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  1. We have a lot of new good stuff to show you this month The next v1.4.9 update is going to be packed with several valuable developments and new content so that´s what we´ll be covering in this month´s dev update.New native HUD / TV overlay systemFor v1.4.9 @Alex Sawczuk has undertaken a complete revamp of the native HUD system to feature a lot of the valuable information seen in DynHUD & other 3rd party systems along with a brand new TV overlay system, which the added bonus of being fully fed & rendered in-game and neatly arranged into a single overall design.This should hopefully reduce the needs for DynHUD & other external HUDs (though these will remain as functional alternatives for those who may prefer them).Below a couple of WIP previews of these new fully native systems:The new native HUD won´t feature a trackmap in its initial v1.4.9 version but we´re working to add it too in-time for v1.5.0.Turbo ModelOn the physics front, the long overdue turbo model is finally due to arrive in v1.4.9 - that means turbo engines like in F-Truck, F-Classic, Metalmoro MR18, Mini and Lancers will be much more accurate to their real life counterparts.In the videos below @Niels Heusinkveld talks a bit about this new model and how they impact the driving experience in the sim:The crazy F-Classic version Niels is testing here has 4.0 bar boost pressure allowed by the rules in the mid-80s, however the actual F-Classic based on the 88 season will be limited to 1.5 max so it should be a bit more sane than this!For those willing to experiment with insanity though we will keep the boost adjustable up to 4.0 in the initial Beta version due to be deployed in AMS Beta some time this next week. For release the 1.5 cap will be set as per the rules but mods will still be able to experiment with different physics. In the future we might explore the turbo insanity a bit further ourselves Limited tire sets with cumulative wear / component change delaysAnother significant realism option currently in the works is the addition of limited tire sets - users will get the option to limit the number of tire sets available for single & multiplayer races, which will then accumulate wear as they´re used throughout the race weekend. Drivers will then be able to switch back & forth between used and new tire sets (rather than just infinitely reset tires to a brand new set every time he goes back to the pit menu).Furthermore, we are working on adding options for time delays changing major car components, so that if for instance driver blows an engine or significantly damage the car, he will be forced to sit in the pits and unable to go out again while the mechanics handle the required repairs. This is to combine with another new option to set rules for escaping to pits mid-session (whether you can escape to menu any time as currently, only when vehicle is stopped or only when its back to its pit slot).All this (and potentially some extra options we´re looking into) with the goal of adding an extra dimension of realism to the simulation so that drivers have to be mindful of managing their tires and equipment, an ever present element in real racing.We are not sure these features will be ready in time for v1.4.9 but will be certainly be added in time for v1.50.Spielberg 2017@ilka & the rest of the track team have completed a full revamp of the modern Spielberg circuit, bringing it up to 2017 configuration. This includes several graphics updates along with new surrounding buildings, plus curb & run-off modifications to the track layout itself. Below a couple of previews in nice autumn colors (the GP version will feature appropriately greenish foliage): Metalmoro AJRThe Metalmoro AJR will also be added in v1.4.9 as free base content.The AJR is the first advanced LMP2-ish prototype from Metalmoro - the first of its kind manufactured in Brazil and thus appropriately the first of its kind to feature Automobilista, filling one of the few remaining gaps in our car roster.The AJR was designed to be versatile for a wide range of different engine configurations, so its series in AMS will have the added bonus of featuring distinct engine options - besides the Chevy V8 currently being run by the single model in action, the sim car will include versions with a Judd V10, Powertec V8 and Honda I4 Turbo as alternatives, all with their own distinct characteristics but overall similar performances.These new features and content should be making its way to AMS Beta very soon, along with another nice batch of bug fixes, minor AI and audio developments.Things are really ramping up and coming together nicely now in these final stages of AMS development, which has contributed to its development continuing to stretch further than we originally planned - we are definitely going to be wrapping v1.5.0 before recess in december, by which point we hope to have our baby in its final and best form - look forward to sharing the news about that at this time next month That´s all for this month - hope you all enjoy the coming update! Fonte Reiza forum
  2. Il team Reiza ha appena pubblicato un nuovo development update per annunciare le novità che saranno implementate con il prossimo aggiornamento 1.4.9 del suo Automobilista. Come potete leggere nel lungo post, non solo arriverà un nuovo e moderno HUD, ma anche un inedito e spettacolare turbo model, il numero limitato di treni di gomme, il circuito di Spielberg 2017 e, come contenuto gratuito, la Metalmoro AJR! The Metalmoro AJR will also be added in v1.4.9 as free base content.The AJR is the first advanced LMP2-ish prototype from Metalmoro - the first of its kind manufactured in Brazil and thus appropriately the first of its kind to feature Automobilista, filling one of the few remaining gaps in our car roster.
  3. Il team Reiza sta preparando un nuovo aggiornamento per il suo ottimo Automobilista, insieme con un nuovo DLC di contenuti extra dedicato al campionato brasiliano Touring Car Classics: come vedete dalle prime immagini di anteprima, potremo andare in pista con Maggiolino, Golf, Passat e persino Fiat Uno, modelli per certi versi storici dell'automobilismo nazionale. Reiza implementerà nel pacchetto sia le vetture che hanno corso negli anni 80 e 90, sia quelle che ancora corrono oggi in categorie classiche come la Copa Classic RS e la Coppa Maggiolino!
  4. Dopo il grande successo riscosso dallo speciale “The Big Three”, a grande richiesta è tempo di guardare più da vicino due titoli meno famosi ma altrettanto validi. Stiamo parlando di Automobilista e RaceRoom Racing Experience. In questa serie di articoli scaveremo a fondo per vedere a che punto del loro percorso e quanto distanti, o vicini, dai cosiddetti Big Three sono. Mentre gli occhi di tutti sono puntati su nomi più blasonati, come AC o rF2, nei meandri dei sim esistono da ormai qualche anno due contendenti non da meno, che sanno il fatto loro, non solo in termini di simulazione vera e propria ma anche di contenuti offerti. È giusto dare più spazio a quelli che la fanno da padrona? In parte sì, ma è altrettanto corretto parlare finalmente di questi due titoli che da quando sono usciti hanno percorso tanta strada e meritano, non solo di essere accennati, bensì uno speciale tutto loro. Il primo dei due che andremo ad analizzare è il sim “brasiliano” del team Reiza Studios: Automobilista. Rilasciato nel febbraio 2016, è il diretto successore dell’interessante Stock Car Extreme e come tale, ne riprende le categorie principali; tuttavia aggiunge molte altre interessanti vetture e tracciati che vanno a consolidare un sim che ormai è giunto al termine del suo sviluppo. Partiamo quindi da ciò che Automobilista è oggi. Un sim che, pur basato sull’engine fisico di rF1, riesce a soddisfare appieno le esigenze dei sim racers più incalliti, il tutto non solo grazie ai tanti contenuti disponibili (gratis o tramite DLC) ma soprattutto grazie alle numerose features relative proprio all’ambito simulativo. Ciò significa che, per quanto riguarda la guida, non ci troviamo di fronte ad un titolo che sa di “vecchio”; al contrario, esso sfrutta al meglio le caratteristiche positive di tale motore fisico, migliorandole molto, tanto da essere al pari con rF2 in diversi campi. Ora però, tralasciando per un attimo il discorso della fisica, sul quale torneremo volentieri più tardi, vorrei innanzitutto porre l’accento sulle novità che hanno caratterizzato il simulatore Reiza nell’ultimo periodo. Per farlo partirei dall’ultima novità gratuita introdotta, ossia la pista ecuadoregna di Ibarra: un circuito di media lunghezza, tortuoso ma allo stesso tempo veloce grazie alla lunga sezione iniziale, da percorrere in sostanza tutta in pieno. Un tracciato che è molto divertente e che si adatta a qualsiasi vettura vogliate provare: dai superkart alle Mini Challenge, dalle Stock Car fino alle monoposto più moderne. Insomma, un’ultima gradita aggiunta a un roster di tracciati veramente ricco e affascinante. Andando più a ritroso come non ricordare i recenti updates del campionato ufficiale brasiliano “Copa Petrobras de Marca”, con miglioramenti non solo sui tracciati (ora in linea con le versioni 2017) ma soprattutto sulle vetture e l’introduzione della nuova Renault Fluence, il tutto a rendere ancor più coinvolgente e realistico, uno dei campionati interni al sim, più seguiti e utilizzati dalla community. Altre novità, che se non seguiste il gioco, potreste non aver sentito, sono l’introduzione, mediante DLC, di nuove piste famose fra cui l’Hockenheim Ring (in tutte le sue varianti moderne e antiche e anche rally cross!); l’Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari di Imola (anch’esso nelle varianti più moderne e classiche); oppure tre circuiti anglosassoni famosissimi come Brands Hatch, Oulton Park e Cadwell Park, dei veri e propri parchi di divertimento per auto. Insomma, un sacco di circuiti per tutti i tipi e gusti, che però senza delle auto a poco varrebbero ed ecco che quindi l’introduzione ufficiale di due nuove marche inglesi: Caterham e Ultima. Senza dimenticare la recente addizione del Formula Truck, dell’ARC Camaro e altre vetture di categorie minori ma altrettanto divertenti. Parlando di auto però non si può non menzionare l’ultimo DLC uscito un paio di giorni fa, il quale va a implementare le vetture storiche che partecipano al campionato brasiliano Copa Classic RS e che hanno partecipato, negli anni ’80, al Touring Car Classics. Forse non saranno famose qui in Europa e in Italia, eppure dovrebbero interessarci parecchio, giacché una delle auto inserite è l’amatissima, indimenticabile Fiat Uno (ovviamente preparata per le corse)! Gli appassionati di sim racing che seguono questo titolo sono già in fermento e devo ammettere che anch’io, dopo pochi giri al volante della spericolata italiana, mi sono divertito moltissimo (a tal proposito ne parleremo sicuramente in un futuro articolo). Nel corso degli anni, però, le novità non hanno riguardato la sola aggiunta di tracciati o vetture: per esempio l’interfaccia è stata rivista e resa più comprensibile e intuitiva, così come l’head up display che durante la guida è ora più bello, leggibile, ma soprattutto al passo con i tempi. Sono state introdotte numerose nuove funzionalità, dal sistema push-to-pass al DRS (in entrambi i casi per le vetture che lo permettono); tutto ciò che riguarda l’aspetto prettamente simulativo è stato costantemente aggiornato e migliorato, tanto che ora è difficile credere che AMS sia basato su di un engine così “antico”. Bisogna quindi fare i complimenti al team che non ha mai abbandonato il gioco; di fatti neanche per un istante si è sentita quell’atmosfera di solitudine o noia che affligge (o ha afflitto) altri sim, anche ben più famosi. In definitiva, se vi foste allontanati da Automobilista nell’ultimo periodo oppure se non lo aveste ancora provato, sappiate che di novità ce ne sono state e continueranno a esserci almeno fino alla fine di quest’anno solare; dopodiché nei piani del team Reiza c’è di sicuro un continuo supporto ma le forze saranno poi drasticamente improntate verso un altro lavoro. È giunto ora il momento di voltare pagina e affrontare quello che è il tema clou dell’articolo, ossia i pro e contro di questo interessante simulatore, con un occhio di riguardo verso i “big”. Essendo un argomento complicato, anche abbastanza intricato, andrò di caratteristica in caratteristica, cercando di enunciare il più chiaramente possibile la situazione attuale. Iniziamo quindi dal contenuto, o meglio, i contenuti: essi sono di sicuro un punto a favore del sim Reiza, tuttavia sono un’arma a doppio taglio e forse ciò che ha impedito alla gran parte della gente di avvicinarsi e comprarlo. Parliamo di decine di circuiti tutti ben rappresentati, con un effetto visivo generalmente buono ma soprattutto un feeling alla guida davvero ottimo, nonostante non siano realizzati con la tecnica del laser scan (Interlagos è l’unico ad aver ricevuto tale privilegio). Il risvolto “negativo”, anche se stento a definirlo così, è che la maggior parte di essi è ambientato in Sud America e quindi molti dei circuiti (esclusi i più famosi) sono sconosciuti e non attraggono gran parte dei sim racers, in particolare quelli più casual. Il che è un gran peccato perché si scopre, guidando e conoscendoli, che in realtà questi tracciati sono molto divertenti e adatti per gareggiare con qualsiasi tipologia di auto. Tuttavia, consci di questa situazione, ai Reiza Studios sono corsi ai ripari andando a inserire come DLC una serie di tracciati ben più conosciuti a noi europei come appunto Imola, Brands Hatch, Hockenheim, Montreal e Adelaide (qui la nostra recensione della pista australiana). Il discorso dei circuiti è quindi delicato ma ritengo che, nonostante non siano eccellenti come in altri titoli (R3E per esempio li ha in laserscan) meritino di essere provati, al pari dei nostri circuiti europei. Lo stesso discorso deve essere esteso alle vetture. Non tanto per la provenienza, giacché solo una manciata di categorie sono tipiche del Brasile, quanto più perché la maggior parte di esse non sono ufficiali ma versioni ricreate ad hoc dal Team; sono quindi auto che riprendono la controparte reale ma che mancano del nome e dei dati ufficiali. Questo di per sé non è un lato negativo, infatti, la differenza in termini di feeling e resa alla guida è veramente minima tra una vettura e l’altra; però purtroppo la gente pretende sempre più contenuti “veri” e per questo motivo sono state introdotte vetture reali come la Caterham, la Ultima, la Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X, la Chevy Camaro e così via. In realtà, tutte le auto godono di una fisica ottima ed è difficile stabilire con certezza quale sia stata creata da loro e quale invece è ufficiale. Alla fine, l’unica cosa che conta è che siano prodotti validi e ogni auto in AMS lo è. Inoltre è uno dei sim sul mercato con più varietà di vetture, su questo non ci piove: si parte dai kart (di diverse cilindrate), si passa per le Formula Junior, arrivando alle F3, alle monoposto più recenti oppure più datate, ognuna con una fisica eccellente. Se non vi piacessero le ruote scoperte Automobilista propone le vetture Stock dei campionati brasiliani, la Mini Challenge, le SuperV8 australiane, i divertentissimi Super Truck così come la Formula Truck (quest’ultima ufficiale, con tutti i vari marchi e circuiti modificati ad hoc). Insomma, di carne al fuoco ce n’è davvero tantissima e per ogni gusto, quindi dal punto di vista dei contenuti il sim brasiliano non pecca assolutamente, anzi, offre molte cose in più rispetto a tanti altri titoli in commercio. Altra caratteristica che merita di essere trattata è il sound, il quale pur non essendo ai livelli eccezionali di RaceRoom, offre un ottimo grado di coinvolgimento e soprattutto per quanto riguarda le Formula