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I costi nel motorsport reale sono proibitivi... ma nel simracing si può cominciare spendendo poco!
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    Review: World Racing 2

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    Nuova recensione per il World Racing 2 della Synetic, che potete leggere a questo indirizzo: il giudizio finale sul gioco è espresso in un voto finale di 8,6.

    World Racing 2 is the follow-up to Mercedes-Benz World Racing, first released on PS2, GameCube, Xbox and PC back in 2003. Now, two years later, Playlogic publishes World Racing 2. A significant increase in cars and car manufacturers has led to the dropping of “Mercedes-Benz� from the title, and in World Racing 2 players can race with more than 90 cars from 17 well-known manufacturers, including Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Volkswagen and Alfa Romeo...

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