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  1. klo-che

    Endurance Series rF2

    Dopo lunga attesa, il team Enduracers ha finalmente rilasciato per rFactor 2 la nuova ed attesissima versione aggiornata 2.0 del suo acclamato Endurance Series Mod, il progetto dedicato al motorsport endurance sul titolo targato Studio 397. La nuova release ci mette a disposizione numerose nuove vetture, come la Oreca 05, Ligier JSP3, Corvette C7.R, Ferrari F458 e Flat6 RSR Evo, inoltre apporta un notevole update sul fronte della fisica e del modello delle gomme. Per il download del pacchetto da ben 3,6GB correte qui, mentre per commenti e discussioni fate riferimento al forum. EnduRacers Modding Team & Gentlemen Racers are pleased to provide to you the Endurance Series rF2 build 2.00 ! After monthes of work, we are delivering the you what should be considered as the final Endurance Series release in terms of content. New cars included are the Oreca 05, Ligier JSP3, Corvette C7.R, Ferrari F458 and Flat6 RSR Evo. Check our website for all details. The build comes together with a physic update for all the cars, with in particular the introduction of CPM2 tires technology. This modification has driven an update of all cars defaut setups, so please be carefull with your current setups before making some feedbacks. Don't forget to read carefully the instructions to install and setup correctly the mod. Be carefull, the mod is big, reaching more than 3,6Gb now. Complete news : http://www.enduracers.com/newsletter_50.html We would like to thank Studio 397 for the development support ! Dear Sim racers, EnduRacers and Gentlemen-Racers would like to introduce you the strategy we've defined for our swich over the new rFactor2 platform. ======= History ======= EnduRacers and the Gentlemen-Racers have been working together since 2006 on scratch made mods for rFactor modding platform. We have released numerous MODs, such as the Porsche Carrera Cup France mod, the Epsilon Euskadi (in official partnership with the manufacturer) mod, the Flat6 Series and of course our core projet, the Endurance Series mod, released in several packages (v1, SP1, SP2, SP2.1, SP3), keeping the mod alive and growing. This amount of releases has only been possible since we adopted a specific organisation. Indeed : EnduRacers crew is focused on : * 3D models * 2D textures ans templates * 2D car skins * 3D scenes * Sounds (wave + SFX) * Ingame integration and organisation * Cameras * Overall coordination * Packaging and releases * Progress communication Gentlemen-Racers take care of these domains : * Physics * Damages * Cockpit driving finetuning * Upgrades support * SFX support * Beta testing and Onlines tests ========= rFactor 2 ========= We can confirm that this organisation will be kept for rFactor2, to allow simracers the same production quality. As announced for the platform unveilment, we've decided to work step by step to add and release our content, in order to learn rF2. In consequences, some features may not be able on the first releases (for example, the turbo implementation on the turbo engines). About models, as announced the first car released will be the Flat6 GT3, winthin the Flat6 series mod, coming as standalone. Then, the Endurance Series mod will be introduced in multiple releases, adding cars (and features) progressively in each new build. We can already confirm you the cars of the first release : * LMP2 - Oreca 03 (Specs to be announced later) * LMP2 - Zytek (Specs to be announced later) * GTE - Aston Martin V8 Vantage (new model) * GTE - BMW M3 E92 * GTE - Corvette C6R (courtesy of ISI) * GTE - Ferrari F430 GT (using GTE rules physics) * GTE - Porsche 997 RSR (using GTE rules physics) * GTC - Flat6 GT3 As you can see, our first decision is to focus the mod step by step on newer categories, like GTE in replacement of GT2. In addition, we want the mod core to be playabe since the first release with homogenic classes to allow online races and championships. This is why for exemple we are including in the first release "old" models like the Ferrari F430 and the Porsche 997, with a choice to develop physics based on GTE regulations instead of GT2. The next releases will be featuring LMP2 class cars (lists to be announced in the future) and GTE class cars (replacement of the F430 and the 997 RSR by more recent models). We will focus on these 2 categories first. About LMP1 cars, no choice is made today, mainly due to the workload engaged to produce the core of the mod first, we will announce decisions later. In addition, it is not possible for us to develop new generation LMP1 since no game at this moment is able to simulate Hybrid engines technology. About GT1 cars, the decision is made that rF1 cars won't be ported over the rF2 version of the Endurance Series mod, but that does not mean we abandon this category and the created models. Hope these information are clear for you, we are exited to deliver the rF2 releases for you, for free ! As usual, no need to ask for release dates. Do not forget to stay tuned on our developments : * Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/pages/EnduRacers-Modding-Team/267099786652429 * Official Forum : http://www.enduracers.com/
