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    DiRT Rally 2.0: ecco il nuovo update dedicato al force feedback

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    Codemasters sta rilasciando tramite Steam il nuovo update v1.4.1 per il suo DiRT Rally 2.0. L'aggiornamento si concentra in particolare sulle migliorie richieste a gran voce dagli appassionati relativamente agli effetti di force feedback. Le modifiche più importanti sono quelle relative al comparto del feedback che riguarda le sospensioni delle vetture e la resa degli effetti al volante.

    Vi consigliamo di scaricare questa guida in PDF, realizzata dagli sviluppatori, pensata proprio per utilizzare al meglio la propria periferica ed i relativi effetti di forza. Per commenti e discussioni fate riferimento a questo topic del forum dedicato.


    Hello everyone! We come bearing exciting news for DiRT Rally 2.0 players – including the FFB update that everyone’s been waiting for…

    Force Feedback changes

    The latest update to arrive to DiRT Rally 2.0 this morning – update 1.4.1 – is primarily focused upon updating the Force Feedback for steering wheels. After looking into comments about the feel from all parts of our community, we’ve changed the way the ‘Suspension’ setting works to try and exhibit the behaviours that you’ve been requesting. For this update the slider has been set at a default level of 100 for all devices, but this can be changed to suit your preferences.

    If you prefer the way things felt previously, then simply head to the Input section of the Options & Extras menu, select your device and then adjust the ‘Suspension’ slider in the Vibration & Feedback tab to 0.

    We want to give a huge thanks to the entire community for their feedback and patience while we’ve looked into implementing these changes – especially to those of you who’ve taken the time to come back to us with incredibly useful, nuanced feedback about your FFB experiences. It’s worth mentioning that while this is the first big update to the FFB, it’s definitely a work in progress and we plan to refine the feeling further. Please – let us know what you think.

    While we’re on inputs, our Principal Game Designer Lee and Senior Programmer Adrian have put together a super handy Input Device Guide for DiRT Rally 2.0. You can take a look at it in all of its PDF glory here.

    Update 1.4

    1.4.1 isn’t the only update we’ve released to DiRT Rally 2.0! Earlier this week we also released update 1.4; if you missed the patch notes on Tuesday, then you can find them below:

    • Online Custom events can now be set up as human only
    • Plain black and white liveries added for most vehicles
    • UI indication added for when ghost cars are stopped due to time penalty
    • Leaderboards will now support going to the top from all positions
    • AI will no longer select unreleased vehicles
    • Speedcar Xtrem wheels will not disappear
    • Improvement to Silverstone joker lap detection
    • Costa Rican added as a nationality
    • Tyre warnings are improved when in the service area
    • Reset line improvements on Mettet
    • Delta Daily will now award correct credits
    • Improvements to Opel Manta 400 engine audio
    • Turning off Personal Best ghosts will keep them off for the remainder of the session
    • Visual improvements to some vehicles
    • Proximity warnings will not be shown on retired vehicles
    • Resuming championships will not damage previously undamaged components
    • Stability improvements throughout title
    • Ability to turn “Hardcore damage” in Career Mode

    And finally! Season Two content will also be announced tomorrow, so please stay tuned for what the next few months of DiRT will look like. Some of the speculation on the forums has been remarkably close, but we still have a surprise or two up our sleeves – and you won’t have to wait much longer to find out what that is.


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