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  1. Come promesso, gli ISI hanno appena pubblicato una nuova vettura per rFactor 2. Si tratta della Formula Renault 3.5, vettura già presente nel simulatore, che ora si aggiorna alle specifiche 2014. Dotata di un motore V8 da 540 cavalli e freni in carbonio, questa è considerata una delle migliori serie di allenamento per i piloti che aspirino ad arrivare a guidare una Formula 1. La pagina dedicata sul sito ufficiale è ricca di informazioni sulla vettura, informazioni che vi consigliamo di leggere: oltre al link per il download, inoltre, trovate anche un pacchetto contenente dei setup più semplici per chi avesse problemi a domare la vettura (che di base viene fornita con i setup utilizzati in configurazione di gara). Nel video qui sotto potete ammirare il confronto diretto fra la nuova monoposto 2014 e la precedente versione 2010. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4Owq_k5i58
  2. Dalla pagina dei download è possibile leggere un'accurata descrizione della vettura e scaricare anche setup considerati "easy" per chi avesse problemi a domare la vettura. DOWNLOAD Direttamente Tim Wheatley degli ISI annuncia una nuova ed imminente novità in arrivo per rFactor 2: oltre al tracciato di Indianapolis già previsto per fine mese, sarà infatti disponibile a breve la nuova Formula Renault 3.5 dell'attuale stagione di campionato 2014, con tutte le specifiche aggiornate di telaio, gomme e fisica, monoposto che sta portando alla ribalta il figlio d'arte Carlos Sainz Jr., attuale leader di campionato. Qui sotto trovate i primi screens, mentre a questo link sono disponibili alcuni brevi filmati. Most of you know that we have the Indianapolis Motor Speedway coming later this month, but here is a little surprise before that. ISI will shortly be releasing (before the Indy content, yes) a brand-new Formula Renault 3.5 running 2014 specification (including physics, body, tires, etc). This car replaces the older spec car (which will still be available on our downloads page), and also comes with several individually licensed teams, including current championship leader, Carlos Sainz Jr. The car is just about to enter a final round of testing internally and should be public within days. You can see specifications of the new car here: http://www.worldseriesbyrenault.com/Formula-Renault-3-5-Series-3208.html?lang=fr Note that the images at the bottom of the page are click-able for more information on that area of the car. Tim Wheatley This post has been promoted to an article

    rFactor 2: screens da Indianapolis

    Il team ISI ha pubblicato tramite Twitter alcuni screenshots inediti che ci mostrano il nuovo tracciato di Indianapolis per rFactor 2, ormai di imminente rilascio, come si nota dalla qualità e completezza delle immagini.
  4. Lost Valley (Experimental).
  5. Happy Easter from ISI! As we’ve had many requests for dirt vehicles and in particular help with dirt type tires by modders / mod teams. The ISI content team decided to have a little fun and experiment with what’s possible within the current tech. While rFactor 2 doesn’t have full support for loose dirt / soft terrain modelling at present, rF2 is more or less capable of what rF1 was, and provides somewhat reasonable correlation. The results of this experiment is yours to download and we hope you can see the entertainment value that these vehicles bring. For modders, the tyre was basically generated in the normal procedure, while the [realtime] section was altered to resemble something like dirt characteristics. You might note that this content was done in a relatively short space of time, and naturally this shows in a few areas, but it is our hope that this proves that ISI still remain committed to bringing dirt simulation to rF2 in the future. We’d like to wish everyone a happy Easter from ISI and we really hope you enjoy this little project. This post has been promoted to an article
  6. Contemporaneamente al rilascio dei go-kart gli ISI hanno pubblicato anche questo tracciato.
  7. Mostrati per la prima volta assieme alcuni giorni or sono, i go-kart e la pista Quebec SuperKarts per rFactor 2 sono ora ufficialmente disponibili. Assieme al mod e al tracciato è inoltre disponibile un nuovo showroom e una nuova interfaccia grafica, scaricabili dai link presenti sul nostro forum. I go-kart sono forniti in due versioni, Junior e Kart F1: la prima ha 20 cavalli e un peso di 150 Kg pilota incluso, la seconda invece 40 cavalli e un peso leggermente superiore, accoppiata anche ad un set di freni anteriori per gestire al meglio la maggiore potenza.
  8. Guest

