Davvero notevole, come potete vedere dall'immagine, il nuovo abitacolo in 3D realizzato per Grand Prix 4: per il download del file fate click qui, mentre per commenti o problemi utilizzate questo post del forum dedicato.
E' inoltre disponibile la nuova versione 15.8 del potente 3D Editor, che porta con sè numerose nuove features, elencate qui sotto:
v15.8 (October 9th 2005)
New: Accurate cc-line display
New: Track Profiler
New: Show light rays
New: Orthographic view
New: debug .txt files from .dat pitlane
New: Show sub-sectors option
New: Track GP4 Infos editing (split sectors and race laps)
New: Split time sectors display
Enhanced: Updated About window with direct links to my mail and site
Enhanced: Sectors, cc-line and cameras list details
Enhanced: Trag flag list was not updated when sectors were deleted
Enhanced: .bin files are now always generated from the .dat file
Fixed: when creating multiple sector, past sector was used as base instead of selected one
Fixed: incorrect track length if track was not complete
Fixed: objects close from camera were sometimes cut (Near Z clipping plane was too far)
Fixed: Infinite error when trying to displace a .dat sector when .gp4 and .dat files are opened
Fixed: Error when deleting sector's last command in the list
Fixed: slight error when saving a track several times in the same 3DEditor session