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Project CARS Build 323 (15/10/12 - Team Member+)


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Build 323 (15/10/12, Team Member+)


* Weather is initialized based on the host data.

* Online UI will set weather on admin.

* Added logging of green-light related events.

* Increased protocol version due to the data format changes.

* Weather is synchronized.

* Added API to set weather from the admin.

* Added code to support syncing of participant app-side data, in addition to physics packets.

* Added headlight synchronization.

* Added a bit of logging to a few places.

* Added extra logging when leaving/disconnecting from DS or session.

* Added new category for GameManager's networking logs and moved several log messages to this new category.

* Added synchronizing of race date and time.

* Added API to set race date and time for the host.

* Changed regular ping log level to Debug, reverted ping frequency from 5s back to 2s.

* Implemented wrong way penalties - currently DQ after 5 seconds of wrong wayness in MP.


* Removed aserts from DX9 parameter setting code, and replaced with returning error codes to allow useful error reporting

* fix for set max range on emap not actually doing anything.

* Added Array Init for temporary impact pieces array which was causing crash for Doug

* Fixed memory leaks caused by loss of deferred removal updates on track exit.

* Code and shader changes to allow drying lines and puddles.

* Code to setup underpass flags.

* Camera bounding box test to tell game what reflection elements to render.

* Reflections now render , crowds , pitt crews , pit girls etc..

* wet track textures optimised with dxt and lower res

* edits to the track wetness mask adding puddles in green channel and main mask in red.

* moving drying line and reflection noise textures from weather to track textures for easier path setup in max and becuase they won't build from the weather dir.

TextDB : Updated call to BStricmpUnsafe


* Removed case insensitive functions from BUniString

* Renamed wide versions of BStricmp/BStristr to signify Unsafe

* Fixed a project config error in 360 Gold where Unicode was set incorrectly

* Removed wide versions of BStrupr BStrlwr

* First draft of cmd line support class

* Added CompareNoCase to BUniString (already in BString)

* Added BuniString overload to BUniString::Compare

* Added extra getters to player profile to access time progression enumeration.

* Added extra getter to track details to return race day.

* Switch to player control instantly in TT. Rolling starts can now switch to player control instantly.

* Added GameManagerNetworking logging category.


* Corrected SP300R width (should be full tyre width and not just tread).

* New Caterham SP300 specific tyre with correct tread widths (.225, .232 CM).

* Add correct tyre width for front and rear tyres to all cars.

GUI - New Controls screen, menus aligned to center screen when using a multi-monitor setup, Hide button on main menu properly hides objects now, correct kerning on large fonts


* balance updates

* updated LM11 TDX set with vibration, rattles and eq/filter cuves

* updating Formula A sound set with latest tech: eq curves, vibration etc.

* balancing changes for updated Formula A sounds

* balancing changes; adding vibration and rattle layer

* poss fix for reported lack of teanny whine for Racer V8

* balance adjustments and slight tune of tranny pitch

* BMW M1 updated for latest vibration and rattles

* adding vibration and rattle samples to various cars

Eifelwald_GP. New texture maps, Tweaked textures.

Known issues: when manual control for TT starts throttle input is broken. Can be fixed with session restart

Build 322 (12/10/12, Team Member+)

Fixes to menu list array sizing, and to the lobby assigned menu list size

Quick fixes to prevent array overruns in lists

Disable 3D scene updating and rendering (car preview and background) while lobby is active

Fixed lazy inits on Events screen

Increased progresspoint timeouts to help track issues causing progresspoint disconnects in build 321

Lower MP time progression to 10x (from 30x)

Changed bridge feeding policy (not every sample is stored to new slot to get longer interval in given number of samples)

Physics/bridge timing - gExecTimer used only for bridge, Notify callbacks use incoming execTimerSynchronisedTime value. Bridge interpolation uses time near to last complete physics frame. Bridge holds some new timing data (like last completed physics frame time stamp, last stamp time,...) Engine.cpp - assert removed

Added extra logging to datagram protocol

Online sessions:

* Added more asserts to vehicle validation to catch invalid values coming from outside the online session system

* Increased protocol version

* Changed the message containing user setup to allow more than one user setup per message

* Changed code sending user updates to pack more than one user setup to a single message when possible

* Added sequence numbers to request messages sent to host. The host can drop duplicate messages before sending duplicate responses, which would then be dropped anyway. This decreases traffic in low-ping situations

* Number of laps for online races are set according to the requested setup

* Removed some obsolete MP code

Formula A: revised default setup to work better on STM

Adds num of players to lobby screen

Wisconsin Raceway - add new txt for Ministand and SmallWhiteHut

Audio: adding vibration and rattle samples to Z4GT3 set

Audio: stockcar mupdated with latest load curves, filtering, eq, rattles and vibration layers