    Kart by ISI v1.140

    News item: http://rfactor.net/w....for-rfactor-2/ One of the most fun and least appreciated types of racing in rFactor 2 has got to be the karts. While for some this can create a whole standalone simulation, it is merely one of many vehicle types we offer to our users as a free download. If you haven’t tried them yet, be sure to give them a try with this updated version! Download here! (Requires up-to-date build of rFactor 2). Physics (both Karts) – New tires which have enabled the contact patch model for the first time. – Added new wet weather variables for tires. – Numerous AI correlation tweaks. AI warm tires quicker, wear slower and more evenly (F/R). – Reduced inertia for wheels and engine. The wheels were set conservatively due to instability, an issue which new, more accurate tires have are the result. – Reduced axle and gearbox friction to what should be a more accurate level. – Softened undertray collision points which makes the kart more realistic and controllable over tall curbs. – Fixed geometry bug that went unnoticed that was caused by a build bug fix (which was improperly defined in the previous kart release, and has been corrected for Builds 860 and newer). – Tweak to reduce some ‘hopping’ experienced in certain extreme situations. Physics Junior Kart specific – Engine engine has more low end torque. Combined with other changes, it now accelerates a lot better from standstill. Physics KartF1 specific – Increased grip to correspond better with the class of tyre this is simulating. UI – Changed category name in-sim from ‘Kart Cup’ to ‘Karts’. – Camera offset to match steering wheel. Graphics – Updated shaders – Updated textures – Minor 3D fixes The contact patch model is still not fully complete, but at a sufficient point now. It is still lacking some lateral and longitudinal variability due to temperature / pressure and the lat/long deflections are still slightly over sensitive under extreme conditions when patch is extremely small. The vertical deflections are considered accurate. We will release more details soon. There are also some setup adjustments not yet available in the UI. An update will follow. This post has been promoted to an article
  9. Guest

    rFactor 2: Kart by ISI in arrivo

    For those unfamiliar with karting, the first thing you will notice driving one of these is just how quick the steering is. With the steering ratio approximating 1:5 (depending on setup), three times quicker than most conventional road cars, you may fall into the trap of too much steering input. Small and precise movements are best. Karts are also forced to run a locked axle, which means the inside rear tire has to be unloaded to allow the vehicle to steer properly. Significant understeer results if you fail to do so. The primary mechanism for providing a means to overcome this issue is through the front end steering geometry. Cranking the steering is usually accompanied by oversteer. A common mistake of amateurs is both applying lock too early or using excessive steering lock which can result in sudden snap oversteer. Though sometimes that might be exactly what you want! The wide sticky tires used in karting provide huge amounts of grip, able to exceed 2G’s without any downforce to speak of. The chassis is finely tuned to deal with these G-forces. Braking can be rather difficult in either category, the Junior kart, having only rear brakes, requires a constant watch for snap oversteer on account of locking rear wheels. Trail braking is of limited use, as this can lead to excessive oversteer upon corner entry, which on account of only having a single speed gearbox, with grippy tires, can bog you down right out of the power band. The ideal corner is to brake in a straight line, very limited trail braking on turn in, and then keep the kart in a shallow and consistent slide with high percentages of throttle input to ensure the engine does not bog down. The engine in junior form, provides peak power just below 9000 RPM, however still sings on song until 12000 RPM before the power curve begins to fall away sharply. You will want to make sure the engine seldom sees RPM of below 6000. In Kart F1 form, the engine produces peak torque and power at much higher RPM, peak torque is around 12000 and peak power around 13500 RPM, the curve doesn’t fall off too much until about 15500. Gearing is very important to extract the maximum performance out of your karts. We would like to express our gratitude to Skip and Joey Essma of Ess Racing for their time and effort. (Hey, sponsors, sponsor Joey).

