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Stagione simracing
Venerdi 20 Settembre ore 13,00 CHIUSURA ISCRIZIONI Campionato Italiano GT4 ACI Esport 2024 ×
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    rF: che update per il Brasile!

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    imgSe per qualche motivo non avevate ancora scaricato la precedente versione di questo tracciato, ora non avete davvero più scuse! Grazie al lavoro di Damon, infatti, la pista è diventata un vero e proprio capolavoro grafico, tanto da non sembrare nemmeno una conversione da F1 Challenge! Per il download fate riferimento a questo post, per commenti invece a quest'altro.



    Thanks to:-
    Frank-BR for the original conversion
    Ferrari27 for help / support on various things
    Surveillance141 for his help on night lighting
    MotorFx and behzaeh for help and advice with the horizon
    Mcoak for his pictures of Brazil track
    Everyone for their support and constructive feedback – thanks – it does make a difference!!

    What’s in the track??

    - Revised TDF adding:-
    - Different bumpiness for different parts of the track
    - Different grip levels for different parts of the track (only small changes)

    - Nine large real bumps added to the track surface with graphical representation in game
    - Over 200 new 3D objects added (including 3D grass, tents, cars, marshals, spectators, banners and many other objects)
    - Dynamic and static shadows on many objects
    - Trackside objects can all be knocked down
    - Working flag animations
    - Night lighting (each pit garage has light source along with 11 lights around the circuit - The dark is only for tin-tops though --- still far too dark for open wheel)
    - Bump and spec mapping added to many objects
    - New quality high res textures throughout (including horizon)

    There will be a medium res texture pack for some items for people who have any performance issues.

    img img img img

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