  2. Il team Enduracers ha rilasciato per rFactor 2 la nuova versione 3.0 del suo imperdibile Endurance Series mod. L'aggiornamento include importanti migliorie sul fronte della fisica, con l'implementazione delle ultime novità sulle gomme, che Studio 397 ha installato nel proprio simulatore con l'ultimo update, inoltre sono state aggiornate anche l'aerodinamica ed il force feedback, per una esperienza simulativa ancora maggiore. Per tutti i dettagli e download dirigetevi sul sito ufficiale Enduracers, mentre per commenti e discussioni fate riferimento al forum dedicato. EnduRacers Modding Team & Gentlemen Racers are pleased to provide to you the Endurance Series rF2 build 3.00 ! The build includes an important update of the physic behavior of the car, including the last specification of the CPM tires, based on the S397 Endurance pack DLC. The FFB and the aerodynamics of the cars have been updated, as well as plenty other features. We took the opportunity to update the side WEC/LM position leds, wich are now rendering realisticly the top 3 position in each classes, like in real. We made some other graphic improvements and cured some issues like the Corvette C7R cockpit. A new build will come when the new shaders system will be made available to modders. We made an update on the Ligier JSP3 sounds, wich can be considered as intermediate and is sheduled to be improved again in an upcoming build. This modification has driven an update of all cars defaut setups, so please be carefull with your current setups before making some feedbacks. Don't forget to read carefully the instructions to install and setup correctly the mod.
  3. Dopo lunga attesa, il team Enduracers ha finalmente rilasciato per rFactor 2 la nuova ed attesissima versione aggiornata 2.0 del suo acclamato Endurance Series Mod, il progetto dedicato al motorsport endurance sul titolo targato Studio 397. La nuova release ci mette a disposizione numerose nuove vetture, come la Oreca 05, Ligier JSP3, Corvette C7.R, Ferrari F458 e Flat6 RSR Evo, inoltre apporta un notevole update sul fronte della fisica e del modello delle gomme. Per il download del pacchetto da ben 3,6GB correte qui, mentre per commenti e discussioni fate riferimento al forum. EnduRacers Modding Team & Gentlemen Racers are pleased to provide to you the Endurance Series rF2 build 2.00 ! After monthes of work, we are delivering the you what should be considered as the final Endurance Series release in terms of content. New cars included are the Oreca 05, Ligier JSP3, Corvette C7.R, Ferrari F458 and Flat6 RSR Evo. Check our website for all details. The build comes together with a physic update for all the cars, with in particular the introduction of CPM2 tires technology. This modification has driven an update of all cars defaut setups, so please be carefull with your current setups before making some feedbacks. Don't forget to read carefully the instructions to install and setup correctly the mod. Be carefull, the mod is big, reaching more than 3,6Gb now. Complete news : http://www.enduracers.com/newsletter_50.html We would like to thank Studio 397 for the development support !
  4. Una gustosa novità è disponibile oggi per l'ottimo Motorsport Manager, il simulatore manageriale dedicato al mondo dei motori da corsa. E' infatti acquistabile su Steam un interessantissimo nuovo DLC denominato Endurance Series, dedicato ovviamente al mondo delle competizioni di durata. Qui di seguito il trailer di lancio ed alcuni screenshots che mostrano i prototipi. La prova suprema per macchine e piloti Mettiti alla prova sulla distanza con un nuovo campionato endurance suddiviso in due classi. Controlla le condizioni dei piloti grazie alla nuova barra del vigore e alternali alla guida nei momenti chiave. Nuove distanze e regole di gara Guida per oltre 90 minuti, 3 ore o addirittura 6 ore di corse epiche! Sei piloti per scuderia Gestisci un gruppo di piloti e scopri chi ha forza, vigore e abilità tali da consentirti di vincere. Metti alla prova il tuo coraggio nelle qualifiche sulla media sul giro, scegliendo due piloti per vettura e facendo segnare il miglior tempo medio sul giro. Spettacolari vetture da endurance Guida questi capolavori della meccanica alla vittoria nel campionato, ammirandone le linee slanciate e lo splendido design Affronta i tuoi rivali 24 vetture prendono parte a ogni gara, sfidandosi nei tempi sul giro e cercando di lasciare alle loro spalle i rivali Nuove opzioni ERS, nuova partenza lanciata e