Il sito Red Bull, sempre attento al racing virtuale, ha pubblicato a questo link una interessante intervista fatta al team Codemasters, software house inglese che, sin dal lontano 1986, ha sempre avuto grandissima attenzione verso il mondo delle 4 ruote simulate...
Codemasters is a name familiar to any gamer worth their salt, but for a development studio that is so beloved, they’re remarkably hard to find. Hidden away at the end of a farm track near the market town of Southam in leafy Warwickshire, you’ll find an unassuming set of farm buildings, packed full of coders and designers working on Codemasters’ latest creations. The studio has been going for nearly 30 years now, and whilst the British devs have forged a reputation as racing game experts, they’ve never been shy at turning a hand to other genres.