premere poco l’acceleratore che la Panamera scatta, grazie alla trazione integrale e alla coppia mostruosa di cui è dotata. Si parla di oltre 700 Nm e una potenza complessiva di 557 cv... e sì, è davvero potente. Ci sono tratti in cui tocco i 180 Km/h, tra una curva a gomito e l’altra e la Panamera non si scompone per nulla, salvo quei momenti in cui l’asfalto si fa eccessivamente pronunciato. È fluida, è morbida nell’affrontare le curve e se fossi un imprenditore in ritardo per il meeting, non mi preoccuperei di nulla, perché basta un attimo e questa vettura sprigiona tutti i suoi cavalli, raggiungendo velocità elevatissime. Dopo qualche giro su questo percorso, decido di cambiare ambiente e opto per quello che dovrebbe essere il campo di battaglia preferito per un’elegante e comoda auto quale la Panamera: sto parlando dell’Autobahn. Nei rettilinei più lunghi riesco a oltrepassare i 290 Km/h e anche a mantenerli per qualche secondo, ma in ogni caso non scendo mai sotto i 230 orari. La cosa più straordinaria è che a queste velocità sembra di essere in crociera, mi vien voglia di guidare con una sola mano, rilassato, col gomito appoggiato alla portiera: le sospensioni assorbono bene le leggere disconnessioni dell’asfalto e il rollio è minimo. Solo quando devo affrontare le curve più lente, che poi così lente non sono, alzo il piede dall’acceleratore e faccio un po’ fatica a tenerla in strada: lei vorrebbe andare avanti dritta per dritta, ma io stringo forte il volante e controllo il sottosterzo. Se poi inserisco le marce fino all’ottava, anche a oltre 220 l’ora, si fa silenziosissima, pacata, imperturbabile. Mi sembra di essere al comando di un treno espresso, di quelli lussuosi e tecnologici. È davvero nata per percorrere lunghe distanze a velocità elevate, la famigerata autostrada tedesca si è dimostrata essere il suo punto forte, come mi aspettavo del resto; ma ha anche messo in luce un suo probabile difetto, quindi, curioso di vedere come se la cava tra delle curve “vere”, parcheggio la Panamera sul bordo della strada ed esco nel menù principale. Dove correre? Quale circuito rappresenta la sfida più ardua? Il Nürburgring Nordschleife ovviamente. La mia scelta non è casuale ma fondata, poiché questa vettura, nel mondo reale, ha stampato un incredibile 7’38’’, ben più veloce di altre auto sportive e supercar blasonate. Il mio obiettivo non è battere il record, voglio solo limitarmi a strapazzarla, voglio tirare il collo a un’auto che per ora si è sempre comportata educatamente. Per quest’occasione cambio le carte in tavola: imposto il TCS sul valore 2, almeno per i primi giri, per poi toglierlo del tutto una volta presa una certa confidenza. Qualche sgasatina, poi parto; i primi metri non esagero e cerco di mantenere un atteggiamento tranquillo, ma poi mi dico che l’ho già fatto per due terzi del tempo quindi schiaccio a fondo il pedale del gas e via, lungo i curvoni violenti dell’Inferno Verde. Quello che comprendo nei primi istanti da quando ho iniziato a tirare forte, è che la Porsche Panamera Turbo è diventata un’auto totalmente diversa: reagisce prontamente alle sollecitazioni del terreno, il motore risponde energico ogni qual volta affondo il piede, in accelerazione dopo le curve più lente è micidiale (non a caso fa da 0 a 100 Km/h in 4,2 s) e mi sento a mio agio. È bastato poco per capire che la Panamera Turbo sa fare sul serio se incitata a dovere; non è solo una potente macina chilometri ma ha anche un’anima sportiva, un’anima caparbia e sa affrontare con decisione anche le curve più ostiche del circuito più tosto del mondo. Devo ammetterlo, ha carattere e si guida altrettanto bene, tant’è che non ho paura di aggredire i cordoli più alti né percorrere qualche metro con le ruote sollevate da terra in salto, come per esempio al Flügplatz. Ora capisco come abbia fatto il test driver Porsche a registrare un tempo così basso; ma non soddisfatto vado avanti e guido sempre più come un forsennato e lei si comporta benone: è addirittura più agile di quel che m’immaginavo! Certo non siamo ai livelli di una 911 o di una Cayman, ma per essere una macchina dalle dimensioni diciamo non proprio contenute, è una gran cosa; nel tratto successivo al Karussell, in discesa al Wippermann e poi all’Eschbach e Brünchenn è stupenda da guidare, salta da un cordolo all’altro stabile e precisa, basta saper dosare l’acceleratore e non esagerare. L’unico vero punto debole sono le dimensioni, infatti, nelle curve più lunghe sento il retrotreno non seguire perfettamente la traiettoria. Tutto sommato però mi ha sorpreso: lo sterzo è diretto, leggero alle basse velocità, più rigido e sicuro quando si aumenta il passo; il sistema a quattro ruote sterzanti aiuta in percorrenza di curva e m’impedisce di mettere di traverso la Panamera. A proposito, dopo qualche giro decido di togliere completamente il TCS: se fino a che avevo mantenuto attivo il controllo di trazione, l’auto era pressoché sempre stabile, salvo qualche sbandata in uscita di curva, beh, anche ora è praticamente incollata a terra ed è difficile schiodarla. Diventa tuttavia un pizzico più imprevedibile e ciò non guasta per niente, perché la Panamera risulta essere divertente e quasi emozionante da guidare. Mai avrei creduto che una vettura del genere potesse essere così coinvolgente e soddisfacente da guidare, ma lo è, per davvero. Ha superato dignitosa il Nordschleife e l’ha fatto dimostrando di essere anche un’ottima auto in pista. È un’auto dalla doppia anima: pacifica e composta nella vita di tutti i giorni, si trasforma in pista in un’affamata divoratrice di curve. Posso quindi affermare di essere stato positivamente sorpreso dalla Porsche Panamera Turbo. A Stoccarda hanno fatto un ottimo lavoro e l’hanno fatto anche alla Kunos, peccato per il sound interno, a mio parere vera pecca dell’auto. A tutti quelli che temono di essere di fronte ad un’auto inutile all’interno di un simulatore, fatevi un giro, e se proprio non vi garberà, fatevi una risata guardando lo spoiler posteriore alzarsi e aprirsi come un transformers sopra una certa velocità. Ne varrà la pena. A cura di Mauro Stefanoni

