Dopo aver inaugurato il suo nuovo Dev Blog, il team MAK Corp ha annunciato con i primi renders lo sviluppo della Mercedes W04 della stagione 2013 di Formula 1. La monoposto sarà rilasciata in primis per rFactor 2 ed appena sarà possibile anche per Assetto Corsa. Non sono invece previste le versioni per rFactor o Race 07 e nemmeno altre vetture F1 2013.
We’d like to welcome you all to our very first Dev Blog in the new era of MAK-Corp. Our new Dev Blog website is intended to provide development info and progress as we develop various vehicles, mods, personal projects and other projects we are able to show. Our aim is to become closer with the community and showcase the work we do from its beginning to its release and beyond. We hope you will enjoy this site and we welcome comments and discussions here as well.