    Stock Car by ISI

    We’re delighted to release a great update to our Stock Car that should make those of you who enjoy it – even if just on the roadcourses – very happy! You can now race as – or against – Joey Gase in the rFactor 2-sponsored car as seen in Phoenix last season. It really was a gorgeous livery, so we’re happy to bring it to you in the sim. Download: v1.04 Non-Steam – 279MB Changelog: – Added #32 Joey Gase A.I. car and skin. – Tires tweaked, which now require more camber. – Fix for tuning upgrades. – Fixed typo in setup notes. – Reduced AI sampling rate slightly (afforded by newer AI bumpstop overrides) – Slightly tweaked default setup for most configs. – Added several tracks to trackconfigs.ini – Added several AI setups to help their competitiveness on newer circuits. – Other AI adjustments for newer tracks.
  11. A meno di 24 ore dal rilascio dell'ultima build 590 di rFactor 2, il team ISI ha reso disponibile per il proprio simulatore, gratuitamente, anche una nuova vettura ufficiale: si tratta dell'affascinante Panoz AIV Roadster del 1999. Perhaps known to many as ‘the car from Midtown Madness’, you can now download the Panoz AIV Roadster from our downloads page. As always, this is a free download. The AIV Roadster, designed around the time when most American production cars were not renowned for their handling characteristics, was a breath of fresh air to many. While the car shares many components with Ford (allowing the car to be serviced at any Ford dealership), the things most important to provide a good handling car were meticulously designed to provide a fun, stable car that was just about as quick around the bends as any other sports (or even super) cars of the time...

