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I costi nel motorsport reale sono proibitivi... ma nel simracing si può cominciare spendendo poco!
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    Reiza Studios ci aggiorna sul prossimo futuro...

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    Il team Reiza Studios ci aggiorna sui prossimi sviluppi futuri: come prima cosa, continua il lavoro sui contenuti per rFactor 2, in particolare sulle due versioni aggiuntive di Imola, i layout del 1988 e del 2001, che saranno aggiunti gratuitamente per tutti coloro che hanno acquistato Imola o qualsiasi pacchetto DLC. Non mancheranno migliorie di vario genere, come la mescola del pneumatico da bagnato mancante per la MCR S2000 e il modello turbo alla Metalmoro. Queste novità dovrebbero essere rilasciate entro la prossima settimana.

    Reiza ha già un accordo di licenza per alcune nuove macchine per il suo prossimo simulatore, che sono già modellate e messe in gioco, ma difficilmente riuscirà a portarle in Automobilista, invece ci sono concrete speranze per includere Donington Park e Snetterton, come parte della stagione AMS Pack senza costi aggiuntivi per coloro che già lo possiedono. Le piste dovrebbero essere pronte entro la fine di luglio.

    Infine il team brasiliano si prepara finalmente ad annunciare il suo nuovo titolo...


    Time to break radio silence again to bring you some fresh news about what´s happening with Reiza and our projects over recent weeks and for the foreseeable future.

    Reiza rFactor 2 Bundle - May Update
    As previously announced, we´ve continued development of the rF2 content this month focusing primarily on development of the two additional Imola versions - the 1988 and 2001 layouts, which will be added free of charge to all who bought the Imola track or any pack that included it.
    Below a couple of WIP previews - now the rF2 Mclarens will have some era-accurate official tracks to stretch their legs on :)
    There´s also been some work done elsewhere in the pack with further polishing and sorting a few remaining issues - more notably we have added the missing wet tire compound for the MCR S2000 and we are working on adding the turbo model to the Metalmoro cars that feature it.
    Wiith the possible exception of the turbos, these updates are due for release later next week.

    Automobilista Final Update & DLC
    Unfortunately are still struggling a bit to get this one worked out. Without going too far into licensing specifics, here´s a brief breakdown of where things stand at the moment:
    Although we have for a while now held a licensing deal for some new cars for our next sim and already have them modelled and in-game, we jumped the gun with regards to extending their license agreement to Automobilista - despite continuing attempts we still haven´t quite managed to make the numbers work and it´s looking unlikely we will manage to, which may force us to us to pull the plug on releasing this particular pack in Automobilista.
    If that scenario pans out however we have put together a good alternative - we are extending our licensing agreement with Motorsport Vision to include Donington Park and Snetterton, and in this one we would be able to release both tracks for Automobilista as part of the AMS Season Pack with no extra charge for those who already own that.
    Development for both Donington and Snetterton is already in progress, and we should have them both ready by late July.
    I understand such changes are never a good thing specially for something that was announced so long ago, hopefully most users agree this alternative is good value too.
    Either way we are set on releasing one last set of premium content for Automobilista along with some minot bug fixing before the end of July.

    There is one more thing...
    Naturally most of you will be checking this more interested in hearing news about our much antecipated and long overdue new title.... I´m aware we have pushed everyone´s patience to the limit there but good things do come for those who wait :)
    After a long, gruellling and sometimes painful conception we´re finally getting ready to unveil our new baby. Stay tuned for an announcement to be made in the coming days on our Social Media pages, which you can access from the links on the top right of this forum.
    Once this is out of the way we should certainly have a lot more to chat about again, so look forward to us resuming our monthly update tradition from next month onwards!


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