    AC: le "belve" della Porsche...

    Capisci la vera utilità del laser scan in Assetto Corsa quando hai a che fare con una vettura come la Porsche 908 LH, dove non sei tu che guidi lei, ma il contrario. E allora ogni centimetro di pista diventa fondamentale per arrivare ad un tempo decente (cosa che qui ancora non mi è riuscita ). Bestiale poi la 919, dove settare il recupero di energia su Hotlap ti dà una "carica" (letteralmente!) enorme! Guardatevi gli ultimi minuti del video, i movimenti di quest'auto sono ipnotici! A cura di Andrea "Uff" Candini

    iRacing: Porsche in arrivo a Gennaio!

    Con il trailer che potete ammirare qui sotto, il team di iRacing annuncia la nuova licenza Porsche per il simulatore americano, con l'arrivo entro gennaio della nuovissima Porsche 911 GT3 Cup. iRacing today announced a partnership that will see the popular online motorsports simulation service create digital models of the German automaker’s iconic race cars, beginning with the recently updated Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (991 II). The new 911 GT3 Cup is employed by customer sports teams to compete in 20 race series organized by Porsche across the globe, like the Porsche Carrera Cup Germany, the GT3 Cup in the USA and the international Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup – making it the world’s most produced and most used GT race car. Now, the 911 GT3 Cup finally arrives in the online racing world. Additional Porsche models will be announced as they become available.
  6. Domanda: “Perhaps a Porsche team?“ SH: “Might be possible. We’re right now considering and discussing internally how we can really do our best to have a good racing platform.” Sarebbe un ritorno mediatico notevole l'interessamento di Porsche al simracing inteso come sport, visti anche i successi di eventi come il Road to Vegas Challenge (con rFactor 2 e la Formula E), o il Forza Racing Championship. Attendiamo con ansia buone nuove...
  7. Sembra davvero che la Porsche stia pensando ad un team virtuale ufficiale, targato ovviamente Porsche, per le competizioni eSports. In una video intervista (qui sotto), Sebastian Hornung - Branded Entertainment Manager Porsche - parla della collaborazione con la Kunos Simulazioni per Assetto Corsa e specifica appunto (minuto 8:40) dell'interesse per la Porsche per l'eSports: “SH: We noticed that eSports is over the (last) couple of years have grown from only shooter, strategy, and role-play games, now also in motorsports. There is a long history of online racing. Nowadays its become more popular to really celebrate in a broader audience. Also, the virtual race sports. We are right now working on our road map: Assetto Corsa will be one important pillar to do that, but of course there are other publishers and other platforms we work together with to provide our community with every possible way…“ Domanda: “Perhaps a Porsche team?“ SH: “Might be possible. We’re right now considering and discussing internally how we can really do our best to have a good racing platform.” Sarebbe un ritorno mediatico notevole l'interessamento di Porsche al simracing inteso come sport, visti anche i successi di eventi come il Road to Vegas Challenge (con rFactor 2 e la Formula E), o il Forza Racing Championship. Attendiamo con ansia buone nuove... This post has been promoted to an article

