La Thrustmaster ha rilasciato l'ultima versione aggiornata dei drivers per i propri volanti: fra le novitàimplementate troviamo il supporto al Windows 64Bit, notevoli migliorie all'engine del "vibration feedback" e la funzione dei "pedali invertiti" attivabile. Per il download dirigetevi sul sito ufficiale del prodotto.
Supported Thrustmaster Products :
Ferrari GT 2-in-1 Rumble Force
Ferrair GT 2-in-1 Force Feedback
Rally GT Pro Force Feedback
F1 Force feedback racing wheel
ENZO Force Feedback Wheel
ENZO 2-in-1 Racing Wheel
(Warning : No Force Feedback on PC for this wheel)
ENZO Wireless Racing Wheel
(Warning : No Force Feedback on PC for this wheel)
Nascar Pro Force Feedback 2
Wireless Dual Trigger
Dual Trigger 2-in-1 Wireless Rechargeable
Dual Trigger 2-in-1 Rumble Force
Dual Trigger 2-in-1
(Only for version "2.0" or "3.2" : Notified on the rear of the gamepad)
360 Modena Force UPAD
Firestorm Dual Power
Firestorm Dual Power 2
Firestorm Dual Power 3
Changes and improvements :
- Compatible with Windows XP 64-bits.
- Enhance ‘‘Vibration Feedback� engine (gamepad and racing wheel rumble) allowing most games to deliver a wider variety of effects.
- Force effects implemented in 2-player mode (when two accessories are connected to the same computer.)
- New ‘‘Invert Pedals’’ option
(not functional on the ‘‘Rally GT Pro� wheel)
- Optimized driver