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  • klo-che

    Endurance Series Service Pack 2.1 by Enduracers

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    In anticipo rispetto a quanto pensavamo, gli EnduRacers hanno pubblicato il Service Pack 2.1 per il loro eccezionale mod Endurance Series. Questo pacchetto altri non è se non una patch, piccola nelle dimensioni (sono infatti soltanto 320 MB), ma assai ricca nei contenuti: non solo va ad aggiungere un nuovo modello 3D e diverse nuove livree, ma interviene anche sulla fisica, andando così a raffinare ulteriormente il lavoro fatto in precedenza.

    Se avete già installato questo mod sulla vostra copia di rFactor vi consigliamo di procedere senza ripensamenti al download di questa patch. Se invece ancora non avete mai provato il lavoro degli EnduRacers pensiamo sia giunto il momento per farlo: da solo è uno di quei mod che vale l'acquisto di rFactor.

    All'interno dello spoiler potete leggere il comunicato ufficiale.

    Complete news : http://www.enduracers.com/newsletter_32.html

    EnduRacers Modding Team is proudly releasing the SP2.1 PATCH dedicated to the Endurance Series mod for rFactor. The package includes an overall improvement of the physics of all the cars included in the mod, in particular in tyres behaviour. We have in addition perfected the sounds of some cars.

    A new car is introduced in the mod, the Flat6 GT3. This fictionnal car may remind you one of the car currently running the ALMS championship, adding more diversity and even more close battles during the race. You will be able to drive it in the mod, inside the new GTC category. You will be able to enjoy numerous new real paint shemes, and in addition some new paint shemes for the Oreca FLM09.


    * Graphics - Added a new 3D Model : GTC - Flat6 GT3. Introduction of the GTC category in the mod.

    * Graphics - Added all the real paint shemes of the Flat6 GT3 coming from the 2010 to 2012 seasons of the ALMS championship.

    * Graphics - Added all the real paint shemes of the Oreca FLM09 coming from the 2012 season of the ALMS championship, and the ALMS 2010 Green Earth Gunnar skin.

    * Sounds - Update of all cars sounds to correct the problem of opponent sounds volume linked to driver swaps (Opponents volume has now to be tuned from 50% to 100% in the game configuration).

    * Sounds - Update of LMP cars ambient sounds (sound levels).

    * Sounds - Update of the Ferrari F430 GT2 sounds.

    * Sounds - Update of the Lamborghini GT1 sounds.

    * Sounds - Update of the Oreca FLM09 LMPC sounds.

    * Physics - Tyres improvements on all the models of the mod, coming from v1, SP1 and SP2.

    * Physics - Optimisation of tyres wears, in particular for the Super Soft (for qualifications) tyres.

    * Physics - Race balance performance adjusted (by making adjustements on fuel consumption, fuel tank and tyre wears) for the LMP1 Petrol and Diesel cars.

    * Physics - Ajustement on the inertia and the aerodynamic performances of all cars, to fit with tyres improvements.


    * If you already have the Endurance Series mod with SP2 Pack installed, Download the Endurance Series SP2.1 Patch. Install it in your rFactor main folder.

    * If do not have the Endurance Series mod with SP2 Pack installed, download the Endurance Series rF1 full version (including v1, SP1, SP2), install it in your rFactor main folder. Then download the Endurance Series SP2.1 Patch, and install it in your rFactor main folder

    README : Endurance Series - Readme


    Endurance Series - Download page

    Endurance Series - SP2.1 PATCH

    Endurance Series - SP2.1 PATCH

    Endurance Series - SP2.1 PATCH

    Endurance Series - SP2.1 PATCH

    Endurance Series - SP2.1 PATCH



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