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    DiRT 4: parliamo di voci...

    Dopo l'update per DiRT Rally che, fra le altre cose, introduce il supporto per il visore PlayStation VR e l'annuncio della novità DiRT 4, la Codemasters ritorna ad aggiornarci tramite il suo blog sui lavori in corso attualmente. Partiamo dall'interessante intervista fatta al Dialogue Producer, Olly Johnson, che si occupa appunto dei dialoghi in game, inclusa la voce del navigatore, eccovene un estratto: When it comes to DiRT 4, how do you go about getting the most authentic representation of each discipline? First thing is the casting process. We knew we wanted Nicky Grist back, and Neil Cole as our RX Spotter is still great. We’ve taken on board over the years that the “dude-bro” voiceover grates and puts a lot of people off; we will never avoid having US voices, but the tone and the script is much more in tune with a more realistic interpretation of the more extreme sports. We have Jen Horsey back from Dirt 3, so you will be able to have her as you co-driver if you want, and for the most extreme mode, Landrush, our spotter sounds more like John Goodman than Bill & Ted. He’s the calm voice in the storm. Landrush is so much fun by the way. Passiamo poi all'intervista di Jen Horsey, ovvero colei che presta appunto la sua voce a quella del copilota virtuale ed ascolteremo nella nuova modalità DirtFish Rally School presente in DiRT 4: DirtFish Rally School features in the new game, DiRT 4 – why’s it such a good place to learn how to drive? Rally driving is a unique skill: you’re dealing with a whole bunch of variables in a rally scenario that you wouldn’t find at a race track. For one thing, we race in every kind of weather and on every imaginable surface. We also put a lot of value on the teamwork between driver and co-driver. And those are skills that are best learned in a closed environment that safely simulates real-world conditions and is unpredictable, in one sense, but also creates repeatable scenarios so you can learn and develop your abilities. That’s what DirtFish is and it’s a fantastic rally playground.

    F1 2016 PS4 ALL STAR Race

    Potremmo già definirla come la gara dell'anno, anche siamo solamente a febbraio, ma quello che ci aspetta giovedi' 9 febbraio è un appuntamento imperdibile per gli appassionati di Formula 1 e di Racing on-line su piattaforma PS4.Questo giovedì è infatti in programma la All Star Race, un appuntamento che vede come protagoniste alcune tra le comunità europee più importanti a livello europeo su piattaforma console. I team presenti per questa gara saranno i seguenti: ApexonlineRacing, il team inglese sarà rappresentato da 4 piloti, Jim-Nrvotank, Alex1994128, JThorn97 e Jim-Aressi. F1ItalianTeam sarà rappresentata da F1Italian_Prost , Sutil69f1 , F1Italian_Magic ed Ita-Ven97. Per il team inglese di RaceDepartment correranno Raimith92, Wooly51 e Ilynchy. Gli ultimi due team saranno quello olandese di Racestars con Desimpele_K, Slabbinckono e Vincent9022 ed il team francese di F1-Simu con Adeo e Libero. Il circuito su cui si disputerà l'evento sarà quello di Suzuka; le regole saranno le più simulative disponibili; nessun assist attivo, prestazioni uguali per tutte le vetture,penalità rigorose, qualifiche brevi e gara al 100%. Ad impreziosire l'evento in cabina di commento ci sarà Aarava, famoso youtuber in tema di F1 su console insieme ad F1Italian_Flamin. L'intera copertura streaming dell'evento sarà curata dallo staff di F1italianteam.com e comprenderà un virtual studio pre gara con ospiti e servizi,qualifiche e gara dal vivo , commento completamente in inglese per garantire la possibilità anche ai tantissimi utenti che seguiranno la gara dall'estero per sostenere il proprio team di capire tutto quello che succederà. Non resta che darvi appuntamento per giovedì 9 febbraio dalle 21:00 con il nostro VirtualStudio, vi aspettiamo! LISTA PILOTI PARTECIPANTI (NICK PSN): JIM-NervoTank (ApexOnlineRacing) Alexukr (ApexOnlineRacing) Jthorn97 (ApexOnlineRacing) Aressi191 (ApexOnlineRacing) Sutil69F1 (F1ItalianTeam) F1Italian_Magic (F1ItalianTeam) F1Italian_Prost (F1ItalianTeam) Ita-Ven-97 (F1ItalianTeam) ILynchy (RaceDepartment) Raimith92 (RaceDepartment) wooly51 (RaceDepartment) Desimpele (RaceStars) Slabbinckono (RaceStars) Vincent9022 (RaceStars) libero-du-59320 (F1 Simu) F1Simu-adeo (F1 Simu) Livestream from : https://www.youtube.com/user/F1ITALIANTEAMChannel

