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    Toca 2: ACC Utility

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    E' disponibile per Toca Race Driver 2 della Codemasters la nuova Active Cockpit Camera Utility (187Kb), che implementa in pratica nel gioco una visuale dall'abitacolo "attiva", ovvero sensibile ai movimenti della vettura, rendendo il tutto molto più realistico.

    This utility will allow you to enable the "Active Cockpit Camera" option. The "Active Cockpit Camera" ("ACC") option gives the camera a few degrees of motion, allowing the camera to move in response to the vehicle's actions.


    Since the cockpit camera is roughly where your head would be if you were driving, what you end up with is a "head-bobbing" effect that acts in response to what is going on with the car's physics parameters -- that is, if the car hits a kerb and it's a hard jolt, the camera will move sharply in response, much like your head would move, and if you go over a rise or a slight bump in the track, the camera will move in a more gentle manner. This is all tied to the physics engine, so it's not artificial in the least -- in fact, it is considerably MORE realistic, and it helps convey to you what the car is doing MUCH better than the standard camera view.

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