Prosegue il lavoro di sviluppo dell'interessante Stock Car Evolution Mod, dedicato ovviamente alle vetture Nascar, in fase di creazione per rFactor che, nelle intenzioni dell'autore, promette davvero molto:
Current Issues:
o - Need to get the Dodge model fixed up a little bit. It is riding too low on the tires.
o - Working on the car file structure. (We will have car numbers of 0 - 99 available in Chevy, Dodge, Ford.)
o - Finishing up the cockpit (A-pillar mirror)
o - Need to clean up our in-game icon and background.
o - Clean up the in-game music.
o - Adjust in-race sounds. The car engine sounds need to be beefed up a little bit. Not sure if we will just go with what we have in hops someone else can alter and make it better or do it ouselves.
o - Physics adjustments. The car was getting loose when turning right. This was caused by an improper downforce setting on the front of the car.
o - Upgrades - Need to get the horsepower and aero package upgrades into our system.
o - Update tire rims to better simulate current rims being used in real life.
o - Get a new website started and working.
o - Get donation system started and working. (Paypal only)
o - Obtain Web/FTP server that can handle high level of traffic. We do anticipate a high level of downloads.
o - Fix yellow light and scoring tower issues at Georgia