    Paul Coleman ci parla di DiRT 4

    Paul Coleman, copilota rally e Chief Game Designer della serie DiRT di Codemasters, ha risposto ad una lunga serie di domande fatte dai fans in merito al prossimo DiRT 4 della software house inglese, in arrivo a giugno. Per chi non volesse leggere l'intera sessione Q&A, possiamo sintetizzare nel modo seguente: IA e danni "molto migliorati" rispetto a DiRT Rally, con maggiori possibilità di ritiro miglioramento di fisica e aerodinamica, grazie al supporto di Kris Meeke e Petter Solberg possibile supporto alla VR, ma non al lancio supportato il modding, ma con restrizioni dovute alle licenze miglioramenti "significativi" nella simulazione rispetto DiRT Rally la modalità "your stage" (per creare i propri livelli) funziona solo nei rally e non nei rallycross nessuna early acces Steam o demo prima del lancio multiplayer per 8 giocatori contemporaneamente modalità spettatore inclusa assetti maggiormente dettagliati più di 50 vetture presenti al lancio Q. Does Dirt 4 have a more "destructible" environment compared to Dirt Rally? A. The edges of the track are more forgiving than in DiRT Rally but a lot of that actually comes from improvements in the simulation rather than making the environments more destructible. Q. How hardcore is the most hardcore damage model? A. Damage is much improved now so you should see more rally ending crashes occurring Q. Is there any chance of picking our own numbers for the cars? Or having our own names on the side windows for RX/rally? A. When you run your own team you can choose your race number in the livery branding suite. Q. Will brands like ŠKODA? or older cars like xsara, 206 in DiRT 4? A. I can't confirm many specific cars. We have been talking to those manufacturers about some of their vehicles though. Q. Does the AI have any improvements to the way they work? A. Definitely, driver character and behaviour is very important to us. You'll see a lot more interesting behaviour in the Landrush and Rallycross too. Q. How will the optimization for the game be on PC? A. We will be aiming to support as much hardware as we can in the time available. I can't really give much more detail than that at this stage. Q. Do cars in Dirt 4 have a more noticeable weight transfer than in DR? A. Yes, Kris Meeke and Petter really helped us dial in the feeling and the cars are much improved now. Q. Will there be hot seat local multiplayer? A. Its something we have designed but we don't know if it will make the cut yet. I can't promise it. Q. Thoughts on mods for Dirt 4? Will it be allowed to happen, and if so, will you do anything to help people who mod the game for non-malicious purposes? A. We'll be allowing mods where we can but we have to be careful with what we allow access to for licensing reasons. Q. Do you know anything about Polish translation of the game? A. We don't know yet Q. Why can't you add locations from Dirt Rally to Dirt 4? Of course they would not have option of generate new track (Your Stage), but they will add some diversity to the locations. For example Monte Carlo A. Its a licensing thing Q. Will we have splitscreen? A. Not for DiRT 4 but we know a lot of people want it Q. Do you plan to make Special Edition, like for the final release of DR with movie about Colin’s career? A. Yes more details of that will be coming soon Q. How simulation-focused is Dirt 4 going to be? A. If you want sim then it’s a significant improvement on DiRT Rally. Q. Will we get more rally and rally cross locations as dlc in the future? A. We haven't made any decisions about DLC yet. We are focussing on getting the game done. We will have mixed surfaces within the Locations that we have but they won't be as severe as Ice to Dry Tarmac like in Monte Q. Can you explain the lack of communication regarding Vive support? A. We haven't made any decisions on VR at all for DiRT 4. If we can find a way we will support Vive but it needs to work for the business. Q. Will there be a Photo Mode and will there be any an Perks for The PS4 Pro owners, like visual upgrades or higher frames? A. We have a design for a Photo Mode but whether it makes the final cut is going to depend on how the rest of the development goes. As for PS Pro we are looking at doing HDR and because we have good experience working with high end PC there are a number of areas where we can make graphical improvements. Q. Although I'm a sim guy, I was a very big fan of the DiRT 3 party modes. (Outbreak, Transport,ect) These were very fun and addictive modes to play with friends, will we see something similar in DiRT 4? A. We've got some cool Joyride Modes lined up in the rally school open area but at the moment these aren't going to feature online. I did love those modes though so there is always a chance we can do them in the future. Q. I really liked the non-licensed soundtracks in the GRID and DiRT games, especially the menu and replay music. Will this be returning in Dirt 4 or will it have a licensed soundtrack? Furthermore, I'd like to ask if there will be PvP rally stages, with ghosts or even a starting grid with spacing. And, will the PvP rallycross be hidden away until later stages of the game as in DiRT Rally? I found it too hard/take too long to get to. A. It’s a licensed soundtrack this time. Grid was actually licensed but it was composed for the game. There will be PvP Rally. You'll race at the same time but you won't see Ghosts. PvP Rallycross will be available quicker with more beginner classes available. PvP Rallycross will be available quicker with more beginner classes available. Q. What's been the most exciting feature that you guys have enjoyed implementing and can't wait to see how we react to it? A. Definitely Your Stage. Its been something I've wanted to put in a DiRT Game for ages and its better than I ever dreamed it could be. Q. Any support for DirectX 12 or Vulkan planned? A. Not for DX12 - we don't know about Vulkan yet Q. Will the track generator work for rally cross maps as well? A. No, its stage rally only Q. What about mod support in DIRT 4? Also is there any chance to see newest gen WRC cars A. We'll support Mods where we can. No new gen WRC cars because of licensing. We'll have R5 cars as our top class. Q. Can you give us some more information on the location characteristics? A. Australia - Heavy / Medium gravel, Wales - Heavy / Medium Wet gravel, Sweden - Frozen Gravel with Snow and Ice Spain - Smooth and broken tarmac, Michigan - Light Gravel and Dirt Q. Can you set a sim handling for all the cars including the buggies and trucks, or is it only for rally and rallycross? A. Its for all the cars and trucks in the game Q. Will we see an Early Access on Steam for Dirt 4 like there was with Dirt Rally? A. There are no plans for Early Access because we have already gone past that point in development. EA was perfect for DiRT Rally as we had a lot to tweak with the simulation. With DiRT 4 we are building on that foundation. Q. Will there be a demo before june? A. It's unlikely we will have a demo. Q. Will Steam Workshop integration continue for DiRT 4? A. I can't promise it just yet but I would like it to continue. Q. How's multiplayer for rally stages going to work? A. Get into an 8 player lobby and race against other players simultaneously. We've got some spectator slots and you'll be able to save event formats so that you can have quicker turnarounds of events when you are hosting. Q. Will there be splitscreen modes? A. No plans for splitscreen in DiRT 4, sorry. We know people want it though so hopefully we can support in future Q. How improved is the damage model? A. The damage model is improved with more stuff that can go wrong with the car. There will be shakedowns but no full recce mode. Q. Will we see different options for recording and saving replays in DiRT 4 ? A. We are improving our replays but saving and recording are things that the consoles and third party software handles better than we ever could. Freecam is a cool idea and one I would like to see but we need to do a lot of work to support it so it is unlikely for DiRT 4. Q. When playing online will all the players be forced to use the same handling difficulty? If not, how will the two difficulties be balanced? A. It depends on the host settings. We won't be balancing the two we will be keeping them separate unless players specifically ask to play together Q. Codemasters has made such a fantastic VR implementation for Dirt Rally, wouldn't it be rather simple to apply this feature to Dirt 4? Could you give some idea of the effort it would involve? A. We are focusing on getting the game finished at the moment – we’ll look into VR once that is done. It's a lot of effort to get a game VR-ready, especially when you're offering the whole game in VR (as we do with DiRT Rally), so it's something we will look at after launch. Q. Are you planning to realease arcade game like DiRT 2? A. The idea with DiRT 4 is that it is more accessible to players but I don't think it fits calling it Arcade. DiRT 2 was great fun but it was still grounded in realism and wasn't a full arcade. Q. Are there any specific improvements to the simulation aspects first seen in DiRT Rally? Can something like telemetry be incorporated into these kind of titles? A. Aerodynamics has seen a big update across the board making the cars feel more planted at speed. It will also stop them behaving strangely when airborne. This also has a dramatic effect on how they crash with more convincing rolls. We've improved the way we model our suspension geometry. This means you should see more character between the Rear Wheel drive cars based on the type of suspension they are using. We don't know about exposing telemetry yet. If we did it I'd like to make sure it was the best it could be. Q. What cars can we expect? A. I can't give specific car details but here are the car classes: MODERN RALLY R5 Up to 2000cc (4WD) NR4/R4 Group A F2 Kit Car R2 HISTORIC RALLY Group B (4WD) Group B (RWD) H3 (RWD) H2 (RWD) H2 (FWD) H1 (FWD) RALLYCROSS RX Supercars RX Lites Group B (Rallycross) RX Super 1600 Crosskart LANDRUSH Stadium Truck (4WD) Stadium Truck (RWD) Stadium Buggy Q. Will there be crazy car + track combinations in multiplayer like in Dirt 2? A. Due to licenses and terms of our licenses, this is unlikely unfortunately. Q. Are there any plans for a parts store in the game to go get better, high performance parts to increase car performance?? A. You can add parts that are more durable so you stay faster for longer. Q. What modes will be included? A. Your Stage features in all competitive Rally modes. In Pro Tour (Ranked PVP), the server has set parameters for stage generation e.g. rallies get harder as you climb the ladder In Jam Session (Custom PVP) you can create public or private lobbies and create your own rallies with Your Stage, creating new stages while the lobby is active or by loading your favourites. You can join a lobby as both a Spectator and a Broadcaster. Community Events (Dailies, Weeklies, Monthlies) will generate new stages for each event. The Delta Daily will return and feature stages from the career mode