altro ancora Un nuovo modo per giocare al tuo titolo preferito Affronta una nuova sfida in Motorsport Manager con il campionato Endurance Series. Controlla famose auto da endurance nella sfida più grande di sempre, affrontando distanze epiche e puntando alla vittoria nel campionato. Cimentati in due nuove competizioni, IEC A e B, e scopri nuove scuderie. Mettiti alla prova su nuove distanze di gara: 90 minuti, 3 ore o persino 6 ore! Gestisci 6 piloti per scuderia e cerca di trovare la combinazione perfetta per far segnare i migliori tempi sul giro. Scopri un nuovo tipo di strategia di gara controllando il vigore dei piloti, e sii pronto a prendere decisioni difficili nelle gare più lunghe di sempre. Progetta le tue vetture con l'obiettivo di rendere resistenti e veloci, mettendole poi alla prova in condizioni interamente nuove. Le nuove regole, come le qualifiche sulla media del giro, ti presentano una nuova sfida, nel tentativo di realizzare una scuderia che risulti più efficace della somma delle sue parti. Scopri i punti di forza dei tuoi piloti per fare in modo che rendano al massimo, abbassando i tempi sul giro. Metti a punto la vettura, concentrandoti su un pilota in particolare o cercando un punto di equilibrio che si adatti a tutti. Entra in azione, prendi il controllo, conquista la vittoria.
  5. Il noto modding team Enduracers ha appena rilasciato per rFactor 2 la nuova versione aggiornata 1.50 del suo imperdibile Endurance Series Mod ! La nuova release porta con sè tantissime migliorie sul fronte grafico, per sfruttare le DirectX 11 recentemente implementate da Studio 397, ma anche migliorie alla fisica delle vetture. Per tutti i dettagli e links per il download (da ben 3Gb !) correte sul forum. EnduRacers Modding Team & Gentlemen Racers are pleased to provide to you the Endurance Series rF2 build 1.50 ! After the recent update of rFactor 2 to the DX11 technology, driver by the new dev team Studio 397, it was necessary to update the mod, specially on the graphic side, in order to enjoy the best possible experience and allow the MOD to take benefits of it. We have updated the bodywork shaders, rims shaders, and cockpit displays (rpm leds or motec devides) shaders. The team used this opportunity to add in this build a physic update for all the cars, correcting the inertia value. This modification has driven an update of all cars defaut setups, so please be carefull with your current setups before making some feedbacks. Don't forget to read carefully the instructions to install and setup correctly the mod. Be carefull, the mod is big, reaching more than 3Gb now.
  6. File Name: Endurance Series rF2 File Submitter: VELOCIPEDE File Submitted: 28 Oct 2016 File Category: Cover Wheel Mod Forum topic for help and comments -> http://www.drivingitalia.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=70981&page=3#entry837991 Complete NEWS : http://www.enduracer...sletter_47.html EnduRacers Modding Team & Gentlemen Racers are pleased to provide to you the Endurance Series rF2 build 1.00 ! After monthes of work, this first rF2 release will allow you to continue the endurance racing adventure starting on rFactor1 years ago. The build take benefits of the first Flat6 Series releases, to provide you an achieved material at first time. The mod comes with 10 different 3d models, around 400 reproduced real paint shemes, accurate cars reproductions, can it be in graphics, sounds and physics handlings. Cars are taking advantage of the whole rF2 technology such as animated driver, deformable tyres, advanced physics and tyres behavior, and of course a complete refreshment of the reflects, lights and shadings compared to the rF1 version. Don't forget to read carefully the instructions to install and setup correctly the mod. Be carefull, the mod is big, reaching almost 3Gb in this first release. As we already communicated, some cars are available in the build 1.00 (F430 & Flat6 RSR) and are planned to be replaced by more up to date models. MOD - FEATURES * Graphics : High fidelity 3D models, with high definition cockpits. * Graphics : Hundred's of real paints reproduced for each cars. * Graphics : Highly improved car materials, reflections, lightnings and shadings. * Graphics : Animated car driver, with high definition 3D Helmet. * Graphics : Cars details with backfire, headlights with lens flares, deformable tyres. * Graphics : Specific mod UI, to be downloaded and installed separately. * Physics : Accurate car physics, created in collaboration with Gentlemen Racers physics team, with help from real teams and drivers. * Physics : Up to date rF2 physics features for all cars. * Sounds : Accurate and detailed sounds for all cars and engines. * Sounds : Up to date rF2 sounds features for all cars. MOD - WORK IN PROGRESS (not included in build 1.00) * Dynamic dirt on cars. * Tire new CPM model. * Damage