Uno dotate di un V10 o V12, è davvero fantastico, da brividi. Udite dall’esterno le auto emettono suoni credibili, autentici: si sentono i classici “pops & bangs” quando si scala marcia o si rilascia l’acceleratore e gli scoppi sono piuttosto reali. Ottimo anche il comparto audio dall’interno dell’abitacolo: è possibile, infatti, sentire il tremolio della carrozzeria, gli innesti delle marce, i freni che fischiano... insomma, è stato fatto un grande lavoro e ciò è un fattore positivo non di poco conto. Discorso leggermente diverso per quanto riguarda la grafica che, rispetto all’esordio è migliorata sensibilmente, ma ancora è indietro di parecchio se confrontata con i rivali in circolazione. I riflessi sulla carrozzeria sono, infatti, più veritieri e fluidi rispetto al passato e non ci sono quasi mai problemi di stuttering né si notano zone delle vetture frastagliate per difetto di creazione. Tuttavia manca quel tocco di realismo che con una gestione delle luci diversa si otterrebbe; potremmo perciò definirla molto simile a quella nuova e aggiornata di rF2. Una buona grafica (pur sempre di un sim si tratta), ma non all’altezza di AC o iRacing o R3E. Sempre restando in ambito grafico, è impossibile non far notare l’implementazione del ciclo giorno/notte, una vera chicca soprattutto per gli appassionati di gare endurance. È, infatti, possibile scegliere l’orario di partenza, settare la velocità del tempo (fino ad un massimo di 60x) e correre. La transizione fra ogni condizione luminosa è realistica e molto piacevole anche alla vista e se si opta per dei circuiti senza illuminazione artificiale, il buio è davvero pesto e occorre necessariamente sfruttare i fari delle auto. Ciò che manca, però, è il meteo, non solo variabile ma anche statico; quindi scordatevi la pioggia ma anche solo la nebbia o il vento. Si guida sempre in condizioni atmosferiche “perfette”, che quindi non influiscono né sulla vettura né sulla pista. Questo è in parte un peccato ma dobbiamo sempre ricordarci che essendo basato su un motore fisico datato non potevano fare altrimenti. Abbandoniamo gli aspetti esteriori per concentrarci ora sul fulcro di Automobilista: la simulazione. In quanto a fisica, infatti, AMS non teme nessuno dei rivali, anzi, ha tutte le carte in tavola per dare del filo da torcere sia a RaceRoom sia soprattutto a rF2. Facciamo però un piccolo passo indietro. Come detto più volte, l’engine fisico è quello del vecchio rF1, un motore davvero ottimo per l’epoca, ma che ormai è datato se confrontato con il suo successore. Al Team capitanato da Nick Heusinkveld, è spettato quindi un duro e complesso lavoro: migliorare in ogni campo il motore e renderlo efficiente e competitivo nonostante gli anni sul groppone. Obiettivo raggiunto? Direi proprio di sì. Perché guidando qualsiasi auto, si riescono a percepire quei fattori che distinguono un buon simulatore da uno mediocre. Partiamo dallo spostamento delle masse, fiore all’occhiello di AC, che qui è altrettanto eccellente. Si percepisce nettamente quando il peso dell’auto si sposta su di un lato piuttosto che sull’altro, rendendo la guida non solo coinvolgente e realistica ma, cosa più importante, intuitiva. Altro fattore importante, che va di pari passo con quello appena accennato, è il comportamento delle sospensioni: l’algoritmo è stato rivisto e aggiornato più e più volte nel corso degli anni e ora siamo di fronte ad una gestione delle sospensioni (ma anche ammortizzatori e molle) molto buona, simile a rF2. Questo si nota in particolar modo su piste tortuose, con cambi repentini di direzione o con dislivelli accentuati: se a bordo di una Stock Car si sente chiaramente che le sospensioni sono rigide, lo stesso non si può dire della Lancer Cup, che ha un’escursione maggiore e quindi deve percorrere le curve con minor sfrontatezza. L’esempio più calzante per riassumere questi due fattori, però, è dato dagli scellerati pick up del campionato Super Truck. Qui le sospensioni sono necessariamente molli, perché devono assorbire e attutire i salti posti lungo le piste: senza una buona gestione delle sospensioni si avrebbe una vettura fin troppo stabile o che impazzisce non appena tocca terra ma questo non succede. Il lavoro svolto dal team è davvero eccellente e le reazioni a contatto avvenuto sono ottime; discorso simile per lo spostamento dei pesi, parte fondamentale di questa esperienza funambolica. Essendo questi pick up molto potenti, a trazione posteriore e con un baricentro molto alto, diventa una prerogativa fondamentale sentire lo spostamento della vettura, non solo lateralmente ma anche longitudinalmente. Così facendo si può agire in anticipo con il volante e con i pedali, evitando di perdere tempo prezioso o addirittura finire con le ruote all’aria. I pregi sul lato fisico non finiscono qui, perché anche ciò che sta sotto il cofano è stato riprodotto in maniera certosina. Basti pensare all’importanza data a surriscaldamento di acqua e olio, due componenti non di poco conto e che rendono l’esperienza ancor più veritiera e coinvolgente. Bisogna, infatti, tenere sempre d’occhio questi due parametri onde rovinare inesorabilmente il motore. Da qui mi pare corretto collegarmi a un'altra caratteristica e cioè il sistema dei danni. C’è la possibilità di modificarli dallo 0% fino al 100% e in generale sono ben rappresentati: andando a sbattere contro le barriere ad alta velocità si staccano pezzi dalla vettura e la corsa finisce lì, mentre toccando leggermente le altre vetture o i guard rail si corrono rischi minori poiché si provocano solo danni estetici e qualche problema a trasmissione e sterzo. Fin qui i progressi fatti nel corso del tempo sul motore fisico hanno portato i loro frutti e quindi AMS non ha nulla da invidiare agli altri sim sul mercato. Dei fattori principali che devono migliorare ancora un poco rispetto ai Big, c’è sicuramente la gestione degli pneumatici. Se da una parte, il consumo degli stessi è ben strutturato e credibile col passare dei giri, dall’altra non convince ancora del tutto la resa dello pneumatico a contatto con l’asfalto in situazioni di perdita di aderenza, dove l’auto, qualsiasi essa sia, scivola in maniera fin troppo accentuata ed è difficile da riprendere. Questo vale sia in caso di sottosterzo ma soprattutto in occasioni di sovrasterzo. Ed è proprio la gestione della mancanza di aderenza il vero punto debole della simulazione perché quando ci si accorge che l’auto sta andando verso l’interno della curva è ormai troppo tardi. Ora, con certe categorie di auto questo è legittimo (pensiamo alle Stock Car o ai Formula Truck), ma se prendiamo una Caterham da 120 cv, è altrettanto legittimo aspettarci la possibilità di metterci di traverso e controllare, con un po’ di controsterzo e parzializzando, la vettura stessa. Purtroppo non è così, o almeno non è così intuitivo e su questo fattore, rispetto in particolare ad AC, alla Reiza Studios hanno ancora da lavorare. Altri due punti che meritano di essere trattati sono il force feedback e il sistema “live track”. Il primo è di fondamentale importanza per un simulatore; a nulla servirebbero, infatti, tutte quelle centinaia di features che rendono il motore fisico eccellente se poi il force feedback non fosse all’altezza e non restituisse delle sensazioni appropriate. Automobilista, in questo, fa del suo meglio e garantisce un feedback nella maggior parte dei casi convincente e solido; non siamo ai livelli di Assetto né di rF2 ma attraverso il volante possiamo sentire tutto ciò che passa sotto le ruote e tutto quello che avviene nella macchina. Manca solo un po’ di definizione in più, qualche miglioramento farebbe alzare l’asticella ancor più verso l’alto andando a intaccare lo status dei due big sopra citati. In generale, però, ci troviamo di fronte ad un FF corposo, molto vigoroso a tratti, anche se un po’ più scialbo in altri momenti; il suo punto debole è quindi l’essere un po’ inconsistente. Diciamo che un mix delle due cose (FF e gestione del sovrasterzo) fa sì che in determinati momenti l’esperienza sia più complicata del necessario, costringendo il pilota a essere il più preciso e delicato possibile. La filosofia che permea è quindi molto simile a quella di rFactor, dove il pilota non può permettersi distrazioni, onde incappare in errori molto deleteri; si viaggia in costante bilico e se per alcuni questo potrebbe essere un fattore negativo, per altri è motivo di ulteriore impegno e gratificazione. Difficile dire se questo sia un pro o un contro a tutti gli effetti, in questi casi bisognerebbe aver provato dal vivo queste sensazioni; di conseguenza resta un punto molto soggettivo che ho cercato di rendere il più chiaro e oggettivo possibile. Parlando di “live track” invece, non c’è molto per cui discutere in quanto tale sistema è ad oggi uno dei migliori, se non il migliore, in circolazione. La pista, man mano che si percorrono i giri, si gomma gradualmente e il grip aumenta in traiettoria così come diminuisce al di fuori, essendo l’asfalto più sporco. L’effetto complessivo non è solo visivo, con i marbles che si depositano a bordo pista, al contrario si percepisce veramente un cambiamento che va ad inficiare sulla prestazione. È quindi importante restare il più possibile in traiettoria e cercare di sfruttare ogni centimetro a disposizione, mentre è consigliabile evitare di raccogliere lo sporco, altrimenti diventa facile commettere errori nei metri che seguono o peggio ancora si rischia di perdere aderenza improvvisamente. Questo dettaglio è ancor più accentuato e notevole quando si guidano le vetture equipaggiate con gomme slick, che soffrono parecchio la perdita di grip. Un capitolo a parte merita invece la sezione dedicata allo sterrato. AMS, infatti, permette di guidare alcune vetture su tracciati da rally cross, composti quindi non solo da sterrato ma anche da asfalto. Sia sull’uno piuttosto che sull’altro le vetture si comportano a dovere, ma il punto critico è proprio la transizione da un tipo di terreno all’altro: qui è stato fatto un ottimo lavoro, infatti, si nota immediatamente la differenza di grip. Sullo sterrato è facile sbandare, controsterzare è fondamentale e bisogna essere diligenti col gas, ma una volta che si passa sull’asfalto si sente fin dal primo centimetro il grip che fino a un attimo prima non c’era e si può schiacciare più a fondo sull’acceleratore. I tracciati completamente sterrati, invece, offrono delle emozioni uniche essendo modellati a regola d’arte, con dossi e cunette a farla da padrona. Automobilista permette quindi di cimentarsi in sfide divertenti, non solo su piste normali, con auto da corsa ma anche su circuiti sterrati con vetture ufficiali da rally cross. Il tutto sia online sia contro una IA che è fra le migliori sulla piazza: si possono impostare valori diversi per quanto riguarda l’aggressività e la forza e quasi mai ci s’imbatte in situazioni al limite del sopportabile. Il consiglio, per rendere più eccitante e credibile la sfida, è quello d'impostare l’aggressività su “alto” e la forza attorno al 100%. Oltre questi valori bisogna avere i nervi saldi ed essere molto allenati con la specifica combinazione auto-pista. Ultimo aspetto non meno importante è il comparto online. In linea con la concorrenza, offre la possibilità di partecipare a campionati seri, in cui vige quasi sempre il rispetto fra piloti. In generale non ci sono problemi e le gare scorrono tranquille e senza intoppi; inoltre il sistema che regola le bandiere è ben implementato e funziona a dovere. Potremmo definirlo una via di mezzo fra rF2 e Assetto Corsa, forse più vicino al primo che al secondo; siamo comunque lontani dagli standard di iRacing o R3E ma tutto sommato per gli amanti delle sfide online non ci si può, né deve, lamentare. Passate centinaia di ore alla guida di questo simulatore ci si rende conto dell’enorme balzo in avanti fatto dal lontano 2014 ma soprattutto ci si fa un’idea più dettagliata e sincera di ciò che esso offre. Automobilista è, infatti, un titolo che, a prescindere dagli interessi, merita di essere provato: i contenuti che mette sul piatto (seppur non molto famosi), sono ottimi, soddisfacenti, c’è grande varietà e ognuno di essi è realizzato a dovere, con molta passione. Passione che traspare ancor di più osservando il lavoro eccezionale fatto sul lato tecnico, in particolare la fisica che restituisce ottime sensazioni, con qualsiasi volante (meglio però quelli di fascia medio - alta). Ci sono alcuni aspetti che andrebbero perfezionati, ma a oggi non esiste un sim privo di difetti e AMS di difetti ne ha comunque davvero pochi. Difficile dire per quale motivo non abbia mai sfondato, molto probabilmente per via dei contenuti offerti che non attraggono gran parte della comunità di sim racers, però è davvero un peccato perché le caratteristiche per diventare uno fra i simulatori più apprezzati le ha eccome. Alle volte cambiare aria fa bene, provare nuove esperienze anche e AMS potrebbe essere il sim perfetto per chi cerca qualcosa di nuovo e di qualità. Il segreto per apprezzarlo o ancor di più, amarlo, sta nell’approccio: bisogna viverlo con gli occhi di un appassionato di auto, che vuole provare di tutto purché sia a quattro ruote; ecco che allora Automobilista diventa improvvisamente interessante, fra i migliori in circolazione. A cura di Mauro Stefanoni
  5. Il team Reiza ha rilasciato il nuovo aggiornamento per il suo ottimo Automobilista, insieme con un nuovo DLC di contenuti extra dedicato al campionato brasiliano Touring Car Classics: come vedete dalle prime immagini di anteprima, potremo andare in pista con Maggiolino, Golf, Passat e persino Fiat Uno, modelli per certi versi storici dell'automobilismo nazionale. Oltre al DLC, non mancano ovviamente bugfix ed aggiornamenti vari, come ad esempio le migliorie apportate al sistema automatizzato delle bandiere blu per i doppiaggi in gara. Automobilista v1.4.8 is released - includes new DLC release as Brazilian Touring Car Classics are now available!Below is the Changelog for v1.4.76 -> v1.4.8:CONTENT Added Brazilian Touring Car Classic series: Copa Classic, Copa Fusca, Copa Uno & Hot Cars (requires ownership of DLC or Season Pass) UPDATES & FIXES Fixed DynHUD on Win10 & re-enabled it by default as a config option Fixed bug that could cause game to crash loading old setups with notes Added support to latest Fanatec SDK AI blue flag logic improved: AI cars now move offline to let leaders by, lift proportionally to the amount of throttle they should be doing,and to the speed difference relative to the car approaching Increased rate AI assesses situations by 4x which should result in more appropriate behavior in several racing situations and less off-track excursions Tweaked AI calculations when thinking about passing to reduce the swerving from one side of another car to the other (added AISuddenMoveScalar parameter to car physics, makes cars change lane, react to incidents more gradually) Changed AI Start Behaviour to keep drivers running in a straight line from their grid slot more (added AIStartOffset and AIStartMerge values to car physics - these are how long to stay on the line and how long to merge in seconds) Adjusted default talent values so that AI is better when there is no RCD file or values are missing Rescaled AI aggression levels for latest code changes Fixed possible crash with Season Tool Added Season Tool option for double points in final race of the championship Added regular silent messages by clients in multiplayer (as a possible fix for TCP connection lost issues with client inactivity) Changed logic for "Finish Session" / "Skip Session" logic" - the first now accelerates time to finish the session with properly generated times from the AI, the second advances the session with the current standings (with player put in the back of the grid if not having set a time) Adjusted tire smoke threshold so tires don´t generate smoke on smaller slides or in lock-ups of lightly loaded wheels Added garage pitstop schedule menu to all cars when refuelling is allowed (hidden when it´s not) Velopark: Fixed minor graphics glitches F-Vintage: Fixed collision bug with wheels Ultima GTR: Revised road car physics GENERAL NOTES: Logitech G29 / G920 users: Support for auto rotation is still on a dedicated Beta Branch labeled v1.4.8_G29. Further instructions as to how to switch to a beta branch here
