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    Scott Speed partner di VoodooPC

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    La VoodooPC, nota azienda americana produttrice di desktop e notebook ad alte prestazioni specializzati per i videogames, ha annunciato oggi un accordo di partnership con Scott Speed, pilota USA che corre nel Mondiale di Formula 1 con il team Red Bull. L'azienda ha già lanciato una linea hardware dedicata appositivamente al pilota.


    VoodooPC, the world’s leading architect of highly personalized, one of a kind high performance PCs, today announced it has signed on to sponsor Scott Speed, the only American to compete on the Formula 1 race car circuit. As exclusive technology sponsor, Voodoo has created a limited edition high powered portable notebook, the Scott Speed ENVY Racebook, and the Scott Speed OMEN Racing Simulator, an intense desktop featuring today’s best technology. Both are currently available for purchase on the VoodooPC Website.

    Voodoo views its relationship with Speed as a natural fit as both have risen up in the ranks as underdogs and each has garnered serious respect and admiration in their respective areas of competition - Voodoo in the PC market and Speed in the racing ranks. The Scott Speed branded machines are not just for people who love racing, but also for people that command respect by being the best at what they do.

    “Scott has triumphed against the odds and risen to become a serious contender in the high performance Formula 1 racing circuit, similar to the way Voodoo has emerged as a leader in the high performance PC market,†said Rahul Sood, president, VoodooPC. “He is young, hungry to win, and wants to prove himself as a leading race car driver. In many ways, he exemplifies the core characteristics and values of our company and we are thrilled to be a part of Scott Speed racing!â€

    “I am thrilled to be associated with such an innovative computer company like Voodoo,†said Scott Speed. “It has been a great experience so far and I finally have a laptop that meets my very tough travel life as well as a desktop that helps me with my track simulator practice. The guys at Voodoo rock!â€

    For more info on the Scott Speed systems, please visit:
    www.voodoopc.com/promo.aspx?promoID=7. To learn more about Scott Speed, visit: www.scottspeed.com.

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