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rfDynHud Plugin 1.3 by CTDP


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credo proprio di no!!! ;)

anche se non l'ho provato l'ho visto in funzone anche con mod che non sono dei CTDP

Edited by Go!tta
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Guest Gill

Lo trovo bellissimo e molto utile per la creazione del setup e gestione della gara.

Ho rilevato un presunto problema: disputando una gara online con la Mod f11993 l'indicatore del consumo dei freni non mi

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Ho rilevato un presunto problema: disputando una gara online con la Mod f11993 l'indicatore del consumo dei freni non mi
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  • 7 months later...

Disponibile la nuova versione 1.20.




- Fixed engine and (esp.) brake wear/lifetime calculations.

- Added support for rendering the overlay on the session monitor views.

- When observing other vehicles the HUD displays data for this vehicle (as much as available).

- Some Widgets (or parts if them) are now auto-hidden when switching to AI control, since the rFactor Plugin interface doesn’t provide data for them in that case.

- Added a localizations system (translations) for Widgets.

- Added support for imperial units.

- Added MapWidget rotation according to the current vehicle’s heading.

- Added sector specific colors to MapWidget.

- MapWidget/TrackPositionWidget: draw important positions last.

- Added vehicle class relative scoring (configuration global option).

- Added support for timed races (estimate max laps, calculate lifetime).

- Improved early rendering of Widgets to reduce the gap when entering the cockpit.

- Added rfdynhud.ini as central plugin configuration file to support localizations and custom config folders, etc.

- RevMeterWidget: Rev limit from setup is now used. This enables you to actually use rev markes fixed in the background image.

- RevMeterWidget: Digital max revs can now be boost level dependent.

- Added pause detection. (esp. engine wear will not go down)

- Added a data cache to restore fuel usage and fastest lap times per mod, car and track.

- Added support for multiple displays.

- Added SpeedoWidget.

- Added AssembledWidget to combine existing Widgets to create a new and more complex one in an efficient way.

- Added support for images to style the ETV Widgets. Images are made by Daniel Zemla.

- Added a Director plugin and editor extension to control a remote in game rfDynHUD from a Director mode in the editor.

- Added TinyPositionWidget.

- Added ETVFastestLapWidget.

- Added a basic RideHeightWidget.

- Added a FuelNeedleWidget.

- Added DashboardWidget.

- Added ETVTelemetryWidget (Revs, Velocity, Trottle/Brake).

- StartingLightWidget’s visibility handling changed. Make sure, initialVisibility is on, if you don’t plan to toggle it with an InputAction.

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  • 7 months later...


Mirror Driving Italia : http://www.drivingitalia.net/forum/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=966

Marvin Fröhlich released version 1.3.0 of his rfDynHUD overlay-plugin for rFactor. This is mainly a maintenance release, however there have been some cleanup and some changes to the Widget-API. Widgets written for version 1.2.x may not work and should be updated. We urge third-party authors to update their widgets. Please report any problems you encounter in our forums.

rfDynHUD is Open Source and licensed under GNU Public License V2. Contact Marvin for access to the source code. Please remember the license does not allow commercial redistribution!

New version 1.3.0 of rfDynHUD released.

Its been well over a year since Marvin released the first version of rfDynHUD which enables you to easily customize your own overlays in rFactor and lets you even create your very own personal Widgets. Since then Marvin has continued development, updated and improved the plugin. Today we release version 1.3.0 which is mostly a maintenance release that has a lot of code cleaning and bugfixes.

However, changes have been done to the Widget-API, that regard Third-Party Widgets. If you encounter problems, contact their authors.

The new release also includes the SDK that teaches you how to write you very own Widgets in Java. The SDK includes example Widgets and documentation on how they work. It takes an hour to work through it and get started. This is a very powerful feature the community has not yet discovered in it's full potential. Be creative! ;)

rFDynHUD is Open Source licensed with the GNU Public License V2. Contact Marvin to get access to the source code and collaborate in the project.


rfDynHUD means rFactor Dynamic HUD.

It is a new, feature rich, configurable and extendable dynamic HUD system for rFactor. It is configured through ini files, which are created and modified using the provided editor, which is kinda self-documentary. Please read the readme with care to learn how to use this plugin.


  • Create your own custom overlays for rFactor with as much or as little information as you want.
  • An intuitive editor is included to create these overlay configurations.
  • Support for different overlays for each session, car and mod.
  • Data and information Widgets for nearly any kind of situation.
  • TV-Overlay included (Ecclestone TV 2010), new images by Daniel Zemla

111309726t.jpg 596977183t.jpg

This post has been promoted to an article

Edited by Alessandro Pollini
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  • 1 year later...

Volevo fare una domanda...

Ho installato il mod F1RFT2011 e conseguentemente anche questo plugin.

Io però volevo chiedervi come potevo disabilitarlo del tutto (nel senso renderlo non funzionante) per alcuni mod.

Per esempio se lo volessi usare solo nel mod F1RFT2011 come devo agire...

Io ho provato, come c'è scritto nel help, a creare una cartella dove poter mettere i file .ini da dedicare al singolo mod, però cosi facendo mi compare una scritta in mezzo allo schermo che dice che non trova nessun file adatto, e la stessa cosa vale quando carico il modo F1RFT2011

Qualcuno riesce a darmi qualche indicazione in più :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

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