  6. Il team Reiza ha appena pubblicato il nuovo development update del mese di settembre per aggiornarci sullo sviluppo del suo ottimo Automobilista. Commenti sul forum. Hello everyone! We´ve got another update for you, this time sharing some news about the upcoming V1.4.8 release, and some of what´s coming up next as we approach v1.5.0 and the definitive version of Automobilista.A combination of things taking a bit longer than expected, some unforeseen issues demanding attention along with valuable improvements that we´ve found to be within reach have led to AMS development stretching a bit further still. All for the better though as it means AMS should end up in even better shape!The next update is v1.4.8 and is going to bring some valuable improvements along with a new DLC:New DLC - Brazilian Touring Car ClassicsThe next DLC will bring several "oldies" to AMS - the TC Classics are some of the cars that have made history in brazilian tourinc cars through the decades.The DLC will include 4 models (Fusca, Gol, Passat, Uno), spread over 4 unique series:Copa Classic - a modern mixed class series from southern Brazil running classic machines; DLC will feature Fusca, Passat, Gol and Uno with the specs these various cars run in the series. Copa Fusca - a modern series from southern Brazil for Fusca (Beetle) enthusiasts Copa Uno - based on popular 1990s brazilian Formula Uno series, with the street car stripped down to the basics Hot Cars (brazilian TC series from early 1980s, derivative of the previous Divisão 3 from 70s), featuring seriously tuned up versions of these classic cars. DLC will feature Fusca, Passat and Gol:All series feature the 4 models in a wide variety of configurations presenting very distinct challenges.Special thanks on this one to the good people involved with the Copa Classic championship who have been super friendly and very helpful with information. It´s very hard to find data for these cars, specially the older ones from the early 80s so having people who have lived through this history be so engaged is both and a very pleasant experience. The series is based in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul which has some of the strongest motorsports culture in the country - it has been a great experience to get to know it better.There are some other interesting models that some are sure to miss not being included - unfortunately we we had initially set out to do only 3 Hot Cars models and ended up going further with 4 models and a bunch of variations covering 4 different series, so we´d already stretched our schedule for it as much as we could. It´s not out of the question though that some new "old" models will be added further down the line.V1.4.8 update Further AI Developments@Alex Sawczuk took a break from track modelling this month to take a few stabs at the code, and he´s managed some valuable AI improvements in the process, including a revamped blue flag logic - AI cars now better evaluate approaching cars and move out of the way: We have also increased rate AI assesses situations by 4x which should result in more appropriate behavior in several racing situations - this makes it much less likely the AI will get confused and veer off the track, or not "see" a car coming up alongside.DynHUD issuesWe´re hoping we have a fix for the recent DynHUD issues that came up for Windows 10 users following a recent system update included in v1.4.8. In any case we´ll be also looking to improve some remaining niggles with DynHUD and also beef up the native HUD a bit more as an alternative. The run down to 1.5.0Following v1.4.8 we´ll be on the final stretch to the definitive version of AMS - at the moment we´re still undecided on whether there will be a public v1.4.9 or if we´ll go straight to v1.5.0 - depends on the rate of progress we manage next month.Here are some of the goodies still to come:Metalmoro AJRAs announced a couple of months back, the hot new prototype from Metalmoro is coming up next for AMS. The model is shaping up quite nicely Turbo model@Niels Heusinkveld and @Luis Miguel have been working on finalizing the turbo model and it will be included in time for v1.5.0, including updated physics for all turbo cars in the sim to use the new model.Spielberg 2017@ilka has been working on an update to the modern Spielberg track, to include the latest reforms since the track was originally modelled. Although the track hasn´t had its layout altered, there are several curb and run-off changes, a new grandstand in the home straight along with other cosmetic modifications.There is more still to come of course - look forward to sharing some final surprises with you all That´s all for this month - hope you all enjoy the coming update!
  7. Il team Reiza sta preparando un nuovo aggiornamento per il suo ottimo Automobilista, insieme con un nuovo DLC di contenuti extra dedicato al campionato brasiliano Touring Car Classics: come vedete dalle prime immagini di anteprima, potremo andare in pista con Maggiolino, Golf, Passat e persino Fiat Uno, modelli per certi versi storici dell'automobilismo nazionale. Reiza implementerà nel pacchetto sia le vetture che hanno corso negli anni 80 e 90, sia quelle che ancora corrono oggi in categorie classiche come la Copa Classic RS e la Coppa Maggiolino! Commenti sul forum.

    Automobilista update v1.4.76

    Il team Reiza ha appena rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento per il suo ottimo Automobilista. L'update porta il simulatore brasiliano alla versione 1.4.76, qui di seguito tutti i dettagli. Commenti sul forum. Automobilista has been updated to v1.4.76 - this update intends to address crash issues that have come up, following in particular a recent Windows 10 update. The update also brings several other valuable updates & fixes to the sim.IMPORTANT: Please note that in this update DynHUD has been disabled by default while some reliability issues are worked out - if however you were not experiencing crashes or any DynHUD-related problems you may enable it back on by unticking the option to disable it in AMS Config.For Nvidia Users: We have introduced advanced AntiAliasing settings in the Config application, your settings should be auto upgraded, but feel free to take a look and adjust as you please.Below is the Changelog for v1.4.72 -> v1.4.76: Added Config app option to disable DynHUD, disabled by default while some reliability issues are worked on (if you experienced no problems you may re-enable DynHUD by unticking the option in AMS Config) Added support for advanced Nvidia Control Panel settings in the Config application so Nvidia Antialiasing settings can be configured straight from AMS Config) Added Driving Line Aid (it adapts in real time to how fast you are going to give you updated information) Speed Sensitivity is now customized for each vehicle Added dynamic ambient / track temperatures, configurable via Track GDB, & configured ambient Track Temps at all default circuits according to real weather data Corrected sunrise / sunset times for better accuracy Season Tool: Fix userdata failure when Windows username contains non ascii latin1 characters Added FFB for XInput Devices (may require loading of Controller Preset of Xbox Controller for it to start working, depending on your current settings. Support for one XInput FFB device only, limits all FFB to 90hz) Added Refresh Connected Devices button to Controllers page, available from main & in-session menus Made XInput built in deadzones configurable in the Controller.ini (also halved the amount from previous build) Minor tweaks to Controller Damping Presets Added Dedicated Server options to allow driving line or not Added options to use predefined profiles in Dedicated Server and in Game Server for game difficulty Made game DPIAware, so that the game formats correctly on PCs using non 100% scaling setting Added actual game version to the Windows game window Tweaked Tool Tip and Icon placement top right of screens in general Adjusted Difficulty Settings page to be more organized Added long spinner UI option so text doesn't get cut off with Controller Profile names or User Profile names Adjusted In Game Monitor screen, tidied up the UI in general and organized. Added Session Info button which shows the general information about the current session. Online adjusted vote and server details options. Added Servername and Message of the day to the Server Info button. Adjusted Garage page to hide pit stop options when pits not available. Made Session Info accessible from Garage Page and reorganized UI elements slightly Reorganized Setup File browser and added non editable notes element to the Setup Browser Improved AI Behaviour on Formation / Standing Start Improved AI Behaviour behind Safety Car on Rolling Starts and SC periods Adjusted Safety Car to take Fastest Line rather than a middle of the road line AI cars now lift less under blue flag in race condition, and not at all in practice / qual for other AI cars as a temporary measure to avoid AI cars going off track (better blue flag logic currently under development) Foz: Updated terrain textures to latest standards Ibarra: fixed inner collision corridor at hairpin; fixed the headlight beams going up to the mountains; fixed specular levels on the road patches; slight tweak to AI performance Adelaide: Fixed AI lining up after formation lap Ascurra: Updated terrain textures to latest standards Velopark: Updated model to feature 2017 modifications & terrain textures to latest standards SuperV8: Adjusted fuel consumption estimates
  9. Il team Reiza Studios ha rilasciato l'attesa nuova versione 1.4 del suo ottimo Automobilista. La nuova release, oltre al consueto bugfixing e varie migliorie, ci mette a disposizione anche alcune gustose novità, come il DLC Hockenheimring, con il famoso tracciato tedesco in ben 5 configurazioni, dal 1977 ad oggi e la Formula Ultimate, ovvero una monoposto di fantasia che replica in tutto e per tutto le moderne vetture di Formula 1 del 2017. Fate riferimento a questo topic del forum per commenti e discussioni. Automobilista v1.40 is released, along with a new DLC: Hockenheimring is also available for purchase here. If you are interested in other current & upcoming Automobilista DLCs however it is strongly recommended you check the AMS "Season Pass" for all upcoming DLCs (for those that already have the base game) and the bundle of AMS Base + Season Pass (which includes the base game). Host of the German GP for 35 years, the Hockenheimring is one of the tracks with the richest heritage in the world of motorsports. Historically known for its bygone classic layout with long straights through the surrounding forests, the track was reformed for the 2002 German GP, becoming much shorter modern circuit but retaining a high speed, flowing nature perfectly suited for wheel-to-wheel racing with all types of cars. This pack features 4 distinct versions of this legendary track from 4 different decades - 1977, 1988, 2001 and 2016, along with extra modern layouts (National, Short A & B). The Rallycross layout will be added shortly to the package. You can acquire Hockenheim here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/644210 You may also get Hockenheim along with all AMS DLCs released and still to come in one single purchase by acquiring the AMS Season Pass here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/521600 Below is the Changelog for v1.3.7 -> v1.4.0: CONTENT Added Hockenheimring (1977, 1988, 2001 and 2016, along with extra modern layouts - the Rallycross layout will be added shortly) (AVAILABLE ONLY FOR HOCKENHEIM OR SEASON PASS OWNERS) Added F-Ultimate series FEATURES Added Custom Season Tool (available as a launch option on Steam) * GENERAL Fixed bug with AA setting not saving in AMS Config Downscaled series icons in main menu series selection by 20% & changed layout from 3 x 7 to 3 x 8; Added new Main Menu ordering parameter to SRS files & re-ordered positions for F-Ultimate & Lancer Cup Series Various minor UI fixes & adjustments Adjusted orientation rate in all cockpit cameras to better absorb track oscillations vs the horizon Updated all helmet shaders to be same as the one used for car paint Fixed bug in roadnoise replay saving (fixing potential CTD) Added new driver model & new customized suits & gloves to all vehicles Added configuration option to all vehicles for visible driver arms in cockpit view ** Fixed bug with radio spotter announcing final lap one lap ahead of time in timed races Fixed error in fog logic which could cause fog to appear in cockpit Added function to discard next lap in Time Trial mode if track limits are abused in the preceding lap Fixed bug that could cause FFB to be lost if instant replay command was hit during a multiplayer event Globally increased lowest LOD from 500 meters to 600m AUDIO All audio files resampled to 44.1kHz (decreasing files size / cpu / memory usage) increased max simultaneous sounds from 32 to 64 polished loops and pops in several audio files Introduced advanced audio filters for external cameras Added cockpit muffling for closed cockpit cars Opponents volume setting is no longer effective for trackside cameras (all cars same volume) Enhanced replay of surface sounds (roadnoise, dirt, curbs) Added new options to Audio menu for master volume, trackside volume, Audio PostFX levels & button to restore default audio settings Minor adjustments to audio samples on Ultima Race, F-V12, F-Trainer Reset volume multipliers on all cameras to address volume inconsistencies AI Added function to stop AI from refuelling during pitstops in all series where that is forbidden - only series that allow AI to refuel now are StockV8, SuperV8, F-V12, F-V10, Metalmoro, Boxer Cup & All Cars / Tracks; for custom long distance events with any of the other series where AI would need to refuel, user should run All Cars / Tracks; likewise for proper AI race strategy with non-refuelling series running close to their default full distance, user should use the respective series instead of All Cars / Tracks Added function for AI to partially lift off the throttle when receiving a blue flag - their cooperation is now a function of "Courtesy" value in driver RCD files, and thus will vary from driver to driver and from series to series; they will generally be equally cooperative in practice / quali, in races they will be more cooperative in high profile series compared to smaller / historical ones Added function for AI to coast to the pits after checkered flag (rather than racing on at full speed) Added function for AI to slightly lift during in and out laps in practice / quali Added function for AI to lift back to the pits when car has substantial aerodynamic damage Added function to prevent AI from lurching to the side on starts & generally improved their composure through the first corner Adjusted AI awareness to get them to hesitate less when trying to overtake another car in a straight (very minor adjustment for now to avoid side effects) Revised AI tire wear functions & added custom pit thresholds for every tire compound in every car to minimise issues with AI needlessly stopping for tires Added AI function to stop them from pitting for tires in last 10 minutes of a race - even if they cross their tire wear threshold they will soldier on for the remaining distance rather than doing a costly late-race pitstop Customized