for you to compete against the community average time. Clubs (re-named from Leagues) allow you to create your own asynchronous rallies by generating stages on DiRT4game.com. You won't be able to change tires unfortunately, we'll pick the most suitable set for you. Q. Will there be the option like in DiRT 2 to set any cars to go all at once down a rally stage next to each other (without being ghost cars)? A. No plans for this as our stages aren't wide enough to support it. Sorry Q. What can you tell us about the Rally cars included in DiRT 4 besides the Fiesta R5, Subaru WRX STI NR4, Evo VI, Peugeot 205? A. Not a whole lot as we are still negotiating with the manufacturers. There are some cool additions though. Q. Will DiRT 4 implement separate rendering mode on 3 monitors? A. We don't know yet Q. Are there going to be real/handmade stages in parallel with Your Stage, or is everything procedural? A. Everything is procedural for Rally Stages. The level designers do everything they always did but they are making pieces of stage now instead of the whole thing. Your Stage brings it all together Q. Seeing as DiRT is becoming the definitive Rally car game can we see a more diverse selection of cars? Like the Nissan 200sx S12 rally car or Toyota Celica gt-four st185? Or even more obscure rally cars? Also will there be dynamic weather changes? A. The selection will grow. There are more modern cars coming to DiRT 4 as well as a few historics. Q. What is the ballpark longest stage that can be made? A. 12-13km at the moment Q. Gymkhana? A. We've got some cool Joyride Modes lined up in the rally school open area, with time challenges and smash the block challenges, so you'll still get a flavour of that kind of stuff in DiRT 4. Q. What features will you have when managing your own team? A. Staff hiring and firing Sponsorship Livery Editing Facilities to improve your team Multi Car Garages Q. Do you have plans about bringing more competitive things to this game? A. Yes! We have a Competitive area of the game featuring the Daily, Weekly, and Monthly challenges from DiRT Rally. We also have Pro Tour making a return for ranked PVP, with a more competitive ranking system. You can now get relegated based on your performance, rather than grinding our XP. We also have fully customisable private lobbies so you can push your competitive streak as hard as you like. Q. What sort of new features are coming to the leagues? A. We've re-named them to Clubs for a start! We've brought Championship / Event / Stage messaging more in-line with the main game so "Leagues" didn't really make sense any more. Here are some new features: Improved event creation and curation on DiRT4game.com. Full Your Stage integration (generate stages on website, with on-the-fly spline graphics! Hidden Points Custom penalties Brand new, scalable scoring system to support tiny Clubs, huge *Clubs, and everything in-between. ...oh, and they're Cross Platform. Q. Will there be multi class rallies? A. Yes, multi class rallies Your road position depends on your results Q. Will the changes to the sim handling have a significant effect on the playability with a controller? A. The sim handling for DiRT 4 is evolved from the handling we had in DiRT Rally, so you will have just as much fun playing DiRT 4 with a controller. Q. Do you intend on putting "nfected" in the game again? A. No plans at this stage but we might do something like that in future. Q. Are we able to spectate PVP Rally (and rallycross) sessions? A. Yep we'll have spectate in all of our disciplines in PVP. We're also adding the option to join a lobby as a Broadcaster, which lets you watch the whole of a session from various replay camera angles while hiding the HUD. Q. Are the Group B rallycross cars the proper big wings/big turbos rallycross specials? A. They are proper now! Q. Will we have separate difficulty levels for both arcade and sim modes? A. Yes, although the difficulty presets carry across both handling models the AI times are adjusted accordingly. Q. Any chance of a few tracks for the landrush trucks that are in the style of the SST series? Even as a possible DLC later? A. No sorry, we've focused on the Shortcourse dirt track style. Q. Any chances to see additional RX tracks as DLC in the future? A. We haven't decided about DLC yet. Q. What kind of updates have been made to the vehicle tuning system in DiRT 4? A. Setups have a bit more detail. We also have some better tuning guides. Q. Regarding the replay system, can we get manual camera placements on the car at least? A. We won't be doing manual camera placement for replays although its something we may consider in future. Q. Alpha dithering of ground cover and trees, particularly on AMD cards. Has this been addressed? A. We know there is an issue with those cards and we have updated how we have made our trees so hopefully this will help. Q. Can we expect to see more Hill Climb maps and vehicles available? A. Hillclimb won't be making it to DiRT 4, but we've introduced a couple of new disciplines and game modes. Q. Steering wheel rotation? Will there be 360+ degree rotation with hand over animation? A. We have hand over hand animations now. Q. will there be more water splashes? A. Yes we have water splashes in a few locations Q. What are the longest and shortest rally stages possible to generate? A. At the moment it is between 1 and 13km Q. Can we get a minimum account of the number of cars we are to get in the game? A. We can't confirm the list yet, but we have over 50 Q. Will there be alternative tyre choices available for any of the cars? A. We change the tyres for you based on the optimum for the conditions. This is somthing we'd like to do better but I think its one for the future Q. Any plans to have cross play between Xbox One and PC? A. Not for PVP, but all of our leaderboards (permanent and asynchronous) are Cross Platform between Xbox One, PlayStation, and Steam. Q. You took a big risk bringing out a full-simulation title (in DR). Was there an element of "I told you so" on your part after it all went well? Would you say that the people who make the decisions at Codemasters are now convinced that the full-sim crowd is a big enough market to be worth catering to? A. We are really happy with how DiRT Rally has been recieved and it has given us a new found confidence to deliver an even bigger and better game with DiRT 4. We are going to be supporting the sim side of things a lot more now. Q. Will DiRt 4 be more addictive, or different than previous rally games? A. It will have a much more interesting career mode that should get you a bit more excited about coming back and playing more. Q. Can we expect seat driver position options in D4 A. There should be seat position options Q. What about lights damage? in DiRT Rally if you damage your lights both stops work, can we expect "localized" damage on lights? A. Lights are more localised Q. Can I expect the East Asian language? A. Its undecided at this point but we are talking about supporting some Q. Xbox One version 60fps? Unlocked or locked? A. 60 fps Locked Q. Any chance for a option to have Richard Burns style descriptive pacenotes? A. We are sticking with the McRae system as it is the most familiar to our fans. Q. Can you confirm that DiRT 4 will keep DiRT Rally's satisfyingly challenging handling model and keep the more hardcore fans satisfied? A. I can confirm that its better than it was in DiRT Rally. Aerodynamics has seen a big update across the board making the cars feel more planted at speed. It will also stop them behaving strangely when airborne. This also has a dramatic effect on how they crash with more convincing rolls. We've improved the way we model our suspension geometry. This means you should see more character between the Rear Wheel drive cars based on the type of suspension they are using. Q. Is rallycross going to be split into 2 groups like DiRT Rally? A. Rallycross has same format has but has some improvments where you can choose heat or semi final/final style. Q. Is there going to be any way to share set-ups on console? A. Yes, you can share setups on console now Q. How will DiRT 4 feel in terms of racing in various gamemodes like rally versus racing in landrush? A. The simulation is consistent across the game so Landrush is as simulation as Rally its just that the vehicles are different. Q. Easier way to check your best times against global times? A. You can view leaderboards in Event Configuration before you load in. They'll be on the website too Q. Will the game take full advantage of the PS4 Pro? Will there be 4k HDR etc? A. For PS Pro we are looking at doing HDR and because we have good experience working with high-end PCs there are a number of areas where we can make graphical improvements Q. DiRT 4 WRC cars? r5? s2000? A. We've got R5s and some World Cars from 10+ years ago. Q. Will the gravel on a track change dynamically? A. We have focussed on Your Stage track generation for DiRT 4. I would love to do Surface Degradation in the future. Q. Will Dirt 4 feature long championships like Dirt Rally did? A. Yes, towards the end of the career there are some really big events. Q. Will D4 have driving aids? A. We will have some assists for those players who need some help with the cars. Q. Will the more arcade options make for a driving experience very similar to that of Dirt 3, or will it still be more of a simulator? A. The aim is to give players like you a more accessible handling model so that you can get on and play the game without having to learn how to handle the simulation Fonte Racedepartment
  4. La Codemasters ha aperto oggi la possibilità di accedere alla prima fase di beta testing del prossimo F1 2017, il simulatore con licenza ufficiale FIA Formula 1 dedicato alla nuova stagione della massima competizione automobilistica. Per provare ad accedere alla beta, che in questa prima fase mette a disposizione solo 300 posti su ciascuna piattaforma (PC, PS4 e XBox One), correte a registrarvi a questo indirizzo e sperate nella fortuna... Last year, we ran a very successful programme of community testing and beta tests, in which you gave us some incredible feedback that helped us shape the game. We’re very excited to announce that they were so successful that this year we’re not only widening their scope, but we’re starting the process earlier as well.
  5. La Codemasters ha aperto oggi la possibilità di accedere alla prima fase di beta testing del prossimo F1 2017, il simulatore con licenza ufficiale FIA Formula 1 dedicato alla nuova stagione della massima competizione automobilistica. Per provare ad accedere alla beta, che in questa prima fase mette a disposizione solo 300 posti su ciascuna piattaforma (PC, PS4 e XBox One), correte a registrarvi a questo indirizzo e sperate nella fortuna... Last year, we ran a very successful programme of community testing and beta tests, in which you gave us some incredible feedback that helped us shape the game. We’re very excited to announce that they were so successful that this year we’re not only widening their scope, but we’re starting the process earlier as well.

