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    Nuove informazioni per Xpand Rally

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    imgLa software house polacca Techland ha rilasciato oggi un nuovo comunicato stampa per aggiornarci sullo sviluppo del prossimo ed attesissimo Xpand Rally (previsto per il 24/9), che sarà il primo titolo a fornire agli utenti un tool completo per l'editing di tracciati e vetture extra, che verranno poi inserite nel sito ufficiale del gioco per il download pubblico. Dalla nuova sezione tracks, potete inoltre scaricare due filmati che mostrano la vettura in azione nello stage in Kenia ed Irlanda (vedi screens).


    img"At the beginning of this year after publishing the first information about authoring tools for Xpand Rally we received many emails with questions regarding the possibility of creating players’ own tracks and adding their own cars to the game." - says Adam Tutaj - the marketing manager at Techland. "We have decided to use the interest of the mod community and we have invited them to co-operate with us yet before the game is released. From among all interested we have chosen a group of people that are from now working on the 3D models of their favorite rally cars.
    imgThat is why it is very likely that just after the release of the game the players will be able to download many additions to the game that will contain new rally cars and will be created by the game fans." adds Adam. It is worth to mention that Techland will soon propose everybody interested in Xpand Rally authoring tools the use of pre-premier version of the game editor that will allow creating users own stages and their later use in the game. Xpand Rally as the only rally game will provide the full set of editing tools allowing for modifications of the existing and the creation of completely new tracks as well as adding new cars to the game.
    imgTechland announces that all tracks and cars made by fans and fulfilling the technical and quality requirements will be allowed to be published on the official www.xpandrally.com website. Everybody interested in Xpand Rally is encouraged to download and see the two new movies presenting the shakedown drives on two game stages first presented publicly - please visit updated
    tracks section.

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