AI throttle functions at race start to a realistic behavior for each series Changed AI reaction time to green lights so it´s no longer instantaneous but within a more human range of 0.1s-1.0s Added new TireManagement & AIStartSkill to driver RCD files - the lower the first value, the more the AI will wear its tires; the lower the 2nd value the more chance AI driver will bog down at the start Globally upscaled Composure, Aggression, Crash & MinimumRacingSkill in driver talent files Doubled max AI to AI collision rate from 40 to 80 (needs setting from PLR file) Adjusted base Safety Car speeds for various series to more compatible levels Added a randomization function to Opponent filter gizmo when running a multiclass event with a specific class count (where before it would just load the same cars for each class in team order) Added config overrides to search correct driver talent folders (fixing bug with drivers present in multiple series occasionally loading the wrong file and misperforming as a result) *** Upscaled AI aggression ranges (max setting is now double what it was before, with lower settings adjusted to suit) Various AI physics adjustments to improve their racing ability and line adherence Generally increased AI reaction to front tire slip Adjusted AI brake performance for all cars Adjusted AI fuel strategy so they don´t pit on the very first lap it gets on low fuel range Updated AI performance ranges for several tracks Adjusted AI spring / damper multipliers on stiffer cars to further reduce AI jittering over sawtooth curbs PHYSICS Revised tire wear functions for several cars Revised fuel consumption & estimates for several cars Globally raised undertray friction to minimise advantages of unrealistically low setups in some cars Adjusted default setups for low downforce configs in Formula cars Reduced default suspension packer settings in several cars Added speed limiter to MCR2000, Ultima GTR Race Adjusted engine wear / reliability ranges on soem cars CONTENT UPDATES & FIXES Added new 2017 GP layouts to Interlagos, Montreal, Kansai, Spielberg & Hockenheim featuring updated tire compound rules & DRS zones Roughened up flat curbs at Taruma, Londrina Spielberg: Fixed fuel use range causing excessive fuel consumption for player & AI Oulton: Adjusted AI line through chicane so AI don´t clip high curb Brasilia: Fixed cars going into the pits in rolling starts StockV8: Corrected max opponents; Corrected & added missing talent files: fixed LCD laptime info Montana: Fixed max opponents F-V12: Adjusted ride height ranges, increased rake in default setup Mini: Fixed auto-shifting bug; minor adjustment to external sound loops Boxer Cup: Updated rear brake light; Updated cockpit materials & textures; added configuration option to install / remove rear view camera display Karts: Updated skin alphas to suit latest car shader F-Vee: Adjusted AI performance ARC Camaro: Fixed reflection bug in cockpit gauges F-Vintage: Adjusted longitudinal CoF for front tires; tweaked AI performance F-Extreme: Completely revised drivetrain physics including new ERS throttle map; revised default setup; Updated V6 Hybrid engine sounds F-V10: Adjusted TC sound F3: Reduced aero loss in draft SuperV8: Fixed pit timings to realistic values * The Custom Season Tool should be fairly intuitive to use - run the tool, select a series you wish to create a custom championship for, customize the calendar from all available track layouts, set up the scoring system (including option for separate points for multiple heat results, pole position, laps led), some basic rules and then save when you´re satisfied - your custom championship will then be listed in Championship mode for the series it was based on, and you can further customize it with the usual championship options in-game (opponent cars, opponent strength, race distance, number of heats, quali, tire / wear multipliers etc). ** Since arms are added as objects rather than 3D animation, they´re not articulated nor do they have gear shifting animations; for the same reason steering wheel rotation animation is limited to 90º in each direction when driver arms are installed; in some cars, driver arms configuration is merged with seat position and / or cockpit type; Most cars have visible driver arms from external view irrespective of whether cockpit configuration is used or not - exception being vehicles where this solution was not considered to look acceptable - specifically karts and Formula Truck do not feature driver arms. *** In case of series with drivers featuring in multiple categories (ex Barrichello who is a driver in V10, StockV8, Kart) in order to get the series-correct team / driver performance, tire wear and start skill, user is advised to select the specific series rather than All Cars / Tracks
  10. Con qualche giorno di ritardo rispetto al solito, dopo il rilascio dell'ultima versione aggiornata 1.4.5, il team Reiza ci aggiorna sullo sviluppo del suo Automobilista con l'ultimo development update di luglio. Fra le novità in fase di sviluppo, vi segnaliamo ulteriori miglioramenti alla IA ed al sonoro, il nuovo circuito Ibarra, un nuovo DLC dedicato alle touring car brasiliane storiche ed il nuovo prototipo AJR Metalmoro. AI DevelopmentsWe´re still pushing hard to further develop the AI, and in AMS v1.4.5 we have delivered another batch of substantial updates - the more important of which impacts how they assess risk and decide whether to go for an overtake, addressing the age-old issue which would lead them to often hesitating and backing off on straights rather than pulling alongside to overtake.Other more incremental improvements to their behavior have also been made, such as getting the AI to be more disciplined rejoining the track after a spin and no longer drive into oncoming traffic: There are still some remaining rough edges to polish and important improvements we want to cover before we call it a wrap on AI for AMS, but generally speaking we feel the AI in v1.4.5 is a substantial step forward, and it´s gradually edging closer to something you can legitimately compete against in any condition.Track UpdatesSeveral tracks have had terrain & road texture updates in AMS v1.4.5 to bring them up to the standards of more recent tracks, and the brazilian tracks have been updated to include the modifications made since the 2015 season:The tracks previewed above have all been updated in v1.4.5. We hope to revisit some more in timGamepad supportIn between developing the new circuit and updating several older tracks, @Alex Sawczuk also found the time to take a stab at revamping the damping system for digital & gamepad controllers. As a result, Automobilista v1.4.5 has become a lot more fun and accessible to users without a steering wheel - turn on a couple of driving aids and it should provide as good a time, and a more rewarding driving experience than your average console racer Surround soundSome great news also in the audio front as after a couple of hard working months @Domagoj Lovric is very close to cracking surround support - we´re confident we´ll have something to test soon and we´ll be able to merge it in for release until v1.5.The experience with 5.1 sound is a significant step up from the current stereo - having aural feedback from your opponents approaching and getting beside you, your engine from the back while wind is blowing from the front makes for a much more immersive experience.Metalmoro AJR coming to AutomobilistaWe´re happy to confirm we´re extending our partnership with Metalmoro & JLM Racing to bring their new, impressive-looking AJR Prototype to Automobilista:The AJR is a result of a partnership of the JLM Racing team with Metalmoro, ambitiously conceived to become the most accessible, high performance prototype in the market. Powered with a 600HP Honda K20 Turbo engine, weighing just 820 kg and featuring purpose-crafted aerodynamics, it is expected to achieve LMP2 performance and perhaps even more. While the car is still in development, it is already setting the pace in the local endurance series whenever owner & driver Juliano Moro has taken it to the track.The Metalmoro AJR will be added free of charge to the base game. We´ll be working very closely with JLM on this one, as the team will be supplying CAD model, CFD data and track telemetry so we have as accurate as possible representation of the car in the sim. Should make for a very fun ride!Next Track - IbarraAs mentioned in the last dev update, the track team is now working hard on the development of Autodromo Yahuarcocha in Equador, aka Ibarra. The development priority was switched to finish Curvelo so that it could make it in with the Stock Car 2017 season release, luckily Ibarra development is quite far along and should be ready to hit Beta within the next couple of weeks.This old-style track features some of the most beautiful scenery to be seen in a race track. @ilka is leading development of this one and really bringing his A Game on it as the previews below hopefully illustrate:Ibarra will also be added as free content to the base game, expected for the next major update towards the end of August.Next DLC - Brazilian Touring Car ClassicsThe next DLC pack is also expected to be released towards the end of august. As hinted at a few times before, this pack will bring a combination of classic brazilian touring car series to Automobilista - based on the old "Hot Cars" series from the early 80s as well as other single and mixed-class modern series featuring such classic cars will be represented in the sim. More details on this in the next dev update, but here´s a preview to whet your appetite That covers it for this month - there are a couple of news still to come, but those are topics for our next, and possibly last AMS development update We´re now racing towards a couple of final updates to bring AMS to version 1.5, which will represent the finish line for Automobilista development. While the temptation is always high to keep going a bit further and do this or that more, we´re generally feeling pretty happy with how it´s final form is shaping up, and believe it should be both a great base for us to continue enjoying over the months to come as well as a great foundation for us build on towards what will come next. We hope you are enjoying the ride as much as we are!
  11. Con qualche giorno di ritardo rispetto al solito, dopo il rilascio dell'ultima versione aggiornata 1.4.5, il team Reiza ci aggiorna sullo sviluppo del suo Automobilista con l'ultimo development update di luglio. Fra le novità in fase di sviluppo, vi segnaliamo ulteriori miglioramenti alla IA ed al sonoro, il nuovo circuito Ibarra, un nuovo DLC dedicato alle touring car brasiliane storiche ed il nuovo prototipo AJR Metalmoro. AI DevelopmentsWe´re still pushing hard to further develop the AI, and in AMS v1.4.5 we have delivered another batch of substantial updates - the more important of which impacts how they assess risk and decide whether to go for an overtake, addressing the age-old issue which would lead them to often hesitating and backing off on straights rather than pulling alongside to overtake.Other more incremental improvements to their behavior have also been made, such as getting the AI to be more disciplined rejoining the track after a spin and no longer drive into oncoming traffic: There are still some remaining rough edges to polish and important improvements we want to cover before we call it a wrap on AI for AMS, but generally speaking we feel the AI in v1.4.5 is a substantial step forward, and it´s gradually edging closer to something you can legitimately compete against in any condition.Track UpdatesSeveral tracks have had terrain & road texture updates in AMS v1.4.5 to bring them up to the standards of more recent tracks, and the brazilian tracks have been updated to include the modifications made since the 2015 season:The tracks previewed above have all been updated in v1.4.5. We hope to revisit some more in timGamepad supportIn between developing the new circuit and updating several older tracks, @Alex Sawczuk also found the time to take a stab at revamping the damping system for digital & gamepad controllers. As a result, Automobilista v1.4.5 has become a lot more fun and accessible to users without a steering wheel - turn on a couple of driving aids and it should provide as good a time, and a more rewarding driving experience than your average console racer Surround soundSome great news also in the audio front as after a couple of hard working months @Domagoj Lovric is very close to cracking surround support - we´re confident we´ll have something to test soon and we´ll be able to merge it in for release until v1.5.The experience with 5.1 sound is a significant step up from the current stereo - having aural feedback from your opponents approaching and getting beside you, your engine from the back while wind is blowing from the front makes for a much more immersive experience.Metalmoro AJR coming to AutomobilistaWe´re happy to confirm we´re extending our partnership with Metalmoro & JLM Racing to bring their new, impressive-looking AJR Prototype to Automobilista:The AJR is a result of a partnership of the JLM Racing team with Metalmoro, ambitiously conceived to become the most accessible, high performance prototype in the market. Powered with a 600HP Honda K20 Turbo engine, weighing just 820 kg and featuring purpose-crafted aerodynamics, it is expected to achieve LMP2 performance and perhaps even more. While the car is still in development, it is already setting the pace in the local endurance series whenever owner & driver Juliano Moro has taken it to the track.The Metalmoro AJR will be added free of charge to the base game. We´ll be working very closely with JLM on this one, as the team will be supplying CAD model, CFD data and track telemetry so we have as accurate as possible representation of the car in the sim. Should make for a very fun ride!Next Track - IbarraAs mentioned in the last dev update, the track team is now working hard on the development of Autodromo Yahuarcocha in Equador, aka Ibarra. The development priority was switched to finish Curvelo so that it could make it in with the Stock Car 2017 season release, luckily Ibarra development is quite far along and should be ready to hit Beta within the next couple of weeks.This old-style track features some of the most beautiful scenery to be seen in a race track. @ilka is leading development of this one and really bringing his A Game on it as the previews below hopefully illustrate:Ibarra will also be added as free content to the base game, expected for the next major update towards the end of August.Next DLC - Brazilian Touring Car ClassicsThe next DLC pack is also expected to be released towards the end of august. As hinted at a few times before, this pack will bring a combination of classic brazilian touring car series to Automobilista - based on the old "Hot Cars" series from the early 80s as well as other single and mixed-class modern series featuring such classic cars will be represented in the sim. More details on this in the next dev update, but here´s a preview to whet your appetite That covers it for this month - there are a couple of news still to come, but those are topics for our next, and possibly last AMS development update We´re now racing towards a couple of final updates to bring AMS to version 1.5, which will represent the finish line for Automobilista development. While the temptation is always high to keep going a bit further and do this or that more, we´re generally feeling pretty happy with how it´s final form is shaping up, and believe it should be both a great base for us to continue enjoying over the months to come as well as a great foundation for us build on towards what will come next. We hope you are enjoying the ride as much as we are!