    DiRT 4 si presenta con Solberg e Meeke!

    La Codemasters ha pubblicato alcune immagini ed un video realizzati alla recente presentazione stampa del suo nuovo DiRT 4, alla quale hanno partecipato come partners tecnici anche Playseat (postazioni di guida) e Thrustmaster (volanti e pedaliere). Particolarità interessante è stata la presenza di piloti reali ad un certo livello rallystico, come Petter Solberg e Kris Meeke, immortalati appunto anche alla guida del gioco. Playseat at the DiRT 4 announcement event! We partnered up with Codemasters and Koch Media for the official announcement event of DiRT 4! During a big press event with a massive Playseat® simulator line up, it was announced that multi-million selling off-road DiRT franchise returns on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in June 2017! The Playseat® Sensation PRO racing chairs helped to set the tone of DiRT 4 being Bigger, Better and Bolder than ever before. The game features buggies, trucks, rally, rallycross and a game changer for racing! We are definitely looking forward to this new DiRT game which promises to be an awesome new edition in the succesful franchise! Among the special guests present at the DiRT 4 announcement event were professional rallycross drivers Petter Solberg and Kris Meeke! They are involved with the development of the game and after the announcement and presentation of the game, it was time for Solberg and Meeke to show their virtual racing skills. Seated on a Playseat® Sensation PRO with motion system they experienced how realistic and fun racing games can be and clearly enjoyed it!
  7. Non si vedeva un aggiornamento per F1 2016 addirittura da ottobre scorso, ma oggi la Codemasters rende felici tutti i suoi fans della Formula 1 rilasciando una nuova patch correttiva che si preoccupa in particolare di risolvere un bug che si presentava dopo il cambio gomme al box. Nel comunicato, che trovate integralmente qui sotto, la casa inglese segnala anche il prossimo arrivo di notizie fresche sul suo prossimo F1 2017... Hi all, thanks for your patience with us whilst we looked into the issue with tyre wear being incorrect following a pit stop. We know that this has been affecting most, if not all of you, and especially multiplayer leagues so we’ve endeavoured to find a fix for it. The good news is that we’re confident that we have now identified the problem and fixed it. Our QA team have verified the fix, however, because it required a change to a core system used by many aspects of the game, we were looking for as many people as possible to download the beta patch on Steam to try it and feedback to us before we roll the official patch out on all platforms. Since the development team are now hard at work on the next game, this is the last patch which will be made available for F1 2016, and the patch is solely aimed at addressing this one issue. We're happy to report that after reviewing your feedback on the patch, it's now going live on all platforms (PS4, Xbox One and PC) from 3pm GMT 31/01/2017. If you have downloaded the beta patch, Steam will realise you've got the correct build, so there's no need to do anything. Finally, as we start to look forward to this year, thank you to all of you. Make sure you keep an eye out, as we'll be giving you some more news very soon.

