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Simracing per tutti: iniziare spendendo poco

I costi nel motorsport reale sono proibitivi... ma nel simracing si può cominciare spendendo poco!
Simracing per tutti
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    Review: Superbikes Riding Challenge

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    Potete leggere sul sito di Eurogamer la prima recensione completa del nuovo Superbikes Riding Challenge: il titolo targato Milestone viene giudicato con un voto finale di 7 su 10.

    Superbikes Riding Challenge really does wear its heart on the sleeve of its leathers. There's a solid riding game which will appeal to any motorcycle fan, with a few idiosyncratic attempts to increase the mass audience appeal, and some niggles. It isn't as shiny as its main rival, but you can get beyond that, it's probably got the better racing action...

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