  12. Il team Reiza Studios ha appena rilasciato tramite Steam la nuova versione aggiornata 1.4.5 del suo apprezzatissimo Automobilista. La nuova release, oltre alla consueta lunga lista di migliorie e bugfix, ci mette anche a disposizione il circuito Curvelo in due configurazioni e la stagione 2017 Stock Car Brasil, protagonista del trailer di lancio qui sotto. Automobilista v1.4.5 is released - includes new free content as the Stock Car 2017 season & Curvelo race track are now included! Below is the Changelog for v1.4.32 -> v1.4.5: CONTENT Added Curvelo circuit ("A" & "B" layouts) Added Stock Car Brasil 2017 series UPDATES & FIXES Revised AI overtaking risk calculations - AI now constantly looks for a way past a slower car ahead (no longer backs off overtakes) * Revised & Expanded Push-to-Pass functionality, simulating Stock Car 2017 season (including windshield lights indicating activation / availability) AI now also uses P2P to overtake / defend from opponents Added new car-specific AI risk calculation parameters for overtaking - AI now factors corner radius ahead to decide whether to try switch lines to overtake Added new AI function to prevent AI car from trying to rejoin the track after a spin until there is no oncoming traffic AI now affected by grass / gravel grip levels & dirt on tires (it will lift a bit until tires are clean again) Added new controller damping sliders & presets for better keyboard & gamepad control ** Moved camera settings to DISPLAY UI screen, & added a "Lock to Horizon" slider (where 0% is pre-v1.4 setting, and 100% is latest setting) Added Garage UI warning message for series in which race refuelling is not allowed, & disabled HUD pit menu fuel adjustment for those series *** Several minor UI fixes & adjustments Adjusted audio occlusion, low pass & wind filters Adjusted AI drafting, slip reaction, aggression levels Changed default cockpit FOV from 50 to 45 degrees Adjusted traction control functionality (as a driving aid) Added PLR file setting to disable track scoreboards (known to cause some issues in live streaming) Track state regression between sessions & overnight reduced from 2% & 10% respectively to 1% & 5% Corrected excessive fuel consumption in Caterhams, MCR, Marcas, Lancers Updated sunrise/sunset lighting values for all tracks Updated Cadwell, Brands, Imola, VIR, Curitiba. Cascavel, Kansai, Velocittá, Taruma, Goiania, Spielberg, Santa Cruz, Guaporé, Londrina, Interlagos terrain & road textures to latest quality standard Minor road & curb updates at Curitiba, Tarumã, Goiania, Santa Cruz, Londrina, Interlagos to match their 2017 layouts Fixed F-Ultimate tire options for Interlagos, Kansai Karts: Fixed handling-breaking suspension bug from last hotfix MCR: Fixed RPM LEDs not working in left-hand driver side Camaro: Added 2017 Stock Car Safety Car skin * For this build Medium aggression is generally recommended for best AI racing; higher settings may be suitable for tin tops in which more bumping & rubbing is acceptable; Low aggression disables all new risk bypassing functions and effectively reverts to their pre v1.4.5 behavior with regards to overtaking. ** Users of digital inputs should review their settings for steering, throttle and brake rates. *** All cars / tracks still allows race refuelling for all classes, so users looking to get around series refuelling rules should use that for both single & multiplayer races (be advised that AI fuel strategy for longer races may not be ideal). Important note for Logitech G29 / G920 users: Support for auto rotation is still on a dedicated Beta Branch labeled v1.4.5_G29. Further instructions as to how to switch to a beta branch here.
  13. Il team Reiza ha rilasciato poco fa la nuova versione aggiornata 1.4.3 del suo ottimo Automobilista. Come potete leggere qui di seguito, la lista dei bugfix, migliorie e novità è decisamente molto lunga, non mancano fra le altre cose, un nuovo layout per la pista di Hockenheim, migliorie alla IA ed al supporto per i volanti Logitech G29/G920. Automobilista V1.4.3 is out now - a new Hockenheim layout, Steam Achievements, more AI improvements & better support for G29 / G920 auto rotation are all part of this update. Here´s the changelog: Added Hockenheim RX layout (not compatible with DynHUD at the moment) Integrated initial batch of Steam Achievements (more info & related discussions here) Season Tool: Improved handling of errors related to reading of series/track images; All series vehicle filters are now added to seasons (these can be further limited/customised when starting the season in game) Radio Spotter: Audio files now cached in memory to try prevent stutters loading the files during gameplay on some systems Expanded track GDB tire compound parameters to set different compound restrictions for different series, and define which of the allowed compounds AI qualifies & start race on * Added AIRaceCompoundSwitch parameter to series files - if set to 1 AI is forced to switch to the next tire compound allowed in a tire stop (if set to 0 or not present AI will continue on the same default compound) ** Made softest compound default for F-Extreme. F-Reiza, F-Ultimate DynHUD: Added option to switch Track Map state from stactic, rotating & off (CTRL + M switches between the states) Replaced tacho texture in native HUD Revised & expanded default championship calendars for several series Reduced pitlane speed limit in races from 100 km/h to 80 km/h in all GP layouts to match real rules Fine tuned drag effects for each car, correcting some previous exaggerated values Fixed F-Truck & ARC Camaro wrong ID for TT leaderboards Fixed bug that would cause excessive AI tire wear when TireManagement parameter wasn´t present in driver RCD file (now defaults to 80, 100 being default tire compound wear) Fixed bug in AI tire pitstop thresholds not working causing the AI to run tires to canvas Fixed bug that could cause AI to slow down too much in cool down lap after checkered flag Global AI adjustments: Slightly reduced qualifying performance gap vs race / slightly increased AI tendency to move out of the draft from car ahead; Adjusted AI reaction to be more combative when another is close by or side by side Fixed AI fuel slightly over fueling in qualifying (now AI does 3-4 lap runs and takes just enough fuel in between for the next run) Changed AI strategy for fixing damage in pits - now AI only fixes damage when wings are missing (no longer doing long pit stops for minor bodywork fixes) Further fine tuning of fuel consumption & estimates for several cars Reduced AI performance variation in Supertruck layouts Adjusted tire wear & degradation rates for all compounds in F-Ultimate, F-Extreme & F-Reiza Brands Hatch: Fixed safety car position in pit lane; Updated AI paths; updated curb textures Hockenheim: Disabled Safety Car for 77 & 88 layouts Karts: Adjusted POV to avoid clipping with driver model Caterham: Fixed missing driver arms in external view for 360R models Montana: Fixes to pitgroups & talent files Mini: Fixed Celtic teams missing vehicle IDs for Time Trial LancerX: Moved default brake bias forward; Fixed bug with driver arms in external cameras F-Ultimate: Adjusted steering wheel height; Increased DRS drag reduction; Increased tires´ pneumatic trail (should make FFB slightly stronger) F-Truck: Updated driver suits & Gloves F-V10: Updated driver suits & Gloves F-V12: fixed sound going mute between 4-5k RPM Ultima: Fixed graphics glitch in headlights from external cameras Superkart: corrected moving arms lodout distance F3: fixed steering wheels LODs of F301 MCR: fixed rpm lights and LCD glass Marcas: Added missing talent files; Reduced AI skill range for more consistent performance * AI will now qualify on softest compound available in all default tracks; ** In case of modern Formula series in default tracks, AI will start on softest compound available and switch to the next in range in a tire stop Further info regarding above changes: for ex. F-Ultimate @ Montreal, AI will now qualify and start race in UltraSoft compound; since series has AIRaceCompoundSwitch=1, AI will then switch to SuperSoft if / when it stops for tires as per 2017 compound options & strategy; If it´s a F-Extreme race @ Montreal, AI will start on SuperSoft and switch to Softs as per 2015 compound options & strategy. If it´s tracks with no compound restrictions, AI will always run the softest compound and switch to the next up in tire stop. F-Classic will qualify on qualifying tires but will always race on C race compound; if it does a tire stop it will just switch to a new C set. Series that don´t have multiple tire compounds and / or don´t feature in the track GDB will continue using the default compound as before. Mod tracks should be updated to use this latest syntax in order to feature compound restrictions. Important note for Logitech G29 / G920 users: Support for auto rotation has been initially implemented on a dedicated Beta Branch labeled v1.4.3_G29. Further instructions as to how to switch to a beta branch here. For the next release we hope to have it fully integrated into the main branch.
  14. Dopo il rilascio dell'ultima versione 1.4, con le novità di Hockenheim e Formula Ultimate, il team Reiza Studios torna ad aggiornarci con un nuovo development update riguardo lo sviluppo del suo ottimo Automobilista. In particolare, Reiza sta lavorando ad importanti migliorie alla IA, audio, grafica (comprese nuove tute "storiche"), un tool per le stagioni personalizzate ed altro ancora. Correte a questo link per tutti i dettagli e commenti. Hello everyone! We´re back for another Automobilista Development Update - not many of these to go now! As you may have noticed, we missed out on publishing a dev update last month - apologies for that, hopefully the v1.4 changelog will be convincing enough evidence we weren´t just slacking off It´s actually getting a bit tricky to share many details about what we´re doing in these final stages of AMS development as we´re getting more into exploring new grounds and doing some experimenting without knowing for sure what will pan out and how soon - that naturally makes it harder to provide much of a foresight without feeding expectations that may not be realistic on the short term. With that in mind this month´s update is mostly retrospective on the work done for v1.4, while still providing some glimpses as to what comes next!
  15. Dopo il rilascio dell'ultima versione 1.4, con le novità di Hockenheim e Formula Ultimate, il team Reiza Studios torna ad aggiornarci con un nuovo development update riguardo lo sviluppo del suo ottimo Automobilista. In particolare, Reiza sta lavorando ad importanti migliorie alla IA, audio, grafica (comprese nuove tute "storiche"), un tool per le stagioni personalizzate ed altro ancora. Hello everyone! We´re back for another Automobilista Development Update - not many of these to go now! As you may have noticed, we missed out on publishing a dev update last month - apologies for that, hopefully the v1.4 changelog will be convincing enough evidence we weren´t just slacking off It´s actually getting a bit tricky to share many details about what we´re doing in these final stages of AMS development as we´re getting more into exploring new grounds and doing some experimenting without knowing for sure what will pan out and how soon - that naturally makes it harder to provide much of a foresight without feeding expectations that may not be realistic on the short term. With that in mind this month´s update is mostly retrospective on the work done for v1.4, while still providing some glimpses as to what comes next! V1.4 development Following popular demand, v1.4 has seen a lot of development time dedicated towards improving the AI - we began by compiling a list (split in 5 main areas - Performance, Awareness, Strategy, Behavior & Personality), documenting the worse problems and elaborating some ideas to not only address these issues but move AI in general up to a new level. So far focus has been on making good baseline progress in all fronts, sorting out or at least minimising the most critical issues. Improving AI Performance, or more specifically consistency in their performance so the AI can provide a consistent challenge to the player from corner to corner, track to track and car to car vs the player irrespective of his AI strength setting is always an ongoing task, with some good ground covered again in v1.4. One of the initial focus was doing some basic improvements of AI Strategy, as any development elsewhere becomes a bit pointless if AI messes up his pit strategy - V1.4 updates should see more realistic tire wear from the AI as well as customized tire wear thresholds for pitstops so they don´t stop so late they lose too much time in worn tires, nor so soon they risk doing a potential pointless extra stop. We also added a lock for AI refuelling in series where they aren´t allowed to. Next steps include improving their fuel strategy so they can better calculate if and when to stop (and not take extra fuel when they dont need to), and set up different tire compounds for AI to qualify and / or start the race on. These however are just the tip of the iceberg - there´s a lot still to be done for the AI to not only avoid basic errors but actually challenge / outsmart the player in strategy alone. Lots of ideas here but it will take some time until we can completely flesh them out. We´ve also added several new functions to AI behavior to make them less "robotic" and more believable to race against - for instance they now respect blue flags and lift for the car behind, take it easier in in / out laps as well as cool down laps. Next steps include making them behave more safely after leaving the track and / or spinning. AI awareness has also improved considerably in v1.4 as can be seen in this quite radical multiclass race start and how the AI manage to navigate their way round fairly competently: Finally, we´ve covered some initial ground in adding some extra Personality to AI drivers so they now not only perform differently, but may also vary as to how they perform in starts, manage their tires and how cooperative they are reacting to blue flags, according to the definitions of the driver´s RCD file. Naturally there is still plenty of work to be done in all areas, in particular issues with AI awareness in some conditions when they don´t give other cars the proper space, and AI hesitation to overtake on straights when in position to do so are both big issues which we hope to make further progress on in time for v1.5. Audio was another big front of development in v1.4, as our man @Domagoj Lovric continues to do great work on the audio front, far exceeding our original goals for AMS. In addition to extensive work on new PostFX filters providing much meatier external sounds, some old issues have been ironed out and extra configuration options added. Besides working on some very cool new cars, Dom has began dabbing with development of surround sound - fingers crossed it will make it in for v1.5 There have been various updates & fixes to content by @Sandro Kholodkevich - one of the most notable being the Boxer cockpit getting a facelift with ambient occlusion mapping, seamless textures and a couple of extra tweaks and optionals, the results of which you can compare below V1.3.7: V1.4.0: The shots above also showcases another development from v1.4 as driver arms have now been added as vehicle configuration option. - these unfortunately are not fully animated but rather static objects added to the wheel, for that reason they´re not articulated and have been limited to 90º in each direction. Not ideal, but hopefully an acceptable stop-gap for those who have been waiting for this feature. The driver model itself has been upgraded and the suits and gloves specially customized to each era: Custom Season Tool Another long waited feature finally made it in with v1.4 release as the Season Tool, which considerably expand the value of single player championship mode as users can now create their own season. Kudos to @Dave Stephenson for another great job on this one Like other features, the Season Tool in its current state is a baseline we´ll be looking to expand