    Primo Road Book per DiRT 4

    La Codemasters non perde tempo con il suo nuovo DiRT 4: dopo l'annuncio ufficiale, con trailer di lancio ed alcuni screens, ecco pubblicato già oggi il primo "road book" dedicato al gioco, con alcune immagini inedite. Introducing DiRT 4 DiRT 4 is about the adrenaline, the thrill, and the danger of off-road racing. It’s about embracing the unknown as you go flat out into blind corners on the side of a cliff, or seeing how much air you can get in a truck, or going for a gap that’s just that little bit too small for your vehicle. It’s about driving forward in the face of adversity, as fast as you can. That flat-out attitude is what separates the players from the real racers – those brave few who will do anything to shave a second or two off their time. This is a game for those who strive for speed and thrive on the edge. This is DiRT 4… And we get the feeling you’re going to love it. DiRT 4 also provides you the most personal DiRTy experience yet. We know that DiRT Rally had a steep learning curve, so we’ve introduced the DirtFish Rally School, where you can practice your Scandinavian Flicks and tweak your car set-ups. Our brand new and insanely cool tech, Your Stage (more on that later), has also allowed us to implement stages along the fully-fleshed-out Career Mode which increase in technicality and complexity the further up the ladder you get. But that’s not all Your Stage can do… So, this is big: Your Stage technology also provides you the tools to generate your own stages. At the push of a button, you can specify what kind of stage you want – location, long, short, complex, straight-forward, night-time, sunset, rainy, whatever – the choice is all yours. And once you hit that button, you have a completely unique stage created to your own personal spec. This is a stage you’ll be able to take time and time again, share with your friends and the DiRT Community, and even use it with league and PvP functionality. And with over a billion different combinations of stage at your disposal, the possibilities are near endless. It’s absolutely mega, and I don’t use that word lightly. You guys were very vocal about wanting more content for DiRT Rally, and DiRT 4 is bigger, better and bolder in every way. With Your Stage, you have a near-infinite amount of stages across 5 different environments, including classics like Wales and Sweden, but brand-new locations like Australia, Michigan and Spain. We’ve expanded our Rallycross content too, with classes including RX2, WRX Supercars and Group B – and we’ve expanded our RX circuit line-up from DiRT Rally with the addition of Montalegre RX and Loheac RX. THEN, we have Landrush – which lets you razz around wildly fun buggies and big ass trucks across a series of jump-laden circuits in North America. And then rounding off this insanely cool package of disciplines comes brand-new Joyride, which sees the DirtFish Rally School double as a playground. As well as a free-play space, you’ll be able to tackle Laptime challenges and Smash challenges, with the ability to trade challenges and times with your friends. For those of you who loved some of the stuff we had in DiRT 3, this is donuts without the DudeBro. We’ve got an extra-special DiRT Show coming up next week which we filmed at our incredible announcement event yesterday, complete with capture and some very special guests, so stay tuned for that. But anyway, that’s enough from me. It gives me great pleasure to hand over to everyone’s favourite Chief Game Designer and real-life rally co-driver, Paul Coleman: Over to the studio I want to start by apologising to everyone in the community for how quiet I have been. Over the last few months I’ve been setting some time aside to read what you have all been saying but I haven’t really been saying much. Hopefully the announcement that we have been hard at work making DiRT 4 explains why we have been quiet for so long. I also hope that it has made it clear why we haven’t been talking about adding lots of new content into DiRT Rally. As we were working our way through Early Access on DiRT Rally we knew that there were some big changes that we needed to make to deliver the amount of tracks that you have been asking for. Your Stage is our answer to that and it is something that we have been working on as a concept since we launched DiRT 3. It wasn’t ready when were going through Early Access but your enthusiasm for DiRT Rally gave us the backing we needed to make sure that the concept became a reality. The results are simply amazing, the super secret testers that we had in late last year saw an early prototype and their feedback was incredibly positive. That coupled with the reaction we have seen over the last 24 hours proves that we have some technology that really will be a game changer for racing games. Beyond Your Stage we’ve been working on a whole suite of improvements across the game. In rally these include things like PvP support, multi-class rally events and flying finishes (where you cross the line and then have to stop at the time control). In rallycross we’ve got reaction-based start sequences that work just like you get in the FIA World RX Championships, spotters that can predict what position you’ll be in if you take the joker and a bunch of new cars and tracks (but more on that later). We’ve also got the much requested rally school, where you can learn and practise your skills and we’ve added a simpler handling model for those that have struggled with the level of simulation in DiRT Rally. That said, if you loved DiRT Rally’s simulation engine then you have nothing to fear. In fact we’ve made significant improvements to it with new aerodynamics, more accurate modelling of suspension geometry, new tyre models and better damage simulation. On top of all that we’ve made huge improvements in our lighting tech, arm over arm animation and character modelling so there is plenty to look forward to. So what’s next? Well, we’ve got plenty left to do over the coming months to get the rest of the game ready for launch, but we want to start by hearing about what you think about DiRT 4 so far. I’m looking forward to hearing from you and being able to talk about all the other exciting stuff we’ve got planned. Oh, and I hope you like the Evo VI ;) Hangin’ with Hatward Hello DiRT fans! It’s good to be back. So glad we can finally talk about what we’ve been up to. :D We were floored by the reaction to DiRT Rally and since we’ve gone dark it’s been tough reading your comments and questions about future content without being able to talk about what’s next. Paul gave you the backstory on how the technology has developed, as well as the new bells and whistles we’ve built for the new game, so I’ll fill you in how you’ll be playing with your new toys. First up we have a fully fledged career mode, where you’ll complete events and earn licenses to unlock more prestigious competitions with even greater rewards. Team management is back, but it’s not just Engineers to manage – you’ll be running your own fully fledged motorsport operation with PR Agents, Sponsors, and more. One of the most requested features for DIRT Rally was PvP, and we’re bringing it back in two different flavours. You may remember Jam Session from DiRT 3, which makes its triumphant return to provide you with all of your custom lobby needs. Also back is Pro Tour, powered by a new, truly competitive ladder and ranking system. You’ll recognise the format of our Community Events, which is the new home for your Dailies, Weeklies and Monthlies. Your Stage adds a new edge in that you can’t practice a stage for hours in Custom Event before you go for it for real. Each event is a true test of your mettle and I can’t wait to see how your mentalities shift to adapt to the new format. Once you’ve finished the events we’ve curated, you can head over to Clubs and set some up on your own terms. We’re putting stage generation code up on DiRT4game.com so you can get the composition of a rally just right before your friends take to the track. All of these modes are fully supported by both handling models, and feature Rally, Rallycross and Landrush, so whatever your game type, and whatever your skill level, we’ve got something for you. :D So, now you know the road ahead. We’ll see you on the next stage. From now… it’s game on. What do you think!?

    DiRT 4 in screens e video

    Dopo l'annuncio ufficiale di ieri da parte di Codemasters, già oggi sono disponibili i primi screens e video di anteprima che ci mostrano il nuovo DiRT 4. Oltre alle spettacolari immagini in alta risoluzione, è interessante un trailer che ci presenta il gioco in azione, compresa la nuova modalità "your stage", che permette la creazione di un proprio scenario personalizzato.

