Se siete appassionati dell'ultimo Toca Race Driver 3 della Codemasters ed anche dei bravi modders, vi interesserà certamente questo post contenente tutti i dettagli sui file .P3D del gioco, che permettono tutte le modifiche 3D a vetture e tracciati. Al lavoro quindi!
Here is a document i receieved today for the full file format structure for Race Driver 3 P3D, Many thx to the chaps over at Codemasters, RFT and Programmer A. Attached info for downloading. (Download)
Here is a file showing the model format we use in RD3. All of the structures and enumerations that we use to make up a p3d file are listed at the top of the file. At the bottom there is a function that shows how we write the data out into the p3d format. This should help anyone looking to write importers for RD3.