    AC: primi screens Porsche Pack Vol.3

    Marco Massarutto della Kunos Simulazioni inizia a mostrarci tramite Facebook i primi screens di anteprima del nuovo Porsche Pack Volume 3 per Assetto Corsa. L'atteso DLC, terza parte dei contenuti dedicati al marchio di Stoccarda, sarà disponibile dal 20 dicembre tramite Steam, e ci offrirà la Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 2017, 911 GT3 RSR 2017, 911 GT3 R 2015, 919 Hybrid 2016, 908 LH, 917 K e 911 R. Correte qui per immagini e commenti.
  9. Respecting what is now a very long tradition at Kunos Simulazioni, we are glad to introduce as part of our latest DLC a significant update to the overall build of Assetto Corsa. Reaching version 1.9, we welcome another piece of free bonus content, the brand new and recently unveiled Porsche Panamera G2 Turbo, the latest luxury saloon model manufactured by Porsche. As you can see it in the complete changelog below, the update continues the process of bringing general improvements to the core game in all areas, incorporating the precious feedback and suggestions of a community that is becoming larger day after day. One of the most relevant upgrades of this build involves the audio environment, taking advantage of the updating of FMod libraries: the development team has reworked FMod interaction within the game, optimizing memory and CPU usage and improving the entire sfx engine, resulting in a much better sound environment and immersion. If you wish to learn more about it, please visit the following URL: http://www.assettocorsa.net/forum/index.php?threads/fmod-official-project-v1-9.37827/ In addition to the plethora of audio updates, other improvements extend to introducing the official Sparco licence with brand new driver suit and glove textures and a reworked texture assignment system, race ending, live Time Table leaderboard in the pits and other additions to the Lap Time board, splits and Anti-Wrecker protection in Multiplayer mode, updating all GT3 cars to tyre model 10, AI improvements and numerous other improvements across the entire game engine, including graphics as well as physics. Assetto Corsa 1.9 welcomes the first of the three free bonus Porsche cars that will be released within 2016, introducing the Porsche Panamera Turbo, a car that with Porsche test and development driver Lars Kern at the wheel completed a lap around the 20.832-kilometre long Nürburgring Nordschleife in only seven minutes and 39 seconds. The new Porsche Panamera reconciles two contrasting characteristics more than ever before: the performance of a genuine sports car and the comfort of a luxury saloon. It is a Gran Turismo that has been rethought and realigned. The second generation of the Panamera is advancing to become a performance icon of the luxury class. We are also glad to announce that the historic version of the Silverstone circuit is finally available as free bonus content for all Assetto Corsa users, a remarkable addition that will please all fans of historic content already available in Assetto Corsa. The classic Silverstone is a circuit that perfectly matches some of the new legendary Porsche cars included in the Porsche Pack Vol.1. The 1967 version of the track was used between 1952 and 1974, with the overall layout kept largely unaltered for nearly 38 years. This piece of motorsport history hosted fierce competition between racing heroes such as Graham Hill, Jack Brabham, Jim Clark, Jackie Stewart and Jackie Ickx. Assetto Corsa 1.9 is available on PC Steam today, and on PS4 and XBox One in November. Please read the changelog to learn more about the overall list of updates. We kindly inform those who might be interested in purchasing the Season Pass that it is available for purchase. Those who purchase the Season Pass will receive 3 add-on packs (7 cars each) for a single discounted price. The packs include a total of 21 Porsche unique car models, featuring all of the new 2016 Porsche line-up from both the car maker's production and legendary motorsport departments. Assetto Corsa Porsche Pack Volume 1 - Includes 7 cars http://store.steampowered.com/app/526060 Assetto Corsa Porsche Pack Volume 2 - Includes 7 cars in 10 total versions Available on November 2016 Assetto Corsa Porsche Pack Volume 3 - Includes 7 cars Available on December 2016 Changelog: - New Porsche 991 Carrera S (Porsche Pack #1 DLC) - New Porsche 918 Spyder (Porsche Pack #1 DLC) - New Porsche 718 Cayman S (Porsche Pack #1 DLC) - New Porsche 917/30 CanAm 1973 (Porsche Pack #1 DLC) - New Porsche 911 Carrera RSR 3.0 1974 (Porsche Pack #1 DLC) - New Porsche Cayman GT4 Clubsport (Porsche Pack #1 DLC) - New Porsche 935/78 Moby Dick 1978 (Porsche Pack #1 DLC) - New Porsche Panamera G2 Turbo - New Silverstone 1967 historic track - Added session time/laps on the top of the screen (laps are the leader ones) - Now race is over when the car complete its lap and the leader has finished his last one - Added dynamic ARB - Fixed possible collision still active on race restart - Added ERS recharge digital display - Improved precision on all digital leds - GT3 cars use tire model v10. - Fixed TC sound distortion when triggered for the first time - New camber grip variation formula (Thank You Nao!) - Simplified DirectX 11 initialization - Added official "Sparco" license to Assetto Corsa - Added Ballast system through Ballast App (single player only) - Added new F9 vertical layouts - Added new driver + crew texture system - Added new personal driver texture - Fixed virtual mirrors rendered when not necessary - Fixed Kers and ERS able to rev in neutral and reverse gear and overrev the engine - Improved FFB App UI, so label is readable by VR users - Added multiplayer splits - Added Time Table leaderboard mode: this includes realtime splits and delta - Added Fmod optimizations - Added Anti-Wrecker protection - Fixed AI "flapping" DRS in traffic - Improved autoshifter - Improved laptimes board by adding splits and tyre compound - Fixed backfire animation freezing after session change - Fixed leaderboard history in multiplayer - Added voting spam protection - horizon locked view removed from Bumper camera - Delta App reviewed - Fixed possible flickering in case of engine stall - Added backfire animation to Zonda R - python new functions and members - getCarTyreCompound(carid) - Tyre blister and grain are now tied to the "Wear" settings and not "Damage". Wear=0 will turn off graining and blistering simulation - Fmod updated to 1.08.12 - Updated SDK for modders - Removed reverb snapshot in the Fmod project - General audio engine code cleaning and bug fixing - Vastly improved