    Build 494 - Update 21

    rFactor 2 Build 494 Now Available! You can now download rFactor 2 Build 494 from our downloads page. As always, we have a new free demo that utilizes the latest core code. Our first release of the year, this update includes a number of graphical updates. Most notable is the automated HDR, which uses a set of functions to change all lighting elements automatically/dynamically, based on real geographical location variables, and time of the day. This gives a much more stable and consistent lighting experience. You may still use your personal HDR profiles. You may also notice some shader draw distance changes. Update 21 (Build 494) Changelog (February 26, 2014): ===================================================== GRAPHICS: ———————— Now defaulting to automated HDR parameters instead of manual profiles for every track when this build is first run. After that, you can change back to a specific profile if you want. The preferred profile for any track is now called “automation”. Fixed calculation and tweaked numbers to reduce cloud pop-in. There’s a few items missing from this changelog, shadow draw, etc. FEATURES: ———————— Optional new HDV [sUSPENSION] line ModelWheelsIncludeAllTireMass=1 improves accounting for tire mass and inertia. Obviously this must coincide with actually adding the tire ring mass and inertia to the wheels in the chassis.ini file. In addition to more accurately simulating the tire ring, this also facilitates the removal of SpinInertia and SpinInertiaAI from the HDV. A related change is the optional removal of TemporaryRingMassInertia from the TGM file – the tire now dynamically changes inertia depending on current shape (a new variable MassInertiaMultiplier can also be included if the physically calculated values are not satisfactory for some reason). For newly created replays, you can now play them even if the (virtual) mod is uninstalled, as long as the individual track and vehicle components are still installed. Created some options for the suspension deformation code that allows more generic connections like brake lines. BUG FIXES / OPTIMIZATIONS: ———————— Fixed problem recovering from ctrl-alt-delete in Win 7/8. Fixed some missing translations in rFConfig. Fixed plugin callbacks PreReset() and PostReset(). Fixed a crash from the RFM spinner in strange cases. Made the “goto preferred car selection” page action go to the non-preferred car selection page in case where the preferred car selection page doesn’t exist (instead of going nowhere) Fixed problem reading older RealRoad files. Fixed a potential pit menu crash if FuelSpecial lines are used in the HDV file. Fixed crash related to Mod Mode all tracks & cars selection & uninstalling other mods. Fixed a couple problems with Resume From Replay, including one potential crash. Since full-course yellows do not work without a safety car right now, disable them if there is no safety car available at a track. Fixed potential crash in transparent trainer code – probably only happened in multiplayer. MODDING / PUBLIC DEV ———————— Fixed bug in ModMgr when displaying large (> 2GB) mod files. Added buttons to ModMgr to delete paths from the Working Dir and Packages selectors. Some shader macro prototypes have changed. Look in pShaderStubs.h for changes. Fixed rcd values write out from realtime editor. Now looking for driver RCD files in vehicle components as well as (hopefully soon to be phased out) talent components. UI / HUD / Options: ———————— Fixed ‘enter’ key moving between min and max replay mode for other languages. When selecting a mod with it’s own UI, the standard rFactor UI will send you to a prompt screen to ask if you’d like to use the mod-specific UI. Added RCD editing gizmos: they work on “virtual vehicle” drivers in main release & any content in Mod Mode. Fixed issue with true type fonts sometimes (usually after UI switch) not loading. MULTIPLAYER: ———————— Official ISI server now show on top of mp lobby list (until user manually sorts). If mod specific multiplayer temp vehicle is not found, will attempt to load generic temp vehicle instead. Added gizmo to standard rFactor UI that let’s you quickly change cars in practice mode without having to leave and rejoin the server. Detecting & reloading livery changes in multiplayer quick vehicle change. Disabled new prediction algorithm by default, until issues are worked out. CONTROLLERS / FFB ———————— Added profile for the Thrustmaster TX Racing Wheel. Added an optional minimum FFB torque to the controller.ini file. Disabled by default. AI ———————— AIs now attempt to restart engine when toggling AI on with a stalled engine. Fixed some cases where RCD files were not loading. Silverstone Circuit v1.01 -> v1.14 Changelog - Increased surface mesh density at The Link and Maggots Corner for short layouts - Added and enhanced 3D modelled surface details based on accurate data - Added International layout - Replaced GP Layout with GT Layout (41 garage spots) - Added Concrete Blocks to prevent wandering beyond limits on short layouts - New default weather preset for GT and International Layouts - Added Medium Rubber RealRoad presets - Reworked Light Rubber RealRoad presets - Added International layout cameras - Fixed inaccurate Sector 1, Sector 2 and Pit In timing lines (Pit In is now at the FIRST line) - Fixed multiple small terrain gaps - Fixed incorrect material on old pit building roof - Fixed Collision for Bridges - Fixed Collision for PitWall Gates - Fixed Smoothing on Grandstand at Club Corner - Fixed Smoothing on wall at Club Corner - Fixed light glow being always enabled - Fixed (most) annoying popups - Fixed Daylight Saving Time zone - Tweaked terrain textures and materials for less aliasing and a tiny bit more depth - Tweaked wall materials for a tiny bit less aliasing - Tweaked Vegetation textures and materials - Tweaked RealRoad texture - Tweaked Glass materials - Tweaked Vehicle materials - Optimized 3D Tyre Walls for better and smoother performance - Optimized Armco for better and smoother performance - Optimized Armco details for better and smoother performance - Optimized Vehicles for better and smoother performance - Optimized Shadow Casters for better performance - Optimized LOD distances for better performance - Optimized Reflection Maps for better performance - Optimized Crowds for better performance - Optimized Terrain objects for smoother performance - Optimized Grandstands for better performance - Optimized Props for smoother performance - Optimized Omni Lights for International layout - Optimized Vegetation - Optimized Grass and Gravel Verges - Optimized Terrain textures - Optimized Vehicle textures - Optimized Building textures Notes: - Performance should be improved by an average of 15-30% over v1.01 depending on detail settings. - Smoothness should be improved by an average of 25-35% over v1.01 depending on detail settings; up to 45% in most previously heavy stutter areas. - Texture size reduction by 35% should also free up some VRAM by a fair amount, regardless of detail settings; - Existing 1.01 GP Layout has been replaced by what we now call GT Layout; which is the same layout with extra garage spots. Loch Drummond 1.1 - Fixed upside-down crowd in some grandstands - Fixed several objects intersecting fences - Added invisible colliders to in/outfields - Added canvas in front of tyre walls - Optimized tyre wall LOD distances - Optimized tyre wall reflections - Optimized tyre wall shadows - Optimized Radio Towers: separated into multiple VisGroups - Optimized GrassVerges - Optimized some textures - Removed tyre stack in chicane - Removed tyre wall collision objects This post has been promoted to an article