on with a few extra rules and further customization options. The Formula Ultimate The F-Ultimate was greenlit for v1.4 fairly late as original plan was to release it with new ERS / Turbo models. In the end we figured those would not affect the driving experience so much to warrant withholding release.. Truth be told we thought it just drove and sounded too good to be held back any further There is still work to do though, specially on the ERS system which we hope to complete in time for v1.5. As it is, the car already features an ERS map which optimizes power delivery for each gear but the battery is still 100% all the time. Steam Achievements There have been enquiries about the long overdue Steam Achievements as we had hinted in the previous dev update it would come with v1.4 - they didn´t quite make it in time but we are actually working on the achievements right now - as soon as we have completed implementation and put it through testing we will put it out with a small update. We hope to complete it at some point next week. There will be a preview topic for Steam Achievements in Reiza51 shortly so those with access will be able to check them out and even contribute with a few suggestions What´s still to come We are now on the final stretch towards v1.5 and we´re working hard to make it at least as big an update as v1.4 was. There will however be one, potentially two intermediate updates until then. Beyond new content and a couple of new features we hope will make it in time for v1.5, we´re also looking to continue polishing the overall package, fixing some of the more inconvenient bugs and quirks along with upgrading existing content to bring them as close to the standards of the latest stuff as possible. @Alex Sawczuk is looking to update some of the older tracks which have fallen a bit behind when compared to newer releases like Hockenheim; we also hope to do some accuracy updating to tracks that have had minor changes since they were originally modelled. In terms of new content, current plans feature development of 2 more (free) tracks, 1 semi-new series, and DLC packages to be released for AMS within the next couple of months. We´ll need a bit more time to spill in the beans on all of these- for now I can confirm development of Ibarra has begun and should be the next track to be released. This track (also known as Yahuarcocha) is a picturesque old-style circuit in Ecuador, set in between a beautiful mountainous scenery and the lake Yawarkucha and should be a great ride in all sorts of cars. Before we wrap, a reminder that the AMS Season Pass which secures all currently available DLCs along with the ones still to be released is currently on sale with 35% off - if you haven´t grabbed that yet make sure to do it now This covers it for the month - look forward to catching up with you all again next month, hopefully we´ll be in position to be more specific then fonte Reiza forum
  16. Il team Reiza Studios ha rilasciato l'attesa nuova versione 1.4 del suo ottimo Automobilista. La nuova release, oltre al consueto bugfixing e varie migliorie, ci mette a disposizione anche alcune gustose novità, come il DLC Hockenheimring, con il famoso tracciato tedesco in ben 5 configurazioni, dal 1977 ad oggi e la Formula Ultimate, ovvero una monoposto di fantasia che replica in tutto e per tutto le moderne vetture di Formula 1 del 2017. Fate riferimento a questo topic del forum per commenti e discussioni. Automobilista v1.40 is released, along with a new DLC: Hockenheimring is also available for purchase here. If you are interested in other current & upcoming Automobilista DLCs however it is strongly recommended you check the AMS "Season Pass" for all upcoming DLCs (for those that already have the base game) and the bundle of AMS Base + Season Pass (which includes the base game). Host of the German GP for 35 years, the Hockenheimring is one of the tracks with the richest heritage in the world of motorsports. Historically known for its bygone classic layout with long straights through the surrounding forests, the track was reformed for the 2002 German GP, becoming much shorter modern circuit but retaining a high speed, flowing nature perfectly suited for wheel-to-wheel racing with all types of cars. This pack features 4 distinct versions of this legendary track from 4 different decades - 1977, 1988, 2001 and 2016, along with extra modern layouts (National, Short A & B). The Rallycross layout will be added shortly to the package. You can acquire Hockenheim here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/644210 You may also get Hockenheim along with all AMS DLCs released and still to come in one single purchase by acquiring the AMS Season Pass here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/521600 Below is the Changelog for v1.3.7 -> v1.4.0: CONTENT Added Hockenheimring (1977, 1988, 2001 and 2016, along with extra modern layouts - the Rallycross layout will be added shortly) (AVAILABLE ONLY FOR HOCKENHEIM OR SEASON PASS OWNERS) Added F-Ultimate series FEATURES Added Custom Season Tool (available as a launch option on Steam) * GENERAL Fixed bug with AA setting not saving in AMS Config Downscaled series icons in main menu series selection by 20% & changed layout from 3 x 7 to 3 x 8; Added new Main Menu ordering parameter to SRS files & re-ordered positions for F-Ultimate & Lancer Cup Series Various minor UI fixes & adjustments Adjusted orientation rate in all cockpit cameras to better absorb track oscillations vs the horizon Updated all helmet shaders to be same as the one used for car paint Fixed bug in roadnoise replay saving (fixing potential CTD) Added new driver model & new customized suits & gloves to all vehicles Added configuration option to all vehicles for visible driver arms in cockpit view ** Fixed bug with radio spotter announcing final lap one lap ahead of time in timed races Fixed error in fog logic which could cause fog to appear in cockpit Added function to discard next lap in Time Trial mode if track limits are abused in the preceding lap Fixed bug that could cause FFB to be lost if instant replay command was hit during a multiplayer event Globally increased lowest LOD from 500 meters to 600m AUDIO All audio files resampled to 44.1kHz (decreasing files size / cpu / memory usage) increased max simultaneous sounds from 32 to 64 polished loops and pops in several audio files Introduced advanced audio filters for external cameras Added cockpit muffling for closed cockpit cars Opponents volume setting is no longer effective for trackside cameras (all cars same volume) Enhanced replay of surface sounds (roadnoise, dirt, curbs) Added new options to Audio menu for master volume, trackside volume, Audio PostFX levels & button to restore default audio settings Minor adjustments to audio samples on Ultima Race, F-V12, F-Trainer Reset volume multipliers on all cameras to address volume inconsistencies AI Added function to stop AI from refuelling during pitstops in all series where that is forbidden - only series that allow AI to refuel now are StockV8, SuperV8, F-V12, F-V10, Metalmoro, Boxer Cup & All Cars / Tracks; for custom long distance events with any of the other series where AI would need to refuel, user should run All Cars / Tracks; likewise for proper AI race strategy with non-refuelling series running close to their default full distance, user should use the respective series instead of All Cars / Tracks Added function for AI to partially lift off the throttle when receiving a blue flag - their cooperation is now a function of "Courtesy" value in driver RCD files, and thus will vary from driver to driver and from series to series; they will generally be equally cooperative in practice / quali, in races they will be more cooperative in high profile series compared to smaller / historical ones Added function for AI to coast to the pits after checkered flag (rather than racing on at full speed) Added function for AI to slightly lift during in and out laps in practice / quali Added function for AI to lift back to the pits when car has substantial aerodynamic damage Added function to prevent AI from lurching to the side on starts & generally improved their composure through the first corner Adjusted AI awareness to get them to hesitate less when trying to overtake another car in a straight (very minor adjustment for now to avoid side effects) Revised AI tire wear functions & added custom pit thresholds for every tire compound in every car to minimise issues with AI needlessly stopping for tires Added AI function to stop them from pitting for tires in last 10 minutes of a race - even if they cross their tire wear threshold they will soldier on for the remaining distance rather than doing a costly late-race pitstop Customized AI throttle functions at race start to a realistic behavior for each series Changed AI reaction time to green lights so it´s no longer instantaneous but within a more human range of 0.1s-1.0s Added new TireManagement & AIStartSkill to driver RCD files - the lower the first value, the more the AI will wear its tires; the lower the 2nd value the more chance AI driver will bog down at the start Globally upscaled Composure, Aggression, Crash & MinimumRacingSkill in driver talent files Doubled max AI to AI collision rate from 40 to 80 (needs setting from PLR file) Adjusted base Safety Car speeds for various series to more compatible levels Added a randomization function to Opponent filter gizmo when running a multiclass event with a specific class count (where before it would just load the same cars for each class in team order) Added config overrides to search correct driver talent folders (fixing bug with drivers present in multiple series occasionally loading the wrong file and misperforming as a result) *** Upscaled AI aggression ranges (max setting is now double what it was before, with lower settings adjusted to suit) Various AI physics adjustments to improve their racing ability and line adherence Generally increased AI reaction to front tire slip Adjusted AI brake performance for all cars Adjusted AI fuel strategy so they don´t pit on the very first lap it gets on low fuel range Updated AI performance ranges for several tracks Adjusted AI spring / damper multipliers on stiffer cars to further reduce AI jittering over sawtooth curbs PHYSICS Revised tire wear functions for several cars Revised fuel consumption & estimates for several cars Globally raised undertray friction to minimise advantages of unrealistically low setups in some cars Adjusted default setups for low downforce configs in Formula cars Reduced default suspension packer settings in several cars Added speed limiter to MCR2000, Ultima GTR Race Adjusted engine wear / reliability ranges on soem cars CONTENT UPDATES & FIXES Added new 2017 GP layouts to Interlagos, Montreal, Kansai, Spielberg & Hockenheim featuring updated tire compound rules & DRS zones Roughened up flat curbs at Taruma, Londrina Spielberg: Fixed fuel use range causing excessive fuel consumption for player & AI Oulton: Adjusted AI line through chicane so AI don´t clip high curb Brasilia: Fixed cars going into the pits in rolling starts StockV8: Corrected max opponents; Corrected & added missing talent files: fixed LCD laptime info Montana: Fixed max opponents F-V12: Adjusted ride height ranges, increased rake in default setup Mini: Fixed auto-shifting bug; minor adjustment to external sound loops Boxer Cup: Updated rear brake light; Updated cockpit materials & textures; added configuration option to install / remove rear view camera display Karts: Updated skin alphas to suit latest car shader F-Vee: Adjusted AI performance ARC Camaro: Fixed reflection bug in cockpit gauges F-Vintage: Adjusted longitudinal CoF for front tires; tweaked AI performance F-Extreme: Completely revised drivetrain physics including new ERS throttle map; revised default setup; Updated V6 Hybrid engine sounds F-V10: Adjusted TC sound F3: Reduced aero loss in draft SuperV8: Fixed pit timings to realistic values * The Custom Season Tool should be fairly intuitive to use - run the tool, select a series you wish to create a custom championship for, customize the calendar from all available track layouts, set up the scoring system (including option for separate points for multiple heat results, pole position, laps led), some basic rules and then save when you´re satisfied - your custom championship will then be listed in Championship mode for the series it was based on, and you can further customize it with the usual championship options in-game (opponent cars, opponent strength, race distance, number of heats, quali, tire / wear multipliers etc). ** Since arms are added as objects rather than 3D animation, they´re not articulated nor do they have gear shifting animations; for the same reason steering wheel rotation animation is limited to 90º in each direction when driver arms are installed; in some cars, driver arms configuration is merged with seat position and / or cockpit type; Most cars have visible driver arms from external view irrespective of whether cockpit configuration is used or not - exception being vehicles where this solution was not considered to look acceptable - specifically karts and Formula Truck do not feature driver arms. *** In case of series with drivers featuring in multiple categories (ex Barrichello who is a driver in V10, StockV8, Kart) in order to get the series-correct team / driver performance, tire wear and start skill, user is advised to select the specific series rather than All Cars / Tracks
  17. The Hockenheimring is soon to arrive for Automobilista! Check out this preview lap of the F-V10 around the classic long layout last used in 2001 - also a chance to hear the latest audio developments to be included in v1.4 as the V10 engines reverberates through the forests! Hockenheim will be released in four versions: 1976, 1988, 2001 along with the modern version. Layout variations including the Rallycross track will also be included. Hockenheim DLC is scheduled for release at the end of this month, however both modern versions & 2001 are already available for testing in the latest build of Automobilista Beta. You can get access to it along with Hockenheim and all AMS DLCs released and still to come in one single purchase by acquiring the AMS Season Pass here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/521600
  18. In preparation for the upcoming DLC release, the new Hockenheim Ring circuit has just hit Automobilista Beta along with several other substantial updates. If you have the Beta (included in our membership packs & Season Pass) make sure to check it out! Here are a few preview screenies, including teasers for our new car :) (not in the Beta yet though)
  19. Promo of the week - Bundle Automobilista + Season Pass 40% off! If you haven´t got Automobiista yet, this bundle earns you the game plus all released & upcoming DLCs: http://store.steampowered.com/…/Automobilista__Season_Pass…/
  20. Il team Reiza Studios ha appena rilasciato il nuovo aggiornamento v1.3.7 per il suo ottimo Automobilista. Qui di seguito tutti i dettagli. Automobilista v1.3.7 update is now available - here is the changelog: Added support to Fanatec LEDs & auto-rotation support for Fanatec CSL-E & a command mapping option to toggle LED to display Gear, Speed or Off Fixed logic exporting Setups in Time Trial mode which could allow setup from a slower lap time replacing one from a previous faster lap Adjusted qualifying lap limit (20 laps for most series, 12 for modern formula series) DynHUD: set trackmap in Original / Telemetry overlays to fixed (can be be switched back to rotating via DynHUD Editor); added missing race widgets to Telemetry overlay Adjusted AI performance in various kart tracks Karts: Revised tire model, adjusted weight distribution in all karts; Adjusted default steering lock. Adjusted AI performance Boxer: Fixed brakelight graphical glitch F-V12: Fixed LCD display rev range F-Trainer: Minor tire model adjustments; fixed differential settings mistakenly left adjustable Mini: Corrected engine description Caterham: Corrected 360R gearbox as H Shifter Please make sure your Fanatec firmware is up to date for this release.