Fmod resource usage - Voice stealing is now properly managed by code, so the sound mods will follow the same behaviour of the original sound banks - Fixed listener priority for cars in pits. They don't steal the priority anymore - Amount of events instances are now properly limited in order to keep proper volume range and overall performace improvement - Overall volume balance - 7.1 surround should now work as expected (on all platforms) - Fixed audio initialization pop when the session starts - Stereo imaging now works as expected - Fixed ambience sound affected by reverb zones - Reworked reverb logic: when triggered onboard, the reverb is given by the exterior engine - Reworked distance attenuations for enhanced experience (e.g. engine_int raised to 350 meters) - Reworked wind curves: now the wind volume is related to the air pressure (i.e. player car will hear turbulence when in draft and AP value goes below 1.00) - Reworked surfaces audio curves - Reworked skids logic - Fixed skids positional sound - New exterior skids sound - Set tyre skid entry point to 100 in audio.ini (set what you prefer in the audio options) - Reworked code management for traction control and limiter events - Tweaked wind and limiter sound emitter position in dashboard camera - Audio compressor on engine_ext event now works as expected when many cars are involved - Surfaces, crashes and skids are now properly audible in chase and track cameras - Opponents volume now honours F1 cameras. For track/free cameras it is set to max (optimum for replays, broadcasting etc.) - Fixed load/coast smooth for AIs and multiplayer - Fixed transmission smooth and pitch for multiplayer opponents - Engine volume setting is now related to the player/focused car - When driving, some opponents events are now audible (e.g. skids, surfaces and gear shifts if available) - Surfaces events are now properly cached. This fixes stuttering when a surface event is triggered for the first time and should limit "digital clicks" - Fixed multiplayer opponent surfaces sound when it leaves instantly (e.g acs proces kill/crash) while driving on sand/kerb/etc... - New dirt sound effects - New brake squeal for some "old" cars - Added audio fade when track camera changes - Added [VERSION] section in audio.ini - Removed [LATENCY] section in audio.ini (managed by FMod itself now) and from the GUI - Slightly modified gear grind sound - Fixed wrong listener position for track and car cameras in some situations - added DRL on LaFerrari, Mclaren P1, Nissan 370Z Nismo, Nissan GTR and Ford Mustang - added templates for Porsche Vol. 1 cars - fixed excessive brake light brightness on Ford Mustang - minor graphics fixes on Triple Pack cars - [Modding] added harvest series function in digital_instruments [KERS_RECHARGE_SERIE] - [Modding] added 918 Spyder-style full power usage series function in digital_instruments [POWER_918] - Added PACKER_RANGE_HF and PACKER_RANGE_HR for heave springs packer settings in setup.ini - Packers now use bump stop rates fonte AC forum
  10. PRIVATE LOBBIES Let’s kick things off with private lobbies, shall we? We know this is a HUGE talking point across our community channels and today, we want to give you guys some more information on where we’re at with this burning hot topic… We’re pleased to announce that private lobbies are being worked on behind the scenes, and Kunos are working flat out to bring them to Assetto Corsa! Right now, we can’t give you a release date, but they are coming and we will of course update you all with more info as soon as we can. These things take time, so please remain patient with us and continue to support us as you’ve always done – It makes all the difference, trust us! USE OF DLC ONLINE Another major talking point across our community channels revolves around the use of DLC content online. We understand that many of you have been keen to use your content online and haven’t been able to so far. However, this is going to change in a future update. We’re pleased to announce that once private lobbies have been introduced to Assetto Corsa, you’ll then be able to use your DLC packs online! PORSCHE PACK VOLUME 1 If you’ve been keeping an eye on our social channels, you’ll know that the Porsche Pack Volume 1 has launched on Steam for our PC players! The response to the pack has been incredible... We’re honored to have such a prestigious manufacturer on board and it’s great to see our PC community having so much fun with it. For console players, the first Porsche pack is on its way and we’ll be announcing a launch date as soon as we can. Volume 1 introduces some of the most iconic Porsche cars ever created, coupled with some of the most recent models of the Porsche 2016 line-up, with the aim to offer a perfect mix between road cars, hypercars, as well as modern and historic GT and racing models. Here’s what you can expect in the first DLC pack… Porsche 911 Carrera S Porsche 918 Spyder Porsche 911 Carrera RSR 3.0 Porsche 718 Cayman S Porsche 917/30 Spyder Porsche 935/78 'Moby Dick' Porsche Cayman GT4 Clubsport Remember, if you own the Assetto Corsa Season Pass, the upcoming Porsche Packs are yours to own at no additional cost! FREE BONUS CONTENT Our next major console update is just around the corner and we’ll be talking more about that in a future blog! What we can tell you right now is that in Version 1.09, we’ll be giving our players 2 pieces of FREE bonus content... The brand new and recently unveiled Porsche Panamera G2 Turbo, the latest luxury saloon model manufactured by Porsche, as well as the historic version of the Silverstone circuit! SUPPORT Remember, if you are experiencing issues with the console edition of Assetto Corsa, we want to help! Please follow the below steps in order to help us help you... Firstly, we encourage you to search the CONSOLE LOUNGE and the sub-forums for a solution to your issue. If you are unable to find the answer you are looking for, then please check out our FAQ's. This will be updated as and when required. Should you wish to speak to someone directly, please head over to the 505 GAMES SUPPORT portal and log a ticket. A member of our Customer Support team will be in touch to help you. > https://support.505games.com/suppor... ONWARDS AND UPWARDS We’d like to take this opportunity once again to thank everyone who has shown us some form of encouragement and support since we launched onto console. It means a great deal to everyone behind the scenes and we’re going to continue to push to make Assetto Corsa the greatest racing sim on console and PC. You’re all so worth it! Fonte Assetto Corsa Facebook