    rFactor 2: nuova Silverstone by ISI

    Silverstone Circuit v1.01 -> v1.14 Changelog - Increased surface mesh density at The Link and Maggots Corner for short layouts - Added and enhanced 3D modelled surface details based on accurate data - Added International layout - Replaced GP Layout with GT Layout (41 garage spots) - Added Concrete Blocks to prevent wandering beyond limits on short layouts - New default weather preset for GT and International Layouts - Added Medium Rubber RealRoad presets - Reworked Light Rubber RealRoad presets - Added International layout cameras - Fixed inaccurate Sector 1, Sector 2 and Pit In timing lines (Pit In is now at the FIRST line) - Fixed multiple small terrain gaps - Fixed incorrect material on old pit building roof - Fixed Collision for Bridges - Fixed Collision for PitWall Gates - Fixed Smoothing on Grandstand at Club Corner - Fixed Smoothing on wall at Club Corner - Fixed light glow being always enabled - Fixed (most) annoying popups - Fixed Daylight Saving Time zone - Tweaked terrain textures and materials for less aliasing and a tiny bit more depth - Tweaked wall materials for a tiny bit less aliasing - Tweaked Vegetation textures and materials - Tweaked RealRoad texture - Tweaked Glass materials - Tweaked Vehicle materials - Optimized 3D Tyre Walls for better and smoother performance - Optimized Armco for better and smoother performance - Optimized Armco details for better and smoother performance - Optimized Vehicles for better and smoother performance - Optimized Shadow Casters for better performance - Optimized LOD distances for better performance - Optimized Reflection Maps for better performance - Optimized Crowds for better performance - Optimized Terrain objects for smoother performance - Optimized Grandstands for better performance - Optimized Props for smoother performance - Optimized Omni Lights for International layout - Optimized Vegetation - Optimized Grass and Gravel Verges - Optimized Terrain textures - Optimized Vehicle textures - Optimized Building textures Notes: - Performance should be improved by an average of 15-30% over v1.01 depending on detail settings. - Smoothness should be improved by an average of 25-35% over v1.01 depending on detail settings; up to 45% in most previously heavy stutter areas. - Texture size reduction by 35% should also free up some VRAM by a fair amount, regardless of detail settings; - Existing 1.01 GP Layout has been replaced by what we now call GT Layout; which is the same layout with extra garage spots. International Layout

    rFactor 2: news dagli ISI

    Il team ISI ci aggiorna su alcune novità riguardanti il suo rFactor 2: la prima buona notizia riguarda il tracciato di Silverstone, che sarà finalmente aggiornato ed ottimizzato con gli ultimi dati reali raccolti, mentre la pista di Indianapolis subirà un leggero ritardo nello sviluppo, ma in compenso ci sarà il tempo di inserire anche gli ultimi ritocchi alla pista che proprio in questi giorni sono in corso, come il rifacimento dell'asfalto. ISI ha inoltre annunciato che la prossima build del software includerà il supporto diretto per l'ultimo volante Thrustmaster TX Racing Wheel. Finally, that confidential surface data is ours! The data we have can produce accurate bumps and surface features for the circuit. The ISI Track Team have taken the time recently to work on Silverstone, and the optimization results are also quite pleasing. We will also be adding the International layout. Their tweets from this last week round-up the facts of what the next Silverstone update will bring to the product... As the final tweet says, the new Silverstone enters internal testing very soon. Look for a public release in the near future!
  15. Guest

    rFactor 2: Honda Civic BTCC by ISI

    A quanto pare possiamo iniziare bene questo 2014 anche con rFactor 2: il team ISI ha infatti rilasciato come promesso la nuova Honda Civic NGTC BTCC, in versione v1.07. Come si può notare dal video di anteprima, si tratta di una vettura molto interessante e divertente, sicuramente da gustare in sfide online con gli amici. Potete scaricarla dalla nostra area files, mentre per ulteriori dettagli, immagini e commenti, fate riferimento a questo topic del forum.