fine tuning (Not correctly yet implemented in rF2). * Animated wipers in cockpit (Not correctly yet implemented in rF2). * Heat effects. * FuelMixture. MOD - DOWNLOAD RFCMP IN PARTS (for slow connexions) * Endurance Series rF2 build 1.00 rfcmp 1/15 : http://www.mediafire...F2-v100.zip.001 * Endurance Series rF2 build 1.00 rfcmp 2/15 : http://www.mediafire...F2-v100.zip.002 * Endurance Series rF2 build 1.00 rfcmp 3/15 : http://www.mediafire...F2-v100.zip.003 * Endurance Series rF2 build 1.00 rfcmp 4/15 : http://www.mediafire...F2-v100.zip.004 * Endurance Series rF2 build 1.00 rfcmp 5/15 : http://www.mediafire...F2-v100.zip.005 * Endurance Series rF2 build 1.00 rfcmp 6/15 : http://www.mediafire...F2-v100.zip.006 * Endurance Series rF2 build 1.00 rfcmp 7/15 : http://www.mediafire...F2-v100.zip.007 * Endurance Series rF2 build 1.00 rfcmp 8/15 : http://www.mediafire...F2-v100.zip.008 * Endurance Series rF2 build 1.00 rfcmp 9/15 : http://www.mediafire...F2-v100.zip.009 * Endurance Series rF2 build 1.00 rfcmp 10/15 : http://www.mediafire...F2-v100.zip.010 * Endurance Series rF2 build 1.00 rfcmp 11/15 : http://www.mediafire...F2-v100.zip.011 * Endurance Series rF2 build 1.00 rfcmp 12/15 : http://www.mediafire...F2-v100.zip.012 * Endurance Series rF2 build 1.00 rfcmp 13/15 : http://www.mediafire...F2-v100.zip.013 * Endurance Series rF2 build 1.00 rfcmp 14/15 : http://www.mediafire...F2-v100.zip.014 * Endurance Series rF2 build 1.00 rfcmp 15/15 : http://www.mediafire...F2-v100.zip.015 MOD - INFORMATIONS * Endurance Series rF2 MOD Information : http://www.enduracers.com/esrf2.html * Endurance Series rF2 MOD Installation : http://www.enduracer...oads_esrf2.html * The cars has been beta tested on several hardware and driving wheels brands (Logitech G25/27/DFGT, Thrustmaster T300/T500, Fanatec ClubSport) and is calibrated to work with all. * If needed you can adjust FFB power using the FFB Upgrade in game tuning options of the car. CAR PHYSICS - INFORMATIONS * Tires wear on standard tracks : 1h SOFT, 2h MEDIUM, 3h HARD. * BOOST is available on all cars (But not yet feature FuelMixture wich is in progress for next build). * Traction Control is available on GTE & P2 cars. UPGRADES - INFORMATIONS * It's recomanded to open the Upgrades (via TUNNING of the ShowRoom) for each cars. * There are graphical upgrades like customised mirrors for unique display screens, and physics upgrades to adjust the FFB power. SETTINGS - INFORMATIONS * Think about checking and adjusting your FFB Minimum Torque in the Controls Setting panel in the game. Increase it until you get light ocillations to avoid the low force in the middle gap. Click here to download this file
  7. MOD - FEATURES * Graphics : High fidelity 3D models, with high definition cockpits. * Graphics : Hundred's of real paints reproduced for each cars. * Graphics : Highly improved car materials, reflections, lightnings and shadings. * Graphics : Animated car driver, with high definition 3D Helmet. * Graphics : Cars details with backfire, headlights with lens flares, deformable tyres. * Graphics : Specific mod UI, to be downloaded and installed separately. * Physics : Accurate car physics, created in collaboration with Gentlemen Racers physics team, with help from real teams and drivers. * Physics : Up to date rF2 physics features for all cars. * Sounds : Accurate and detailed sounds for all cars and engines. * Sounds : Up to date rF2 sounds features for all cars. MOD - WORK IN PROGRESS (not included in build 1.00) * Dynamic dirt on cars. * Tire new CPM model. * Damage fine tuning (Not correctly yet implemented in rF2). * Animated wipers in cockpit (Not correctly yet implemented in rF2). * Heat effects. * FuelMixture. MOD - INFORMATIONS * Endurance Series rF2 MOD Information : http://www.enduracers.com/esrf2.html * Endurance Series rF2 MOD Installation : http://www.enduracers.com/downloads_esrf2.html * The cars has been beta tested on several hardware and driving wheels brands (Logitech G25/27/DFGT, Thrustmaster T300/T500, Fanatec ClubSport) and is calibrated to work with all. * If needed you can adjust FFB power using the FFB Upgrade in game tuning options of the car. CAR PHYSICS - INFORMATIONS * Tires wear on standard tracks : 1h SOFT, 2h MEDIUM, 3h HARD. * BOOST is available on all cars (But not yet feature FuelMixture wich is in progress for next build). * Traction Control is available on GTE & P2 cars. UPGRADES - INFORMATIONS * It's recomanded to open the Upgrades (via TUNNING of the ShowRoom) for each cars. * There are graphical upgrades like customised mirrors for unique display screens, and physics upgrades to adjust the FFB power. SETTINGS - INFORMATIONS * Think about checking and adjusting your FFB Minimum Torque in the Controls Setting panel in the game. Increase it until you get light ocillations to avoid the low force in the middle gap.