Audio: updated stock car level balance

Modified position of T1 cones based on forum feedback

Audio: adding rattles and vibration samples to Stockcar engine set

Added lobby players number applink

Pressure model fix and pdb file

Audio: updated V8-RS engine set checked in with latest eq and filter curves, vibration layers and rattles

Audio: fix for transmission whine pitch issue at high engine speeds

New brake markers on eifelwald gp

Audio: adding vibration layer sound to V8-RS engine set

Audio: adding rattle samples to V8-RS engine set

Bathurst:Resaved to fix corrupt texture

EifelWald: New Textures

Adjusted GUI offset on all cars for best appearance in menu garage scene. Added missing statistics files

Wisconsin Raceway - add new textures for Adverts and TshirtShop

New Eifelwald export

Build 322 includes an early preview of the new "Seta" tyre model (STM). It's still early days and there is plenty more to come (AJ will fill in the details of this in his inimitable style later), but it's at a stage now where more testing and feedback would be beneficial. Plus we wanted to reward/thank everybody for their support during the first year of the project by giving them something fun to play with over the weekend. There are lots of things to bear in mind though so please read this post carefully!


1. Run the game exe with -seta on the command line to put it in STM mode.

2. Test primarily with the Formula A - there is only one type/compound of tyre currently and that is for the FA. Note though that even this tyre is far from final in terms of parameter tuning (we're still experimenting with basics such as base grip and stiffness, WMD feedback will help this process though) - it's enough though imo to give a good preview of what this tyre model can offer in comparison to the old one. It does work on other cars, but as you'd expect the results vary, between great (imo!) and very-buggy-indeed.

3. If you experience very strong FFB then try the attached FFBTweakers file http://forum.wmdport....9&d=1350043113- unzip it to your documents\CARS\FFB folder (you'll need to create the FFB folder if you haven't done so before). All I've done different to the default is lower MzScale to 0.25 from 0.5, so you may want to tweak this further if it's not right for your system (you can use the two FFB strength related GUI options to tune this as well of course).

4. Do plenty of laps before posting feedback! It feels very different to the old model and different can sometimes feel bad as a first impression.

Known Issues

1. Per car tyres not implemented yet - only Formula A has proper tyres so far.

2. FFB defaults need refining for new model.

3. AI control at the start of time trials is buggy and usually causes a (car) crash.

4. Odd collision behaviour with some kerbs, sometimes causing a "warp" effect.

5. Violent FFB oscillation at the start of a session when car is at a standstill (not a problem when the car is stationary after then though oddly).

6. Existing setups will need reworking to suit the new tyres, things like diff and brake setup are directly affected.

7. Tyre temperature and wear modelling not finished yet.

One other important note is that this will likely mess up the leaderboards a bit (i.e. because laps will be being set with the same car but on two different tyres), but that's an important part of the testing process anyway, i.e. how do the laptimes compare, with both real life and the old brush tyre model (BTM). Same applies to MP as well, but just look at is as having a choice of two compounds available and the driver/team having to choose (!).

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Build 323 (15/10/12, Team Member+)


* Weather is initialized based on the host data.

* Online UI will set weather on admin.

* Added logging of green-light related events.

* Increased protocol version due to the data format changes.

* Weather is synchronized.

* Added API to set weather from the admin.

* Added code to support syncing of participant app-side data, in addition to physics packets.

* Added headlight synchronization.

* Added a bit of logging to a few places.

* Added extra logging when leaving/disconnecting from DS or session.

* Added new category for GameManager's networking logs and moved several log messages to this new category.

* Added synchronizing of race date and time.

* Added API to set race date and time for the host.

* Changed regular ping log level to Debug, reverted ping frequency from 5s back to 2s.

* Implemented wrong way penalties - currently DQ after 5 seconds of wrong wayness in MP.


* Removed aserts from DX9 parameter setting code, and replaced with returning error codes to allow useful error reporting

* fix for set max range on emap not actually doing anything.

* Added Array Init for temporary impact pieces array which was causing crash for Doug

* Fixed memory leaks caused by loss of deferred removal updates on track exit.

* Code and shader changes to allow drying lines and puddles.

* Code to setup underpass flags.

* Camera bounding box test to tell game what reflection elements to render.

* Reflections now render , crowds , pitt crews , pit girls etc..

* wet track textures optimised with dxt and lower res

* edits to the track wetness mask adding puddles in green channel and main mask in red.

* moving drying line and reflection noise textures from weather to track textures for easier path setup in max and becuase they won't build from the weather dir.