    Codemasters annuncia DiRT 4

    Con un annuncio ed un trailer pubblicati a sorpresa, Codemasters ha svelato oggi il nuovo DiRT 4, capitolo che riprende la numerazione classica della serie dopo DiRT Rally, per il quale è in arrivo un DLC dedicato alla PlayStation VR. DiRT 4 è un'evoluzione nella simulazione rallystica per il team britannico, con alcune novità interessanti, a cominciare da un sistema chiamato "Your Stage" che consente agli utenti di creare nuovi tracciati attraverso un potente editor che permette di espandere i contenuti di gioco a dismisura, scegliendo l'ambientazione ed una serie di parametri specifici. DiRT 4, nelle intenzioni di Codemasters, si pone nel mezzo fra la simulazione realistica di un DiRT Rally e il divertimento immediato di DiRT 2 e 3, senza dimenticare le fondamenta dei vari Colin McRae Rally ed aggiungendo le licenze ufficiali del FIA World Rallycross Championship. L'uscita del gioco è prevista per giugno 2017 su PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One. Commenti e discussioni sul forum dedicato. Yes, you read it right – DiRT 4 is coming! Today, we’re delighted to announce that DiRT 4 will fearlessly race to PS4, Xbox One and Windows PC in June 2017. Hot on the heels of 2016’s critically and commercially successful DiRT Rally, DiRT 4 takes the passion and authenticity of off-road racing to the next level, whilst also re-introducing you all to white-knuckle truck and buggy racing in Landrush. Motorsport by its very nature is dangerous – it says so on the back of the ticket. DiRT 4 is all about embracing that danger. It’s about the thrill, exhilaration and adrenaline that is absolutely vital to off-road racing. And more than that, it’s about loving that feeling. It’s about pushing flat out next to a sheer cliff drop. Going for the gap that’s slightly too small. Seeing how much air you can get in a truck. They call it ‘being fearless’ – and this is what we aim to inspire in DiRT 4. DiRT 4 features a game-changing system called Your Stage; an innovative rally route creation tool that allows you to produce an almost-infinite number of unique stages at the press of a button. You choose your location and set the route parameters, then Your Stage does the hard work to create a unique rally stage that you can race, share with your friends, and then challenge them to beat your time. Your Stage allows experienced rally players to create longer, more technical routes, whilst newcomers can create simpler shorter routes as they hone their skills. With DiRT 4, we’ve sought to combine the levels of thrill and realism from last year’s DiRT Rally with the fearless excitement, fun, and adrenaline-fuelled races previously seen in its critically acclaimed prequels DiRT 2 and DiRT 3. Featuring classic rally racing that continues to build on the foundations set by the Colin McRae Rally games, the brutal, fast-paced racing from the official FIA World Rallycross Championship, the crazy battles of racing trucks and buggies, and the outrageous fun of open events in Joyride, players will face challenges from locations that span three continents. We can’t wait to tell you more of DiRT 4, so stay tuned for the road to launch – we’ve got so much to show you.

    DiRT Rally pronto per Playstation VR

    La Codemasters annuncia, con il comunicato, gli screens ed il trailer (in italiano) che potete trovare a questo link, l'arrivo per il suo acclamato DiRT Rally dell'update dedicato all'utilizzo del Playstation VR per tutti gli utenti della console Sony. Since PS VR launched, we’ve had a lot of queries from you wanting to know if DiRT Rally was going to be available on the platform. Today, we’re delighted to announce that we’ll be adding PlayStation VR support to the game in the coming weeks! ep, that’s right – you’ll now be able to play the highest rated racing game on PlayStation 4 with PS VR. The upgrade, which will be available as DLC for existing players on the PlayStation Store, will also be available from retail with a new boxed version of DiRT Rally, which comes complete with the VR add-on. The PS VR functionality will give you a fully immersive off-road experience, with the upgraded game supporting every car, every route and every discipline within DiRT Rally.
  12. F1 2016, disponibile da tempo per console e PC, sbarca da oggi sui dispositivi iOS, compatibile con iPad, iPhone ed AppleTV. Al costo di 9,99€, scaricabile dall'App Store, include tutti i piloti, teams e circuiti della stagione 2016 di Formula Uno. Ian Flatt, executive producer della serie F1, parla di un titolo sviluppato appositamente per sistemi mobile con qualità dei contenuti da console, sia per quanto riguarda la grafica che per il gameplay. Il gioco è completamente configurabile nei controlli e prevede una serie di opzioni di personalizzazione, in favore di uno stile più arcade, oppure simulativo. Qui di seguito il trailer di lancio. This post has been promoted to an article
  13. F1 2016 – Coming to iOS, tvOS and Android devices We’ve got some great news for you! Yes, it’s true, F1™ 2016, the official videogame of the 2016 FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP™, is coming to iOS, tvOS and Android devices in Autumn 2016. Featuring all the official teams, drivers and circuits, including the brand new Baku City Circuit, from this exciting season, you’ll be able to enjoy the thrills of the world’s most popular motorsport, with console quality visuals that you can play wherever you are. We’re very excited to be able to announce this paid app to the world! We’ll be revealing more details very soon, so keep an eye on our Facebook, Twitter and our blog here for more.

    DiRT Rally si aggiorna

    DiRT Rally v1.21 We released an update for DiRT Rally PC players on Monday, which has added some really beneficial finesse and fixes to our VR game. If you missed the patch notes, don’t worry – here’s the full fix list for v1.21: Graphics – Improvements to significantly reduce object popping during track intros and replays in VR. Graphics – Wheel will no longer lock to the left if you use the ultra low graphical preset. Graphics – Desktop image when playing in VR is no longer stretched. Graphics – Improvements to prevent the environment popping in the distance during a dynamic Game – You can now remap the headset position reset function in Controls for VR. Game – You can no longer press pause during the fade to black when you restart an event in VR. Audio – Razer Kraken will no longer cause the game to crash on boot. HUD – Split time will no longer overlap co-driver calls in VR. HUD – Repair puncture tooltip will no longer overlap speedometer in VR. HUD – Legibility improvements for smaller text elements in VR. HUD – Hud should no longer fall into your line of sight on hills if you have VR Vehicle Camera Motion turned on. HUD – Fix to prevent the “Recover Vehicle” tooltip remaining on screen when you have accepted an invite during gameplay. UI – Stereoscopic Rendering and V-Sync are removed when playing the game in VR. UI – VR Options in HUD are removed if you are not playing in VR. UI – A Message will now be displayed if you access the Steam Overlay in VR letting you know to take off your headset. UI – Certain pop up messages should now display correctly in VR. The update went out on both Steam and Oculus at 10am on Monday morning, and you were all hot on the heels of some audio issues with the patch. Thanks to your feedback, we were able to fix with a couple of days later, which leads us to… DiRT Rally v1.22 V1.22 landed on Wednesday to remedy these issues, and for those who missed this, the fix list included: Audio – Engine and Co-Driver balance is now back to how it was in 1.20. Audio – Surround now works like it did in 1.20. Audio – Engine audio during post race sequence now plays out correctly. However, we’ve had a couple of reports that sound still isn’t working properly in VR – so if you’re one of these unlucky people, then please check your Rift is your default playback device in your Sound settings and send your dxdiag to dirtgame[at]codemasters.com.

