Con un nuovo post sul blog, il team Simbin torna ad aggiornarci sui lavori in corso riguardanti RaceRoom Racing Experience: per il fine settimana sarà disponibile una nuova patch, dedicata soprattutto all'eliminazione degli indicatori di curva su vari tracciati; il team svedese ha anche pubblicato una serie di interessanti FAQ riguardanti il futuro multiplayer...
When will MP Alpha be available?
Sometime in May or June. Hopefully May.
What about R3E players who do not own the DTM Experience?
We are working on a temporary menu system that will be similar to the Web based DTM Experience Menus. With that we will be able to have MP browser and all the other components to share both Single Player Race and Multiplayer Race with all R3E users. Please note the menu system we are developing is just a temporary one for the purpose of sharing MP and SP as soon as possible. It is not going to be the finalized, fully revamped UI/Menu system we are working on.