    rF2: FIA GT3 by Apex Modding v0.940

    0.940 Update DEBUGGING - debugging alt tab problem discover by Euskotracks, offset=7 now - reworked animated driver on all cars . - reworked z4 cockpit , problem discover by Luc devin - reworked Motec rendering - debugging ground impact on z06 on the Nord - name changed on steam workshop GRAPHICS - new tyres sidewall for all the cars except Camaro isi( thanks James hazen for HD michelin textures ) - new cockpit default view with new F.O.V except Camaro - reworked some parts of the z06 cockpit SOUNDS - Complete new internal sounds on the corvette - added missing scrub sound PHYSICS - added fuel mixture feature on all cars 15 steps are present 0 is Safety Car step and represent 60 % of the full power engine 1 is the low step of the eco mod , named Eco_3 and represent 97 % of the full power engine 2 is a low step of the eco mod , named Eco_2 and represent 98 % of the full power engine 3 is a another low step of eco mod , named Eco_1 and represent 99 % of the full power engine 4 is a basic step , named lean_1 and represent 100 % of the full power engine 5 to 11 represent the others step ,they increase one by one the fuel mixture 12,13 and 14 are not usuable for the moment default setup is 5 , represent 101 % of the engine power . you need to map a key in the rf2 controls for use those feature. - added last chassis flex feature on all cars (Fuel Tank Transfer , pushrod new feature , new control section ) - added steering wheel ratios feature on all cars - complete new cpm rain tyres on every cars, less wear , better grip in heavy condition SPECIFICS CHANGES - reworked z06 suspension for avoid the ground impact on the Nord . - complete new suspension on the 458 ,reworked ffb rendering - complete new aero and suspension on z4

    AC: ecco la Porsche 911 Carrera S

    420 hp (309 kW) of power at the rear waits to be unleashed and converted into sporty propulsion. The greater power of the 911 Carrera S results from turbochargers with modified compressors, a specific exhaust system and tuned engine management. The new 911 also boasts impressive performance: The 911 Carrera S with Porsche-Doppelkupplung (PDK) and Sport Chrono Package performs its showcase discipline – the sprint from zero to 100 km/h – in just 3.9 seconds. This means that it is the first 911 in the Carrera family to undercut the magic four second mark. And the top speed has also increased further: the 911 Carrera S now reaches a mind-blowing 308 km/h. All in all, the 911 Carrera S again sets the benchmark for driving dynamics of all-round sports cars, further increasing the spread between everyday comfort and circuit performance. The Porsche 911 Carrera S is available now as part of the Porsche Pack Volume 1 on Steam, then in November on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One!