    rFactor 2: Honda Civic BTCC in screens

    Il team ISI non è riuscito nell'impresa natalizia di rilasciare la nuova Honda Civic BTCC, che dovrebbe comunque arrivare prima del termine delle feste. Per adesso quindi accontentiamoci di una nuova serie di screenshots in game, che ci mostrano anche la livrea "sponsorizzata" dal fondo benefico della RAF. Unfortunately we won't be able to get the Honda Civic to you today, but we're really close (darn Holidays)! Here are some screenshots, which is the best we can do for today. (Note: Taken with B342). The Honda Civic will sport 'sponsorship' from the RAF Benevolent Fund on two A.I. cars when released. Please visit their site to find out more about this non - Government funded charity, and consider a donation: rafbf.org
  17. Guest

    rFactor 2: Panoz by ISI

    Il team ISI ha annunciato oggi con alcuni screens di anteprima l'arrivo anche in rFactor 2 della divertente Panoz Roadster, che abbiamo già avuto modo di apprezzare nel primo rFactor. Sono stati inoltre pubblicati alcuni screens in game della famosa Pagoda che potremo apprezzare nel prossimo circuito di Indianapolis. Intanto prosegue il testing della Honda BTCC, che dovrebbe vedere la luce prima della fine delle vacanze... Da segnalare infine i nuovi screens del FIA GT3 Mod pubblicati dal team Apex.
  18. Perhaps known to many as ‘the car from Midtown Madness’, you can now download the Panoz AIV Roadster from our downloads page. As always, this is a free download. The AIV Roadster, designed around the time when most American production cars were not renowned for their handling characteristics, was a breath of fresh air to many. While the car shares many components with Ford (allowing the car to be serviced at any Ford dealership), the things most important to provide a good handling car were meticulously designed to provide a fun, stable car that was just about as quick around the bends as any other sports (or even super) cars of the time. It employs double wishbone suspension all-round, a near 50/50 weight distribution, light weight, at around 1170kg, and comes equipped with an LSD. The engine represents a near perfect balance between power and drive-ability, while not producing the insane figures of some modern sports cars, by no means is the car a slouch either. Straight from the Ford Mustang, the engine produces 305hp, 407Nm, enough to propel the car from 0-60mph (96km/h) in just 4.6 seconds. Aerodynamic drag does significantly inhibit the cars top speed, though, to around 135mph (217km/h). Driving techniques are not particularly difficult or unique to this car. It’s about as much of a fun car as you can have, control is relatively easy and drifting quite possible (though not the fastest way to get around the track). To get the best lap times, it’s all about braking late and deep, avoiding that inside lockup, and fighting that extremely tempting urge to floor it and drift your way around the corner. Instead, keep it cool, feel where the maximum grip is, the rear should be kept just in a very shallow slide, and use the normal ‘slow in fast out’ technique common to most forms of motor racing. The car has most of the common characteristics of street vehicles, some minor lift oversteer, and you can get power on oversteer with excessive throttle too, but in general the Roadster is a well balanced vehicle. Tyres: 245/40 R18 Optimum temperature around 80 degrees. 295/35 R18 Brakes: No ABS. They work well from low temperatures, but ideal after the first stop. Some fade sets in around 650°C. Corrected brake bias is about 62% forward, and there is no adjusting it. Gears: Keep in mind 5th gear is all but useless during competition in this car, designed to improve mileage during highway use. The other gears are also designed for specific speeds, more than to allow smooth shifting. There are noticable differences in redline in specific gears that will take some time to get used to. This post has been promoted to an article This post has been promoted to an article
  19. Guest

