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    Kart Racing Pro beta 16 disponibile

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    Il buon Piboso torna a sorprenderci, con il rilascio di una nuova versione beta (la 16) del suo apprezzatissimo Kart Racing Pro, unico vero simulatore di guida dedicato al mondo del karting. Pur trattandosi ancora di una versione beta, il rilascio è decisamente importante, in quanto, oltre ai vari bugfix e migliorie consuete, ci offre novità importanti, come ad esempio la possibilità di connessione diretta in LAN, il pieno supporto al TrackIR e al visore per la VR di HTC Vive.

    Per il download del file correte a questo link, mentre per commenti utilizzate questo topic del forum.

    Kart Racing Pro is a realistic karting simulator. The aim is to create a software useful as a training tool for real drivers, based on a scratch built physics engine that accurately simulates kart dynamics and setup options. As such a steering wheel is strongly recommended, although keyboard, joysticks and gamepads are fully supported.

    Kart Racing Pro also allows to host and join online races, with an integrated matchmaking server. During events data is collected, to provide statistics for drivers' comparison.
    More features:
    - automotive industry-standard tyre model
    - chassis flex simulation
    - dynamic track surface groove buildup
    - wet track simulation and dynamic drying
    - dynamic marbles generation
    - tyres pickup of marbles, grass and dirt, affecting grip
    - user-selectable driver gestures
    - output of CSV files with telemetry data to analyze driving sessions
    - a plugins interface allows external programs to receive realtime data from the simulated kart
    - LAN and online racing. Dedicated server available
    - support of custom paint schemes for kart, helmet and suit
    - full modding is possible: advanced users can build new tracks, karts, engines, helmets, ... and integrate them with the provided tools
    - Oculus Rift support.

    To unlock the full version and to support development purchase a license.

    fix: tyre simulation bugs
    fix: improved steer simulation
    fix: multiplayer improvements
    fix: server restart
    fix: web servers browser clients list
    fix: dedicated server replay save split by session
    fix: track cutting penalty
    fix: white and chequered flags
    fix: race manager bug
    fix: replay bugs
    fix: replay rotation
    fix: replay gear
    fix: remote karts gear
    fix: reflections bug
    fix: reflections and shadows optimization
    fix: specular + shadow rendering path
    fix: blending + bump rendering path
    fix: memory usage optimization
    fix: dynamic track surface optimizations
    fix: plugins rendering bug
    fix: garage compare setup
    fix: setup change bug
    fix: testing mode crash with missing testing.ini
    fix: trackside cameras bug
    fix: number of centerline segments
    fix: removed limits on the number of tracks, karts, helmets, intakes, dashes, paints
    fix: bodywork selection saved for each kart
    fix: helmet selection saved for each driver
    fix: paint selection saved for each kart, intake, helmet and dash
    fix: improved controller profiles support
    fix: visor wipe delay
    fix: VR user interface list boxes
    new: remote karts visible in pits, too
    new: remote karts visible in the pits when not on track
    new: LAN direct connect
    new: controls linearity over 100%
    new: controls state
    new: misc controllers profiles
    new: IK links debug
    new: TrackIR support
    new: HTC Vive support

    krp_02.jpg krp_03.jpg



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