    Assetto Corsa v1.9 & Porsche Pack Vol.1

    Changelog v1.9: - New Porsche 991 Carrera S (Porsche Pack #1 DLC) - New Porsche 918 Spyder (Porsche Pack #1 DLC) - New Porsche 718 Cayman S (Porsche Pack #1 DLC) - New Porsche 917/30 CanAm 1973 (Porsche Pack #1 DLC) - New Porsche 911 Carrera RSR 3.0 1974 (Porsche Pack #1 DLC) - New Porsche Cayman GT4 Clubsport (Porsche Pack #1 DLC) - New Porsche 935/78 Moby Dick 1978 (Porsche Pack #1 DLC) - New Porsche Panamera G2 Turbo - New Silverstone 1967 historic track - Added session time/laps on the top of the screen (laps are the leader ones) - Now race is over when the car complete its lap and the leader has finished his last one - Added dynamic ARB - Fixed possible collision still active on race restart - Added ERS recharge digital display - Improved precision on all digital leds - GT3 cars use tire model v10. - Fixed TC sound distortion when triggered for the first time - New camber grip variation formula (Thank You Nao!) - Simplified DirectX 11 initialization - Added official "Sparco" license to Assetto Corsa - Added Ballast system through Ballast App (single player only) - Added new F9 vertical layouts - Added new driver + crew texture system - Added new personal driver texture - Fixed virtual mirrors rendered when not necessary - Fixed Kers and ERS able to rev in neutral and reverse gear and overrev the engine - Improved FFB App UI, so label is readable by VR users - Added multiplayer splits - Added Time Table leaderboard mode: this includes realtime splits and delta - Added Fmod optimizations - Added Anti-Wrecker protection - Fixed AI "flapping" DRS in traffic - Improved autoshifter - Improved laptimes board by adding splits and tyre compound - Fixed backfire animation freezing after session change - Fixed leaderboard history in multiplayer - Added voting spam protection - horizon locked view removed from Bumper camera - Delta App reviewed - Fixed possible flickering in case of engine stall - Added backfire animation to Zonda R - python new functions and members - getCarTyreCompound(carid) - Tyre blister and grain are now tied to the "Wear" settings and not "Damage". Wear=0 will turn off graining and blistering simulation - Fmod updated to 1.08.12 - Updated SDK for modders - Removed reverb snapshot in the Fmod project - General audio engine code cleaning and bug fixing - Vastly improved Fmod resource usage - Voice stealing is now properly managed by code, so the sound mods will follow the same behaviour of the original sound banks - Fixed listener priority for cars in pits. They don't steal the priority anymore - Amount of events instances are now properly limited in order to keep proper volume range and overall performace improvement - Overall volume balance - 7.1 surround should now work as expected (on all platforms) - Fixed audio initialization pop when the session starts - Stereo imaging now works as expected - Fixed ambience sound affected by reverb zones - Reworked reverb logic: when triggered onboard, the reverb is given by the exterior engine - Reworked distance attenuations for enhanced experience (e.g. engine_int raised to 350 meters) - Reworked wind curves: now the wind volume is related to the air pressure (i.e. player car will hear turbulence when in draft and AP value goes below 1.00) - Reworked surfaces audio curves - Reworked skids logic - Fixed skids positional sound - New exterior skids sound - Set tyre skid entry point to 100 in audio.ini (set what you prefer in the audio options) - Reworked code management for traction control and limiter events - Tweaked wind and limiter sound emitter position in dashboard camera - Audio compressor on engine_ext event now works as expected when many cars are involved - Surfaces, crashes and skids are now properly audible in chase and track cameras - Opponents volume now honours F1 cameras. For track/free cameras it is set to max (optimum for replays, broadcasting etc.) - Fixed load/coast smooth for AIs and multiplayer - Fixed transmission smooth and pitch for multiplayer opponents - Engine volume setting is now related to the player/focused car - When driving, some opponents events are now audible (e.g. skids, surfaces and gear shifts if available) - Surfaces events are now properly cached. This fixes stuttering when a surface event is triggered for the first time and should limit "digital clicks" - Fixed multiplayer opponent surfaces sound when it leaves instantly (e.g acs proces kill/crash) while driving on sand/kerb/etc... - New dirt sound effects - New brake squeal for some "old" cars - Added audio fade when track camera changes - Added [VERSION] section in audio.ini - Removed [LATENCY] section in audio.ini (managed by FMod itself now) and from the GUI - Slightly modified gear grind sound - Fixed wrong listener position for track and car cameras in some situations - added DRL on LaFerrari, Mclaren P1, Nissan 370Z Nismo, Nissan GTR and Ford Mustang - added templates for Porsche Vol. 1 cars - fixed excessive brake light brightness on Ford Mustang - minor graphics fixes on Triple Pack cars - [Modding] added harvest series function in digital_instruments [KERS_RECHARGE_SERIE] - [Modding] added 918 Spyder-style full power usage series function in digital_instruments [POWER_918] - Added PACKER_RANGE_HF and PACKER_RANGE_HR for heave springs packer settings in setup.ini - Packers now use bump stop rates

    AC: Porsche Pack, patch su XBox e DLC

    Great news everyone! Xbox One owners can now download update V1.03 today including smoother framerate, no screen tearing, re-balanced AI’s and FREE bonus content. Playstation 4 owners will also be able to purchase the Prestige pack which include 9 new cars! You can find more information on the PS Store. Don’t worry because Xbox One owners will be able to download the Prestige Pack tomorrow as well. If this wasn’t enough then you will be pleased to hear that we are launching the Japanese Pack on both consoles tomorrow and Season Pass owners will be able to download this pack at no extra charge! Please note: if you pre-ordered Assetto Corsa then you will be able to buy the remaining 6 cars from the Prestige pack in the Performance Upgrade pack which launches tomorrow too! Thanks for your support and we hope you enjoy driving the latest additions to Assetto Corsa!