    Build 382 - Update 20

    Fonte. Obviously, as always, this update includes a new demo. That demo includes the newly updated C6.R. If you have friends who you think should try the demo with the new C6.R, feel free to share the link to it http://bit.ly/1cDs53k with them. Auto update should work now/soon. If you are using a vastly out of date build, consider manually updating. Manual updates can be done by downloading the Lite installer, and installing it over your currently installation location(s). If not installing fresh, and noticing any backwards movement in performance or visuals, consider having rFactor2 recreate shaders by deleting all files in \Documents\rFactor2\UserData\Log\CBash. Tracks will load slower first time after doing it, as files are recreated. The ISI Official Servers should be ready for you to use with B382, or close to being so. The 382 demo has been re-released. http://rfactor.net/web/rf2/rf2dl/ Fixes an issue with the launcher where some could not launch the demo. Tim Wheatley Build Notes: You can also now renew your rFactor2. You should see an option to do so on the purchase page. If any of you want to assist us in testing it now, renewing early, please do so and let us know of any problems. Known issues (or possible ones reported by unstable testers/internal testing): Download links
  20. Proprio poco prima di Natale, gli ISI pubblicano un nuovo aggiornamento per rFactor 2. La build 382 introduce diverse migliorie, sia ai problemi legati all'interfaccia che sul fronte del multiplayer con un nuovo sistema di predizione delle collisioni. L'aggiornamento porta con sè anche una nuova demo con la versione aggiornata della Corvette C6.R. Di seguito il changelog di questa build. ISI ha inoltre annunciato con uno screen che l'attesa Honda BTCC dovrebbe essere rilasciata nel periodo natalizio. È ora inoltre possibile rinnovare i propri account del simulatore, nel caso si fosse inizialmente scelto di acquistare la versione che prevede un pagamento annuale per poter usufruire del multiplayer. Per ulteriori informazioni e commenti seguite questo link; la build può essere invece scaricata da qui.

    rFactor2: nuova Corvette e Camaro by ISI

    Il team ISI ha rilasciato questa mattina un doppio aggiornamento per il suo rFactor 2: sono infatti disponibili la nuova versione 1.43 della Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT2 (immagine sotto) e la versione 1.3 della Chevrolet Camaro GT3.
  22. Come potete vedere qui sotto, il team ISI ha pubblicato due nuovi screenshots di anteprima della propria Shelby Cobra AC 427, prossima vettura con licenza ad essere inserita in rFactor 2.
  23. Guest

    rF2: il cockpit della Shelby Cobra

    Dopo una lunga attesa, finalmente Tim Wheatley in persona ci mostra una immagine di anteprima di quello che sarà l'abitacolo della nuova Shelby Cobra 427 che il team ISI sta sviluppando per il suo rFactor 2. I finally have the pleasure of sending out a cockpit preview shot of this lovely AC Cars 427, commonly known as an AC Cobra. It's still a number of weeks away from going into internal testing, so certainly over a month (maybe more) away from release to the public at this point.
  24. Guest

    rFactor 2: Build 342 - Update 18

    Il team ISI ha finalmente rilasciato una nuova build ufficiale e stabile del suo rFactor 2: la build 342 in questione dovrebbe portare significativi miglioramenti grafici, oltre ad una prima versione del sistema di training dell'AI come visto in rF1. Per tutti i dettagli, download e commenti dle caso, fate riferimento a questo topic del forum. Info: This new build should see a major step update to visuals in rFactor 2. You may want to take a good look at your settings, as in some cases you might be able to use a lower setting for the look you are used to now, while those of you with super-systems can enjoy visuals not seen before. We have worked a way around the bug with USB in Microsoft Windows 8. Loss of controllers issues should be gone. Let us know. Only major known issue is that for night time racing, you may need to disable HDR to give you visibility. We simply had to get the wheel fixes out (which stopped users from running the sim entirely due to the bug in Windows 8).
  25. Guest

    Build 342 - Update 18

    Tim annuncia questa build che dovrebbe portare significativi miglioramenti grafici, oltre ad una prima versione del sistema di training dell'AI come visto in rF1. Info: This new build should see a major step update to visuals in rFactor 2. You may want to take a good look at your settings, as in some cases you might be able to use a lower setting for the look you are used to now, while those of you with super-systems can enjoy visuals not seen before. We have worked a way around the bug with USB in Microsoft Windows 8. Loss of controllers issues should be gone. Let us know. Only major known issue is that for night time racing, you may need to disable HDR to give you visibility. We simply had to get the wheel fixes out (which stopped users from running the sim entirely due to the bug in Windows 8). DOWNLOAD Auto update will be up ASAP (Jeremy is heading home and will do it there after upload completes) Changelog Problemi noti This post has been promoted to an article
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