    F1 2016: confronto fra versioni

    I vari pareri sul nuovo titolo Codemasters sono praticamente tutti d'accordo nel definire F1 2016 un divertente simarcade e soprattutto un deciso passo in avanti rispetto ai capitoli precedenti. Per consigli e problemi relativi alle periferiche, volanti in particolare, correte a questo link, non mancate di seguire i nostri consigli per far rendere al meglio il gioco. Fra i tantissimi trailer di questi giorni, segnaliamo il video, realizzato da Inside Simracing, che fa il confronto diretto fra le versioni PC, PS4 ed XBox.

    F1 2016 disponibile, cosa ne pensate?

    Il nuovo titolo Codemasters con licenza ufficiale FIA F1 è disponibile da oggi, presentato dal tipico trailer di lancio. Mentre noi confermiamo le nostre impressioni, fateci sapere anche voi, nell'apposito topic, le vostre opinioni in stile recensione, pubblicheremo qui in home page le più interessanti. Per problemi e consigli riguardo la configurazione dei volanti fate riferimento a questo link.

    Preview: le novità di F1 2016

    La modalità carriera, assente in F1 2015 e richiesta a gran voce dai fans, è stata maggiormente sviluppata rispetto al passato, a cominciare dalla nuova caratteristica che vede la competizione tra le squadre nel mondiale e che abbraccia ben 10 stagioni, con tutte le variabili a livello di performance che possono quindi influenzare la carriera del giocatore. Cosi come il giocatore deve guadagnare "punti" di sviluppo attraverso le performance nei vari weekend di gara, le squadre controllate dalla IA avranno il proprio sviluppo indipendente, con vari livelli di progresso. Non dovremo stupirci quindi se, a metà stagione, un team a metà classifica lancerà un importante pacchetto di aggiornamenti per tentare di scalare la classifica del mondiale. All'inizio della carriera è possibile decidere di partire in un qualunque team, anche se sarà molto più divertente cominciare da una scuderia di "ultima fila" per tentare la scalata ai grandi top teams con il migliorare delle nostre prestazioni. E' bene ricordare in proposito che, tanto più la nostra squadra sarà di vertice, tanto maggiore saranno le aspettative nei nostri confronti e se le performance non saranno all'altezza, ci potremo ritrovare persino licenziati ! Toccherà quindi al nostro agente rimediarci un qualsiasi sedile pur di restare nel circus... All'interno del proprio team, il giocatore ha il controllo diretto su quali aree della vettura andare a potenziare, per esempio concentrandosi su aggiornamenti del comparto motore, piuttosto che sull'aerodinamica. Da notare che i necessari punti di sviluppo extra possono essere guadagnati attraverso il completamento delle varie attività previste nelle prove libere, dando cosi a queste sessioni una rilevanza che non hanno mai avuto in passato. Lavorare ad esempio sulla simulazione di qualifica piuttosto che sui long run per analizzare la durata del pneumatico porterà ovviamente a risultati diversi e crescita nelle prestazioni della monoposto completamente differenti. Cosi come nella Formula 1 reale, anche in F1 2016 le gomme hanno una importanza fondamentale: la prova di durata dei pneumatici per esempio, offre al giocatore un insieme molto più dettagliato di opzioni strategiche, mostrate attraverso grafici dettagliati che mostrano in quale modo le varie scelte di gomme avranno impatto sulla gara. Ovviamente il nostro ingegnere di pista ci seguirà dal box per tutta la gara e potrà nel caso suggerire un cambio di strategia a seconda di come si stanno evolvendo le cose in pista, sia per quanto riguarda noi stessi, che in rapporto ai nostri avversari. Peccato che l'obbligo di scelta delle mescole prima di ogni Gran Premio non è stato implementato dalla Codemasters. Anche in pista in F1 2016 le novità non mancano: come prima cosa quest'anno troviamo la safety car ed anche la regola della safety car virtuale, nel corso della quale bisogna fare molta attenzione in quanto il controllo della vettura è completamente nelle mani del giocatore. In caso di VSC, un grafico delta ci indicherà la corretta velocità da mantenere. La safety car quest'anno non sarà del resto un caso raro, già dopo le prime gare di test infatti si nota subito che incidenti e ritiri delle altre vetture saranno più frequenti che in passato, comprese monoposto in difficoltà che tentano lentamente di raggiungere il proprio box. Altra novità importante è rappresentata dall'introduzione del giro di formazione che, oltre al fattore "scenico" e di immedesimazione, risulta essere fondamentale per la gestione delle temperature dei pneumatici e dei freni, in avvicinamento alla griglia. Peccato che il posizionamento in griglia non è gestito dal giocatore fino alla fine, con il computer che prenderà il controllo della nostra vettura prima dell'ultima curva prima del traguardo per posizionarci in modo preciso nella nostra casella. Per fortuna il sistema di partenza è stato rivisto, dando la possibilità di controllare la frizione ed i giri motore per un avvio manuale, sistema in uso anche per le vetture comandate dalla IA, che quindi possono avere partenze più o meno efficaci. Altre caratteristiche implementate da Codemasters all'insegna di un maggiore realismo sono la possibilità di accelerare nei box (con eventuale penalità), l'aggiunta del cinque secondi di penalità, l'introduzione del non perfetto montaggio delle gomme e l'uso dei pitboards. Anche il modello dei danni è stato rielaborato, pur non facendo comunque gridare al miracolo: con le impostazioni al massimo realismo di danno, avremo molti pezzi e detriti che possono staccarsi dalla vettura in caso di incidente. Vero è che però i danni influenzano in piccola parte il comportamento della monoposto, rendendo di fatto i crash più un fattore scenico che pratico. Altra piccola ma utilissima novità è l'inserimento del delta sul giro, che ci permette di capire subito, per esempio in qualifica, se stiamo migliorando la nostra prestazione, senza aspettare di arrivare sul traguardo per scoprirlo. Presente inoltre l'opzione, al di fuori della modalità carriera, di poter scegliere l'ora del giorno per disputare una determinata gara, con i GP diurni che possono essere disputati dall'alba al tramonto e le gare notturne invece dal tramonto all'alba. Per quanto riguarda la IA controllata dal computer, già di buon livello nel precedente F1 2015, la Codemasters si è concentrata in F1 2016 più che altro sul fattore aggressività, con avversari più difficili da superare, che spesso non mollano neppure all'esterno con curve fianco a fianco quando si tenta di sorpassare e sembrano ora in grado di effettuare sorpassi più realistici in fase di attacco. Fra l'altro è ora molto più difficile guadagnare molte posizioni al via, all'attacco della prima curva in staccata. Particolare attenzione è stata riposta dalla Codemasters (e per fortuna) nella gestione delle gomme da bagnato, che hanno subito una profonda revisione riguardo la fisica ed in particolare sullo scivolamento del pneumatico stesso, in precedenza quasi inesistente. Di fatto adesso è impossibile andare in pista con le slick anche solo su pista umida. Non aspettiamoci ovviamente una simulazione di guida rigorosa, in genere rimane la sensazione che la monoposto resta comunque molto stabile e permissiva, a meno che non si arrivi ad errori ed esagerazioni grossolane, perchè appare evidente la volontà della software house inglese di voler mantenere sempre alto il divertimento e la giocabilità. Pur non essendo un simulatore di guida quindi, è possibile definire comunque F1 2016 un ottimo simulatore del "mondo F1", facendo immedesimare il giocatore in un ambiente realistico, tecnologico, frenetico, anche grazie all'attenzione della Codemasters verso particolari fondamentali proprio della Formula 1, come per esempio la safety car, spesso abusata nella realtà. Sul fronte guida, il gioco è divertente, offre anche momenti di grande tensione (basti pensare alle strategie), ma soprattutto alla lunga non potrà appagare gli appassionati più puri della guida al limite. Sono già previsti aggiornamenti dopo il rilascio del gioco, per ottimizzare le prestazioni dei vari teams ed inserire eventuali modifiche presentate dalle monoposto. In conclusione, il nuovo F1 2016 si presenta come un ottimo racing game per gli appassionati della Formula 1 e può rappresentare una divertente sfida anche per i simdrivers più accaniti.