    rF2: Flat6 Series v2.0 by Enduracers

    Il noto modding team francese degli Enduracers ha appena rilasciato per rFactor 2, il suo attesissimo Flat6 Series mod, nella nuova release 2.0 aggiornata e migliorata, un progetto che ci permette di simulare nel titolo targato ISI, il monomarca dedicato alla casa di Stoccarda, in particolare con le annate dal 2010 al 2013. Per il download del file correte a questo link (vari mirror disponibili), mentre per commenti e discussioni fate riferimento a questo topic. EnduRacers & GR are today delivering to you the build 2.00 of our Flat6 Series rF2 mod. The new build takes in consideration the feedbacks received from the build 1.00 release, as well as last updates coming from the Endurance Series rf2 development, in all domains. The detailled features are: Graphics : Added New bodywork shader. Graphics : Added New rims shader. Graphics : Improved Windshield texture quality. Graphics : Improved Motec writtings quality. UI : Added New UI background design (coming in a separate file). Physics : Update of tires (understeer in front tire fixed). Physics : Downgrade of performance (to reduce and back to laptimes closer than Cup). Physics : Addition of Auto Blip Upgrade (Off by default). Physics : The old setups are not compliant with new physics. Physics : Update of IA performances

    Il futuro di Assetto Corsa...

    Dopo l'ultima chat dal vivo di Stefano Casillo, le ormai famose puntate Look what the Cat Hacked In e dopo vari post sui social network, facciamo il punto della situazione sul futuro prossimo di Assetto Corsa, il simulatore della Kunos che arriverà il 26 agosto anche su console. Entro il 2016 dovremmo avere a disposizione Ferrari FXX K, Ferrari 488 GTB, Praga R1 ed Audi A1 S1, oltre ad un nuovo circuito in laser scan non ancora comunicato. In concomitanza con il rilascio su console, sarà disponibile per PC la build 1.8 che, oltre a varie migliorie ed ottimizzazioni, dovrebbe portare con sè anche la versione storica della pista di Monza. La versione storica di Silverstone 1967 dovrebbe invece arrivare entro l'anno. Per quanto riguarda invece l'annunciato brand Porsche, le tedesche saranno in totale 24, divise in 3 diversi DLC (3 saranno però gratis), il primo pacchetto dei quali disponibile a settembre, ma al momento le auto note sono solo Porsche 917/30, Panamera, Boxster 718 e Carrera S. Non mancheranno auto extra nel 2017, visto che dovremmo trovare nel box BMW M6 GT3 (appena confermata), Audi R8 LMS 2016 e Toyota TS040 Le Mans, quindi Maserati MC12 GT1, Alfa Romeo Tipo 33, Lotus 3-Eleven, Audi TT Cup, McLaren P1 GTR, McLaren 570S, Audi R18 e-tron Quattro e Toyota GT-86 GT4 !
  17. Today, Kunos Simulazioni and 505 Games are proud to announce that after more than 12 years away from the sim-racing world, the PorscheBrand will be available as exclusive DLC content available for the PC and forthcoming console editions of Assetto Corsa. Assetto Corsa has established itself as the leading and benchmark PC racing simulation experience thanks to its focus on purity of handling, accuracy of cars & tracks, and the trust of automotive partners to feature premium licensing content and top class manufacturers. The close partnership extends to the creation of 2 DLC packs that will deliver the most accurate Porsche experience for fans and motorsport enthusiasts worldwide across a variety of classic and new Porsche models alongside the provision of customised software for virtual experiences worldwide at selected Porsche dealer and race centres. Joining the available PC version, Assetto Corsa will hit the track on Xbox One and PlayStation®4 on August 26th in Europe and August 30th in North America. Information and pre-order details for the console releases can be found at: http://console.assettocorsa.net Assetto Corsa annuncia la licenza Porsche! In arrivo questo autunno due esclusivi DLC pack che includeranno le auto più iconiche e autentiche create dalla prestigiosa casa automobilistica! Assetto Corsa è considerata una delle simulazioni più popolari e apprezzate grazie al realismo che offre, al feeling di guida, all'accuratezza di auto e circuiti, ma anche per essere l'unica produzione indipendente - presto multipiattaforma- a offrire i contenuti ufficiali più esclusivi. Assetto Corsa sarà disponibile anche su console a fine Agosto 2016. Oggi, Kunos Simulazioni è orgogliosa di annunciare che dopo oltre 12 anni di assenza dal sim-racing hardcore, il marchio Porsche sarà presente nel 2016 in Assetto Corsa, e che grazie ad una nuova collaborazione ufficiale, il team di sviluppo sta lavorando con la prestigiosa casa automobilistica per rilasciare due pack aggiuntivi che includeranno le auto più iconiche, autentiche e desiderate create dalla casa di Stoccarda durante la sua gloriosa storia! I due pack saranno disponibili per PC e console a partire dall'Autunno 2016. Grazie a questa partnership, Porsche utilizzerà Assetto Corsa per offrire ai suoi fan, ai suoi clienti, piloti e tifosi del motorsports l'opportunità di guidare i suoi modelli più innovativi e allenarsi nell'ambito della Porsche Driving Experience in diversi race center in tutto il mondo. A tal proposito, Porsche e Kunos Simulazioni stanno lavorando insieme per realizzare la più accurata Porsche virtual experience di sempre. Marco Massarutto, Executive & Licensing Manager di Kunos Simulazioni: “E' difficile descrivere quanto siamo orgogliosi di questa partnership, e quanto siamo elettrizzati di riportare le splendide vetture Porsche nel mondo del simracing: il prossimo autunno, Assetto Corsa sarà l'unico titolo multi-piattaforma a offire il Brand Porsche in una simulazione autentica. I giocatori, i piloti virtuali e i fan di Assetto Corsa vogliono avere l'opportunità di GUIDARE queste splendide auto in un contesto realistico. Consideriamo questa opportunità un privilegio e una grande responsabilità, e stiamo lavorando a diretto contatto con i reparti di ricerca & sviluppo e produzione per riprodurre ogni singola auto con la massima accuratezza: il fatto che la stessa simulazione sarà utilizzata nei Porsche race centre ci motiverà ancora di più a realizzare la migliore esperienza di guida virtuale di sempre.” Assetto Corsa, arriverà su Xbox One e PlayStation®4 il 26 agosto 2016 in Europa, pubblicato dal Publisher 505 Games – divisione editoriale del Gruppo Digital Bros. Per ulteriori informazioni e dettagli sulla campagna pre-order delle versioni console visitate http://console.assettocorsa.net This post has been promoted to an article

