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Reiza raccoglie fondi per nuovo progetto


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Una sorta di rF2 curato pero' dai Reiza, ma magari!


Se intendi che Reiza riesce dove ISI non arriva, tipo come RF1, dico anch'io magari! ma se ISI ci riesce, si investe in un prodotto copia: questo il rischio che intendevo io parlando di finanziamento, soldi e tempo persi.

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Un investimento di 120 euro circa per la fruizione "vitalizia" di due prodotti è un rischio che sono felice di... correre (per rimanere in tema). :)

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Un investimento di 120 euro circa per la fruizione "vitalizia" di due prodotti è un rischio che sono felice di... correre (per rimanere in tema). :)



120 euro!!!!! :blink:.......  ma per avere almeno gli aggiornamenti sui giochi esistenti quanto bisogna spendere? 

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I 120 euro si riferiscono alla somma del livello 5 di questa campagna + l'acquisto di rFactor 2: da qui i "due prodotti".

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Avevo intenzione di rinnovare Iracing per un anno, ma il lavoro di questo team mi ha sorpreso e sono anch'io tentato dall'opzione 5 :sbava:, e poi vorrei provare il multy, c'è qualche forum italiano che organizza garette fra amici?

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Reiza SimRacing Bonanza - More Good News!

Thanks to the 367 backers who together have funded 36% of the goal so far, we are very happy to confirm the following upcoming additions:

SuperV8 (for GSCE);

Mitsubishi Lancer Cup (for GSCE);

Montreal modern (for GSCE & FTruck);

Velo Cittá (for GSCE & FTruck).

As per previous information, all backers from the campaign will earn early access to these developments as they reach beta status. The content will later be added to the release versions of the games for all to enjoy.

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While our crowdfunding campaign is still in progress, we have already been able to confirm some new upcoming content for Stock Car Extreme - one of which the much antecipated SuperV8. Listen to it roar!
As per previous information, backers of the campaign will have access to beta builds to try out the new content before official release. Should not be long now!


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Il team Reiza torna a mostrarci in video i progressi riguardanti il proprio lavoro di sviluppo: il trailer sottostante è dedicato in particolare alle notevoli migliorie e novità implementate a livello di pneumatici, con uno sguardo anche al rinnovato circuito di Montreal.


A demonstration of some neat stuff we have been working on - tire dirt pick-up from running off track & flatspotting. Here you can see how these will cause visible damage to the tire and notice the actual physical effect of this damage, as the flatspot provokes some violent vibration down the straights. The depth of the flatspot on the tire is a function of the tire softness, load as well as how long it dragged along the road during the wheel lock-up. The tire will then round up again and the ride smooth out, as the rubber around the flatspot gradually wears off.
These functionalities are currently implemented externally and only for the player´s car - one of our goals with the campaign is to fully integrate them into the codebase for AI & multiplayer to bring the dynamics of tire management & behavior to another, far more realistic level. Speaking of dynamics, we´re also pushing to confirm another fundamental element of real racing into our list of coding goals within the campaign´s budget - watch this space!
Since there is no such thing as too much goodness, this video also gives a glimpse of our new modern Montreal track - already confirmed as future free additions for both Stock Car Extreme & Formula Truck thanks to all of those who already contributed with our crowdfunding campaign!


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Il team Reiza torna a mostrarci in video i progressi riguardanti il proprio lavoro di sviluppo: il trailer sottostante è dedicato in particolare alla nuovissima vettura SuperV8, in azione sul rinnovato circuito di Montreal.


As previously confirmed, thanks to everyone who has already contributed we have already been able to confirm some fresh new content for Stock Car Extreme - one of which the much antecipated SuperV8. Only a few more days now!
While our crowdfunding campaign is still in progress, we have already been able to confirm some new upcoming content for Stock Car Extreme - one of which the much antecipated SuperV8. Here are a few sample laps and a replay showcasing our upcoming australian V8 beast, set to become one of the most fun & popular additions to Stock Car Extreme!
Track is Modern Montreal, another new track recently confirmed thanks to the campaign funding so far. As per previous information, backers of the campaign will have access to beta builds to try out the new content before official release - only a few days to go now!

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