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Simracing per tutti: iniziare spendendo poco

I costi nel motorsport reale sono proibitivi... ma nel simracing si può cominciare spendendo poco!
Simracing per tutti
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    Review: Nascar Thunder 2004

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    L'autorevole portale di GameSpy ha pubblicato la propria recensione del recente Nascar Thunder 2004 in versione PC: il titolo targato EA Sports viene premiato globalmente con un voto finale di 4 su 5.

    On TV, NASCAR racing might not look like much to the uninitiated viewer -- just a bunch of guys driving in circles -- but in reality, NASCAR drivers need enormous skill and finesse to keep all that horsepower under control. The slightest bumps in the road and the varied transitions between corners and straightaways require great skill to navigate at 190 mph while other cars ride mere feet away. The slightest slip-up and you'll at best lose time, at worst careen out of control.

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