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F1 2011

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Tramite i solito account Twitter e il forum ufficiale iniziano a trapelare i primi indizi su F1 2011. Il team ha infatti chiesto cosa può migliorare l'esperienza online e sono comparsi interventi vari in merito agli obiettivi per F1 2011.

Da Steve Hood:

Raced the latest Alonso AI this evening... struggled to keep up!

Bozzetto relativo all'alettone posteriore:


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Bozzetto da riunione che segue il topic aperto sul forum ufficiale in cui si chiedeva in che modo avremmo voluto mostrare a video la grafica relativa all'alettone posteriore e la possibilit

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Quanto meno hanno ammesso il problema che capita a volte nel pit-stop della Force India in F1 2010. Dopo tutto basta poco per mantenere quel minimo di comunicazione che non fa infuriare chi ha acquistato il gioco e se lo ritrova buggato.

After investigation this Force India pitstop bug isn't something we can easily patch as we were not able to locate the root cause of the issue, however rest assured that we are taking measures to make sure this is resolved in our future F1 titles. This has resulted in a personnel reshuffle leading to the pits system being rewritten from scratch to be more intelligent, robust and extensible.

We know that we've said we're not going to reveal anything about F1 2011 until just before the Melbourne GP, but we felt it right to inform you of this change now so that we can make it known nothing is being overlooked or brushed aside.

Please continue to provide us with your constructive feedback regarding F1 2010, as you can see it is very valuable to us and helps us greatly in deciding what needs improving in F1 2011.

Steve Hood ci dice anche che i problemi con i tempi delle cambiate sono stati risolti (si parla comunque di frazioni di secondo, non fa riferimento ai problemi che molti hanno selezionando Rapture3D come audio).

And I've since said the gear changes are fixed, with the EGO engine...

Ant helps, primarily, with the Car Handling. He's not really involved in all the other game features.

Just thought I'd clear that up!

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In merito ai presunti aiuti nascosti di F1 2010:

I can confirm there were no hidden driving aids

We know why some people think there were, and we're going through eradicating the issues for the next game.

No hidden aids? What about the auto correcting brake, you can't say that wasn't an aid. Hope its one of the things being eradicated

It wasn't an intentional driving aid - I didn't overlook it in my previous reply. That was just a side-effect of something else, admittedly an unfortunate one, but a side-effect nonetheless.

Nothing is wound off when using a steering wheel but the force feedback and other bits and pieces are being looked at for '11. It should all feel much nicer.

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