In vista dell'arrivo del nuovo pacchetto DTM 2014, il team Sector3 ha modificato la funzionalità del suo RaceRoom Racing Experience: da questo momento infatti il precedente DTM 2013 pack, cosi come tutti quelli futuri, DTM 2014 compreso, vengono implementati all'interno di R3E, col vantaggio di avere un'unica installazione e poter fra l'altro utilizzare auto e piste incrociandole a piacere.
With the release of the 2014 DTM Experience all DTM 2013 content will become available inside RaceRoom Experience, now you can race your favourite cars on any track! We have changed how content contained within an Experience is handled for all upcoming releases. From the next update on, when you purchase an Experience the content that comes with it automatically becomes available within RaceRoom Experience. In some occasions, such as with DTM 2014, there may be a limited time exclusivity for the content being available solely within the licensed Experience.