  21. Il team Reiza Studios ha appena rilasciato il nuovo aggiornamento v1.30 per il suo ottimo Automobilista. Oltre all'update software, il team brasiliano ha reso disponibile anche l'atteso DLC che ci mette a disposizione il glorioso circuito australiano di Adelaide, sia in configurazione storica del 1988 che moderna del 2016. Un'altra novità è rappresentata dalla ARC Camaro Series, oltre al consueto bugfixing e migliorie in ordine sparso. Automobilista v1.30 is released, along with a new DLC: Adelaide is also available for purchase here. If you are interested in other current & upcoming Automobilista DLCs however it is strongly recommended you check the AMS "Season Pass" for all upcoming DLCs (for those that already have the base game) and the bundle of AMS Base + Season Pass (which includes the base game). Pricings for Automobilista & Season Pass have been adjusted - Automobilista base has dropped to US$ 29.99 (or respective currency conversion) while the Season Pass price has risen to US$ 39.99 or your respective currency conversion. Individual DLC packages remain priced the same way, including Adelaide which now sells for the standard US$ 5.99. For a limited amount of time you may still get the Membership upgrade which includes the Season Pass with the old pricing of US$ 29.99 from our forum store, and that will also grant you Reiza 51 access. Below is the Changelog for v1.3.0: Content Cars Added ARC Camaro Series Tracks Added Adelaide street circuit (historic 1988, modern & Supertruck layouts) (AVAILABLE ONLY FOR ADELAIDE OR SEASON PASS OWNERS) Features & Fixes Added option to customize number of AI opponents per class in race weekend Implemented audio reverb (static for now) & added option to customize reverb level from audio menu Added new sound effect filters & altered doppler effect Expanded audio options & reprofiled volume sliders Added diesel exhaust smoke emission to Formula Trucks Added F-Truck mid-race full course yellow option to RULES menu (may be used for other series as well) * Race menu tweaks & other minor UI adjustments DynHUD: Fixed Delta widget functionality occasionally not resetting when switching to another track in TT mode Added function for track state deterioration while track is not used from one day to another and from one session to another (may vary from track to track) Fixed bug with DRS counter causing DRS to be available before lap 3; Fixed DRS being available during and after safety car period; DRS can now also be deactivated by pressing DRS button Added (AI) label to AI cars in multiplayer Cars now default to ideal tire pressure & temperature, warmed up brakes at the start of Time Trial mode updated engine wear / reliability values in various cars Adjusted yellow flag / parc ferme / start procedure rules for several series Raised AI speed behind safety car Fixed bug with track state not resetting correctly when race or weekend is restarted Added new engine wear / blow-up functions ** Adjusted marbles spacing offline to reduce FFB rattling Added dynamic road shader for road surface dust (currently implemented at Adelaide, Oulton, Caldwell, Brands, Jacarepagua Historic and Montreal Historic, VIR, Kansai, Imola) Interlagos: Eased off cut detection at T11 exit and inside S/F straight Added low downforce aero packages to F-Classic, F-V12, F-V10, F-Reiza & F-Extreme Slightly increased downshift protection in cars with semi-automatic boxes Adjusted AI brake power / grip usage for all cars Removed incorrectly enabled launch control from engines in several series Fixed overdone dynamic tire wear texture Supertruck: Raised camber and suspension damping for default setup; Adjusted tire textures Boxer Cup: Completely revised physics with addition of helper springs SuperV8: fixed uv mapping issue on carbody F-Trainer: Minor tire model adjustments F-Vintage: Minor tire model adjustments; Adjusted tire LOD settings F-Retro: Minor tire model adjustments; Fixed black polys on one of the LODs of the Copersucar model F-Classic: Minor tire model adjustments; Fixed textures error on low player and opponent settings F-V12: Minor tire model adjustments; Softened front suspension range & default settings F-V10: Minor tire model adjustments; Fixed black polys on one of the LODs; Fine tuned external sound samples overlap Superkart: Minor tire model adjustments; Reduced aero yaw sensitivity SuperV8: Minor tire model adjustments; reduced default roll bar setting a click on both ends Karts: Further AI performance tuning * The mid-race full course yellow is a rule from F-Truck - it triggers a 2-lap safety car period after the leader completes half race distance (provided the total distance is equal or more than 10 laps / 15 minutes). ** The new engine reliability functions will demand extra care during gear shifts, specially for older engines. Upshifting without lifting in cars without powershift and bouncing off the rev limiter will accelerate engine wear and may eventually lead to failures if practiced over a longer race distance; a very aggressive downshift may lead to an instant blow-up. fonte Reiza forum
  22. Rilasciato poco più di un mese fa, il nuovo DLC di Automobilista ci permette di guidare numerosi bolidi su una delle piste australiane più famose di sempre. Non una ma ben due versioni sono state realizzate: quella odierna (con inclusa la variante Supertruck) e la variante del 1988. Dopo il successo del primo Legendary Tracks e in attesa del terzo pacchetto in arrivo a fine Aprile, è giunto il momento di scendere in pista per constatare da vicino l’ultimo lavoro targato Reiza Studios. Adelaide. Un nome antico, ormai in disuso; non per chi è appassionato di motor sport però. Esso è, infatti, celebre per memorabili gare disputatesi a cavallo degli anni ‘80 e ’90; è stato teatro di battaglie indelebili (come quella fra Michael Schumacher e Damon Hill), mentre a oggi è ai più conosciuto per essere protagonista della Clipsal 500, una delle sfide più emozionanti del campionato australiano Super V8. Io, come molti altri giovani, lo abbiamo sentito nominare la prima volta giocando ai vecchi Toca di Codemasters ed è, infatti, da allora che non mi cimento personalmente in qualche gara su questo circuito, il che mi trasmette una certa nostalgia. Ora però, grazie al lavoro, come sempre certosino, da parte del team Reiza, posso finalmente riprovare le emozioni di sfiorare quei muretti ad alte velocità e prestare attenzione alla famosissima staccata della Duquetteville Hairpin. Impressioni generali: scelgo di iniziare dalla variante contemporanea perché quella che ricordo meglio, salvo poi tuffarmi letteralmente nel passato una volta scandagliata per bene questa pista. Si parte, quindi, col rombo cavalleresco dei V8 australiani, perché è giusto che siano loro a fare gli onori di casa. Acceso il motore, l’abitacolo è pervaso da un ruggito cattivo, che sprigiona forza e tutta quella tenacia che solo i bolidi made in Australia hanno sotto pelle. Esco quindi dai box con calma ma allo stesso tempo sono eccitato: subito mi trovo di fronte a uno dei punti più famosi dell’intero circuito, proprio lì, poco dopo l’uscita della pit lane. È la mitica chicane “Senna”, intitolata al leggendario campione di F1 brasiliano che qui vinse due volte a bordo della Mclaren. Si tratta di una chicane veloce, che con queste vetture si può percorrere in terza o quarta marcia (secondo la rapportatura adottata); ma la caratteristica più rilevante è la presenza dei cordoli, alti e aggressivi. Nonostante ciò devono essere presi, anzi, divorati, direi; infatti, se da una parte incutono quasi timore, dall’altra sono levigati per bene, sono smussati nella parte esterna e ciò permette di saltare letteralmente su di essi. Queste auto australiane sanno il fatto loro da questo punto di vista e fin dalle prime battute mi trovo a mio agio saltando da un cordolo all’altro a velocità impensabili se fossi a bordo di un’altra vettura. Superata la Senna Chicane si percorre una rapida curva a sinistra da fare assolutamente in pieno, per poi staccare a fondo e affrontare la prima di quattro curve ad angolo retto. È questa una delle caratteristiche dominanti della pista di Adelaide: nella parte cittadina non ci sono curve originali o pazzesche, ma quasi esclusivamente degli angoli a 90° da superare indenni. Il fatto è che a bordo di una vettura così audace e potente, capace di sprigionare ben oltre 590 cavalli, queste curve non rallentano l’azione e non abbassano i livelli di adrenalina. Al contrario, bisogna sempre essere in allerta, pronti a sfruttare ogni centimetro di asfalto per perdere meno tempo e spazio possibili. Adelaide in questo è un circuito cittadino classico, che sfrutta l’intersezione di varie strade e basta, tutto lì. La distanza tra le varie curve ad angolo retto, però, non è troppa (il che renderebbe l’esperienza alla guida noiosa) né troppo poca; da Wakefield in poi (la quarta curva in totale per intenderci) è un continuo accelerare, cambiare una marcia, scalare e premere di nuovo il gas. Non da tregua, non lascia tempo per respirare e come dicevo prima, si deve mantenere un certo livello di concentrazione perché è un attimo finire contro le barriere... e allora bye bye. Quello che provo dopo numerosi giri è una voglia smisurata di migliorarmi, quella voglia che su un circuito cittadino è difficile trovare se non è più che coinvolgente. Adelaide però lo è, soprattutto la curva atipica e velocissima che immette sul Brabham Straight. Questa curva è emozione allo stato puro, è follia, è gioia e, infatti, ancora adesso mentre ci ripenso, non posso fare a meno di sorridere come un ebete. Perché poche curve in un tracciato cittadino riescono a farti sussultare dall’emozione, ma questa ci riesce eccome. Al primo tentativo vado tranquillo, poi man mano azzardo sempre più a percorrerla in pieno ma purtroppo la verità è che è quasi impossibile farlo, a meno di trovare un assetto bilanciatissimo. Se devo essere sincero, non ho nemmeno lavorato così tanto in garage per migliorare il feeling che fin da subito ho trovato; solo qualche accorgimento per non derapare continuamente fra una curva e l’altra in accelerazione. Il bello della curva 8 è proprio quello di dover dosare sapientemente il gas, far scodare leggermente il posteriore e accarezzare con delicatezza e spregiudicatezza allo stesso tempo, il guard rail. È fantastico. Come fantastico è il resto della pista che entra nel parco; lì diventa più un circuito normale che un cittadino, con curve rotonde, doppie curve e l’erba oltre i cordoli esterni che t’impedisce di esagerare. Con la Super V8 completo una ventina di giri, uno più bello e soddisfacente dell’altro. Prima di tuffarmi nel passato decido di guidare un altro po’ su questa variante moderna e lo faccio a bordo di un camion. Sì, avete capito bene, sto parlando dei giganti da 1000 e più cavalli della Formula Truck. Persino con questi pazzoidi a quattro ruote, il Circuito di Adelaide è divertente e seppur in modo completamente diverso, riesce a coinvolgere. Se nelle anguste curve di città il mio Volvo soffre un poco di claustrofobia, dal rettilineo Brabham in poi è determinato e con esso riesco a sfruttare i cordoli con precisione. La parte più emozionante però resta curva 8 e mettersi leggermente di traverso con questi bestioni è semplicemente strabiliante. Anche in questo caso sono soddisfatto. È tempo quindi di testare l’altra variante, quella classica, del 1988. E lo faccio a bordo di una monoposto (made in Reiza): la poderosa e scalpitante Formula V12. Sembrerà una scelta quasi azzardata ma non c’è nulla che possa eguagliare il sound mostruoso del V12 di questa vettura echeggiare fra i muretti di acciaio del circuito australiano. Ebbene, dopo alcuni giri di conoscenza, nei quali scaldo le gomme e imparo le curve differenti rispetto alla variante moderna, sono pronto a lanciarmi sul breve rettilineo a tutta birra. E vi assicuro che staccare prepotentemente per poi far baciare, anzi, combaciare le ruote anteriori con i cordoli della prima Chicane, è semplicemente elettrizzante. La configurazione della doppia curva in realtà è pressoché identica, salvo non essere più così aggressiva: lascia poco più spazio di manovra e così si può evitare di saltare sui cordoli. Menomale. Per il resto si vede che il tracciato nel corso degli anni non è cambiato fino a che non si arriva alla curva 7, che non è verso destra, ma verso sinistra ed è collegata direttamente alla 8. È una “S” medio veloce da percorrere in terza con il pedale dell’acceleratore lievemente alzato, onde finire in sovrasterzo e girarsi. Dal basso della Formula V12 il cordolo interno mi sembra piuttosto alto, così cerco di evitarlo il più possibile e faccio bene, perché quando capita di toccarlo son guai. Superata Hutt Street e curva 9, ci si immette in un rettilineo breve, la Rundle Road, in una porzione di tracciato che è speculare alla versione odierna. Tuttavia non c’è quella curva pazzesca a destra bensì una sottospecie di chicane che costringe a rallentare, per poi affondare il piede destro sul pedale e raggiungere i 300 orari in un trionfo di suoni acuti. Dalla Duquetteville Hairpin in poi, noto che anche in questo caso il circuito non è cambiato molto: di diverso rispetto a oggi ci sono i cordoli (più permissivi) e le vie di fuga (ancor più restrittive). Vorrei fare altri giri ma decido di provare un’ultima auto prima di terminare la sessione: è la Formula Retro. Una vettura sempre ideata dal mago della fisica Niels Heusinkveld, che omaggia e riprende le caratteristiche delle vetture di F1 anni ‘70/’80. Ho pensato quindi che non ci fosse auto migliore per questa variante classica di Adelaide. E così è, davvero. È come se la monoposto sapesse che questo circuito è suo contemporaneo, perché le curve sembrano meno ostiche tutto a un tratto, contrariamente a quanto mi aspettassi. Le sospensioni più morbide mi permettono di aggredire maggiormente i cordoli e la pista si trasforma: da emozionante e adrenalinica diventa divertente. Tanto che continuo a girare per molti giri, finché non ammaestro per bene la vettura e riesco a non commettere quelle piccole sbavature che alle volte non mi permettono di terminare i giri alla grande. È una sensazione diversa e ne sono sorprendentemente compiaciuto. In seguito a queste prove devo ammettere che in generale apprezzo di più la variante classica, che trovo più completa e originale, anche se la curva 8, la “pazza”, del circuito odierno, manca ed è inimitabile. Dettagli tecnici: passiamo ora a quello che è il lato puramente tecnico della pista e del DLC in generale. Non voglio dare voti ma oggettivamente il circuito australiano è stato riprodotto egregiamente, in entrambe le versioni. Sapendo quali fossero le sue caratteristiche principali, temevo soprattutto per i cordoli, sia quelli interni sia quelli esterni (tipici di Adelaide): fortunatamente ai Reiza Studios hanno lavorato per bene e il risultato è soddisfacente. Non siamo di fronte a dei muri, che spaccano le sospensioni o fanno decollare le auto; si vede che hanno posto cura in questo dettaglio, che poi è fondamentale, in particolare nella parte più cittadina del tracciato. Superato lo scoglio dei cordoli, che secondo me è già una gran cosa, i ragazzi del team brasiliano hanno fatto un gran bel lavoro anche a livello delle superfici. L’asfalto, come ormai da qualche tempo, è dinamico e l’effetto visivo, oltre che fisico, dei marbles è davvero ottimo. Il grip non è eccezionale e in questo caso è un bene perché si tratta di un circuito cittadino, che nella sua quasi interezza è trafficato da auto normali durante l’anno. Ho avuto un buon feedback anche dall’erba: quando si esagera un pochino e si va oltre i cordoli, nella zona del parco, si ha quel minimo di grip che ti fa sbandare ma che ti permette di riprendere la vettura all’ultimo. Quest’ultima caratteristica vale sia per la versione moderna sia per quella classica. Dal punto di vista grafico non ci sono stati grossi miglioramenti rispetto alle altre piste, quindi sì, è godibile ma lontano da altri titoli più blasonati. Sembra quasi che la variante moderna sia più rifinita ma ciò potrebbe essere dovuto al fatto che i colori presenti sono più accesi (per esempio i cordoli rossi, blu e gialli, che migliorano il contrasto visivo). Fortunatamente nelle ore di guida non ho riscontrato alcun bug; l’unico difettuccio (che potrebbe essere dovuto alla configurazione del mio PC) è stato un leggero stuttering all’entrata del parco, nella variante moderna, gareggiando con altre tredici vetture SuperV8. Conclusioni: siamo di fronte ad un lavoro di alto livello, i dettagli sono curati ed entrambe le piste sono coinvolgenti, per nulla frustranti e al contrario, molto divertenti. Per chi fosse indeciso nell’acquisto, quindi, il mio consiglio è di farci un pensierino; non ne rimarrete delusi e potrete passare ore e ore guidando come dei forsennati tra cordoli alti e guard rail oppure immersi in un’aura nostalgica, rivivendo virtualmente le strade percorse da grandi campioni del passato. A cura di Mauro Stefanoni
