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    Automobilista Early Access build 0.9.6

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    A new Early Access build of Automobilista has been released - v0.9.6 is now out.

    • Added Copa Montana Series
    • Added Mendig Flugplatz (first of many layouts still to come for this venue)

    Features & Fixes:

    • Added Time Trial integration with Virtual Xperience portal leaderboards (more about it here)
    • Integrated Steam Matchmaker into in-game Multiplayer lobby
    • Added new track limit violation system to clamp down excessive corner cutting & running wide (still subject to some track-specific fine-tuning - info & discussion about it here)
    • Adjusted tree shaders for improved lighting
    • Added alternative Interlagos, Kansai, Montreal, Spielberg track options removing GP-specific trackside objects and DRS / tire compound rules (same layout otherwise)
    • Fixed several multiplayer screen UI errors
    • DynHUD: Fixed HUD not displayed (properly) on multiplayer race start; Added a custom fix to Johannesburg trackmap; Fixed profile info being applied too late
    • VIR: Tweaked AI lines at Grand & Full layouts so they do a better job of avoiding dangerous curbs
    • F-Extreme Fixed oversized DRS textures which could cause memory overload
    • F-Retro: Fixed gear shift light not working
    • Boxer: Corrected off-center LCD display; Tweaked rear light; Fixed windshield reflection; Minor engine sound tweak; Minor adjustment to damper rates & rear wing; Increased default front anti-roll bar setting
    • Marcas: Minor tightening of tire slip angles & chassis inertia adjustment

    Heads-up to league runners: as per our usual Early Access schedule we´ll still have a couple of major update releases every other upcoming friday. If you have a race tonight, you may want to check with the league admin whether you´ll be racing with the old v0.9.41 or this latest v0.9.6.
    If a league doesn´t want to risk issues by racing with the new version (this one of the upcoming ones), you´ll have the option to stick to the current v0.9.41 until the event is finished. This can be done by right-clicking Automobilista on Steam -> Properties -> "BETA" tab, and selecting v0.9.41 from the dropdown box.
    If AMS is updated automatically before you have the chance to do the above procedure, you can still revert to v0.9.41 by following the steps above (and then opt out of it once the race is over in order to update to the latest v0.9.6).
    Leaving previous versions available in branches will be regular practice from now on - besides the scenario such as the above, having the option to go back to a previous version may also be helpful for users who encounter issues to help us isolate when they started so please keep it in mind.
    If you are not running a league event on fridays or tonight specifically, you may ignore this and just let the game auto-update as usual.

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