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BDH H1 H-Pattern Shifter: un super cambio H da 1600 euro!


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Unlike bigger brands that create a product to fit a specific price range, BDH did whatever it took to create the ultimate Sim Racing H-Pattern Shifter with a realistic feel. It turns out that “whatever it takes” costs about US$1200! So the BDH H1 H-Pattern shifter must be one of the most realistic Sim Racing shifters available, right?! On Paper the BDH H1 “Bazooka” does not have a big feature set, it can not be switched to sequential mode like many other cheaper shifters, and its mounting options are a little complex. So we took a detailed look at the BDH H1 to find out just how immersive an experience it can give, and exactly what the impact of its limitations are to help you decide if this boutique shifter is worthy of a place on your sim rig.



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