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rFactor 2: Roadmap Update February 2019


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Il team Studio 397, con puntualità svizzera, pubblica il nuovo roadmap update del mese di febbraio relativo allo sviluppo del suo rFactor 2. Le novità più interessanti riguardano lo sviluppo dell'attesissimo tracciato del Nürburgring, del quale ci vengono mostrate nuove immagini work in progress.


It’s the time of the year where the sun starts greeting us more often during the day. The first roar and rumble of the rare species of racecars can be heard close to racetracks all around Europe as everybody is waking up from their winter dreams. Everyone involved in motorsport is eagerly waiting for tracks to dry out, engines to fire up and for the sun to shine on their careers as they are encouraged by early test results. It´s not just heating up in Europe or in the hearts of motorsport enthusiasts, but also in our studio and offices, as slowly some of the newly developed features and content for our beloved rFactor 2 are starting to take shape.  Last year at Simracing Expo many people already said that 2019 would be an exciting year for this simulation and yes, that will absolutely be the case! Over the last months we announced many cool things, but that´s not all of it for 2019. We won´t reveal everything just yet, though! Nevertheless, buckle up in your seats as February is coming to an end. And as the snow is melting on the northern hemisphere, the new roadmap appears!

GFX updates

With the new PBR based system in place for car bodies, we are shifting attention to cockpits now. We are taking this opportunity to not just create better looking materials, but also to improve how reflections and shadows work in the cockpit. It’s still early days, but the first rough prototypes are looking promising. We are also finalizing the guidelines for modders, which is taking us a bit longer than expected, but we are committed to getting those out soon. In parallel we have also been working on a few more fixes to our GT cars as reported by various community members and we have optimized LODs on some cars that will help to make them look better as well as perform better at lower levels of detail, allowing you to use more visible cars on lower-end systems and still end up with a great looking image.


Work continues as planned, with both integrating the competition system into the UI and also work in the backend. We are adding plugable standings, which will allow competitions to choose from a great variety of ways of scoring results. At the same time, as we are running more competitions internally, we are learning a lot and adding features to improve the stability and robustness of the whole system. March 23rd will see our first real endurance event, the 12 hours of Sebring. This race will feature several well-known names within the simracing community, such as YouTuber Jimmy Broadbent, Team Redline, Fernando Alonso Racing by Logitech G, McLaren Shadow and Williams eSports.  These teams and others will also be racing along side our qualifiers from the prelude earlier in February. You still have a chance to race, make sure you enter our qualifier for this round! As one of the most prestigious races of the year, there will be a fantastic range of a prizes totalling over 5,000 euros!! More details are available on our forum.


The Nürburgring is obviously a huge project and for the first couple of months in such projects we don’t have much visible progress as we transform all the data into a detailed and accurate road mesh and working our way outwards, to curbs, grass, barriers and terrain with track-side objects. We’re now in the middle of modelling the curbs and we can share some of the early wireframes of parts of the track. I’m sure most of you will instantly recognize these areas of the track.

Both the Tatuus cars and Formula E Gen 2 are almost ready to release. For the latter we are currently implementing a more advanced brake-by-wire system that matches the system on the real car, leading to more accurate regeneration and rear brake temperatures. We are also testing the last big planned update of Zandvoort, where we focus on optimizations as well as add the latest buildings on and around the track. The Dutch are still hopeful that F1 will visit the track again in the future, and in the mean time our virtual version has the advantage that it can host many and loud race cars every day!

That concludes the roadmap for the shortest month of the year. We hope to see all of you on track soon!






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  • 3 weeks later...

Nuova Patch.

Latest Build Update rFactor 2 - 1.1112 Now Available!

Steam Build IDs client: 364315 dedi: 364316

Note: Admins are required to update all dedicated servers.

- Added realtime logging to help better diagnose sporadic physics lock-ups reported by some clients.

If you have experienced this issue please see instructions here on logging: https://forum.studio-397.com/index.php?threads/logging-out-of-realtime-physics-freezes.62687/

- Graphics engine and resource management improvements New Materials

- Fixed an issue where the wrong region name was specified in the Region.JSON.

- Fixed an issue where files were erased from a custom skin .mas when no loose files were present in the same folder. The current behavior will now extract the contents of the .mas to the same folder, when no loose files are present.

- Fixed intermittent issue with editing materials.

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ma io sti agiornamenti non li ricevo la 1112 e' istallata da mesi saranno solo bugfix che istalla senza fare nessun resoconto da steam!!

Eì possibile sapere realmente che verdsione e' istallata e la data dell'aggiornaemnto ??

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23 hours ago, Cip060 said:

ma io sti agiornamenti non li ricevo la 1112 e' istallata da mesi saranno solo bugfix che istalla senza fare nessun resoconto da steam!!

