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    Feel VR ci aggiorna (finalmente) con un Vlog riguardo la pedaliera

       (0 reviews)


    Dopo un lunghissimo e preoccupante silenzio, torna finalmente a farsi sentire lo sviluppatore Feel VR, con un vlog pubblicato sul blog, che riportiamo anche qui di seguito in video. La situazione che viene prospettata non è sicuramente delle migliori: di fatto, mentre non c'è alcuna notizia riguardo la base direct drive ed il volante (che evidentemente si trova assai lontana dall'arrivare ad una release accettabile), lo sviluppo della pedaliera è parecchio in ritardo sui tempi previsti (ben 3 anni!), tanto che ancora adesso arrivano segnalazione di problemi da parte di chi ha acquistato il prodotto tramite Kickstarter.

    Viene annunciato il prossimo lancio di uno store online ufficiale, praticamente dedicato all'acquisto di pezzi di ricambio e sip arla generciamente di "sviluppo" in corso per i prodotti. E' positivo il fatto che gli sviluppatori non siano spariti con i soldi già incassati finora,  ma resta il fatto che gli annunci di tre anni fa si sono rivelati decisamente troppo ottimistici. Speriamo che non dovremo definirli anche utopistici... Commenti sul forum dedicato.


    Firstly, we were excited to see video reviews by our backers and community enthusiasts and are extremely grateful for them. This allows us to make our products even better.

    In the reviews 3 drawbacks were described, I would like to go through each of them:

    • Flex of the pedal base. When we collected feedback before, this wasn’t mentioned as an issue and does not affect the characteristics of the product as well as the ride quality. Many manufacturers make a pedal base that costs an additional up to $100 and is not included in the price of the product. Nevertheless, we decided to add the new part to reduce the flex of the base. It will be installed by default in newly produced pedals and can also be ordered soon as an accessory in our online store.
    • There were complaints about the sharp edges of the footpads, and despite the fact that they are located on the back of it and do not affect the operation, we still decided to make this part clearly smoothed. We will make smooth edges for all new pedals.
    • A terrible squeak in Barry’s video. We have tried to reproduce the issue with our pedal sample, and we wasn’t able to recreate the described problem. We keep in touch with the owner of those squeaking pedals in order to better understand the problem. But so far this is an isolated case and is not related to the quality of the product as a whole. We will continue to investigate this issue.

    We continue to produce and ship pedals to backers on Kickstarter. Production of beta wheel samples is still in progress. We experienced some delays in the supply of components and electronics. In general, the assembling progress of the final Wheel version is Ok. Once ready, we’ll send 10 wheels for reviews as planned.

    We would like to inform you that we are launching an online store in which it will be possible to purchase the accessories that were discussed earlier. Also, in parallel with pedal shipments to backers, we begin selling pedals online as a necessary measure for financial support of the company until investments are attracted.

    We understand that this may upset some backers who are still waiting for their pledges. Nevertheless, we are doing our best to ship the pledges as fast as possible. It was and will be our highest priority.


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