    rF2: Endurance Series in screens

    Arriva oggi la buona notizia che gli appassionati di rFactor 2 e gare endurance attendevano da tempo: il team Enduracers ha in pratica completato lo sviluppo dell'atteso Endurance Series Mod per l'ultimo sim targato ISI, con il rilascio del progetto non ancora fissato, ma previsto nelle prossime settimane. Nell'attesa gustiamoci questi quasi 30 nuovi screens ! Our screen maker CpR took a bit of his time to deliver you some up to date screenshots of the mod build 1.00. A good way to see a new body shader in use for the mod first releast, and that should be used by the Flat6 Series rF2 mod on a later coming update. This should be our last media communication before the mod build 1.00 release, as the mod should be ready in the upcoming weeks. As usual, no need to ask for any release date, you won't get any answer. Stay tuned !

    Novità sul Endurance Series rF2

    Il team Enduracers ci aggiorna sullo sviluppo dell'attesissimo Endurance Series mod in lavorazione anche per rFactor 2. Non mancano oggi, oltre ai dettagli sul lavoro in corso su nuove vetture, anche alcuni spettacolari screens di anteprima. We have updated the Endurance Series rF2 website page, to fit the last announcements with the new cars added. The screenshots use are released in the mod album, as they are pretty cool. The Ligier JSP2 made his shakedown this weekend, together with some Gibson 015S and Oreca 03 weapons, in his full matte carbon livery. Car will now receive some fresh paintings, while the team is still finetuning the look of the v1.0 cars !

    rF2: Endurance Series in screens

    Il team Enduracers ha pubblicato sulla propria pagina Facebook una nuova serie di spettacolari screenshots di anteprima dedicati al nuovo Endurance Series mod in fase di sviluppo per rFactor 2. A giudicare dalle immagini, che ci mostrano BMW, Ferrari, Aston Martin, prototipi ed altre ancora, il lavoro è decisamente a buon punto...