Eì possibile sapere realmente che verdsione e' istallata e la data dell'aggiornaemnto ??

Non è che hai selezionato partecipa alle beta e quindi hai sempre la 1112? Dovresti spuntare su Non partecipare a nessuna beta e nelle proprietà del gioco su steam ci sia l'id corrispondente all'ultima build rilasciata

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1 hour ago, Ginmile said:

Non è che hai selezionato partecipa alle beta e quindi hai sempre la 1112? Dovresti spuntare su Non partecipare a nessuna beta e nelle proprietà del gioco su steam ci sia l'id corrispondente all'ultima build rilasciata

Non rimani sempre aggiornato e nessuna BETA

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Se ti da' l'ultima versione vuol dire che hai aggiornato, considera che quando aggiorna i files principali del games durante il caricamento del launcher non vedi niente, la sincronizzazione avviene solo con lo Steam Workshop, per cui se ti fa' l'aggiornamento e tu chiudi Steam o spegni semplicemente il PC al successivo riavvio non puoi notare se e' stato aggiornato, a meno che non guardi il numero della release in quanto Steam svuota la pagina dei download.

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Altro update:

Latest Car Updates!


Radical RXC GT3
- BOP refuel time adjustment

Porsche 991RSR GTE
- BOP refuel time adjustment
- Fixed side mirrors in showroom
- Fixed see through vents and holes
- Fixed sorting issues with steering wheel and side windows 

Corvette C7R GTE
- Optimized LODs 
- BOP refuel time adjustment
- Mapping fix on bonnet
- Fixed side mirrors in showroom

- Fixed reversed oil and water values in the onboard HUD
- Optimized LODs 
- BOP refuel time adjustment

Norma M30 LMP3
- Optimized LODs 

Oreca 07 LMP2
- Optimized LODs 
- Reflection fix on floor diffuser

Bentley Continental GT3
- Optimized LODs 
- BOP refuel time adjustment
- Fixed side mirrors in showroom
- Fixed side mirrors on track

Callaway Corvette C7 GT3-R
- Optimized LODs 
- BOP refuel time adjustment
- Fixed side mirrors in showroom
- Main body position fix
- Fixed see through fenders 

Mercedes AMG GT3
- Optimized LODs 
- BOP refuel time adjustment
- Small triangle fix on roll cage
- Allow slightly more seat movement
- Fixed gap between body and chassis

McLaren 650S GT3
- Optimized LODs 
- BOP refuel time adjustment
- Fixed front dive planes in showroom

Aston Martin Vantage GT3
- Optimized LODs 
- BOP refuel time adjustment
- Fixed cambers
- Fixed brake calipers not turning with front tires

Audi R8LMS GT3
- Optimized LODs 
- BOP refuel time adjustment
- Fixed clipping onboard cam
- Fixed side mirrors in showroom
- Fixed side mirrors on track

- Optimized LODs 
- BOP refuel time adjustment
- Fixed clipping onboard cam
- Fixed default teams not showing new materials

McLaren 720s GT3
- Optimized LODs 
- BOP refuel time adjustment
- Fixed default team not showing new materials

Porsche 911 GT3R
- Optimized LODs 
- BOP refuel time adju

Edited by Alfred ita
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Intanto Marcel Offermans ha pubblicato questo sulla sua pagina Luminis (pagina/blog a sua volta ripostata dallo stesso su Facebook)

"we have a brand new DirectX 11 “physically based rendering” graphics engine that is optimized for racing simulations, a new user interface that is based on modern web technologies and we added a “competition system” that leverages several components developed within Luminis, such as the Cloud RTI and Information Grid. We also added a lot of licensed content in the form of cars and tracks and this new system will allow drivers to compete on-line and be ranked based on past performance"



Da come parla sembra che abbiano effettivamente quasi tutto pronto. Inoltre sul forum S397 nel topic "unofficial news" hanno riportato uno stralcio di un discorso da un podcast (credo) dove si faceva menzione della licenza IndyCar posseduta da 4 clienti diversi e quindi altrettanti giochi/sim, tre dovrebbero essere Forza, iRacing e Project CARS. Il quarto sembra essere rF2, che ha già rilasciato anni fa la DW12, inoltre la nuova partnership con la Tatuus sembra andare in questa direzione viste le recenti connessioni tra Indycar e Tatuus con la USF2000 e la Pro Mazda. La stessa persona ha poi fatto una previsione secondo la quale quando verrà rilasciato il competition system verrà anche rilasciata la IR18 che andrà a completare il ladder system per le open wheeler e servirà per promuovere e fare conoscere il nuovo sistema multiplayer

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