TextDB : Updated call to BStricmpUnsafe


* Removed case insensitive functions from BUniString

* Renamed wide versions of BStricmp/BStristr to signify Unsafe

* Fixed a project config error in 360 Gold where Unicode was set incorrectly

* Removed wide versions of BStrupr BStrlwr

* First draft of cmd line support class

* Added CompareNoCase to BUniString (already in BString)

* Added BuniString overload to BUniString::Compare

* Added extra getters to player profile to access time progression enumeration.

* Added extra getter to track details to return race day.

* Switch to player control instantly in TT. Rolling starts can now switch to player control instantly.

* Added GameManagerNetworking logging category.


* Corrected SP300R width (should be full tyre width and not just tread).

* New Caterham SP300 specific tyre with correct tread widths (.225, .232 CM).

* Add correct tyre width for front and rear tyres to all cars.

GUI - New Controls screen, menus aligned to center screen when using a multi-monitor setup, Hide button on main menu properly hides objects now, correct kerning on large fonts


* balance updates

* updated LM11 TDX set with vibration, rattles and eq/filter cuves

* updating Formula A sound set with latest tech: eq curves, vibration etc.

* balancing changes for updated Formula A sounds

* balancing changes; adding vibration and rattle layer

* poss fix for reported lack of teanny whine for Racer V8

* balance adjustments and slight tune of tranny pitch

* BMW M1 updated for latest vibration and rattles

* adding vibration and rattle samples to various cars

Eifelwald_GP. New texture maps, Tweaked textures.

Known issues: when manual control for TT starts throttle input is broken. Can be fixed with session restart

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La migliore build in termini di fisica! ma ancora non c'è l'online per i Team members.

Guarda, io ci ho messo i miei 20 euro in più l'altra sera e sono piu che soddisfatto ! mi sono divertito online, anche se con i bug (mi crasha qnd finisco le gare, sempre !!!) e a volte perde aderenza di colpo nn so come mai, pero' è uno spasso !!!

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il fatto dei crash è dovuro al numero dei giri settato dall'Host.

se per esempio ti trovi 4/4, ti fermi prima del traguardo... e così non crasha ehehe

Io di solito se hosto una gara lascio 20 giri, così almeno si va sul sicuro, tanto tutti ne fanno più o meno 5.

Dopo mangiato provo la 323...

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se per esempio ti trovi 4/4, ti fermi prima del traguardo... e così non crasha ehehe

Dopo mangiato provo la 323...

grazie della dritta, era una rottura ogni volta rilanciare tutto!

ho seguito (a metà, per adesso, 45 eurini !) il tuo consiglio, ne valeva la pena davvero ! ma presto mi sa che passo senior anche io eh eh

cmq mi piace come procede in questi giorni, dovrò aggiornare il pc ma aspetto gli sviluppi (anche di AC e RF2 ovviamente !!!).

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Io per fortuna ho un "vecchio" core i7 a 2,66Ghz, con scheda GTX 570 OC aggiornata appositamente per pCARS l'anno scorso...e con 12GB di RAM direi che vado ancora bene.

Un mio obiettivo sarebbe per il prossimo anno, prendere un SSD Crucial M4 da 256GB su cui installare AC, pCARS, rF2 e un GT3 (magari), però... però essendo SATA III mi ci vorrebbe una nuova MoBo :whistle: per sfruttarlo al meglio.

Credo che a parte Winzozz e i programmi, qualcosa li guadagni pure con i giochi.

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Guest PesceRosso

anch'io ho Pcars e con la stringa nuova -seta ho notato un grosso miglioramento nel comportamento gomme e fisica in generale delle macchine, ero tentato di non comprarlo per un altro simulatore bello affermato ma costosissimo e son felice di aver investito i soldi su questo PCars, io attualmente ho un Amd II Phenom 6 1050T e scheda video saphire 6870 e a volte soffro di pochi fps con dettagli medio alti, vorrei aggiornare ma sono indeciso tra una ati 7870 saphire o aspettare la nuova cpu AMD FX 8350 sperando che sia compatibilie nella mobo Am3+ , qualche consiglio?

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qualche consiglio?

Non toccare niente fino a quando pCARS non sarà uscito. Leggevo sul forum ufficiale che i cali di frame con queste ultime build sono normali, soprattutto in multiplayer: non solo il modello fisico non è ottimizzato, ma nemmeno quello grafico lo è. Cambiare ora pc per un gioco che è lontanissimo dall'avere una vera e propria ottimizzazione non ha senso, tanto più che i tuoi componenti non sono esattamente di seconda fascia. :smile:

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Fra le altre cose, tempo fa, sul forum leggevo che ci sono utenti speciali... supervisori di AMD e Nvidia, per cui alla fine dei giochi, le ottimizzazioni per pCARS le otterremo anche via driver ufficiali...

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