E' disponibile per Grand Prix 4 la nuova versione 16 del potente 3D Editor che permette di modificare i tracciati e di crearne completamente nuovi. Per il download correte qui mentre per commenti o problemi utilizzate il nostro forum dedicato.
New: Display .dat world bounds
Enhanced: Object coordinates are inverted localy (around object center)
Enhanced: garage floor is now created in .col files (fixes missing pitcrew bug)
Enhanced: revert .col default mouse handling to displace XYZ
Enhanced: simplified list of new commands
Enhanced: New Add Command window
Fixed: Uneffective Split time sectors and race laps
Fixed: no textures after exporting a .gp4 object to a .3ds file
Fixed: generated pitlane.bin files could crash the game
Fixed: removed auto-generated .col fences in garages
Fixed: Track Profiler menu was enable for non .dat files
Fixed: French pop-ups about ZM save and .bin side lines choices
Fixed: Focus was lost when editing split time sectors