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Hotlap Tool


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have ptracker and Stracker installed on the game server and run both.


What do I have now set / change so I can get to see this page:


Possibly at the stracker.ini ???


Here our stracker.ini:


; Server ip address or name used to poll results from. You should not touch the default value:
ac_server_address =
; Path to configuration file of ac server. Note: whenever the server is restarted, it is required to restart stracker as well
ac_server_cfg_ini = c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\server05\cfg\server_cfg.ini
; How many seconds to wait between two requests of <ip>:<http_port>/ENTRY
entry_poll_interval = 5
; Listening port for incoming connections of ptracker. Must be one of 50042, 50043, 54242, 54243, 60023, 60024, 62323, 62324, 42423, 42424, 23232, 23233, <AC udp port>+42; ptracker will try all these ports on the ac server's ip address (until a better solution is found...)
listening_port = 60024
; name of the stracker log file (utf-8 encoded), all messages go into there
log_file = ./stracker.log
; Valid values are "info" and "debug". Use "debug" only for problem analysis, log files can get very big.
log_level = info
; How many requests are allowed to fail before exiting the process (timeout=entry_poll_interval*max_fail_requests)
max_fail_requests = 12
; set to 1, if you want stracker to compare the players checksums.
perform_checksum_comparisons = False
; name for the server; sessions in the database will be tagged with that name; useful when more than one server is running in parallel on the same database
server_name = sixthserver
; set to 1, if you want the messages appear on stdout
tee_to_stdout = False

; Only relevant if database_type=sqlite3. Path to the stracker database. If a relative path is given, it is relative to the <stracker> executable
database_file = ./stracker.db3
; Valid values are "sqlite3" and "postgres". Selects the database to be used.
database_type = sqlite3
; Set to "False", if you do not want stracker to backup the database before migrating to a new db version. Note: The backups will be created as sqlite3 db in the current working directory.
perform_backups = True
; name of the postgres database.
postgres_db = stracker
; name of the host running the postgresql server.
postgres_host = localhost
; name of the postgres user password.
postgres_pwd = password
; name of the postgres user.
postgres_user = myuser

; Interval of database compression in minutes.
interval = 60
; Various options to minimize database size. Valid values are "none" (no compression, save all available infos), "remove_slow_laps" (save detailed infos for fast laps only) and "remove_all" (save no detailed lap info).
mode = none
; If set to 1, database compression will only take place if the server is empty.
needs_empty_server = 1

; password for the stracker admin pages (leaving it empty results in disabled admin pages
admin_password = otto
; username for the stracker admin pages (leaving it empty results in disabled admin pages
admin_username = RubberDuck
; set to 1, if you want to start a http server for statistics access
enabled = False
; number of items displayed per page
items_per_page = 15
; listening address of the http server (normally there is no need to change the default value which means that the whole internet can connect to the server)
listen_addr =
; tcp listening port of the http server
listen_port = 50041

; Path to blacklist.txt of ac server. If empty, blacklist support will not be available. Changes to blacklist file require an AC server restart to be active.
blacklist_file =

; First line of welcome message text (if not empty, this text is sent a player when he enters the server
line1 = Welcome to stracker %(version)s
; Second line of welcome message text (if not empty, this text is sent a player when he enters the server
line2 =
; Third line of welcome message text (if not empty, this text is sent a player when he enters the server
line3 =


HAF-Armin :sad:

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this tool is now running.

You can call up the page and see all 6 server. Hotlaps ect. ......


BUT >>>>>>
I can not Race Championship Guppe create.


The Add buttons are all bright gray and it does not happen when you click.



So get an error message:


500 Internal Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python33\lib\site-packages\cherrypy\_cprequest.py", line 670, in respond
File "C:\Python33\lib\site-packages\cherrypy\lib\encoding.py", line 217, in __call__
File "C:\Python33\lib\site-packages\cherrypy\_cpdispatch.py", line 61, in __call__
File ".\stracker_lib\http_server.py", line 348, in modify_cs
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'None'


what's wrong

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