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Venerdi 20 Settembre ore 13,00 CHIUSURA ISCRIZIONI Campionato Italiano GT4 ACI Esport 2024 ×

TCR Mod per Project CARS 2


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E' disponibile come promesso per Project CARS 2 il nuovissimo TCR Mod, progetto dedicato all'omonima serie turismo mondiale. Il mod, che utilizza le vetture 3D create dalla collaborazione tra il team CIRacesonline e quello di The Rollovers, ci permette di simulare in modo completo il combattutissimo campionato TCR della passata stagione che, grazie a vetture potenti, divertenti e gestibili, risulta essere assolutamente apprezzabile. Qui di seguito il trailer di lancio, mentre per il download da 700MB fate click qui.

The present MOD of the Category TCR, is only to complete and make more complete this category, it has no economic purpose, it is authorized by the creators of the 3d files (https://ciracesonline.it) to whom we grow. The MODEXTREME group controls all the conversion and publication of the mod tcr. To those who feel affected in one way or another, please write via email to evacuate the query. Technical installation support is not given. Said mod runs under the activation program "Generic Mod Enabler" for which said author runs on his own. It is not responsible for bans from the companies that created Project Cars 2, nor from Steam, nor any of those that are involved, as well as any damage caused by the installation and / or attempt to make it work. That said, we wish you enjoy this conversion that has taken so long. Attached are images of how the mod should be installed.

1) They must unzip in the root folder of the original "Project Cars 2", example "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ steamapps \ common \ Project CARS 2 \"
2) Run the file "JSGME"
3) Activate the patch "Bootfiles for PC2 Vx.x.x.x (Activate After Cars)"
4) Then the cars in any order as in the attached images.
5) launch the game


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