    rF2: primi screens Endurance Series

    Il team Enduracers ci mostra oggi i primi screens di anteprima dedicati all'attesissimo Endurance Series Mod in fase di sviluppo per rFactor 2. Le immagini ci mostrano in pista la Aston Martin V8 Vantage GTE, l'Oreca 03, la Zytek, la Corvette C6R ZR1 e la Flat6 GTC (ovvero la Porsche). After several weeks of development, the Team today unveils the first ingame previews of the Endurance Series rF2 mod. Note that the we are still in works on the cars, so the screenshots diffused may not reflect the final quality of the mod. On these screenshots, you can see the Aston Martin V8 Vantage GTE, the Oreca 03, the Zytek, the Corvette C6R ZR1 and the Flat6 GTC. The mod development is good at the moment, we are still in process for the new rF2 features. As announced, we are looking for new talents to help the team build new cars for the MOD, specially in 3D modeling process. If you are skilled and motivated, do not hesitate to contact us and try your best to join the team !
  12. Con un dettagliato annuncio, il team Enduracers illustra i suoi piani futuri riguardanti il modding: un nuovo pacchetto di vetture extra denominato Endurance Series SP3 sarà rilasciato a breve sempre per rFactor, quindi arriverà per rFactor 2 la conversione dell'apprezzato Flat6 Series mod, al quale seguirà finalmente un rinnovato Endurance Series mod completo sempre per rFactor 2. La scelta del team francese di lavorare sul sim targato ISI è motivata anche dal fatto che al momento rFactor 2 è l'unico simulatore a poter proporre gare endurance. EnduRacers is happy to announce you today the following statements. Since our last release called Endurance Series SP2.1, the team has build brand 9 new cars for the mod, with a quality as high as the last released Flat6 GT3 model. The original plan was to release them during the swich over a new platform, but it has taken years before a new stable platform can be used, so the development of thoose cars has be mainly done on rFactor1. Here is the list : LMP1 - Lola Aston-Martin DBR1/2 LMP1 - Lola Coupe B-80 Dyson LMP1 - Oreca 01 AIM LMP1 - Zytek 07s/Ginetta Zytek 09s LMP2 - Lola Coupe B-80 LMP2 - Oreca 03 LMP2 - Zytek 07s/Ginetta Zytek 09s GT1 - Maserati MC12 GT2 - BMW M3 E92 Thoose cars are going to be released on the platform rFactor1 under the name "Endurance Series SP3". The Endurance Series mod will be then ported on the platform rFactor2 by ISI. It will include cars from the rFactor1 version and 2 more cars. The mod will be then considered as finished. Previously, to learn the platform, the team will release the mod "Flat6 Series" on the platform rFactor2. The shedule is the following one : Development and release of the Endurance Series SP3 for rFactor1. Development and release of the Flat6 Series mod for rFactor2. Development and release of the Endurance Series mod (carlist to be unveiled later) for rFactor2. Why rFactor2 ? This is currently the only new platform wich simulates endurance racing features. In addition, the game is now more stable than month ago. The dev team has released the modding tools and keep improving them. The team will anyway keep an eye on the other platforms developments. This post has been promoted to an article
  13. klo-che

    rF: EnduRacers Endurance Series SP3

    ======== FEATURES ======== * Graphics - Added 9 new 3D models : LMP1 - Lola Aston-Martin DBR1/2 (Spec 2009-2010) LMP1 - Lola Coupe B09/86 Dyson (2011-2012) LMP1 - Oreca 01 AIM (Spec 2009-2010) LMP1 - Zytek 07S/Ginetta Zytek 09S (Spec 2007-2011) LMP2 - Lola Coupe B/80 (Spec 2008-2011, engine : Judd, AER, HPD, Mazda) LMP2 - Oreca 03 (Spec 2011-2013) LMP2 - Zytek 07S/Ginetta Zytek 09S (Spec 2007-2011) GT1 - Maserati MC12 (Spec 2004-2009) GT2 - BMW M3 E92 (Spec 2009-2011) * Graphics - Added new menu design. * Graphics - Added new intro video. * Graphics - Added new helmet 3D Design. * Graphics - Added 200+ skins of the 9 new models. * Graphics - Added helmet paint shemes of numerous real drivers. * Graphics - Corrected pace car graphics with working lights (thanks to Taranis). * Sounds - High quality sounds for the 9 new cars. * Sounds - Improved sounds for the following cars : Audi R10, Creation CA06, Epsilon Euskadi EE1, Peugeot 908, Acura ARX-01, Porsche RS Spyder, Aston Martin DBR9, Corvette C6R, Lambourghini R-GT, Saleen S7R, Ferrari F430 GT2, Flat6 GT3, Oreca FLM09. * Sounds - Alternate sounds in update for the following cars : Acura ARX LMP2, Ginetta Nissan LMP2, Lola B10/80 HPD V6 LMP2. * Physics - High fidelity physics and damages behavior for the 9 new cars. * Physics - Overall improvements on car physics (including updates on v1, SP1 and SP2 cars)
  14. Endurance Series - Service Pack 2 RELEASED ! Endurance Series - Service Pack 2.1 EnduRacers Modding Team is proudly releasing the Service Pack 2 dedicated to the Endurance Series mod for rFactor. This package is the last release of the team on the rFactor platform. The introduction of 2 cars adds to the existing grids more diversity. The Lamborghini Murcielago is a great addtion to the GT1 class, a new opponent for the Aston Martin, Corvette and Saleen monsters. On his side, the Oreca FLM09 has become in the last 2 years an important figure of the ALMS and LMS grids, allowing young drivers to perform on the highest level possible. In the mod, the car will allow you to learn the prototype driving, can it be during Oreca FLM races, or integrated in full Endurance Series races. FEATURES Endurance Series SP2 - PRESENTATION Endurance Series SP2 - FEATURES README Endurance Series SP2 Readme [media=] [/media] INSTALLATION - If you downloaded the Endurance Series SP2 Pack, You need the v1SP1 full version, and the SP1.1 patch installed. Install it in your rFactor main folder - If you download the Endurance Series rF1 full version (including v1, SP1, SP2), install it in your rFactor main folder. DOWNLOAD LINKS Endurance Series - Service Pack 2 - PATCH (v1SP1 + SP1.1 needed) http://www.drivingitalia.net/forum/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6 Endurance Series mod by Enduracers - Service Pack 2 Endurance Series mod by Enduracers - Service Pack 2 Endurance Series mod by Enduracers - Service Pack 2 Endurance Series mod by Enduracers - Service Pack 2 Endurance Series mod by Enduracers - Service Pack 2 Endurance Series - rFactor1 FULL version - Including v1, SP1 and SP2 http://www.drivingitalia.net/forum/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=3421 Endurance Series mod by Enduracers - rF1 FULL version Endurance Series mod by Enduracers - rF1 FULL version Endurance Series mod by Enduracers - rF1 FULL version Endurance Series mod by Enduracers - rF1 FULL version Endurance Series mod by Enduracers - rF1 FULL version

