Come già anticipato nei giorni scorsi dal sito ufficiale, è stata pubblicata oggi da SimHQ una lunga intervista fatta a Gjon Camaj e Tim Wheatley del team ISI, riguardo il presente e soprattutto il futuro del loro rFactor 2.
Gjon and Tim, how would you characterize where rFactor 2 is in development at the moment?
Gjon: rF2 is in heavy development, there is always something new in the works. In general this is no different since rFactor was conceived a decade ago. You could pretty much pick any day over the past ten years and the development effort would look about the same. It’s a different model then what most software developers face. Anyone on our team can decide to create a new feature. We have a great group of friends in our internal test team and forums that provide advice. We debate with them and then among ourselves until we settle on a direction...