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[AC] Sol v2.2 - weather simulation system by Peter Boese


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Complete changelog of Sol 2.1.1:
- python: fixed UI class
# fixed handling with hide/show elements
- python: fixed a bug in sol_interface.py
# if communication is slow, a very rare condition was called. That code stops Sol Planner.
- app: Sol Planner 1.1
# fixed a bug with wrong "evening" and "sunset" calculation
# Wiper control is now hidden, if Sol Planner shows "...is not running"
# fixed "not possible to scroll" in save/load dialogs
# added CM weather button
# tweaked wiper speed/rain amount automation
- core: removed ambient brightness boost with overcast
- core: fixed a bug in fog graphics. It caused an error when switching performance presets in Sol_config.
- gxf ambient light: tweaked ambient light with __overcast and __badness modulator
- skydome: tweaked look with __overcast modulator
- filter: adapted CSP lights multiplier calculation
- filter: added interior AE prediction
# an optimal AE interior multiplier is predicted out of the car's interior and exterior AE mulitplier
# use SOL_filter__predict_interiorAE() in a custom config to get this value
# look in __Sol_Extra custom config for an example
# only working with CSP 1.75p8 or higher
- audio: added wiper sounds:
# only working with CSP 1.75p8 or higher
# added speed- and friction-based sound modulation
- PPFilter/custom config: __Sol_Extra, __Sol_Extra_Reinhard
# added interior AE prediction for better interior AE in cars with very small windows (prototypes)
# only working with CSP 1.75p8 or higher
# some small tweaks to overcast influence on Autoexposure and contrast
- controller "2.1", tweaked humidity and fog progression of drying process
- controller "2.1", switched to rainWater to force rainFX to load (road has some small puddles, but no rain anymore)
- files: updated Sol 2.1 install guide.pdf
# added a hint to use non-user folder on page 10
# recommended reflections settings
- files: added "How it works - AC CM CSP Sol.pdf"

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  • 8 months later...

Assetto Corsa è stato pubblicato per la prima volta nel lontano Dicembre del 2014, quindi quasi 8 anni fa ! Anche se per quanto riguarda il comparto fisico e dinamico il sim targato Kunos Simulazioni è in grado tutt'oggi di poter dire la sua con autorità, il fattore estetico comincia un pò ad accusare il peso degli anni che passano...

Per fortuna però giungono in soccorso vari modders che, con alcuni aggiornamenti tecnici e varie migliorie, sono in grado di trasformare letteralmente Assetto Corsa rendendolo incredibilmente fotorealistico ! Il video che trovate qui sotto ci mostra in ogni dettaglio come procedere con l'installazione e la configurazione dei vari addons, che  vi indichiamo di seguito dove scaricare.

Exquisite PPFilter [Realism]

- Video settings

- CSP Settings

- SOL utility

- Content Manager


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  • VELOCIPEDE changed the title to [AC] Sol v2.2 - weather simulation system by Peter Boese

Nuova versione 2.2.2


- core/CSP: added calculation of CSP's ambient darkness (INPUT=AMBIENT for conditions)
- core/CSP: version checking to be compatible with CSP 1.69
# the new "AMBIENT" input calculation for conditions in the track config only works with the upcomming CSP 1.76 and later
- 3d basemod clouds: correct version check for "alphaSmoothTransition" member, fixes wfx halts with csp <1.75


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  • 9 months later...

Peter Boese ha rilasciato per Assetto Corsa la nuova versione aggiornata 2.2.6 della sua applicazione denominata SOL, ovvero un completo update agli shader del gioco, basato sulla precedente patch creata da Ilja Usupov, che implementa un sistema completo di simulazione del meteo e del ciclo giorno e notte.

Leggete con attenzione la nuova e completa guida all'installazione aggiornata per l'ultima release. Consigliamo anche l'installazione dei Natural Mod Filter disponibili a questo link.

Per il download del file fate click qui, mentre per commenti e discussioni fate riferimento a questo topic del forum.


- apps: Sol Planner 3.7
# removed wetness finetune
# added unscaled rainFX parameters output
# added rainFX difficulty slider, to control the level of wetness generation
# redefined the rain values

- apps: Sol Planner 3.8
# fixed time multiplier saving

- controller: V2.42
# reworked wetness calculation with rainFX v2
# reworked humidity and fog calcualtion with rainFX v2
# reworked evolution of weather parameters over time
# added rainFX difficulty
# controls the level of wetness generation
# added a better scaling of rainFX v2 to the more convenient scale in Sol Planner

- files: updated Sol Planner manual
- files: updated Sol install guide

sol v2.1 app.JPG

sol v2.1.JPG





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