    rFactor: Endurance Series SP3 in arrivo

    Thoose cars are going to be released on the platform rFactor1 under the name "Endurance Series SP3". The Endurance Series mod will be then ported on the platform rFactor2 by ISI. It will include cars from the rFactor1 version and 2 more cars. The mod will be then considered as finished. Previously, to learn the platform, the team will release the mod "Flat6 Series" on the platform rFactor2. The shedule is the following one : Development and release of the Endurance Series SP3 for rFactor1. Development and release of the Flat6 Series mod for rFactor2. Development and release of the Endurance Series mod (carlist to be unveiled later) for rFactor2. Why rFactor2 ? This is currently the only new platform wich simulates endurance racing features. In addition, the game is now more stable than month ago. The dev team has released the modding tools and keep improving them. The team will anyway keep an eye on the other platforms developments.
  16. klo-che

    Endurance Series: la MC12 in arrivo!

    Dopo una prima immagine che aveva già scatenato i primi sospetti, il team Enduracers ci conferma ufficialmente oggi il prossimo arrivo della spettacolare Maserati MC12, che sarà inserita nel già noto ed apprezzato Endurance Series mod per rFactor. EnduRacers today confirms that the Maserati MC12 joins the grid of the Endurance Series mod. The car is under development and will be released together with the other cars unveiled since the SP2.1 release, in packages and platforms yet to be announced.

    Endurance Series: Lola LMP2 in arrivo

    Il team Enduracers continua lo sviluppo del suo sempre ottimo Endurance Series Mod per rFactor e ci mostra infatti oggi una nuova serie di screenshots di anteprima che ritraggono anche la nuovissima Lola Coupe LMP2 di prossimo arrivo. EnduRacers unveils a new addition to the Endurance Series mod future releases, as the Lola Coupe LMP2 enters the grid. The LMP2 weapon of choice was introduced in 2008, and has been since then one of the fastest LMP2 car and a car used by several different teams, with a lot of different engines. We have developped all the specifications from 2008 to 2011, and all existing engines. The car is developped with a very detailled cockpit for a perfect immersion.

