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I costi nel motorsport reale sono proibitivi... ma nel simracing si può cominciare spendendo poco!
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    Anche RaceRoom passerà ad Unreal 4 Engine

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    Come sappiamo, il prossimo GTR3 viene sviluppato dal neonato team Simbin sfruttando il potente engine grafico Unreal 4. A sua volta, il team Sector3, legato come sappiamo a doppio filo al gruppo svedese, ha confermato in una intervista che anche il suo RaceRoom Racing Experience sarà aggiornato in futuro e passerà all'Unreal 4, non solo per restare al passo con i tempi a livello grafico, ma anche per implementare nel software opzioni come il ciclo giorno - notte e le condizioni meteo. La priorità al momento resta ovviamente quella di lavorare su GTR3, ma ci chiediamo: avrebbe senso un tale upgrade per RaceRoom, per avere in pratica due simulatori quasi identici?

    We know with R3E the game engine is old in comparison to the competition, there is no doubt we are missing certain elements and eye candy the others have. We took the decision that Unreal is the way to go. Eventually RaceRoom will move across to this new technology, but first and foremost it's GTR3. Then we look into what we can do with RaceRoom afterwards....

    There is no doubt that the work that is going on for GTR3 we will see in RaceRoom when we make that decision to switch, which means day night cycle, weather, improved physics, AI and visuals. All these goodies will be coming across when the time is right. No doubt there is still some key elements missing in RaceRoom... Flag system, tyre compounds on certain cars is being worked on. Multiclass racing we have a design on paper and will at some point work towards that but first and foremost we have to get the structured MP racing features done.

    Think of it like this, two separate studios working on two separate products. We are under the same umbrella but we are two separate entities working on different things. We are supporting one another in different areas and provide feedback where necessary, but the Swedish studio is still solely responsible for RaceRoom whilst the UK studio is responsible for GTR3. We want to assure everyone that RaceRoom is going to be here for a long time.

    Inoltre non perdetevi la nuova intervista fatta al team Sector3.

    RD: So in short the GTR3 announcement from SimBin won't prevent RaceRoom for developing further, it will in fact dovetail the development and open up opportunities for R3E to become bigger and better than would be possible without GTR3?
    CS: Think of it like this, two separate studios working on two separate products. We are under the same umbrella but we are two separate entities working on different things. We are supporting one another in different areas and provide feedback where necessary but the Swedish studio is still solely responsible for RaceRoom whilst the UK studio is responsible for GTR3.


    Edited by VELOCIPEDE

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