    Update Oculus VR per DiRT Rally

    Great news! Although you’ve all been aware of this development for a little while, we’re delighted to confirm that we will be adding official Oculus Rift support to the PC version of DiRT Rally later this month. As you’d expect with VR, the update will immerse players into the world of rally like never before – with the challenge of DiRT Rally taking on a whole new dimension. You’ll be absorbed even further into the game as you take on some of the most challenging real life rally locations in the world, battling the elements in glorious VR. And it’s not just rally that the VR experience will heighten, either. Ever wondered what it’s like to peer over the edge at Broadmoor Pikes Peak International Hill Climb, or look around you on the starting grid of an FIA World Rallycross Championship race? This update will bring Oculus users even closer to these situations and settings, putting them into the heart of the action like never before. So when’s it arriving, we hear you ask? DiRT Rally VR will release with the Oculus Store on 11th July, while existing PC players will receive an update on the same day too.
  19. Dopo l'annuncio della Codemasters dell'altro giorno, facciamo il punto su cosa sappiamo al momento con certezza del prossimo F1 2016, grazie anche alle varie conferme (o smentite) giunte in questi giorni dagli stessi sviluppatori. Come prima cosa il nuovo titolo ufficiale con licenza Formula 1 sarà disponibile su tutti i formati la prossima estate e ci metterà a disposizione una nuova modalità carriera addirittura su 10 stagioni, con la possibilità di scegliere un avatar, un numero di gara ed un casco. Nella carriera bisognerà considerare le aspettative del nostro team, che saranno ovviamente diverse a seconda della scuderia, con la possibilità di passare da un team ad un altro se i risultati saranno soddisfacenti. Confermata anche la presenza della Safety Car e della Virtual Safety Car (che a Montecarlo si è vista parecchio!), in proposito il game designer Lee Mather ha commentato: “With the re-introduction of the Safety Car as well as the addition of the Virtual Safety Car for the very first time, we are creating the most complete F1 experience ever, this, combined with several features that are yet to be announced, should excite fans of the game and Formula One.” Saranno presenti ovviamente tutti i teams, piloti e circuiti della stagione in corso, comprese le ultime novità (Verstappen in Red Bull per esempio) e i nuovi tracciati come Baku. F1 2016 non sarà però solamente "guida", in quanto sarà importante anche seguire il programma di sviluppo della vettura nella fase dei test pre stagione, per provare le varie mescole dei pneumatici e perfezionare le proprie strategie di gara, guadagnando cosi preziosi punti nei comparti "ricerca e sviluppo", utili a migliorare la monoposto nel corso del campionato. Altra novità sarà il game hub rappresentato dall'area hospitality del team, nella quale potremo anche discutere con il nostro ingegnere ed il nostro manager, entrambe fondamentali per l'andamento della stagione e lo sviluppo della nostra carriera. Sarà infine presenta il time of day editor, che permetterà di modificare a piacimento le visuali di gioco. This post has been promoted to an article
  20. Inizia oggi quella che sarà certamente una lunga "saga" video che ci accompagnerà fino al giorno del rilascio del gioco: la Codemasters ha infatti pubblicato il primo trailer di anteprima che ci mostra il prossimo F1 2014 in pista, con un giro veloce sul tracciato del Bahrain. This post has been promoted to an article

    Cosa sappiamo di F1 2016 ?

    Saranno presenti ovviamente tutti i teams, piloti e circuiti della stagione in corso, comprese le ultime novità (Verstappen in Red Bull per esempio) e i nuovi tracciati come Baku. F1 2016 non sarà però solamente "guida", in quanto sarà importante anche seguire il programma di sviluppo della vettura nella fase dei test pre stagione, per provare le varie mescole dei pneumatici e perfezionare le proprie strategie di gara, guadagnando cosi preziosi punti nei comparti "ricerca e sviluppo", utili a migliorare la monoposto nel corso del campionato. Altra novità sarà il game hub rappresentato dall'area hospitality del team, nella quale potremo anche discutere con il nostro ingegnere ed il nostro manager, entrambe fondamentali per l'andamento della stagione e lo sviluppo della nostra carriera. Sarà infine presenta il time of day editor, che permetterà di modificare a piacimento le visuali di gioco.

    F1 2015 gratis per 3 giorni

    In occasione del primo Gran Premio della stagione di Formula 1 a Melbourne di domenica prossima, la Codemasters ha lanciato una interessante promozione: a partire da oggi e per ben tre giorni (quindi fino a domenica sera) sarà possibile scaricare tramite Steam e giocare gratis con l'ultimo F1 2015, che fino al 21 marzo è possibile comprare con lo sconto del 60% a soli 19,99€. La Codemasters ha poi annunciato tramite i social network che nel prossimo F1 2016 ci sarà il gradito ritorno della modalità carriera e della safety car.
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