    Enduracers presenta le Oreca

    Dopo il rilascio dell'ultima versione 2.1 del suo LMP1 - Lola Aston-Martin DBR1/2 (Spec 2009-2010)[/i] [*]LMP1 - Oreca 01 AIM (Spec 2009-2010) [*]LMP1 - Zytek 07s/Ginetta Zytek 09s (Spec 2007-2011) [*]LMP2 - Oreca 03 (Spec 2011-2013) [*]LMP2 - Zytek 07s/Ginetta Zytek 09s (Spec 2007-2011) [*]GT2 - BMW M3 E92 (Spec 2009-2011)

    Partners e lavoro per Enduracers

    Il noto modding team Enduracers ci aggiorna oggi sui "lavori in corso" con due comunicati sul proprio sito ufficiale: come prima cosa la partnership con RS Simulation, che ha portato allo sviluppo di tre vetture come la McLaren MP4-12C GT3, la Oreca 03 LMP2 e la Porsche "Flat6" GT3, quindi la collaborazione con la scuderia Signatech Alpine, che ha già portato alla creazione della Alpine A450 LMP2. A quanto pare ci attende un gustoso 2014...

    rF: Endurance Series, Zytek in arrivo

    Se ne parlava da un pò sui social network ed oggi è arrivata finalmente la conferma ufficiale del team Enduracers: saranno disponibili prossimamente per l'Endurance Series Mod di rFactor le nuove Zytek 07 e Ginetta Zytek 09! Gli Enduracers approfittano poi dell'occasione per mostrarci anche alcuni screens della Lola Aston-Martin LMP1. It wasn't anymore a secret for our Facebook fans but it's now official, the Zytek 07s and Ginetta Zytek 09s are unveiled, to replace the 06s in the future of our mod. The complete news and screens are on our website at this link.
  21. klo-che

    Endurance Series: Flat6 Skinpack

    Una graditissima sorpresa arriva oggi dal team Enduracers, che ha rilasciato un nuovo addon per il suo imperdibile Endurance Series SP2.1 Mod di rFactor: è infatti disponibile il Flat6 Series Skinpack, un pacchetto extra di skin grafiche per la vettura Flat6 (che sarebbe la Porsche GT3), dedicato ai vari campionati europei monomarca della casa tedesca. Non mancano ovviamente i campionati italiani, con le vetture di nomi ben noti, come Alessandro Balzan o Daniel Mancinelli. Following the recent release of the Endurance Series SP2.1, EnduRacers is now delivering to you the Flat6 Series skinpack for the Endurance Series mod ! The package features the Flat6 GT3 car, part of the GTC Class of the Endurance Series mod, sublimating the car into monotype series for close battles. The packages includes more the 350 fictionnal paint shemes based on fictional championships all around the world. The skinpack can be used within the Endurance Series mod, or as standalone. A presentation page has been uploaded on our website to introduce you everything in details. The car templates will be released in few days for both Endurance Series and Flat6 needs.
  22. In anticipo rispetto a quanto pensavamo, gli EnduRacers hanno pubblicato il Service Pack 2.1 per il loro eccezionale mod Endurance Series. Questo pacchetto altri non è se non una patch, piccola nelle dimensioni (sono infatti soltanto 320 MB), ma assai ricca nei contenuti: non solo va ad aggiungere un nuovo modello 3D e diverse nuove livree, ma interviene anche sulla fisica, andando così a raffinare ulteriormente il lavoro fatto in precedenza. Se avete già installato questo mod sulla vostra copia di rFactor vi consigliamo di procedere senza ripensamenti al download di questa patch. Se invece ancora non avete mai provato il lavoro degli EnduRacers pensiamo sia giunto il momento per farlo: da solo è uno di quei mod che vale l'acquisto di rFactor. All'interno dello spoiler potete leggere il comunicato ufficiale.
  23. klo-che

    Enduracers al lavoro su nuove auto

    Il team Enduracers ci aggiorna sullo sviluppo di nuove vetture per il suo già apprezzatissimo Endurance Series Mod: sono infatti in officina la BMW M3 GT2 e la Lola Aston-Martin DBR1-2, che possiamo apprezzare in una serie di screenshots di anteprima. It's a secret for nobody now that our team has started to work since few month on new models to be included in the future of the Endurance Series mod. Two cars have already been quickly unveiled, the BMW M3 GT2 and the Lola Aston-Martin DBR1-2 of the LMP1 class. The BMW M3 has been developped in all known configuration from 2009 to 2011, as usual at EnduRacers. The car is designed with all specs, and all existing real paint schemes, like the famous Jeff Koons Art Car version from Le Mans 24hrs 2010. The Lola Aston-Martin has been as well developped in all the existing specifications from 2009 and 2010 seasons, and will be delivered with all the paint shemes from teams Prodrive, Muscle Milk, Signature or Kronos...
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