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  • Walker™

    KartKraft: nuovo update e nuovo force feedback al volante!

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    Sono settimane abbastanza importanti per lo studio australiano Black Delta e il suo simulatore di karting KartKraft. Recentemente infatti il sim è tornato ad aggiornarsi introducendo il multiplayer previa registrazione.

    Oggi è arrivato un nuovo aggiornamento, che porta KartKraft alla build benchè porti tanti fix ed un solo aggiornamento, questo è piuttosto importante. Gli sviluppatori hanno fatto cambiato il modo in cui l'algoritmo del FFB lavora, che adesso usa un calcolo basato sulla forza piuttosto che sull'"impulso": questo comporta un aumento significativo del livello di dettaglio percepibile attraverso il volante. Per meglio usufruire del nuovo force feedback potrebbe essere necessario rivedere le precedenti impostazioni. Lo stesso team di sviluppo è convinto che questo update cambi completamente le sensazioni di gioco.

    Di seguito il changelog completo. Commenti nel topic dedicato


    Build is now live on Steam. Please restart Steam if you do not see the update.

    The FFB algorithm now uses a force based calculation, rather than impulse based. This significantly increases detail and feedback through the steering system. FFB settings may need to be adjusted and can be increased relative to their previous settings. Without overhyping it, this completely changes the feel of the game. We look forward to hearing your feedback.

    Increased longitudinal tyre skid volume
    DirectInput no longer reacquires FFB devices when a system device change flag is set. Possible fix for periodic stutters when driving.
    Increased front tyre grip on MG Yellow. This pushes the balance more toward neutral. Setups will need to be adjusted and should require less scrub radius/caster/torsion bar stiffness.
    Fixed bug where driver would be standing in vehicle for a frame upon being connected to the kart Fixed bug where vehicle radar would detect opponents above or below you. e.g. PFI bridge.
    Fixed incorrect map loading in NTK KZ2 Minimal Time Trial
    Network stats can now be made visible on the HUD via Settings->Game->Hud->Show Network Stats
    Fixed bug where sessions wouldn't refresh properly if screen remained open for hours
    Added a "wrong way, turn around" notification when driver is driving backwards around track
    Added pit indicator to HUD placings
    Ping now draws on left side of placings in HUD
    Fixed crash when restarting race
    HUD adjusted to avoid overlapping elements with large numbers of racers
    Disconnected players draw ping as "--" instead of "0"
    Enabled onboard cameras in spectator mode
    Fixed driver being detached from kart sometimes upon spawning in to map
    Fixed unresponsive register button in scheduled session list
    Added delta to live placings HUD widget in Online Practice


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