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    Automobilista: nuova versione v1.3.5

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    Il tem Reiza ha appena rilasciato la nuova versione aggiornata 1.3.5 del suo ottimo Automobilista. Come potete leggere dalla lista riportata integralmente qui sotto, l'update porta con sè vari bugfix ed anche numerose migliorie e novità.

    Automobilista v1.3.5 is now out!
    Here is the main changelog:

    • Added feature to automatically export setups from player´s fastest lap in Time Trial Mode - other users can then fetch this setup by clicking the time on the timing stands and clicking the button to download it
    • Refactored SweetFX profiles & split them into categories, including new default
    • Fixed Config tool bug that would allow native anti-aliasing setting to remain on even when SweetFX is enabled (user should set AA via graphics card control panel when a SFX preset enabled)
    • Added function to automatically disable mid-race full course yellow in tracks that don´t have a Safety Car (such as historical tracks)
    • Fixed bug that would limit opponents to a single car in championship mode irrespective of the actual setting if "randomize" function was on
    • Added UI tooltip to all screens (WIP, not all options have tips and it´s not localized)
    • Added UI option to switch off big screen movies (may help some users´ stuttering issues)
    • Vehicle configuration & install buttons are now hidden when car does not feature configuration options
    • Slightly relaxed track violation detection (except for Time Trial mode)
    • Added volume multiplier to swingman cameras in all cars
    • Adjusted fuel consumption / estimates in various cars
    • Fixed dark mirrors in shadows in some Caterham models, Metalmoro, F309, Ultima GTR Race
    • Adjusted AI corner reduction base for all cars
    • Changed TimedRaceNonLeaderLaps value from 1 to 2 for all series (should address some inconsistencies as to when checkered flag is displayed at the end of timed races)
    • Reduced AI minimum passes per tick (fixing issue that could cause AI to bounce when running over sawtooth curbs)
    • Adjusted Min / Mid / Max AI performance range for several tracks
    • Adjusted default engine rev limit in F-V10, F-Reiza, added F-V12 adjustable rev limit range for a safer default setup on these cars to help prevent engine failures
    • Corrected error from previous build adjusting downshift protection for modern formula cars (increasing rather than decreasing to avoid overreving)
    • Sta Cruz: Improved AI line through chicane
    • F-Truck: Improved diesel smoke logic
    • ARC Camaro: Rim LODs distance correction; Fixed tires UV mapping; Tire now is skinnable; Adjusted engine heating equations
    • SuperV8: Further adjusted AI performance
    • Marcas: Slightly adjusted tire load stiffness & center of gravity height; Adjusted AI weight distribution for better stability & callibrated AI performance; Reduced default rear anti-roll bar stiffness
    • Montana: Minor tire model adjustments; Adjusted chassis yaw inertia (should improve handling over curbs)
    • Mini: Minor tire model adjustments; Adjusted AI weight distribution for better stability
    • Lancer: Minor tire model adjustments; Adjusted AI weight distribution for better stability
    • Ultima: Adjusted weight distribution in all models; Adjusted race tire grip on race tires and load sensitivity on road models; Adjusted engine heating equations
    • Supertruck: Slightly increased tire grip
    • Metalmoro MR18: Reduced default tire pressures; calibrated AI
    • F-Vintage: Adjusted default diff setup; Slightly reduced tires LOD A for better performance; calibrated AI; Corrected right rear wheel LOD error in HIGH detal setting

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