    rFactor 2: Porsche 917K by Apex Modding

    Per il download del file fate . Features – modello 3D completamente nuovo – fisica completamente nuova realizzata da Lestrat – solo una skin disponibile, ma disponibile il template – la vettura non include il file cpm tyres – luci della vettura funzionanti

    AC: licenza esclusiva Porsche !

    La Kunos Simulazioni riesce in un'impresa che, dopo 12 anni, sembrava ormai impossibile: riportare il marchio Porsche nel mondo simracing! La software house italiana con sede a Vallelunga ha infatti annunciato l'acquisizione della licenza esclusiva Porsche per il suo Assetto Corsa. Today, Kunos Simulazioni and 505 Games are proud to announce that after more than 12 years away from the sim-racing world, the Porsche Brand will be available as exclusive DLC content available for the PC and forthcoming console editions of Assetto Corsa. Assetto Corsa has established itself as the leading and benchmark PC racing simulation experience thanks to its focus on purity of handling, accuracy of cars & tracks, and the trust of automotive partners to feature premium licensing content and top class manufacturers. The close partnership extends to the creation of 2 DLC packs that will deliver the most accurate Porsche experience for fans and motorsport enthusiasts worldwide across a variety of classic and new Porsche models alongside the provision of customised software for virtual experiences worldwide at selected Porsche dealer and race centres.
  20. Fonte. After a fair a bit of deliberation both me and @pankykapus have decided on what our next project will be. Currently it's still in its very early development stages, with panky taking time out from the Cobra to begin researching, gathering data and acquiring material. At this early stage we will be just working on prototyping the car physics with a low poly placeholder model as I'm still tied up with finishing off the Cobra (animations, LOD's etc) Some basic spec- 1100bhp in qualy trim Twin-turbo 12-cylinder engine 0 to 100kph in 2.1 sec Top speed around 238mph The most powerful car to race at Le Mans In the interest of transparency from the get go we have been toying with the idea of paid mods. After our experience with the Cobra and the Audi its clear to us that there is a lot of work involved. Time is really the main factor, as we would like to devote more to projects like these. I guess depending on reception we will see what happens
  21. Assetto991

    AC: Dorsche (Porsche) GT3 Cup v1.5

  22. [Early beta released] 1971 Porsche 917K Hello simracers. I would like to announce my first serious mod. I have been working on this during my Christmas vacation and I would like for it to be community owned mod as my modding skills are quite poor and I will not be able to provide a perfect mod. But of course I will try to do my best. Updated screenshot (Feb 8th 2015) Update [Aug 8th '15] I'm sharing what I got until now. Physics-wise I'm quite satisfied, but 3D is not my best as you may see. Car does not have lods, therefore it's very FPS heavy. https://mega.co.nz/#!4cIDATpB!XbaBLA...G4YPUrYKedRNnM Some WIP (already ingame) screenshots: I am currently working on UV mapping for the 3D model. fonte rF2 forum
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