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I costi nel motorsport reale sono proibitivi... ma nel simracing si può cominciare spendendo poco!
Simracing per tutti

    F1 2013: intervista a Steven Hood

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    Il sito ufficiale inglese della Red Bull ha pubblicato una interessante intervista fatta a Steven Hood, Creative Director Codemasters, che ci parla ovviamente dell'appena annunciato F1 2013.

    What kind of customisations can players make to their cars? Will F1 enthusiasts be able to tinker around with all the settings of the car like a real-world mechanic would?

    Yes, lots of racing games let you play with the engine. I think historically, racing games have been good at that. Some people prefer to just jump in the car and hit the circuit and that’s possible too. To be honest, I’d like to move away from that as I don’t think it’s realistic to be driver and race engineer, I want you to be the an F1 driver not the mechanic.

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