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Simracing per tutti: iniziare spendendo poco

I costi nel motorsport reale sono proibitivi... ma nel simracing si può cominciare spendendo poco!
Simracing per tutti

    Assetto Corsa Competizione XIV - Assistant: app informazioni carburante e strategie

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    La nuova XIV - Assistant è una app per Assetto Corsa Competizione decisamente utile e funzionale: ci mostra in sovrimpressione su schermo, aggiornata in tempo reale, tutte le informazioni riguardanti il consumo di carburante e le varie possibili strategie da implementare in gara. Come potete vedere anche dal video che ci mostra l'app in azione, si tratta di una risorsa per certi versi fondamentale, utile sia ai professionisti che ai principianti del simracing!

    E' possibile scaricarla gratuitamente da questo link, mentre utilizzate questo topic del forum per domande e discussioni in merito. La XIV - Assistant app richiede per funzionare l'installazione del SimHub dashboard.


    What is it ?
    It's a Simhub overlay that assists you in realtime during a race. It provides usefull information about the race progression and helps you to define your pit strategy.

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    The most important thing to know !
    If you watch the timeline and see green and red markers, that means you can't finish the race and you have to pit. If the redline is displayed just before the end of the race, you can consider changing map to use less fuel.

    When is it usefull ?

    • On race start : the last marker (white one) of timeline provides you the estimated needed amount of fuel to complete the race.
    • On races where one pit is required (or can be required -> for example, some cars may need to run map 2 in sprint races for a while, it helps to now when you're using too much/few fuel).
    • When there is one pit remaining = two fuel tanks stints. That means between 2h and 3h in the end of the race.
    • When you have to pit earlier (for example if rain starts or if you get damage), the assistant helps you to know when to PIT late enough to prevent a second stop.

    How to use and read it ?
    This assistant displays a progressive timeline with information based on two modes :

    • 1st page : Averages (blue progress bar) : fuel usage and laptimes
    • 2nd page : Last lap (orange progressbar) : considers only data from last lap
    • 3rd page : empy page : allows to hide the assistant

    To change mode, you have to bind a key in Simhub to go to next page.

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    When it's relevant, some markers appear. When green + red markers are displayed, that means a pit is required to finish the race.

    • Green marker : defines the earlier pit. That mean you can stop there, refuel max tank and finish the race. This marker is usefull if you run damage or you have to changes tyres because of weather changes. If you stop before this marker, you will need a 2nd stop.
    • Red marker : defines the car maximum autonomy. Its the later pit.

    Both markers display three lines :

    1. ETA : Estimated time + laps to reach the marker
    2. What you have to in box (how much fuel you have to put to be able to finish the race)
    3. Duration of remaining stint
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    When a pit Window is set-up, it's indicated on the timeline.
    If you see empty bar, that means everything is ok : you have enough fuel to reach the 0:00 race timer (extra lap not included).

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