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I costi nel motorsport reale sono proibitivi... ma nel simracing si può cominciare spendendo poco!
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  • Walker™

    rFactor 2: Update 2 della Release Candidate disponibile

       (0 reviews)


    Studio 397 ha rilasciato il secondo major update della Release Candidate rilasciata durante lo scorso Gennaio. Contrariamente a quanto annunciato in precedenza, non è ancora disponibile la funzionalità per gareggiare contro le auto non possedute: il team ha spiegato che sebbene la feature sia già stata integrata e sia completamente funzionante, la user experience necessita ancora di qualche ritocco prima di poter essere resa disponibile, quindi per il momento questo aggiornamento slitta alla prossima settimana.

    In questo aggiornamento il team ha rifinito alcune funzionalità introdotte con la nuova RC, come il nuovo sistema di package, la modalità foto e soprattutto nuove aggiunte alla fisica di gioco riguardante l'ibrido


    Client: 10464249 

    Dedi: 10464259

    • Fix for missing server filters
    • Fix for soft tracking change not working in replays
    • Default VR Mirror to true
    • Various fixes for IBL Water Shader
    • Added showing the list of dependencies for a mod, and the list of mods that are using a specific item
    • Installing packages for content should now be automatic after a download if you keep the download popup open
    • Items that are in use by a mod should have their uninstall button disabled and greyed out
    • Added configurable controls for regen level, electric motor map and push-to-pass map
    • Added setup settings for regen level, electric motor map and push-to-pass map. Moved pitstop settings to a new “Strategy” tab.
    • Fixed bug where some values were incorrectly interpolated. Mostly noticable in the engine volume fraction.
    • Renamed RegenerationLevel to RegenerationMap
    • Added item origin column in the pending updates table
    • The content table now remembers the sort order when it refreshed
    • Items with missing dependencies can now be multi-selected in the content table


    • Reworked controller and keyboard controls to have a permanent steering filter that acts like a smarter version of speed sensitivity
    • Replaced inaccessible steering rate configuration with steering aggression slider to control how aggressively the new controller filter allows turn-in


    Plugin API updated to include physics output (also see plugin example):

    • Battery charge
    • torque
    • rpm
    • motor temperature
    • water temperature (if applicable)
    • motor state (inactive, propulsion, regenerate)
    • Fixed bug with reading brake maps from hdv/engine files. It now reads definitions with less than 11 entries again.

    Photo Mode

    • UI accessible from replay screen, with full configuration options and key hints.


    • Improved ttool performance significantly. It’s now more than twice as fast. The checksum will differ, but results are virtually the same.

    Known Issues

    • Installing items from the content page requires a second request to install via the “updates” page
    • Cancel updates button is unresponsive
    • Motion blur does not work without SSR set to medium or higher
    • Motion blur sometimes activates when it should not
    • when the track loops back around on itself.
    • After assigning a control in Photo Mode to a Keyboard key, Keyboard input does not work correctly until after you navigate to a different screen.
    • Photo Mode settings lost when you change camera
    • Maintain current camera over the start finish line on Trackside Camera Group Cycle does not work at present


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