  23. Dopo il rilascio dell'ultima versione 1.3.5, il team Reiza Studios torna ad aggiornarci sullo sviluppo del suo ottimo Automobilista. La software house brasiliana è infatti al lavoro sulla build 1.4, che porterà con sè numerose migliorie, in particolare al comparto audio. Reiza ci mostra poi le prime immagini di anteprima della nuova monoposto Formula 2017 e del cirucuito di Hockenheim. Hello everyone - as another month wraps, it´s time for our regular Development Update with all the latest news on AMS development. Here ´s what we´ve got to share with you from this past month V1.3.5 Release Just yesterday we´ve deployed our latest v1.3.5 update, packing several fixes and general improvements to the sim. On the graphics front, @Alex Sawczuk has developed a series of all new SweetFX profiles, including a new default setting - these can be previewed and set from AMS Config. These new profiles have been overhauled and use a much better tone mapping layout, a nice improvement over the previous offerings. We have two categories of profiles. The 'A*' category offers a progression in terms of amount of saturation, the digit in the identifier indicates how much saturation there is. Vivid profiles have roughly same lighting as none vivid profiles. but with extra contrast in them. There is then a 'B*' category. These offer a variety of fun post-FX settings for you to try out, the higher the number the generally the more strange the effect. The new default profile is 'A3 Natural Vivid'. Older profiles remains available in the "Legacy" category. We expect different monitors to show up the differences in different amounts - hopefully from one of these new configurations you can find one that you like best. Below are some album previews of the new SFX profiles: Another important new feature in v1.3.5 is the option to fetch setups from other users as ran in their fastest lap in Time Trial mode. To do that, click on the name of the driver you wish to fetch the setup from, and click the "Fetch Setup" button: The setup will then be available for you to load from the Garage Files menu, in the respective track folder: Keep in mind only laps set from this release onwards will have a setup available for fetching. Virtual Xperience TT Rank & Official TT Challenge We have recently introduced a new TT Rank via VX for users participating in the TT leaderboards. This is basically how that works: Rank Points are calculated using the position of each driver´s best lap in every series irrespective of track user - the important thing is to register at least one lap with each individual series in the sim. If driver has not registered a lap in any one given vehicle, they are attributed a penalty position (one place higher than the current largest leaderboard in VX) The higher the driver´s points tally, the better his ranking. Full details of laps counted towards a drivers ranking (and penalties applied) are listed on the driver´s profiles. We strongly recommend users to work on putting together their complete TT Rank - we´ll be offering a few things in the coming months which will surely make it worth your while, and not only for the top guys! Further news on the VX front is that our regular "Time Trial of the Week" fun challenge will be evolving into a full-blown official prize-awarding competition covering 12 weeks, starting April 9th - keep an eye out for the official announcement sometime next week! V1.4 Development Work is already ongoing on v1.4 development - we´re pushing hard to release it before the end of april. Focus currently is on concluding the much anticipated Custom Season Tool for single player championships. We are working on some interesting new options which should hopefully add some extra dimensions not only to championship mode but to the race weekend in general. Another area receiving attention for v1.4 is AI - we have compiled a number of AI issues and general areas for improvements and have allocated a few weeks over the remaining months of AMS development to be dedicated towards addressing as many of those issues as we can. While it´s uncertain how much ground we´ll cover already for v1.4 and subsequently for v1.5, we´re hoping to see some substantial improvements before AMS development wraps. The long overdue support for Steam Achievements is also in progress and scheduled to make it in for v1.4. There have been many enquiries about improving support for the Fanatec CSL and Logitech G29 / G920 - we´re working on those and hope to have news in time for the next release. Major developments also coming in the audio front for v1.4, as @Domagoj Lovric is making some great gains introducing new filters which should hopefully greatly enhance the aural experience in AMS. One of the results from these changes is that we´ll be able to reduce audio samples from the currently huge 16bit / 96kHz WAVs to much smaller 44.1kHz rates. This yields a number of benefits, including smaller RAM usage due to audio samples being considerably smaller size, smaller game footprint on disk and potentially fixing some audio related stutters and glitches. As a visual reference, the images below show a comparison with the introduction of the new filters. First image the filter is OFF - notice these dotted sweeping lines (almost looks like fireworks of noise) above thick line in the bottom: Now with filter ON, there is much less dotted lines or "noise": The real proof of course is in the pudding - below you can check a preview of how all these developments sound in-game: New 2017-spec Formula Work is also progressing on the yet-to-be-named 2017-spec Formula - it´s a looker! The new 2017 car will be added as a free base content to AMS. Along with bundles of extra grip, the big news with this car will be the introduction of new physics models as Turbo & ERS are being developed and will be added not only to this car but to others in the sim which feature either or both. This however is unlikely to be completed in time for v1.4 release - we´ll expand on the topic of these new features in our next Dev Update. Legendary Tracks Pt 3 - Hockenheimring Development of our next DLC is also coming together nicely as the legendary Hockenheim circuit is taking shape, with meshes for both modern 2016 & 2001 versions pretty far along. Here are some early previews: These 2 versions are expected to be ready in time for release of v1.4 towards the end of april, with 1972 & 1988 version to be added soon after. We are looking to confirm the full release schedule for the remaining DLCs as well as some new free base content in the works for Automobilista in time for our next Dev Update, so stay tuned! Worth reminding that the AMS Season Pass which secure all currently available DLCs along with the ones still to be released is currently on sale with 35% off - if you haven´t grabbed that yet make sure to do it now That covers it for our March update - look forward to catching up with you all again around this time next month! Fonte Reiza Studios
  24. Dopo il rilascio dell'ultima versione 1.3.5, il team Reiza Studios torna ad aggiornarci sullo sviluppo del suo ottimo Automobilista. La software house brasiliana è infatti al lavoro sulla build 1.4, che porterà con sè numerose migliorie, in particolare al comparto audio. Reiza ci mostra poi le prime immagini di anteprima della nuova monoposto Formula 2017 e del cirucuito di Hockenheim. Hello everyone - as another month wraps, it´s time for our regular Development Update with all the latest news on AMS development. Here ´s what we´ve got to share with you from this past month V1.3.5 Release Just yesterday we´ve deployed our latest v1.3.5 update, packing several fixes and general improvements to the sim. On the graphics front, @Alex Sawczuk has developed a series of all new SweetFX profiles, including a new default setting - these can be previewed and set from AMS Config. These new profiles have been overhauled and use a much better tone mapping layout, a nice improvement over the previous offerings. We have two categories of profiles. The 'A*' category offers a progression in terms of amount of saturation, the digit in the identifier indicates how much saturation there is. Vivid profiles have roughly same lighting as none vivid profiles. but with extra contrast in them. There is then a 'B*' category. These offer a variety of fun post-FX settings for you to try out, the higher the number the generally the more strange the effect. The new default profile is 'A3 Natural Vivid'. Older profiles remains available in the "Legacy" category. We expect different monitors to show up the differences in different amounts - hopefully from one of these new configurations you can find one that you like best. Below are some album previews of the new SFX profiles: Another important new feature in v1.3.5 is the option to fetch setups from other users as ran in their fastest lap in Time Trial mode. To do that, click on the name of the driver you wish to fetch the setup from, and click the "Fetch Setup" button: The setup will then be available for you to load from the Garage Files menu, in the respective track folder: Keep in mind only laps set from this release onwards will have a setup available for fetching. Virtual Xperience TT Rank & Official TT Challenge We have recently introduced a new TT Rank via VX for users participating in the TT leaderboards. This is basically how that works: Rank Points are calculated using the position of each driver´s best lap in every series irrespective of track user - the important thing is to register at least one lap with each individual series in the sim. If driver has not registered a lap in any one given vehicle, they are attributed a penalty position (one place higher than the current largest leaderboard in VX) The higher the driver´s points tally, the better his ranking. Full details of laps counted towards a drivers ranking (and penalties applied) are listed on the driver´s profiles. We strongly recommend users to work on putting together their complete TT Rank - we´ll be offering a few things in the coming months which will surely make it worth your while, and not only for the top guys! Further news on the VX front is that our regular "Time Trial of the Week" fun challenge will be evolving into a full-blown official prize-awarding competition covering 12 weeks, starting April 9th - keep an eye out for the official announcement sometime next week! V1.4 Development Work is already ongoing on v1.4 development - we´re pushing hard to release it before the end of april. Focus currently is on concluding the much anticipated Custom Season Tool for single player championships. We are working on some interesting new options which should hopefully add some extra dimensions not only to championship mode but to the race weekend in general. Another area receiving attention for v1.4 is AI - we have compiled a number of AI issues and general areas for improvements and have allocated a few weeks over the remaining months of AMS development to be dedicated towards addressing as many of those issues as we can. While it´s uncertain how much ground we´ll cover already for v1.4 and subsequently for v1.5, we´re hoping to see some substantial improvements before AMS development wraps. The long overdue support for Steam Achievements is also in progress and scheduled to make it in for v1.4. There have been many enquiries about improving support for the Fanatec CSL and Logitech G29 / G920 - we´re working on those and hope to have news in time for the next release. Major developments also coming in the audio front for v1.4, as @Domagoj Lovric is making some great gains introducing new filters which should hopefully greatly enhance the aural experience in AMS. One of the results from these changes is that we´ll be able to reduce audio samples from the currently huge 16bit / 96kHz WAVs to much smaller 44.1kHz rates. This yields a number of benefits, including smaller RAM usage due to audio samples being considerably smaller size, smaller game footprint on disk and potentially fixing some audio related stutters and glitches. As a visual reference, the images below show a comparison with the introduction of the new filters. First image the filter is OFF - notice these dotted sweeping lines (almost looks like fireworks of noise) above thick line in the bottom: Now with filter ON, there is much less dotted lines or "noise": The real proof of course is in the pudding - below you can check a preview of how all these developments sound in-game: New 2017-spec Formula Work is also progressing on the yet-to-be-named 2017-spec Formula - it´s a looker! The new 2017 car will be added as a free base content to AMS. Along with bundles of extra grip, the big news with this car will be the introduction of new physics models as Turbo & ERS are being developed and will be added not only to this car but to others in the sim which feature either or both. This however is unlikely to be completed in time for v1.4 release - we´ll expand on the topic of these new features in our next Dev Update. Legendary Tracks Pt 3 - Hockenheimring Development of our next DLC is also coming together nicely as the legendary Hockenheim circuit is taking shape, with meshes for both modern 2016 & 2001 versions pretty far along. Here are some early previews: These 2 versions are expected to be ready in time for release of v1.4 towards the end of april, with 1972 & 1988 version to be added soon after. We are looking to confirm the full release schedule for the remaining DLCs as well as some new free base content in the works for Automobilista in time for our next Dev Update, so stay tuned! Worth reminding that the AMS Season Pass which secure all currently available DLCs along with the ones still to be released is currently on sale with 35% off - if you haven´t grabbed that yet make sure to do it now That covers it for our March update - look forward to catching up with you all again around this time next month! Fonte Reiza Studios
  25. Il tem Reiza ha appena rilasciato la nuova versione aggiornata 1.3.5 del suo ottimo Automobilista. Come potete leggere dalla lista riportata integralmente qui sotto, l'update porta con sè vari bugfix ed anche numerose migliorie e novità. Automobilista v1.3.5 is now out! Here is the main changelog: Added feature to automatically export setups from player´s fastest lap in Time Trial Mode - other users can then fetch this setup by clicking the time on the timing stands and clicking the button to download it Refactored SweetFX profiles & split them into categories, including new default Fixed Config tool bug that would allow native anti-aliasing setting to remain on even when SweetFX is enabled (user should set AA via graphics card control panel when a SFX preset enabled) Added function to automatically disable mid-race full course yellow in tracks that don´t have a Safety Car (such as historical tracks) Fixed bug that would limit opponents to a single car in championship mode irrespective of the actual setting if "randomize" function was on Added UI tooltip to all screens (WIP, not all options have tips and it´s not localized) Added UI option to switch off big screen movies (may help some users´ stuttering issues) Vehicle configuration & install buttons are now hidden when car does not feature configuration options Slightly relaxed track violation detection (except for Time Trial mode) Added volume multiplier to swingman cameras in all cars Adjusted fuel consumption / estimates in various cars Fixed dark mirrors in shadows in some Caterham models, Metalmoro, F309, Ultima GTR Race Adjusted AI corner reduction base for all cars Changed TimedRaceNonLeaderLaps value from 1 to 2 for all series (should address some inconsistencies as to when checkered flag is displayed at the end of timed races) Reduced AI minimum passes per tick (fixing issue that could cause AI to bounce when running over sawtooth curbs) Adjusted Min / Mid / Max AI performance range for several tracks Adjusted default engine rev limit in F-V10, F-Reiza, added F-V12 adjustable rev limit range for a safer default setup on these cars to help prevent engine failures Corrected error from previous build adjusting downshift protection for modern formula cars (increasing rather than decreasing to avoid overreving) Sta Cruz: Improved AI line through chicane F-Truck: Improved diesel smoke logic ARC Camaro: Rim LODs distance correction; Fixed tires UV mapping; Tire now is skinnable; Adjusted engine heating equations SuperV8: Further adjusted AI performance Marcas: Slightly adjusted tire load stiffness & center of gravity height; Adjusted AI weight distribution for better stability & callibrated AI performance; Reduced default rear anti-roll bar stiffness Montana: Minor tire model adjustments; Adjusted chassis yaw inertia (should improve handling over curbs) Mini: Minor tire model adjustments; Adjusted AI weight distribution for better stability Lancer: Minor tire model adjustments; Adjusted AI weight distribution for better stability Ultima: Adjusted weight distribution in all models; Adjusted race tire grip on race tires and load sensitivity on road models; Adjusted engine heating equations Supertruck: Slightly increased tire grip Metalmoro MR18: Reduced default tire pressures; calibrated AI F-Vintage: Adjusted default diff setup; Slightly reduced tires LOD A for better performance; calibrated AI; Corrected right rear wheel LOD error in HIGH detal setting
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